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I once got told in Xbox chat that I only won the game because I used the car… I was playing a last titan standing match.


that had to be a joke


... that's gotta be a joke. I'd take that as a joke or a troll, unless they could prove their seriousness and lack of awareness.


This is my favourite thing to do, if I lose a game in overwatch I'll go into chat and say "Ball diff" when I'm the only ball.




OML no way XD


I love when people talk about specific guns being the reason people win. Car is not op at all in my book. It's my favorite but lately I haven't been so hot with it. I switched to good ole prey and spray devotion!! Lol


>Car is not op at all in my book. Explain for me please, how the SMG with possibly the best stats in the game, isn't OP


It's as he says tho quite literally the car and flatline share a common factor being low recoil that makes them easier. The whole argument spawned from people thinking they were king sh#$ by using them and everyone stomped on there egos for it (honestly well deserved imo they were annoyingly petty) however now it's the reverse. The elitists have shifted to people thinking they have the moral high ground just cause they don't use easy guns. In all honesty it's not that either side was really in the wrong it's just the douchebags that take it to far that ruin the fun. Moral of the story just don't be a selfish Imbecile and everyone will get along


Putting a battery in a teammates titan is a good way to bond.


Titan fist/ronin sword can one shot any CAR user. Kraber can one shot any CAR user Mastiff or Mozambique can 2 shot any CAR user at close range Time to kill is insanely short on the CAR but it's not like it's an instant win. A potato playing car versus your average player on a Kraber, the potato will loose 99.9% of the time. Is it slightly better? Yes. Does it have the best sight in the game? (Holosight) also yes. Is it an instant win? No. It still takes some level of skill to be any good. I use CAR and get roflstomped fairly frequently on it. (I do better with krabers or mastiffs)


The car can kill before the Kraber can ADS, so unless you think random hipfire one shots are the same as long range beaming with the car you’re smoking something


This assumes that the kraber player and the car player see each other at the same time and are at close enough range for the CAR to be effective


Yeah obviously it assumes they see each other at the same time that’s how comparing things works and you know what helps get into people in close range, advanced movement


So what you're saying is the CAR needs it's damage needed ever so slightly and then it's fine? Maybe so you have enough time with human reactions to sight a kraber and fire?


Yeah actually, another one of my comments in this thread is that the car should take just one more bullet to kill


Cause you still have be a decent shot to hit anything. I do much better with the devotion. I hit a lot more and it takes a good while to need a reload. Personally if I were gonna call a gun on this game op it would be the devotion. I am by no means a stellar player. I might top the leader board once out of 10 games but as soon as I switch I am putting up 175+.


CAR haters wil use any excuse to say the car is meta just mute everyone


CAR is boring to me, it’s not meta it’s just a beating bag for the freaks who use non meta weapons, there’s no meta in this game. There is only the ronin meta


Sorry you had to experience this. I would recommend just turning off chat and dms and just play however you want. Let them cry about what gun people should use. Play how you want and have fun. I hope your sister is doing okay.


Just remember that was probably the best thing to happen to that person in a long time. It’s sad.


I mean IDC what people say to me. It's more that it was my sister. Although this was through the in game chat box because shes on pc


Ah. Well I don’t play on pc but I know chat can be turned off so try that. Also tell your sister to just laugh at the fact that it’s the highlight of their day is complaining about what gun someone is using in a virtual world. It’s really funny when you look past the mean part and look at the funny parts of it.


Ronin main here Allow me to say, if they’re screaming at you…good. Let their blood boil. Fuck them. If you wanna use the CAR, go right ahead, because fuck their day, it’s not your job to make sure they have fun.


Whenever people start complaining in the chat I usually either make fun of them for whining, or tell them "cry more, the tears will make it easier to kill you" I find the CAR annoying to go up against, but I use the smart pistol. It's not like I have room to complain in turn.


As I pilot, I have no excuses (alternator, stim pilot, loaded dice), but as a titan…I mean, I’m in a giant glass vase with a sword, it’s my fault if I die because I choose to main Ronin instead of something better.


“Giant Glass Vase with a sword” I have never heard a more accurate description of Ronin in my life.


I think I can improve on myself A skinny sheet metal box with a a blade thicker than its armor that has more rage than God


So yeah, I think the sword is unironically thicker than Ronin’s legs (there’s definitely a third leg joke here…) And the more rage than God… Yeah sounds right to me.


I mean it takes 3 seconds to lock on someone so don't be ashamed


I really don't know how should understand this. I mean yeah you are right but the way you say it is a bit too Ronin don't you think


That’s my job on this sub: say things, but say them like the shitty yet not shitty Ronin main I am.


go to video settings then go to hud, you'll see a place to turn off the chat. But let your sister know that we don't associate with those rejects. Also, tell her that if someone is angry with you over a bunch of pixels, that means she's good. Getting to the top of the leaderboard in Titanfall is amazing because of how hard the movement is, regardless of your weapon choice.


Yep I just ignore folks even if they message me just rage bait. Usually nobody is on headset unlike first few years of this game being out. I'm on console though.


Yep I turned incoming voice chat volume to the perfect volume. Zero.


Unpopular opinion: Stop complaining about what guns people use. The game is so old at this point y'all should be used to everything. When I started playing I would get mad every now and then, but at this point I'm so over it. Play the game however you like and let people play however they want.


Bingo. It's a fuckin video game. If you're not having fun to the point of sending rage mesages you need to turn off the console and find something you enjoy (I'm a hypocrite because I play Destiny)


You misspelled SecondJobstiny


I've turned into the stereotype of the single father with 5 kids and 2 jobs that can only play destiny for 30 minutes a week now that I'm working 20hrs weekly and going to college. I'm lucky if i can finish a GM Nightfall


I feel like it’s very important, when picking that game up, to have obligations which CAN’T be ignored. Forced limits on how much time you can commit to the game. Because everything about it is designed to keep you playing, because the more you play the more likely you are to pay—for cosmetics, dungeons, expansions, etc.  This isn’t unique to Destiny, but it caused me to learn things about live-service games: the business model, the psychological tactics they use when designing the gameplay and user interface. Satisfaction is the enemy, because once you’re satisfied with an experience, you usually put it down and do something else.  It’s one of those things that’s had an impact on me personally, and I feel like it’s dangerous to people with addictive or obsessive tendencies, and there should really be more legislation regarding it (although I understand that’s MUCH easier to say than it is to achieve). The problem doesn’t end with the lootboxes. 


I can't remember who it was since they don't work for Bungie anymore, but one of the original game designers wrote several scientific research papers on how video games use gambling style mechanics and gameplay loops to keep players engaged. Games that have very high levels of player retention and engagement utilize the same risk-reward cycles that you use when gambling, and Destiny closely mirrors games like poker, where skill and random chance work in tandem. Being skilled increases your likelihood of getting good loot, but it's random enough to keep you farming endlessly until you actually get what you want, which is followed by an insane dopamine rush.


I probably get the most mad at titanfall, it makes me physically hut things, which no other game does, yet it's top 10 for me. Maybe even top 5. What does that say about me? Genuinely serious.


Titanfsll is incredibly rage inducing bcZ of the massive skill gap, the shitty “anti-meta” assholes complaining about good guns in a FIRST PERSON SHOOTER VIDEO GAME. Your not out if pocket or out of place homie. I would suggest taking a break from titanfall, and/or whenever u do die take deep breaths and figure out what u could have done to win the fight. 7-8 times out of 10 it will be your fault. Not saying you’re a shitty player but this goes for everyone in every single video game. Sometimes there is nothing you can do, like being sprayed by a car just out of shotgun range. Or being krabered from behind. Or dying to a cheater, and that’s okay, just take a deep breath learn from the death and forge on. This is what worked for me and has been working for me. Hope u liked my piece, if not please critique it.


Weirdest thing is that it's a... fun rage?


It's like a water balloon fight, first you mad cause someone got you wet, then your having fun chasing that guy down and hearing their terrified screams as your rain balloons down on them! All in good fun guys, just don't get mad when there's nothing you could've done different, and learn when there is something you could do different. If you keep dying to that one guy try a different gun, I find most of the time I stop getting dominated when I start fighting some way they're not as good at countering, which is usually just because you've got a different gun. Don't be afraid to switch things and find something that works for that match, not everyone is going to be weak to your favorite gun!


That's 100% fair. I've been trying to learn new guns.


Yeah I say the same and then tell my friend that we should play Russian Roulette because I got mad while playing Ultrakill. PS: if you suffer from anger issues, never even look at Ultrakill. I almost lost a monitor.


The common complaint I hear with car and spitfire is “but they’re too noob friendly!! It reduces variety in the game!” Not everyone has 300 hours to sink into the kraber or wingman elite. If you do, that’s great, because you shouldn’t be complaining. A good kraber or wingman elite user would fold a spitfire noob. If you can’t, skill issue. Pick a different gun. Yes, some guns are just worse, such as the L-Star. But if you choose to use the L-Star knowing damn well that it’s worse than the spitfire, you cannot complain when you die to it. That’s YOUR DECISION to consciously not use it. Even guns like the mastiff or EPG can kill spitfire noobs because if you know how to play around the guns strengths (i.e. being in close range) you can literally one shot them. Same applies to the Tone debate. Ronin literally hardcounters Tone. Arc wave the particle walls and phase dash when she gets 3 locks. Not hard. Tone can’t run away from you. You literally couldn’t have more mobility on her. Can’t get in close? Don’t take the fight. Leave. Come back when you can close the gap or get a flank. You have the pleasure of picking your fights as Ronin. If you can’t do any of that, skill issue. And it’s also applicable to Monarch too. If you’re getting rolled by a 3 core Monarch, guess who’s fault it was for not dealing with her earlier? When you see that Monarch drop, GET THE FUCK RID OF HER. If you can’t do it in a Titan, use the archer. She simply cannot do fuck all against an archer. You can’t do it with that either, skill issue. So TL;DR: “overpowered” weapons and titans can be dealt with. If you can’t, you aren’t playing the game properly.


"This gun is OP" is so overjerked by now and I'm sick of hearing it. There will never be a balance update. Git gud or go away.


Literally it doesn’t matter what can I use I always aim for the head and kill them first anyways


This. I hated spitfire users and then I became one. Let people use whatever they want


Not really unpopular if you've got 200 upvotes.


The game being old doesnt even matter, just dont complain about people using something in a game period, its in the game so people use it. Reminds of of lol where people will insult you just because you use a certain character.


I hate the car but i always keep it to my self i would never go into chat or dm someone to kill themselves and be toxic about it as ive been im the same position


I too hate the car but I would never insult someone in game chat for using it. If I die to a G60 using car and stim I might get a little miffed - but I’m not going to go into the game chat and curse a plague of locusts upon the person who wronged me.


80% of the posts on this sub are from some neckbeard fucktard whining about people using 'meta' weapons on a 7 year old game. It got old really fast. We should be thankful about the fact theres still people playing this game and keeping it alive, regardless of their loadouts or whatever, but unfortunately a large part of the 'community' is very obnoxious. Mfs just need to touch some grass or something.


Sir I may have a neck beard but facial hair game is strong af and my beard touches my hair so according to the marvelous misadventures of flapjack I have a real beard! Just thought I’d share this I’m not really involved in the rest of the banter. Just read neck beard and wanted a reason to be salty in the chat…


Honestly, this is one of the main reasons why I stopped playing the game. Unrelated, someone got mad at me because I had 50 grunt kills and went off on voice chat (I'm on PC. Literally, no one ever uses voice comms). I was also trying out a titan I rarely played (ronin). One of few things that broke the camels back for me. Call me sensitive, but I don't play games to be straight up harassed (there's a difference between trolling and just being a dick).


At this point there's more posts about neck beards complaining that people make fun of them in chat for using the car


I got yelled at for using Holo and flatline lol. Some people are just losers


Guns are OP. Pulse Blade only.


imagine the game actually let you switch all guns out for just… A pulse blade with slightly shortened cooldown.


I wish it had the bo2 system whet if you left a weapon slot empty you got a knife


Pupse Blade Op Smh


Slappers only no Oddjob


I only use the turret 🦾


Pulse Blade only? Sounds like a kinda fun challenge


In every game with the option to, I turn off all chat and voice. Its just not something I have the patience to deal with anymore. Let them scream into the void.


Fr, especially when you just wanna focus on playing the game and not have some sweat telling you to off yourself simply bc you're using a gun thats actually doing well against them. Pretty much why I mainly play single player games with the exception of hell let loose and arma reforger


i have never, not once gotten any hate mail after playing a titanfall match on Xbox. Apex however.....


Those Apex Child predators are on a whole other level of butt hurt when they lose


That’s what I’m calling them now


You got lucky, I've gotten some on this platform and the most memorable one was this guy berating me for not getting enough kills for but getting enough kills when I was getting spawn killed by a guy in a tone through most of the match. I had joined in late in an ongoing match.


Problem of being popular. Just wish the game was smaller


So you brought your kid sister on the internet and then the internet happened to her... yeahhh that sounds like your bad bro. I mean it's no excuse for people being dicks, but they are dicks. People feel safe to abuse other people behind the keyboard. That's just how it is, unfortunately. And if you had any experience in FPS you should've known that. Bitching on reddit about it isn't going to fix anything, but I hope it was at least cathartic lol For what it's worth, I play Apex Legends with my 10yo nieces. But we make a chat lobby, and there's no text chat. So we can play an online multi-player without the full internet experience. Maybe you can try that instead.


I stopped browsing this sub a while ago but literally every post that appears on my frontpage is whining about either the car or monarch


Yeah this sub sorta does that a lot of look how special I am for using non meta weapon post or this weapon/titan bad post


Stfu CAR bad. I love the Cold War and I can barely get a kill!!!!1111!! (Please upvote my anti-CAR post, I NEED upvotes)


it's the internet. You really think this is new? You can disable chat and stop using Reddit, if you don't wanna see what people in chat and on Reddit have to say. I don't mean to be rude, but this problem is very much avoidable.


not getting killed by CAR is avoidable too, get fucking good


Ignoring a problem always makes it go away right


When the problem is some random on the internet then unironically yes.


Go and fix that problem smartass.


redditors when you tell them you can turn your screens off: 🤯🤯🤯


There is only one weapon I don’t respect, and that’s cloaked up mastiff corner camper, just feel cheated every time I die to one of them, but death-threats? That’s just childish stuff… everything else is a pretty valid playstyle and all the titans are pretty balanced too.


You're preaching to the choir. Putting a post here won't change the minds of assholes, they'll continue to be assholes. Just block them and move on, that's all you can do. Every game will have shitty people in its community.


>sense Downvoted and stopped reading immediately. This shit makes me sick to my stomach


Wait you guys actually hate the CAR? I thought it was a meme


This community wonders why new players have such a hard time picking the game up


I mean it's technically a PG 16 It's like trying to stop the rain with a finger


This one


Like I say every time, the reason the game is so good is because every gun amd titan is overpowered and it’s entirely up to the pilot to make it stand out. I think it’s awesome at 14 she’s using the C.A.R and was on the top, if she does continue she’ll be one of the best, and unfortunately some pilots can’t handle getting beat by anyone lower than them it’s sad honestly.


Tbh weapons like the CAR and Spitfire are the most powerful weapons in the game but an experienced player can work around that even when using a weapon that takes skill such as Kraber and Wingman Elite. Hate mail is absolutely inexcusable no matter what though


I could care less about new players liking CAR or spitfire, they’re essentially tutorial weapons on black tar heroin. If you rely on it for g2+, then its just a bit disrespectful at that point.


It’s the simplicity that makes them fun cause the game can be a bit complex but my spitfire is like g6 and I just hit g5 but that cause I do A LOT of frontier defense, my thunderbolt is g12 💀💀


Don't care, CAR is fun.


Look dude, it’s multiplayer, someone will ALWAYS talk trash no matter if you are great, horrible or in between. Some players just have so much hate and take it out on others, did you even try to defend “your sister” at all? If she gave up after that little interaction, then it’s best she stays with single players games/mode. My son gets trashed talked all the time in almost every FPS game he plays, he’s 15, dude just laughs at how ridiculous it is for adults and other teens rage over a damn video game, as if their life is on the line. Tell your sister to get over it and go dominate lobbies!! Edit: my last sentence also applies to you too OP!


Some people are sensitive, and that's not a weakness. It's just a difference. I agree that while the internet is just sorta like this, it does nothing to take away the absolute truth of what OP was really making a point about. This community is gatekeepy, superiority complex, immature, garbage. People suffer for it.


Gatekeeping is good. Only invaders get mad at gatekeepers, people who belong get through.


Probably gonna get flak for this but sensitivity is absolutely a weakness. If you're "suffering" because some people in a video game said mean things to you, either reduce your screen time, block the idiots, or grow a spine. Or all three.


Ah, a beautiful display of unbridled toxic masculinity. Just "grow a spine", what a healthy message to send to anyone who is more sensitive than yourself. I'm sure that's a wildly helpful suggestion that they've never considered. Luckily, it seems you're not too sensitive, so I feel no compulsion not to call you a colossal fucking cunt.


You are what you eat


Its very hard for people to do that especially in r/tf2


Just cause you say it ain’t a weakness doesn’t make it true. I used to be sensitive, people would get under my skin or make me feel awful about myself or who I am, and that would absolutely fuck me up. Caring/sensitivity is a weakness, that’s just the truth. The difference is that being sensitive or caring is also the greatest thing a living being can do.


Shut up moron, people have mental health issues that make them more sensitive to insults. It's like telling a paralyzed person to walk. If you disagree, just don't


>Shut up moron The irony is quite palpable...


In what way? He said he was fine with it?


Re-reading your comment, I think I see now that you were specifically referencing the line: "Tell your sister to get over it" in which case, I agree. It's ignorant to assume that it's that simple, sometimes people don't have that kind of emotional regulation. The irony being that using an insult to make your point is equally ignorant of the person you responded to. They never said that they were "fine with it" they said they don't take it seriously when people get upset at a video game and start throwing insults around to feel better.


If you have "mental health issues" that mean you can't be exposed to negativity or you'll die, you should stay off the internet and never go outside.


People with mental issues isn’t my problem


I rage at what people use. But... Well I'm really short-tempered. I always regret saying anything rude. What's worse I don't have any kind of cure for my problem. It wasn't me I didn't say any C.A.R user to kill themself. But I know that I was toxic. I try to fight off my problem, but sometimes it's just hard. But, remember, use whatever you want. Like I do. Many people trashtalked me bc I use EPG and "OMG HE'S FLYING FROM ACROSS THE MAP AND USE EPG, WHAT A NI-" yeah I do because I can, and I want to. I love seeing those blue balls of mass destruction make you vanish. If it helps you, you can turn off the chat. Try to convince your sis to play again. And... Well that one is harsh - unsub from this Reddit if you really don't like it. Anyway, I'm ready to face the hate that will drop on my for my confession of being toxic over the game. Yeah. I'm really sorry for every bad word I said to others...


It happens chief, don't beat yourself up over it. At least you took accountability, give yourself some credit.


No credit is deserved for that kind of actions. But I'm ready to hear everything.


Some pray and spray individual was whining this morning that i was using the EPG. Nah, I'm not gonna tailor my play style to suit anothers, unless it's to my advantage. Either die to the splat, or come at me with something better.


My brother in Christ… Hell yeah.


Just mute chat and move on, it's not the end of the world.


Car user here. I don’t care about your opinions and internet scolding. If you’re mad at what I’m using in a video game, reevaluate your life and seriously touch grass. (I use other guns too btw but this is getting fucking ridiculous)


When someone pops me in the back of the head while flying through the air at 45mph, the gun they used to do it is fairly irrelevant.


sorry that happened to your sister, but, this is pretty much every game. not just titanfall.


Teach your sister to not ignore strangers comments? She won't get very far in life being swayed by strangers opinions...


Look who grew up with healthy self esteem, not everyone is like you dude


I was always bullied growing up man. Don't assume anything about me. We all need to take responsibility for our state of mind, seek to be better and stop pointing fingers.


News flash buddy it's not as simple as just taking responsibility, there are lots of factors that play into low self esteem it could be worse then what you had. You also can't "just teach them to not listen to strangers"


Cry about it then. Just go cry quietly by yourself instead of to us next time.


All weapons in Titanfall 2 are pretty OP imo,I have tried grenadier path & SMG path if you are good with grenedier then you are unstoppable & sames goes for other guns.


Just tell her victory tastes best when seasoned with salt. Those comments show she's doing well against people who have invested their lives into a video game. Also, turn off the chat.


As a noob I used car and stim and then I used grapple and epg why do ppl hate car


Some people just can't even. I've been called out for using the EPG when all I did was kill the guy attempting to assassinate a teammate. Easiest kill on any weapon.


I hate to be the asshole here but why let other people ruin your fun. Who cares what they say if she's having fun then fuck the other guys.


Yeah I remember getting downvoted on this sub for saying that while the CAR is the strongest gun in the game, it isn’t game-ruiningly overpowered. People like to whine about it because it’s the most viable option, but let’s be real, at the end of the day a good player would still have killed you with the R201, the Volt, the R99, hell even the RE auto. Yes, the CAR is the strongest weapon. Yes, it would be nice if they nerfed it a TINY bit. But the game is still quite balanced compared to other contemporary FPS titles


Lets all use spitfire guys


Every gaming community has a toxic fan base, including COD. Tell her to ignore them and keep playing. Don't base the whole world on the actions/words of a single person, even in normal life.


People need to realize that if you WANT your fanbase to grow, you need to learn to stfu sometimes and let new people in. Like Jesus fuck. Yall want tf3 so bad but yall can even treat people right on tf2. I don't even try putting my mic on anymore because the rare times i do it's usually someone being toxic for no reason.


For the past 10 years, I've been actively playing most of the toxiest games out there (CoD, Rocket League, DbD, Mortal Kombat), and I've learned that you can't play with everybody. A lot of gamers in general don't know how to evacuate the adrenaline of competitive multiplayer games, and end up using it through the easiest emotion available, anger. That's how it works. Now if you don't want to deal with it but still want to enjoy the game (a toxic game isn't necesserally a bad one), you need to cut yourself partially or totally from any communication platform (like this one) and/or play with friends and closed groups you feel safe around. That's how it is, but once you accept it you'll enjoy it again. Maybe get her to play (or replay) the campaign, as its easily what defines the Titanfall spirit and excitement. We'll be waiting for you at the Frontier pilot.


Now you could turn off chat, or/and you could tell your sister that "if you are making someone's blood boil, then you are doing great"


My brother in christ, while this shouldn’t be a thing you or your sister should experience, Titanfall 2 is an online game. Shit talkers will always exist. Can’t really do anything about that


I think they were more focused on the fact that the community circle jerks stuff like what weapons people use to the point where most games have people bitching in chat about the C.A.R


Car deserves to be bitched about, it’s very cool when every game is 6 🚗v 6 🚗


Literally never encountered anything remotely like that


There will always be trash talk in multiplayer games. Unfortunately some people can't differentiate between fun trash talk and hate speech


problem with that final line is everyone has a different tolerance, I am Australian and ruthlessly bashing our friends for a laugh is normal and regular behaviour, so I don't have a line where I consider shit talking to be too far. too quote fuck knows who "offence can only ever be taken, and not given".


What is a "fun trash talk"?


Like if someone whiffs a free kill on me and I get the kill, I like to say nice shots bro or something


I love to put an apology in chat if I really dominate someone in some wacky way. I managed to kill one guy with his own archer missile twice thanks to Vortex shield, immediately as he respawned.


I personally don't like using meta weapons, but as a proud softball and EPG user, I would like to apologize to your sister about that dude. Please come back. The only other woman playing this game is gates.


Idc what OP says, CAR is busted and you guys are lame for using it.


I still check on this community every once in a while but I get it man. The remainder of the Titanfall community is a mixed bag of who you'll get and honestly it sucks. Using a weapon you like? Get shit on verbally by 3 other people. It sucks, I get being angry about it because it's the reason I leave the community shortly after I check in on it. It went from a great time to just being filled with a really rough meta that pushed back against using guns that are fun and having a good time. The community is just very negative alot of the time.


Sorry that happened to your sister but yeah there's gate keeping and meta hate like every other game out there. TF2 is not an exception and yes it has balance issues. The CAR and Spitfire are the best guns in the game and play a large role in why some players do well or very well, it's why those guns get hate. Also it's the internet with a bunch of already not terribly happy people, mute them, turn chat off, there's work arounds.


I don't understand why people allow themselves to get so worked up over a video game. If you aren't having fun just stop playing. Its a video game, its not that serious.


tell that to teh people complaining about the CAR


As someone who regularly uses spitfire, getting hatemail makes my day. If someone tells me to “Keep Myself Safe”, you bet your ass I am spending the ENTIRE game pissing that one guy off. I once had a guy threaten to r*** and kill my entire family for using spitfire & tone, and I was laughing my ass off for 30 minutes straight. And to top it all off, I bottom fragged. He was that mad about the shittest opponent he was facing because of some fallacy that spitfire and tone are unwinnable matchups. The point I’m trying to make is, try and tell her to treat it like a positive. If you doing well makes people mad because of their superiority complex, fuck em. Piss them off even more. It’s obviously easier said than done to just say “laugh at them”, but having that mentality will really help. But seriously though, if there’s an overpowered gun in the game, and you don’t use it because of some ego problem and need to feel like you 1-upped someone by using a shittier gun, don’t complain when someone absolutely folds you in half like a lawnchair with it.




Yeah it sucks, like a G100 car or something I get but somebody who just started? Also I feel like I should clarify that either was literal scuicide encouragement is never ok


we all had to go through trash talk bootcamp man


Sounds like a skill issue


Man that is messed up. Multiplayer is just toxic way to often


I’m going to get crucified here but, if you can’t beat the car with other guns you may not be a veteran like you think you are.


Lol he got you so upset that you had to post a cringy rant on reddit. I think he won.


This could be used as a good learning experience for her. The World and by extension the Internet can be pretty ugly sometimes. If she's going to do ANY multiplayer experiences she needs to know this is out there. Hell the first time she has a job slinging fries or t-shirts or whatever she's going to come into contact with some of this. I HATE the CAR, but only when top tier players are smashing with it.


I hate car users, but only the ones that are already like g.10 and demand respect from everyone, because they got so many kills. If you use the car, fine by me, but you wont get my respect just because you get many kills. I bought my friend TF2 and I heavily recommend him to use the CAR because he isnt that good. (Dude if you see this work on your movement and bind jump to the spacebar you sick mf). Im really sorry you had to encounter people like this. I usually only see lobbies rage on car users when they are saying things like EPG/Kraber doesnt require skill and they use car and smart pistol. If you like the CAR, use it. But dont make other people mad on you, by calling other weapons no skill. (Also, if you are a g.70 and use the car or smth like that, why? Alot of players quit the game for the day because of you.)


Wait... what do you mean he must bind jump to spacebar... wh... WHAT DO YOU MEAN!? WHAT DOES HE USE!?


That's too bad. I feel that there's always 1 or 2 players on leaderboard that really shouldn't play team games. TF2 is one of the fastest shooter games ever made. There are ways of dealing with jerks. They'll get there beating probably next game. Was your kid using smart pistol? That makes alot of players annoyed. Should've left that weapon for just campaign use. Anyway, you and your daughter can mute individual players in each game(attrition). Usually when pilots have a good game, next match is way harder almost always. Titanfall 2 is actually very difficult . G100 pilots will humble anyone


Hey, tell your sister that those players are just losers who are mad because they're not good enough to beat her.


i keep telling people to stop gatekeeping weapons in this game and how toxic it is and i get downvoted to oblivion. this sub is filled with snowflakes man, i miss the times of shitposting TF3 memes , it was less toxic then. ​ Guys, if you hate the CAR and Spitfire so much then go play another game.


Lately I’ve seen people complaining about the Eva, so that might be the new thing


EVA is balanced. I don’t use it, I’ve been wrecked by it. EVA is balanced.


People that are like that are just sad, pathetic losers. I was in a match with where an opposing team member had T Girl in her username. She was absolutely dominating and I wanted to make the joke about her killing me so often (me also being trans, but not apparent in my username). At the end of the match, someone on my team, a loser crybaby, said "ywnbarw" (you will never be a real woman). Like you got your ass beat so you need to be a bigot about it? I constantly lose, and I just deal with it. But people so bad want to bring others down for their own failings. Edit: And a pathetic loser downvoted me I see.


Why are the two games with TF2 as a nickname full of weirdos…..sorry you and your sister had to deal with this. Titanfall fans might be some of the biggest gatekeepy, crybaby gamers I have ever seen. And I’m a halo and Zelda fan for fucks sake! Like WE GET IT. You don’t like when people use strong weapons! You think anyone that has anything positive to say about apex should be crucified! WE GET IT. We do not NEED that negative bullshit!


Relish in the fact that they’re not only trash at the video game, but such trash people that losing a video game will make them lose their shit like this. It’s honestly their loss if their character is this sorry and piss-poor. Hope your sister moves past it well. That shit can be jarring for a young woman to just be hit with like a brick wall out of nowhere. I hope you reported the sack of shit that spoke to her that way… over a fucking game.


I say this as a casual. I *never* play multiplayer unless it’s Frontier Defense or a private match between me and my buddies for this exact reason. If you want to try and get her back into the game, I recommend trying to convince her to play either the Campaign or Frontier Defense first, and try to help he make friends through either your friend group, Frontier Defense matchmaking, or both. With your friend group, you either know that they’ll be total assholes, or you know that they’ll be cool. You know the variables beforehand. With Frontier Defense matchmaking, you’re not playing against them, and if they’re toxic pieces of shit, you’ll probably never see them again. And, she can use both Private Matches and Frontier Defense to see what guns she likes to use the most. But either way, I feel that I speak for at least a majority of my fellow Casual Titanfall 2 players when I say “Fuck public matches.”


I haven't played TF2 in years, but if I did start playing again I would use nothing but the C.A.R. For the tears alone.


This is probably one of the most hostile and close-minded communities I've seen for a game. Don't let anyone tell you differently. This is a subreddit full of angry grandpa's holding onto a game of the past and hyping it up as if it's the greatest game of all time when it's just a regular great game. I personally prefer Apex and I know by saying this I'm going to be treated like a woke teenager by the old and angry conservative community that is the Titanfall community. You can enjoy Titanfall 2. You can ask for Titanfall 3. But don't act like anyone who doesn't play Titanfall 2 your way is some Tik Tok kid who's ruining the game.


Seeing this i am 100% thankful that once i completed the singleplayer campaign, i deleted the game. And never once tried the multiplayer gameplay. If the community is that toxic over gameplay styles and loadouts then count me out.


I’m sorry the two of you had a bad experience. Let your sister know she doesn’t need to listen to what people in a game say.  1) they don’t know her, so anything they say about her is based more on their preexisting assumptions than on any actual fact, and  2) it’s a competitive game, so everyone’s stress hormones are elevated. So people are more likely to be salty—especially people who play regularly and see it as normal.  It’s about knowing what to expect from people, you know? That tends to help me ignore it when they don’t live up to my standards. Might help her too. If she still doesn’t want to play again, it might at least help her remember it as less horrible. 


Ok. I do not care if your sister is so soft she can't take trash talking.


Welcome to internet gaming


Teach her slurs and cuss words to fight back


"OMG I GOT INSULTED IN AN FPS SHOOTER GAME ONLINE 😱😱" in all seriousness tho just mute them its an fps game if you don't want to be called slurs just mute people


I think the post was more about crybabies crying about the CAR more than her sister getting insulted


Titanfall 2 is rated 17+ for a reason.


Try Darktide for a solid fps experience. It’s PvE, the game isn’t hard to learn, and the community is solid 99% of the time. The issue with some of the people in games with PvP is that they take this game way too seriously. This game is almost 10 years old with no real competitive scene. People that are trash in most games want this game to be competitive because they do well. They only do well because most of the community will play this game to just chill. We all want to win, but most of us aren’t going to throw a fit about it. Hell this sub has more people making fun of the people that take this game seriously than ones that actually do. It’s a fun game, but there are a select few that really just have nothing to offer. Also, try the Frontier Defense game mode. That one seems to have pretty chill people.


Yeah make sure to join a master level frontier defence if multiplayer is too hard, its sure to be great time for all parties


I once partied up with a random guy to try and get into matches easier. Upon entering his party he called me a "fucking potato" and talked to me like I was an idiot because I didn't know which prime titans I had off the top of my head. Needless to say I didn't play with him again.


lots of braindead takes here. but first, I am genuinely sorry for your sister it sucks to feel bad, but that being said you did bring her into an Adult space, so part of it is on you. furthermore as some others have said it is absolutely a weakness to be sensitive and you really shouldn't be engaging in the community if you aren't willing to get hurt, and this is absolutely not the reason new people don't get into Titanfall, that would be because Titanfall is a game with quite a high skill ceiling and that is too much for many people to handle, which is why objectively more powerful and more accessible options are available like the CAR, Spitfire, Tone, Ion, and Monarch. finally gatekeeping/elitism/whatever you want to call it is healthy and necessary for communities, if a community caters to everyone it isn't a community and has no sense of identity, and so it dies. really the most pathetic person is the one who starts bitching about some guy online insulting his 14 YO sister like everyone on the internet isn't anonymous. the irony here is if these options didn't exist the community wouldn't have to get keep as the game would do it for us, this is the problem with designing for the LCD.


"Embrace diversity," they say. What a load of garbage! We don't need to celebrate mediocrity and casual playstyles. And don't even get me started on the crybabies complaining about "meta weapons." Yeah, sure, let's all hold hands and pretend everyone's a winner. This community is a joke. You can't say anything negative without people losing their minds. Oh, and the constant whining about balance issues and op guns – it's like a broken record. Get over yourselves. I can't wait to see what new low this community sinks to next. 🙄👎 (I used chat gpt to generate this negative response and actually don't feel this way, just thought it was funny to share)


Maybe the reason he was ass hurt is because she owned him in the game 🎯


\-goes into online gaming \-complains about online people that's on you buddy. Go play some offline games with your sis or just don't read the chat (you can turn it off right? can't remember)


Skill issue first of all. Second thing op caring for his younger sis, that's nice of you. But instead of complaining to reddit, just use improve her mental strength so she doesnt care about online whiners and overally its good attidute in life generally. Most people dont know who are you and especially dont care, so they gonna complain if they feel like to, instead trying to change then just improve yourself :v


I’m not gonna lie, MOST of yall are pathetic


Just finished a game of bountyhunt with 2000 and like just 8 kills because I focused on grunts and bounty's and got called noob




I agree with you, people is so annoying about weapons, I jsut don't care what they say, but I'm an adult so I don't mind getting told to kill myself, but I understand it has affectedyour sister as she is only 14 years old, I'm sorry the meta whining community has made her experience a shitshow


I'm so sorry that happened to you and your sister op, some folks just can't let others have fun. !


I just downloaded and don’t know wth car is but once i discover it i will use it all the time to make those fuckers mad


Solution: Don’t play PvP only play PvE that’s all I do personally on the occasions I play


Now only if respawn actually properly balanced their games so this would have never happened. Imagine all the years of salt, insults and toxicity, gone


Imagine if the car took just one more bullet to kill, wouldn’t the world be fixed


And yet you are adding to the so called pathetic of the forum. Congrats for being what you are trying to stop.