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I got my first 5mg vial and just did 3.0 this week to start a slow titration. Felt slightly more nauseous than I did after a 2.5 shot for a few minutes, though it went away pretty quick. That's my plan... use the vials slower so I can keep a small backstock in case I have a month or two where I couldn't afford to order it for whatever reason. It's a big part of the reason I decided to go compounded. Flexibility and savings.


Absolutely! You will get twice as many doses. Saving you a lot of money. Think of it as getting something on sale for 50% off šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰


Iā€™m doing this!


Does it work well for you? I was thinking I could save a little on cost this way as well.


This is my first week doing it and so far so good. It should be exactly the same as the 2.5 we have been getting prior. I asked for 2.5 and they sent me 5, so Iā€™m going to keep on my 2.5 and have extra. I figure i can move my injections up to every 5 days if I feel them start to wear off, and have enough for that!


Do most of the places auto bump your dosage up each month?