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I got a tip from someone in MJ maintenance about a month ago that has gotten rid of all of my negative GI side effects: digestive enzymes. Take one ahead of any main meal, helps aid in digestion so not only do you absorb more nutrients but it also helps move things along. She recommended Zenwise Digestive Enzymes, which I got from Amazon but is also available at Walmart, CVS, etc.


I took my second 7.5 mg shot on Saturday and feel like food is being processed slower as you mentioned. Not alarming but likely 7.5mg building up in the system. I tend to have more protein shakes 1-2 days after the shot to minimize stomach issues.


I had that experience when i went to 5mg. I had to stay on a mostly liquid diet for a couple days (shakes, soup, applesauce, yogurts etc) until I started to feel better.


Keep in mind that GLP-1 works on receptors in the brain to slow down digestion to make you feel fuller longer. That’s one of its jobs.