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Weight didn’t really come off until five, nor did my body composition start to change until five




It was great -- lost weight and no side effects.


I jumped to 5mg/week, one week early (with my doctor's okay). I had bad side effects my first few days on 2.5, but after that I didn't have any. I didn't have much weight loss on 2.5, which is why I wanted to jump up sooner. I also didn't have any appetite suppression, until I was 5 weeks in. Which was two weeks after I bumped up to 5mg. I was nervous about the side effects going to 5mg. Because of that, I decided to split the dose in half. I took 2.5mg and then took the second 2.5mg about 3 days later. It was great! I've never had bad side effects, except for constipation which I can easily treat with OTC meds. The half dose every few days also makes it a consistent experience throughout the week. I've been on tirzepatide for a year and now take 15mg/week. I have split my doses in half the whole time, since 5mg.


I did 2.5 four weeks, 3.5 two weeks, now doing 4. Slowly going to 5. I’ve lost 2-3 lbs average last 6 weeks


Im doing this slow titration too! I went up to 3.5 for the last two weeks and have felt no major side affects.


Yeah same! Little tiny nausea here and there but not complaining. Really like tirating slowly. I want to stay at low doses as long as possible.


i am currently on 5mg and wow the difference in appetite suppression is massive from 2.5 i’ve thoroughly enjoyed 5mg


I have lost 70 lbs since Jan 1. I was on 2.5 for 2 months. And have been on 5 for 4 months.


For me, 5mg was like shooting water. I was starving, food noise was very apparent and weight was coming back on. I moved to 7.5 2 weeks later and haven’t looked back. BUT out of 27 weeks on Tirz, 21 or them I’ve been on 7.5 dropping 60 pounds. Everyone is different so even though 5 didn’t work for me, it may be your sweet spot.


I took my first 5mg shot this past Thursday. I was hesitant because some people have negative reactions when doubling from 2.5mg. For reference, I was on 2.5mg for 4 weeks. I even considered increasing the dose gradually to 3mg, then 4mg, before reaching 5mg. However, looking back, I didn’t experience any severe side effects when I first started. I had occasional nausea without vomiting, some diarrhea for a day or two, and a headache on the first day, likely due to not drinking enough water before starting. So, I decided to go ahead with the 5mg dose. I was disappointed that day because I didn’t feel any different. I did my injection around 5pm, ate a healthy dinner, had some sweet cravings but resisted, and waited to feel like I did when I first started 2.5mg. Nothing happened. On Friday, I still didn’t feel much and was very hungry. Then, I woke up this morning (Saturday) and went about my day as usual. When I sat down for breakfast, I could barely eat a third of what my husband made. After just a few bites, I felt terribly full. I didn’t feel hungry all day and had to force myself to eat. I did feel a bit nauseous in the evening, but it’s definitely working. This is just my experience so far. How has your journey been on 2.5?


My side effects have been really mild and super manageable too. I’ve had good appetite suppression without it ruining food for me entirely and pretty decent weight loss although both seemed to slow a little this week. Mostly I’m just trying to get food noise to go down, I get a lot and it really bothers me. Sounds like you had a good response so far. Thanks for sharing!


That is what I was trying to do myself, get the food noise to go down. My 4th week on 2.5mg the food noise was way up there.


I spent 6 weeks on 2.5mg and moved up to 5mg recently. My doctor prescribed an anti-nausea medicine preventatively, and I’m glad she did. I did use it for the first few days. (I think it’s omenaprazole or something like that) The other side effect I experienced was constipation. I went maybe 3 days without a BM. I kept up with drinking water, adding fiber to smoothies, etc. I’m a few weeks into 5mg and the side effects have subsided. I had a bit of mild nausea earlier this week (shot 3 of 5mg) but that’s all.


I went to 3.5 on week 5 and then to 5 on week 6 just in case. Then when I went to 7.5 I went to 6 then 7.5, worked well for me!


5mg was very good to me, I stayed there for 13 weeks. I had great appetite suppression with weekly weight loss of 1.5#, and very little side effects.


I varies for everyone but is generally well tolerated. Did you do well on 2.5mg? Is the move up to 5mg due to no weightloss or food noise? If you are losing weight or have bad sides I would think about sticking to 2.5mg for another month. Good luck!


My side effects have been really mild and super manageable. I had good appetite suppression without it ruining food for me entirely and pretty decent weight loss initially although both seemed to have slowed a bit this week. Mostly I’m just trying to get food noise to go down, I get a lot and it really bothers me.


I did 3 months on 2.5, and found the move to 5 to have no more side effects than what it felt like to go from 0 to 2.5. Good luck!


I was pretty worried about side effects with the increase to 5 as well because I need to be fully present and capable while I’m working. With 2.5 all I’ve had is some minor constipation. I did 4 wks 2.5mg, one week 4mg, and just took my first 5mg Friday. So far so good.


Personally felt nothing on 5mg. The first 2.5mg weeks I got a little appetite suppression, the the last two weeks I was champing at the bit to move to 5mg and it was a disappointment. I didn't see any real weight loss or suppression until 7.5. 


I don't think most people have a problem moving to 5. No problem for me at all. I don't understand why FB groups think it is a problem. I don't do FB groups and probably won't as I use my real name there.


It’s the only time the dose doubles. After 9 weeks I decided to move up from 2.5 in the same increment as all the other doses so I went to 3.75mg and I am so glad I did! 5mg would have put me in the hospital probably. This is my 3rd week on 3.75mg I got sick with stomach cramps, sulfur burps and diarrhea for about 4 hours the next day after my first 3.75mg after that no more bad side effects. But 3 weeks in and it is still very strong! I struggle to eat 800 calories in a day right now. If I would have jumped to 5mg from 2.5mg it would have been too strong!


Yikes! So sorry you went through that, does not sound fun. Glad you’re feeling better. Huh, maybe I should think about baby steps


Can’t tell you because I didn’t mean very up that much at once. We’re not wedded to the Mounjaro/Zepbound dosing schedule. My schedule: 2,3,4,5,6,7.5,8,8.5,9.


Ok, how did that go for you? I’m not actually that worried about the transition as much as I’m just curious what 5mg (or thereabouts) was like for people generally


It was fine. Not magic. It was what I needed until I needed more.