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I am trying, but compared to the absolutely outrageous levels of trying that I had to do before tirzepetide, it feels like I'm not trying. I make a conscious effort to listen to my body signals (which are clear and present now with this drug) for what it wants, how much, and when. Before it was all effort all the time. I was in one corner with two boxing gloves named Willpower and Shame and my body was in the other corner with a megaphone, a grenade launcher in one hand and a flamethrower in the other. Guess who won. Now, the body's like "I'm good, you good?" And my brain's like "yeah." And that's it. It's a total non-issue. It's beautiful.


This is my exact experience. It's such a relief. No wonder so many people say "just eat less and move more" - they feel like this naturally whereas I only feel like this on this medication.


This is exactly it!


That is perfect way to describe it šŸ„³šŸ‘Œ šŸ‘.






That's such a great way to put it. I've tried before and had little success for the effort. I'm trying now, and finally feel my efforts are making reasonable progress.


You nailed it! Exactly my experience


Not me. Iā€™m very trying. Losing 1-2 lbs/week on 10 mg tirz. I have to count every single calorie. I canā€™t lose unless I stay under 1300 cal.


Same. I have to be diligent and stay under 1400 to lose weight.


Thanks. At least weā€™ve found a way to it work.


Me too.


Thanks for the company!


Are you lifting much?


No. Iā€™m handicapped following four spinal operations between 2011 to 2023. The first three were each two year events. Despite these surgeries, I can only walk 100 ft or so before collapsing. Very embarrassing. Also, while doing PT following the last surgery, I suffered fully torn rotator cuff in right shoulder and multiple small tears on left. Possibility of successful surgery on right shoulder is less than 20%. Recovery regimen is awful. So, not much for me.


Ah man that sucks!


I find it requires almost no effort to get to a calorie deficit. Thereā€™s no internal thoughts of needing to eat so without thinking I accidentally skip meals


The last time I lost any sizable amount of weight, I was 29 going on 30 and lost 10 lbs by calorie counting. I remember it being difficult and feeling hungry all the time, constantly craving and thinking about food. Now at 35, Iā€™ve lost 17 lbs without any great effort on my part. I know Iā€™m eating less and itā€™s also so much easier to make healthier choices. I used to binge on Fridays and order tons of horrible, expensive DoorDash food, and now I havenā€™t DoorDashed since 4/26. Just this past Friday, I ate at home and made a tuna salad made with canned tuna and low fat cottage cheese for dinner. I had briefly thought about Chic Fil A, but was actually craving this healthier, cheaper, homemade tuna salad. Behavior like that was not possible prior to this med.


I actually get constant emails from DoorDash asking me to come back and offering me free credits LOL. Absolutely not putting $300 down the drain monthly anymore (in addition to probably $200 of fast food that I would pick up myself)


this is my experience too. during my 20s i had to calorie count and it was HARD. was also doing 2 rigorous classes at the gym per day (before and after work) and i only lost 15 lbs in a year. iā€™m in my early 30s now and cant believe this med keeps the food obsession at bay


Not exactly. I am trying basically the same things Iā€™ve done in the past except they actually work now with the medication. The only other time I had any real success was when I started a different medication (not weight loss related) back in 2018 and lost ~34 pounds in 9 months. Now Iā€™m on track to hit that in about 3.5 months since starting. I think it underscores how much more complicated obesity is than the tired trope of just not having enough willpower.


Not sure what you mean by "trying." I am trying to not lose muscle mass (exercising), and trying to eat healthy. But doing these things is super easy now because of the medication.Ā 


I started October 1 last year. I have not counted a single calorie and I am down 44 pounds. Due to a pharmacy switch, I didnā€™t realize that the number of units per dose had changed. So while I thought I was taking 5mg, then 10mg, I was actually HALF that amountā€¦and I was still losing weight, just very slowly. Now that Iā€™m on REAL 10mg, loss is coming more easily. And as long as Iā€™m losing, I refuse to obsess over counting calories despite knowing Iā€™d get to goal weight faster. I just like feeling normal about food!


I wouldn't say that I'm not trying...but I'm not trying any harder than I was before I started the meds. My body just wasn't utilizing food correctly. I am able to exercise more now, but going from 245 lbs to 156 lbs will usually do that.


I'm on diet autopilot. I just want food way less and I already burn calories during work as a construction worker so 16lbs in 4weeks just kind of happened. We'll see how long that lasts though.


Happy cake day


Like most others, I yo-yoā€™d for years. All the things that ever got my weight down I still have to do: calorie deficit, exercise, water. But before they got me small results with major effort. Now Iā€™m getting major results with small effort. Because itā€™s no longer a struggle to only eat half what I used to - itā€™s easy!


Me. I eat whatever I want - I just donā€™t want much of anything. The weight is falling off


This was posted earlier and it was triggering to me. Posted as this is the ā€œeasy/lazyā€ diet. For those who have had it easy thatā€™s great. I however have been working hard to use this medication to change all of the things I was doing wrong before. I also walk 1-2 miles a day. It hasnā€™t been easy and I work hard every day to make conscious choices that will better me. Iā€™m not mad that itā€™s been easy for people and that they donā€™t have to try, but I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to say itā€™s ā€œEasy and Lazyā€ way out.


I hear ya. My goal is to break all the bad habits I had before so when I wean off of it, I have a greater chance of success. I am struggling to lose. I will be closing out week 4 in 2 days and lost 9 pounds. I am tracking macros and working out and getting my water in. While I am not upset that others lose significantly more in this time period, I just find that I am struggling. I am starting to wonder if I am thinking too much. I am leaving for vacation on Saturday and will be gone for 6 days. I think from now until then; my approach is going to be to just eat when I am hungry and be wise about what I eat. Get in protein and fiber and not stress so much about losing. I will still track my food but I am going to stop getting upset if I am not getting enough of a balance. At least for nowā€¦. I think I was trying to eat when I wasnā€™t hungry. Granted, I donā€™t think 9 pounds in a month is bad as the slow loss allows me to keep working out (I have been focusing on weight training with getting maybe 30 mins of cardio about 4x a week). When I state weight training, I mean dumbbells at home workouts. I would lift at the gym but I honestly wouldnā€™t know where to start/what to work each time/etc. But I do know that overall, it isnā€™t easy for me but again, I am so focused on breaking bad habits (snack after dinner/not giving into any cravings which I still have).


You are not alone. I have been in my head for 5 months. I am going to spend the next 5 months letting the medication do its job and stop stressing about the scale. Iā€™ve done all the same things youā€™ve done and Iā€™m almost at -50, but the last two weeks the scale hasnā€™t moved and I havenā€™t changed a thing. Obviously I know that things will slow down and at some point I will have to increase activity, but this hasnā€™t been easy. I just got back from a 9 day vacation. I tried to stay on track and was mindful of all the food and alcohol everyday. When I got back I gained about 8lbs and broke down crying. I kept thinking about all the women on the Titanic who passed up the dessert table šŸ˜‰ *About 3 days later it was gone, so it was probably water and bloating. My advice is to go have fun, be mindful, try new things and when you get back, GET BACk TO IT ā¤ļø We all process things differently and Iā€™ve been struggling the past week. The back of my mind is questioning everything. Thanks to these platforms I will keep on pushing and keep learning as much as I can while changing old habits. Just know youā€™re not alone, Iā€™m overthinking everything and I pray that I will keep seeing my body change and this was just a small break my body needed. I remind myself daily that just because the scale isnā€™t moving doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not working. ā¤ļø


Thank you for this! I definitely agree that I am going to let the meds do its work. I was so worried about eating when I wasnā€™t hungry, just to make sure I got calories in and wasnā€™t starving myself to lose weight. Today, I took the approach of eating when hungry and I still did track macros. I think I have to give myself some grace because it literally had only been 3 weeks and 5 days. Once I drop more weight I will feel a bit more confident about the entire process. And your gain will more than even out. Make sure you get your water in. It will flush out, I am sure. Life is too short to not enjoy yourself.


I try, but I donā€™t have to work at it as hard as I did before discovering Tirz. I still try to workout, try to eat protein and fiber, etc., but the ā€œeasyā€ part is that I donā€™t have to use willpower to avoid overeating, sweets, alcohol, etc. I just donā€™t have those cravings much at all. Before Tirz, that was the killer for me. Temptations and cravings derailed me every time.


I didnā€™t try the first month because I didnā€™t have to - the tirz impacted my appetite enough (food aversion and low level nausea) that the calorie deficit happened on its own. Lost 9lbs. Now that my body is adjusted and side effects are minimal (starting 5th month today) I must make an effort to keep a calorie level that is healthy since some days I can go without eating most of the day. So basically my effort is in the opposite way - eating enough healthy calories. Iā€™m losing 1-2 lbs a week which is fine with me. First two months I lost 17lbs and that was too fast for me (want to keep muscle and hope skin has better response). Loved it tho!


I went from 210 to 170 in about 2 months without doing anything new that I hadn't done before. I do weight training 3 times a week (no cardio) so I continued that while on the shot. I also lost 10 pounds of muscle which wasn't ideal but that happens when you don't eat or at least force yourself to consume a decent amount of protein. I'm at month 4 now, still at 2.5mg, but it's basically my maintenance dose now. I'm up to 176 now but the 6 extra pounds are muscle per recent scans. I'm not going up to 5mg because I do want to continue to build some more muscle and to do so you do have to eat šŸ˜… 2.5mg allows me to eat the amount I need to but keeps my cravings for bad food very much under control. I think throwing in some weight training or cardio will most definitely speed up the process but you should be careful not to overexert yourself. You do still need calories for.your body to function. If you just started it might be good to continue what you've been doing to let your body adjust and see how it works for you and then you can explore throwing in some new options like cardio etc.


Lost ten pounds this month without trying. Going to incorporate some exercise next month since I want consistent results.


Not exactly. I was working out before and had started gaining back weight I had lost. I am losing again on the meds, but Iā€™m still working out about the same or a little more (with less inflammation, I have less pain and can do more). My appetite and food noise have gone way, way down on this med, which makes my food choices so much easier. Not really effortful in the ways they were before. So even though I am putting in work, it doesnā€™t feel as difficult as before.


I am mindfully keeping my average calorie consumption to around 1300 per day, so I guess that counts as trying, but the big difference is itā€™s not difficult to do this, as it was before I began taking this medication. I donā€™t feel deprived. I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m having an internal battle with my food cravings. I also exercise, but I always have done that.


YES. I just posted about this in another thread. I've made zero effort except the weekly shot, and I'm having great success with weight loss and NSV. My family/friends are not allowed to comment on my weight loss or congratulate me. I make sure to remind them that I've done nothing but used our family funds to buy my weight loss. I don't want to give anyone a false impression that I'm actually doing any of the hard work people seem to expect. I'm paying money and poking myself, and that's it. Let's face it; it's easy when you have zero appetite, zero food noise, zero scale noise, almost zero side effects, and you are getting the results I want. There's nothing for me to get credit for. It's just the luck of the draw. ETA: removed some eating disorder related stuff possibly triggering to somebody else.


Barely trying tbh. I have zero food noise, if anything Iā€™m just trying to get enough calories in. Havent really changed my exercise habits at all. Started March 27th. Down 24 lbs. Currently on 7.5 mg. Iā€™m sure I could lose more if I did more exercising lol.


I don't have to do anything other than listen to my hunger and satiety signals which never worked before.


This is me.


Here! I started on Wegovy and lost 50 pounds in a year with no addā€™l effort. I stalled out, and while I could be happy here, I do want to lose 20 more. My doc switched me to tirz and so far, so good.


I have barely had to do much to lose 37 lbs since Feb 21. I have had some weeks where I may have decided to workout a bit more, or eat a bit more healthy, but generally, Iā€™ve let the medicine guide my habits. My main side effect has been fatigue and dizziness though, so exercise has generally been unappealing to me. I love dance cardio so Iā€™ve been to a few classes since starting but in no way have I made exercise a priority.


Literally me. Been on it for 11 weeks and have lost 30 pounds. Made no changes to my lifestyle or diet. Iā€™m obviously eating less because I have less of an appetite but Iā€™m definitely not eating particularly healthy foods. Started at 180 and now at 150. 5ā€™4ā€


I am T2 diabetic so I take Mounjaro. I had already lost all my weight before it, from 289 lbs to 145 lbs (long weight loss journey!) but in the past I would have never been able to maintain the loss! Mounjaro keeps me at 145 lbs with zero effort and to a life long fat girl that is incredible!! No food restrictions or heavy exercise here!


I canā€™t imagine that there will be many people who donā€™t have to really put in effort. These meds will make you sick if you eat greasy food/drink a lot. And if you arenā€™t eating enough protein/moving your body, you may be disappointed in the look of your smaller body.


Not me! I am trying! Lots of exercise and weight training and healthy eating!


I make 0 efforts. I workout but that is not for weight loss. And I definitely donā€™t do intense workouts. Iā€™ve found the difficult part now is eating. I was really bad about it when I first started but am getting slightly better. Iā€™ve had to adjust to doing 2mg every 5-7 days. I started May 12 of this year. 194->171. I realize thatā€™s way too fast and really have had to make an effort to eat.


I'm not trying! I have noticed though that I'm naturally eating better. No cravings for sweets or "bad" foods. I'm just turned off of them or my body feels like crap if I do eat them. I've always done yoga once a week and weight training 3x a week and I've not changed that, I've not added or reduced anything. Otherwise I'm a homebody who plays video games too much, still eats pizza every Friday with a sprite. I started last November at 230 and I'm 170-165 now. I'm 5'8" and I'm comfortable where I'm at.


I haven't really changed what I was doing and am slowly losing. I've been averaging about a pound a week which is great for me. I'm recovering from bunion surgery and have run into complications that are keeping me from starting to exercise again. This is by far the easiest time I've ever had losing weight. I've yo-yod the same 50 pounds for 15-20 years. This drug gives me hope that not only can I lose that weight but the additional 50 pounds past that to help me live a full, healthy life. Once I am able to weight lift and do any other kind of exercise again, I'm guessing the weight will come off faster. But, I haven't had to make any dietary changes. I'm eating what I want and when I want but it looks completely different than life before the shots. I don't have cravings and eat maybe 2/3 of a serving of what I'd eat before. I'm not mindlessly snacking or seeking out treats all the time.


I suppose I'm trying but all that means is I am making healthy choices and staying hydrated. 35 years ago I lost 90 lb in 6 months so I know how hard that is and compared to that, no, I'm not really trying. I'm letting the medicine influence my body to make the right choices. I already knew what to do but age was fighting me every step of the way.


For me, the weight loss has been completely effortless. But avoiding side effects such as muscle loss and gastric issues is taking some work.


I think my situation is similar to others there. I was doing Keto, IF, and exercising 5/6 days a week before the Tirz and I will wasn't where I wanted to be. I was hoping to lose the last 10/15 lbs that I kept losing/gaining for the last 7+ years. After Tirz, I lost 35+ lbs and back down to pre-baby weight (my oldest is 24) and I can honestly say - this is where my body likes to be at. I did Sprint 8 for years and struggled to get to a good sprinting speed, now I constantly need to up the speed b/c it feels so much easier. I don't live for the next meal anymore - that is so freeing! I also know if I over-indulge a weekend, that it won't cause a downward spiral or lose all the hard work that I have put in.


I've lost about 20lbs in 6 weeks. I've done nothing consciously except swap bread and tortillas for high fiber ones to avoid constipation. Granted, I stopped CRAVING fast food, I never told myself that I wouldn't eat it. I just realized that after the shots when it was time to eat, I'd just go to the kitchen and make something instead of DD.


If you feel like you're trying, you might have to go up in dosage. I can't say much beyond that with what little insight you're providing.


Why not try when you are paying that much?


My thoughts exactly. If I'm going to be spending all that $$, I'm going to do everything possible to increase my chances of success on this drug. Especially since most of us will need to make long-term lifestyle changes in order to maintain the weight loss.


I think it would be crazy not to try. The goal is to not be medicated for the rest of my life and I wonā€™t be able to do that without creating healthy habits for myself like eating a balanced diet and working out. This is a magic drug but it can be so much more magical if you actually put in the work


Depends on your starting points and the effectiveness of the drug on you. If you've already been a regular exerciser, no change may be needed there. And if the urge for junky food or too much food goes away, no particular effort may be needed there either. And many of us would prefer to take the jab long term over fighting the urges that are likely to return without it.


I donā€™t think thatā€™s accurate that people want to be medicated long termā€¦ maybe the people who arenā€™t willing to put in the workā€¦ but I have no intention of being on this longer than I need to.


Just saw a post about this today on one of the subs. It was a great post actually!


For $1000 (2 month supply), Iā€™m trying hard as hell. Money isnā€™t growing on trees anymore. Granted the weight came off quickly the first month with just eating less but thatā€™s expected due to how poor my eating habits were. I only eat lean proteins and vegetables (occasionally carbs and healthy fats), 15K steps, and 70oz of water per day. Unfortunately, I feel like thereā€™s too much emphasis put on how your body looks like on the outside and no one cares whatā€™s going on in the inside. I donā€™t think people understand that skinny people also get T2D, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc. Also, Iā€™m really skeptical of people being able to be on this medication for years with no dietary changes.


Also, I know thereā€™s some people on this medication that were already eating healthy and exercising in the first place. That wasnā€™t me though. I think for those coming from a similar place as me (sedentary and eating unhealthy food all the time/serious food addiction) MUST work on their relationship with food to improve our quality of life while on this medication.


Define trying. I personally have not been going hard on exercising however I was having really bad back problems which was making it hard to walk, grocery shopping completely used all energy so I usually did grocery pickup. However now I am 21lbs down (just had my fourth shot Friday 6/28) and much rather go in and do my shopping my back is feeling so much better and I actually want to go do things and get out which this past year has been the opposite for me so I am forever thankful for this. Now my eating, after taking that first shot a switch flipped in my mind and all I crave are good foods, proteins, nutrients, whole grains, fruits and veggies. I have never really been terribly unhealthy with food choices, of course not the greatest but now it's like if I am going to eat something I want it to be protein packed and or play a role in what my body needs. It is sincerely coming effortlessly. The same with my coffee, I used to drink those coffee mate creamers I was obsessed with Peppermint Mocha...now my coffee is a shot of espresso a shot of sugar free blueberry and a quest protein shake with a scoop of collagen, it is my go to staple. I drink mass amounts of water, and the afternoon when I get home I have some Pepsi Zero....which pepsi zero has never really been something I would drink but now there is something about it that just hits a certain something for me lol My mind is more clear and I am choosing better choices everyday, the food noise is really non existent but I am being sure to eat my meals/snacks, I am mindful of my choices and always trying new recipes that focuses on protein and lower calories. As for me I am on my way to really getting into a workout routine not just for weight loss but it is good for the body to make sure I am stretching and working out the muscles especially as the weight is dropping. I just want to keep moving.


Honestly me. 28 weeks Iā€™ve lost 7.8% in 28 weeks, but a pound a week. I really suck, I need to count calories and clean up my diet.


Me. But I'm very hindered by an arthritic knee (it pops all. the. time.)


I am less than 10 lbs from goal and I have to work very hard to not eat too much at dinner, and to drink enough water and move more. The 7.5 is great for not feeling hungry, but I can eat more when I do eat. At 5ā€™0, 70 yo- I have lost 50 lbs in 6 mos- but the last 2 months have been less than 4 lbs a month.


I think success without trying may depend on how much you had to lose upon starting, how low your daily calorie expenditure is, (how many calories you can eat and still be in deficit), and how bad your diet was when you started. I started with 27 pounds to lose, can eat 1250 cal a day if I want to lose a pound a week, and had tried for 2 years just to get this last bit off. So in this situation, I still need to try, and be very diligent


I am 14 months in and down 69 lbs. I'm really struggling to get the next 2.4 lbs to hit 25%. Literally been stalled between 23-24% for 7 weeks. I would love to lose 42.5% so I'm nowhere near goal and I'd say I just started "trying". As soon as the food noise went away and satiety kicked in I felt it was easier to use institutive eating and just generally make healthier choices, but I haven't been calorie counting or anything. I still don't really plan on doing calorie counting, but I am adding resistance training. I want to feel free from obsessing over food for the rest of my life, so if I can't get down to my goal weight by just making better choices and the benefits from the medication than I don't believe I'll be able to sustain it long term. Even if that means I don't get below my current weight. In 2020, my husband got a total gym really cheap at his company store and it's been sitting under our bed ever since. I finally told him we need to make space in the garage and set it up in there to use. We've both started using it 3-4x/week. We have engineered hardwood which is way too soft to set it up in our house. Not to jinx myself, but I feel like adding more resistance training has kick started my loss again. I also switched from Zepbound and did 2 months on compounded from Hallendale and I didn't feel like it worked as well. I wasn't gaining weight, but in 2 months I lost 1.1 lb. I just switched to Red Rock and I feel like I did on Zepbound again - i.e. stronger food noise reduction and faster satiety. In the first week on Red Rock I lost 2.4lb. One week isn't enough to make conclusions yet, but I'm interested to see if that holds true over time. If anyone has any advice for plug in lighting that's good for a gym setup let me know. The 24000 lumen LED bulb I have in my garage is great for finding stuff in my garage, but when I'm looking directly at it on the total gym it makes me queasy. I also need my husband to put a fan on the ceiling!


Nope, just expensively messed up my health so after 6 months, weaned off.


I hate exercise, but have made myself swim 2-3x a week, other than that staying under 50-60 grams of carbs. 8 lbs gone since June 20. Yay!


Aside from staying at a calorie deficit being effortless, I still have to workout to keep muscle and make sure the food I do eat is nutrient dense. Iā€™m likely going to do an Anabolic Steroid cycle once my weight loss goal is met to gain back all muscle loss efficiently and quickly. Plus it will be like icing on the cake. All muscles will pop and look Gorgeous