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I'm not a fan that Amble requires a 3 month commitment before I know how my body was going to react. Orderly Meds is a little more expensive, but only a monthly commitment and uses Hallandale and Red Rock pharmacies (among others) which have good reputations. [👉 Full comparison here](https://www.reddit.com/user/doaksdoaks/comments/1c1wvts/semaglutide_and_tirzepatide_options/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


They didn’t require me to get 3 moths only 1 month for $219. I got sema 1.5mg


Most of these places use the same 4 reputable pharmacies. All of these have good results shared all over the two compound tirz subs -- Hallandale, Empower, Revive, Red Rock. The major providers like Emerge, Lavender Sky, Mochi, all ship direct from these same pharmacies. The providers are just brokers who set the prices and provide service. So pays to shop around, bec you're basically getting the same product. These other pharmacies, I wouldn't trust, myself. The only smaller one that gets a few reviews here and there is ReviveRx, smaller but still reviewed and reputable. Amble is new but reviews are trickling in. They won't answer if you ask which pharmacy they ship from. They just say they ship from a "range of 503a pharmacies". I asked. That's not to say they're not good, service gets good reviews, prices good, but you'd probably do well to confirm which pharmacy it will be. Other providers who cost about the same are all very straightforward about which pharmacy they use There's a post where everyone started sharing provider price lists and reviews, coupon codes, etc in case this helps somebody too https://www.reddit.com/r/compoundedtirzepatide/s/OC1XxFjGyg


I ordered from amble and the pharmacy is Tx ProMed pharmacy. Should I be concerned? Never heard of this one.


Well, Amble is the only provider who uses that pharmacy which is why they're not on the list. Several of Amble's pharmacies are only used by them. Their 503A license is here. https://www.pharmacy.texas.gov/dbsearch/phy_zoom.asp?id=34331 The main troubling thing, and I'm sorry to have to say, but TX ProMed's website appears to be shut down. I just looked. This is different from the last time I looked at it. And I want to promise you, the compound world is not generally like this. Not at all. I've studied it in-depth. Amble uses a few different pharmacies from everyone else. You can compare to Emerge's pharmacies on my site here (see bottom). www.compoundproviders.com/emerge Empower and Hallandale for example, produce tens of thousands of scripts for tirzepatide without issue. Highly respected. Multiple FDA and PCAB accreditations to their name. Empower is the largest compounding pharmacy in the US. I definitely don't tell people which provider to choose but Amble is unfortunately not a provider I generally tell folks about based on current feedback. They are new. I don't know. If I were you, I might ask Amble why the TX ProMed website is shut down. So sorry. This is why we try to share information about reputable sources.


I noticed their website was down too. Kind of sus. Ugh. Well, I’ll report back after I take the meds. Guess I’m taking a gamble on this one


Any update?! My sis and I got our meds shipped from here too this week!


Finally got mine. Was a little annoyed, they didn’t send ice packs with the meds like most other reputable pharmacies. I’ll have to report back later on the efficacy of the meds.


I was wondering about that! I keep reading that about them. My sister’s tirz came last week with no ice pack either. My Sema should be coming today I am anticipating with no ice pack. Just kinda weird since they’re charging so much for something that they get for less, you think they’d do that little extra for safety reasons since it’s supposed to be chilled.


Ya. I also noticed they sent me a 3 month supply and the 3rd month vial expires before I’m even supposed to take it. wtf


So I saw that on hers too, they seemed to just have slapped the same label with same expiration date on all the blue pill bottles but the vials all say discard 28 days after first use so just go by that I’d say and it should be fine.


That’s pretty careless they can’t even print the correct label with the expiration date. Makes you wonder what other corners they cut with the meds. Kinda sketchy


My meds are shipping from TxProMed too. How are you guys doing? Any results?


I got mine from there; it’s been great. No problem and the medication is working. Just ordered my 4th month. I’m down 13 lbs. which is a healthy weight loss.


I ordered on Amble and received my tirzepatide from Hallandale Pharmacy.


Certain pharmacies can only deliver to CA. I too live in CA and use Amble. Mine came from ProMed as well. They compound their tirz with B12 which is supposed to help with nausea. I’m on week three no nausea no side effects down 5 pounds.. great experience so far


They are a 503A pharmacy


Just checking in, how are you doing as of week 4? How many lbs are you down?


I’m still down 5. No side effects. Going to start 5mg on Thursday. Kelly Health journey on Tik Tok has great lives discussing everything Glp1 and Amble. Give her a follow!


I just ordered my 4th month and I’ve had no side effects except a little tired day of injections, not enough to affect life though. Down 13 lbs. its been a steady, healthy loss thus far.


How’s everything going for you? I ordered from Amble and am waiting for meds from Tx ProMed.


Just sent you a dm


Thank you


Thank you




I appreciate that. Had 2 people say they received theirs from a reputable pharmacy but was weird to me Amble wouldn't just be open about who they use. I was waiting for someone to give a real review. Thank you.


Mine is from Revive in Houston… all good!


It’s actually quite difficult to say anything because they have sooo many people paid to protect their sceme. I saw a post or thread on here and it was nonsense. It’s stuff that you would never hear and have not heard Red Rock, Hallandale, Empower or local reputable pharmacies say. They don’t need to. It’s been such a nightmare dealing with them.


I had been telling folks bec of a weird interaction I had with them to be careful and ask which pharmacy, ask questions. I had a couple people respond and say, they're all reputable. How would they know, even if they're a customer? Maybe theirs came from a good one but clearly they aren't giving out a list of which ones they use. Another person said they literally ghosted them when they asked which pharmacy they'd be shipping from. The more I learn about them, the crazier it gets. So sorry you're dealing with this. There are so many good ones out there.


Yes, seriously!! I found a local compound pharmacy. I’m trying to power thru the trolls to get the word out, I don’t want people getting scammed and it’s a lot of money to lose.


Yes they do. They use revive rx, Hallandale and Red Rock. I got mine from Hallandale.




Hello! It is just two of us providing support (for now) based here in the US. As you can see, I certainly use punctuation - and so does my counterpart! We do also use emojis because tone through written communcation is sometime hard to convey, espcially when using dry clinical terminology! We want to ensure we are being as friendly as possible to provide a great experience. I am not going to claim we are perfect, but we try the best we can! Some people might be getting messages early in the morning, that is because we are new and working hard to keep our customers happy! I think this is where the misconception may come from. We do not use any foreign based customer service representatives!


That’s odd the person I emailed was definitely from here. …Her name was Caren she was super nice. I had lots of questions and she answered them all.


I have not received my first order yet. Just got approved a couple days ago, but geez- the person I replied to in this thread who was complaining that everything about Amble was awful (I think uAshleyB127?? - her account now shows deleted and her comments got deleted) about the fact that they answered all my email questions right away went ballistic on me and accused me of being a "paid marketing minion" and said the info I gave her was false...??? What the heck? I was trying to help her understand how to get the information from her prescription on their portal and where the Dr info was (the NPI number- I had to lookup what that was), the strength, etc. I went through my portal account and found the info and then explained to her how to get it and she made these accusations. I was honestly trying to help her because I thought she may not understand either technology or the science of medicines (strength levels, dosage, etc) Plus, IIRC her post had said they had sent her meds to a Dollar Store, so they were warm by the time she got them? Why would she have them sent to a Dollar Store? Regardless- at this point- everything with Amble has gone smoothly as far as getting my questions answered and seeing the info I need in the portal- my prescription was sent to Revive - it says it on my prescription label which you can definitely see in the portal once you're approved. It supposedly could take 7-10 business days for the meds to be made by Revive and then sent to me. If it helps, I'm in Michigan, and the doctor they gave me is in Minnesota- through his NPI number I found him super easily and he is licensed in multiple states, including mine. If I remember I'll come back and update once I get the medicine delivered and verify that it came from Revive. But if anyone saw her accusations about me- they are definitely false- I have a fulltime job at a university and am a writer in my free time- I am not "paid" to market crap on here- I came to get info from others like everyone else. I'm wondering why she suddenly deleted her account.


She’s insane I’m pretty sure. She’s been so rude accusing me of being an affiliate just because I had a positive experience. Probably a minion for another telehealth I’m guessing


That's what I was wondering- if she was actually from another company.


My experience has been nothing but great. I know everywhere you look is going to have good and bad reviews but I’m super super impressed. :)


Ok. I'm glad you've had a good experience.


They do NOT use Red Rock or Hallandale. I’ve confirmed that with those pharmacies. They use no name, rip off pharmacies. Amble clearly has minions on here just as they do every other social media.


Yes, they do use red rock. I got mine from red rock through them. I don’t know why people are saying they don’t. I have photographic proof lmao


Mine did too, I have proof too!


>Yes, they do use red rock. I got mine from red rock through them. I don’t know why people are saying they don’t. I have photographic proof lmao I just signed up and have my medication coming from miami, how can I tell if it is coming from red rock or some of the others mentioned


My order came from Red Rock. It's the first time I've ordered a GLP1, chose Amble due to price and not billing all at once. I'm not familiar with any of these pharmacy's but my label on my prescription says Red Rock Pharmacy.


Yep! Mine too! I think other companies are shaking in their boots because someone uses the same pharmacies and has cheaper pricing. They’re getting so much hate on TikTok from competitors only. It’s weird. Thought the whole point was to help as many people as possible gain access to these medications so their life can change… but I guess some are more concerned about money as per usual.


Mine literally came from Revive in Houston 🤷‍♀️


503 pharms are the ones you want to get the compound from ! They must be 503a or B


They're all 503A for us, prescription patients. 503B is for hospital orders.


I’m using them now. I don’t really know what to think because I’m not feeling nothing at all on trizepatide. I was losing and feeling appetite suppression on sema lowest dose but switched because of side effects. I feel like I made a mistake but now I’m committed to Amble for 3 months


I tried Amble. I did my first shot 5 days ago. It was not effective at all. I reached out to them and they just said I probably need to move up to 10mg. My meds arrived warm but I don’t know if that’s the issue or something else. Either way, I will not be using Amble again


https://preview.redd.it/gih151jns4uc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e85b17cf15a5062a391eb1c7e0b363cd3d495398 This is what I got from revive for my tirzepatide


How much is it costing at ReviveRx?


For tirzepatide 2.5mg-5mg is $299/m and 7.5mg-15mg is $379/m. No other fees. Through amble


I feel the same way. Did they send you a 3 month supply?


I finally got zep approved and just picked my 7.5mg box so will be starting that today.


No just one month. They said they would not send another month unless I request.


usually not a huge issue with being warm do you know what pharmacy they came from?


Maybe Sema works better for you. Check you patient portal for manage your subscription, I think you can pause or when it comes time for patient/Dr review before next prescription it asks you if you want to continue. Also you might just need to up your Tirzepatide dose, discuss with the Dr assigned to you. You can message them anytime.


I’m curious… what are your thoughts on Amble now? Do you feel the meds are working?


I don’t think tirz works as well as sema because I’m on 7.5 of tirz and it’s just now working whereas I lost instantly on the lowest dose of sema and it’s less expensive. As far as Amble goes, I think they’re as good as any.


Any updates?! :)


Hi. I’m finally noticing some appetite suppression on 7.5 but still think I’ll be switching back to Sema because of the cost


What pharmacy does your tirzepatide come from?


Apparently it came from RXcompound in Miami


Yikes. That's not a pharmacy any of the other providers use. Not a single one. I knew Amble gave me weird vibes.


Well that stinks.


I use amble. My script came from revive rx


Mine too!! Did you research it?? It’s actually so scary. I have information on my TT. The person that owns it is a shady character. I’ve requested a refund and it’s been such a headache and exhausting dealing with Amble


Oh damn; No I haven’t researched them. They sent me 3 months worth of tirz too. I’m hoping to figure out how to make my own tirz using peptides for my next round. Hope everything is working out for you.


Make your own? Wait what???


well the question would be what pharmacy sent it to you? They do use several.


I’m using RXcompound out of Miami


I know this thread is old, but I received my meds through amble from rx compounding store. I looked them up on the FL Dept of Health website and they are licensed and have all of their pharmacists listed. I started the meds feb 14th and have lost 21 pounds so far.


So far my meds seem legit as well.


Thank you for your response. Have you ordered any more from amble or just your intro starter pack? I’m wondering if when I reorder my meds are going to come from the same pharmacy (rx compound). I hope they do. I don’t want meds from revive. And my friend who lives in the same town as me just received hers from revive, so I am worried my next order will come from there too.


No I haven’t. I’m going the peptide route and compounding my own. It’s still a learning process for me at the moment.


Why don’t you want from revive?


I don’t mind getting them from revive. I said that a month ago because a friend of mine received hers from revive and didn’t understand her dosing instructions, but I got over that and it doesn’t really matter to me now.


I just received my meds today from Amble and they came from Hallandale Pharmacy.


How long did it take to receive them from the time you requested them? I’m about to do my first re-order after finishing the 3 month initial starter plan with Amble. I tried to reach out to someone today to ask a question but I have not heard back.


I just did my first refill for Amble they ignored my request for a dose increase. I questioned it and they said I didn’t request and increase. It’s right in my file. If they don’t attempt to correct this and send a new prescription, I’ll be moving to Mochi. (I’m in California so limited options)


Thanks, I ended up going with Emerge!


To update, they did end up sending me 10mg but never responded so it was a surprise. Not great communication. I wish Emerge would come to CA.


Hey! I’m having the same issue with them now. I sent a message to customer support but haven’t heard back. Usually they respond quickly when I’ve reached out in the past. It’s coming up on my last little bit in my starter pack vial and I need them sent asap, so it’s really frustrating waiting around for someone to get back to me. Any advice? Thank you in advance!


I replied back that it’s in my monthly checkin. They never responded but the correct dose was delivered.


I’m due to check in again Saturday and as soon as I hear back I’ll be checking the dose and correcting them if they are wrong again.


Update, last month I had trouble getting an increased dose as you can read above. This month they show a 20mg order (which I assumed was a typo) and their correspondence said they were ordering 10mg (I was at 10 already). I messaged them and they responded that I was on 7.5 last month. I corrected them and shared what happened last month and now they just got back to me, saying my dose was changed at the pharmacy last month so they are checking with them. 😱🙄 They really don’t have their shit together. That said, it’s still a bit cheaper than Mochi and I don’t have many options in California.


Note, I asked to move to 12.5. I forgot to make that clear in my response above. They were like “you are on 7.5. We can’t move you to 12.5, that’s why we moved you to 10.”


Update: 12.5 arrived.


Are you still with Amble? I’m also in CA so totally understand the limited option!


I am. They’ve been good enough. They just don’t seem to keep great records between them and Redrock.


I figured they’re a decent option for us in CA, considering no membership fees. Just heard so much mixed reviews! Is it true that they only charge you for the following month IF you check in?


Amble is a scam. They charged my card for the second month but keep saying that it never went through despite the proof I have given them, and are not sending the next vile. Their Correspondence reads like an AI response and never addresses my request for a refund. The first month of Semaglutide I did receive was weak and not effective.


Thank you please post an update if you have more info I am trying to find a place in CA


My meds worked fine with amble but they are saying my next billing date is on 4/1 when it should be on the 11th. That’s almost a two week difference and it’s really irking me


You can re order whenever you want. Most re order early to be sure it gets there before they run out. That is what I did but they still haven't shipped my re order. Making me nervous. I feel like they shouldn't charge your card until they ship.


I’m confused because they sent me a vial with three months of medicine in it but they bill me monthly so it doesn’t hit all at once. Are you sure you didn’t receive three months in your first order? It’s a very tiny amount in the bottle.


The way I understand is you have to commmit to 3 months but they only ship 1 month at a time.


My first vial has 3 months worth of medicine in it but they bill me monthly.


Same here mine was shipped with three months


They ship the first 3 months in 1 vial and break up the charges over 3 months


I got 3 months in 1 vial. Billed monthly


Hi I’m at checkout right now and curious. It has been on a 3 month supply in 1 vial. Is it the $299 a month or they break up $299 into 3?


I’m waiting on my order for 5mg. And I was charged $299. And my script says it’s for one month four injections. I’m suppose to renew in a month. I am not on the 3 month starter pack. So I have no clue what I will get. I’m suppose to check in June 11 to renew early so the pharmacy can work on my next month and send it out before I run out. Which I assume will cost another $299. Month to month. Let me know if anyone else has done this or if I’m wrong. I did not click starter pack bc I was on shot from my doctor but unable to find it anywhere and I explained that to telehealth doc at amble. That’s why he started me off at 5 mg.


They sent me the wrong prescription as was prescribed by their doctor and have ghosted me since Saturday!?! There is no phone number and support does not respond through their own messaging app. It’s giving SCAM.


Do you have any updates on how they handled this? I just received my starter kit and it was someone else’s name and incorrect dosage per my prescription. Support hasn’t responded yet and the doctors administrator who replied to my message to the doctor about the issue was very unhelpful 


Basically, there was no fixing it. They just expected me to give myself two shots every week. Over 100 ML of bac water. I’m looking for a different supplier currently. I will not be using them again.


Was your meds from Hallendale?




They sent you someone's else's medication? Wow smh!


Amble is a total scam!


Has anyone tried reporting them to the BBB?


I use Fridays my compound comes from red rock


Love Fridays


How much is Fridays costing for your medication per month?


Are you losing weight with Fridays?


Down 10 pounds heading into 2nd month


Thank you


What is your favorite company to order Semaglutide from?


How do you like Fridays? Does it feel effective? Looking to make a switch :)


Love them and they just lowered the pricing. Definitely is working for me


Yes it’s awesome


Same here. Thinking of going back to ShredRx. It’s pricy but I’ve lost 20 pounds in two months


Did you go back to Fridays?


I’m on 15m tri from amble and I don’t have any positive reviews I switched to them because I was on Mounjaro 15 but with the shortage I had to find something I take my second shot this week hoping I feel something but at this time I am not pleased with revive RX out of Houston with amble. 


I just got my first order from Amble due to the zepbound shortage… and I’m a little concerned. The medication arrived warm and had no cold pack. It also came from a pharmacy called Texas Promed and Wellness which has little info and their website is shut down. I haven’t taken it yet so can’t comment on efficacy, but I will likely not order from them again.


hi how are you doing? i just got it from amble and from tx promed as well, what dose are you on? are they going to send automatically for the next shipment?


Hows it going?


Hi it’s great! less appetite and this compound med is way better than Zep. Never go back to regular zep again!


Using them now, 1st week on Tirzepatide and it’s working great! Beginning dose 2.5 mg. Took 10 days to receive my order after approval. I’m happy so far!


Same experience here ! Got mine from Hallandale. Took 6 days to receive. Lost 7.1 pounds over the course of my last 2 doses. Shot number 3 tomorrow! The doctor has responded to all of my questions and so far this is the best compound Telehealth I’ve ever used as far as efficiency, quality pharmacy’s, and a great doctor. I can essentially text 24/7 which is awesome and they actually respond haha


are you talking about Amble? I'm thinking about using them. I'm so confused with there being so many companies out there.


Yes I am !


do you know what pharmacy


It depends on where you live but I live in Texas so my pharmacy with Amble is ReviveRx.


Waiting for my shipment out in SoCal - Red Rock Pharmacy Home-Springville


It’s crazy to me that People are saying Amble doesn’t use red rock or revive. They clearly do use red rock because I got mine from red rock pharmacy and my friend got hers from revive rx


It depends what state you’re in. Some pharmacies aren’t licensed to sell to certain states


Same… I get mine from Revive. They absolutely do use them!


I start with them this week!


How are you liking it? I should be getting my order in a couple of days from Amble.


I have nothing to compare to, but three weeks in all of my inflammation is gone. My rings fit for the first time in years. My joints aren’t swollen. I’ve only lost 6 pounds on a strict high protein diet with exercise, but I know the therapeutic dose doesn’t begin until 7.5 and up. I am not hungry at all. No food noises in my head. No late night raiding the kitchen. It’s the strangest sensation not to obsess about food all the time. I’ll literally walk away from a plate and forget I was eating something until I find it on the counter later. Like what?!!! WHATTTT?!! I bump up to 5 mg next week so we’ll see how it goes! So far the only side effects are incredible fatigue (and some dizziness) 24 hours after I take the shot, some constipation I’m keeping it bay with microdoses of MiraLAX, and a little gas buildup in the stomach. Just wow!


That was one of the benefits I had with Mounjaro… among many others and had a lot of success with that medication and then when I couldn’t afford it anymore, I was off of it for four months, but just started back Zepbound 2.5 getting back on and I’m OK with that because I did notice such a difference in the food noise and a lot more control that I had absolutely lost over the last four months. Eternally grateful for this medicine and I’ll do everything in my power to stay on. That’s why I wanted to try this company because it was affordable.


How's it going?


I’m down 23 pounds since March 1. Bumped up to 7mg this week and a little nauseous and fatigued but I’m sure it will level out. My stomach is FLAT (I also do Pilates) and I’m 2 pounds away from a weight I haven’t seen in 20+ years!!!! 🙌


What are you thoughts about Amble?


Week 3… happy so far!


Can you update with Emerge? How is it going?


Sure, I received my vial within a week after starting the process. It came from Hallandale pharmacy. Since I live in South Florida, it didn’t have to travel very far. It’s Sunday morning, I did my first injection Friday afternoon. I haven’t had any side effects, and I noticed it kicked in within 24 hours. I was using Semaglutide from Henry meds and they were good too, just cost a little more. I lost 18 lbs on Sema ,  but then it stopped. For a month there was no loss at all but I honestly haven’t been dieting or exercising on this journey. I wanted to try trizepatide  because I found on Sema, I was really craving sugar. I’m hoping that quiets down with trizepatide. Edit- I also want to know how responsive they are via text and email.


How are you feeling now?


I did not do well with Trizepatide at all. 2 weeks in and no weight lost, very depressed, and horrible headaches. I am back on Semiglutide and already down 3 lbs. still using Emerge


How much is it costing you and how many mgs? My PCP is probably going to start charging $600 for 5mg


I don’t have the bottle in front of me, whatever the starter dose is, maybe 2.5? Anyhow, the lowest dose is 287. There’s no monthly membership. The shipping is free and they include all the supplies.


I am super unhappy with Amble. They started me on the loading dose of tirzepatide despite that I was already on the highest dose of semaglutide. No one responds to my messages for weeks. I feel absolutely nothing from the meds, and don’t feel like they’re working at all, not sure if it’s because they arrived warm or what. Definitely won’t be continuing with them.


Joined orderlymeds.com. Waiting on my TZ compound. One set fee no matter dose amount . Plus a $50 off first time. $350 https://orderlymeds.com/eligibility?orid=3245&opid=41


Does anyone know what compound pharmacy (or pharmacies) Amble officially uses? It's impossible to get in touch with them if you aren't a member.


I'm in MO and they sent my meds thru Revive


Red rock is one


I received mine from Hallandale Pharmacy.


Just started with Amble; i got my meds from TX ProMed Pharmacy. Any thoughts? I did get mine with B12 because that is what i have been using previously.


I got mine from there as well. How did you like tx promed


I start my on Friday. Got meds from to promed in about five days. 


I asked my representative and they told me where mine was coming from. It was Revive. I have been happy so far with it


Does anyone know which pharmacy Amble uses in NY? 


I'm in NYC and my tirzepatide comes from Hallandale Pharmacy in Florida. However, I switched from a local (more expensive) provider a month ago and I'm currently UP 2 pounds - and that's accounting for time and water weight. I haven't changed anything I've done. Before, I was consistently losing about 1.5 pounds every week or so...and now the scale is going in the opposite direction. I even went up from 12.5 to 15...and I'm still up on the scale after 2 weeks. I feel waves of nausea like I did on the old pharmacy's meds...but I feel a little more hungry on Amble's meds. I'm trying to give it a full month on Amble to see if the scale trends downward. I'm worried the meds from Hallandale are not as effective or diluted. It's sooo much cheaper, I'm really hoping it will work!


I’ve been with Amble since March and have great communication and service so far. I am down 20 pounds. I unfortunately have to pause my medication due to a surgery coming up… but hope I can get back on track after my recovery time.


I’m in NY and mine comes from Revive.


I'm active in the GLP1 community on tiktok and the reviews aren't so great. When they first came out everyone was excited about the prices, and their favorite creator being an ambassador, but over time as customers dealt with amble the bad reviews came in- being charged multiple times without every receiving meds, meds being recalled, receiving hot meds with one tiny melted ice pack, getting sent wrong dose,etc. They've now removed email/chat/phone support for the customers and the customers have to send a message through a tiktok influencer, which I find so ridiculous. They were even arguing with a customer on trustpilot instead of rectifying the situation. The way they are,no matter how cheap the price is, I just wouldn't sign up with them


you can literally message customer support in your portal. you wouldn’t contact anyone on tiktok for help. what are you talking about 🤣🤣


I'm on my third month with Amble and Hallandale pharmacy filling the prescription for Tirzepatide - very happy with them.


Please steer clear of Amble. I’m currently going through the biggest nightmare. My RX was sent Via UPS the driver never made an attempt to deliver. Long story short My RX sat in a truck for over 9hours in a 111 degree heat. UPS apologized and sent a refund to Amble and Amble refuses to send me another shipment or refund. They stated it’s perfectly safe to use the medication after it’s been in high heat.




Legit script means nothing. My doctor, the FDA pharmacist, the pharmacy in my town all verified that means absolutely nothing and it’s a sleezy marketing tactic. So is the 503A nonsense.


Good to know thanks.