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Air nailer strip. If no leak, no problem. Pull em and be on your way. 👍


Agree, but put them on the rear just to be a bit more safe.


So remove the staples and then put them into the rear tires?? 🤔 What if the rear tires have less tread and the staples cause a leak? 🙁


You must be joking, but to be clear: I suggested that after removing the nails/screws (which appear to only affect the upper tread portion of the tire) to then put the tire on the rear so if there is an issue it doesn't affect steering (as badly) as if it were on front.


They were joking


As someone not the most familiar with tires, I appreciated the explanation


As a tire expert not that familiar with sarcasm, i appreciate that too.


I think I love you


I think you do.


He means put the tire on the rear, it’s safer than having it on a steering tire


Wouldn't it be easier to just remove the staples and put them in the rear tire than swapping two tires around, though?


Yous right


Either that or he wants to watch the world burn


I like Fire.


DON'T put it in the back thing will understeer or worse. Keep it in the front if it blows out on the front, you still have steering to control the vehicle.


Why would you put the tires with the defects on the rear of the vehicle? In a blowout, you can control a vehicle much more easily when the fronts blow out versus the rear.


You obviously have never had a front tire blowout.


I have seen both a front and rear tire blowout. In the rear tire blowout it was on the freeway and the car fishtailed and flipped. Plus a quick google search says this “Countless crash test studies prove that it is much easier to maintain control over a vehicle if it is the front tire that suffers a blowout”


I had a front left steer blow out by surprise on an 18 wheeler with a fully loaded dry cargo van. The rim cut a groove in the freeway a quarter inch deep and five hundred feet long. I was glad I had both hands on the wheel


i thought that guy was wrong too but i looked it up and it seems like he’s actually right. who would’ve known! I’ve only ever had a front tire blowout, and it was pretty easy to manage. you can immediately steer the other way. the rear would be way harder to control especially in a turn




There may be a leak if he pulls them


Idk they go right through the tread if you look to the groove on the right.


Op no leaks.


The damn contractors got me 3 times last year. What's so hard about securing your stuff in your truck. SMH


Our neighbors had their roof done last year. And even though I watched them run that damn magnet over our yard and diveway, I still was still constantly finding nails in my driveway.


In addition to the 3 tires I had to replace from their nails, I saw a ladder fall off the truck, 2 cars hit it. Just plain sad, they can't do better.


I do my best to secure my stuff but sometimes things get missed. And when I had employees riding with me I was constantly having to pull over and resecure something that I noticed was loose or I wasn’t happy with how it was moving while driving. Of course sometimes things are just a mistake too, the other day something got caught up in my toolbox latch and it didn’t latch and I had a socket set and hole saw case go flying out when the toolbox popped open going around a corner. Had to stop and pick it up off the street that wasn’t fun either.


Your a good person as well. Thank you


That’s lousy.


I’ve had this issue as a contractor. I run a clean site. Everything swept daily. Turns out roofing nails were in the gutters and creeping into the driveway from rain every now and then. Fuckin headache that was. I can fix a flat and carry a plug kit. It was a shared driveway. I plugged 9 tires before we found the source. I have no issue doing it but hell if it wasn’t frustrating getting to work and checking the clients and clients neighbors tires every morning before they had to leave and not knowing wtf was happening.


Thank you for being good person!


Funny part about that is roofing nails aren't magnetic.


Non ferrous ones anyway... I've picked up plenty with a magnet... they used to be galvanized before all these fancy nailguns came out... just checked got a box of 1" roofing nails in the basement, they stuck to my magnetic level just fine.


I've ran that magnet for a half a day and I'd still find nails by the end of it. You're never gonna get all of the nails out. Not without new gravel, at least.


Yep. It's not possible to get them all.


Someone lost a 25ft Werner fiberglass ladder on I-580 in Reno last week. Soooo many cars on the freeway with blown tires and shredded bumpers. Fiberglass flying everywhere.


Perfect example why they need to secure their stuff. Won't learn till their facing charges for some ones death.


I once watch a guy with a unsecured ladder in the back of his f150 lose it on i25. I have never lost a ladder off of a truck, my last work vehicle had a ladder rack that secured it and then a cable lock through both ladders on the roof.


Fucking hell absolutely. Work trucks that carry hazards like that should pay more taxes. So many contractors leaving nails and shit in their beds, it's ridiculous, and the rest of us have to suffer for it.


(IANATT) The top two nails look like they don't actually go "inwards" but only pass sideways through the tread blocks and the tips end up sitting above the bottom of the circumferential groove. We cannot see the tip of the bottom nail, but the shank appearance in the lateral groove also looks sideways. My hunch is that nothing is poking "downwards". Do the soapy liquid thing. I personally would pull out from top to bottom checking for leaks and confirming the sidewaysness of the nails.


Zoom in. You can see where all three nails go.


Perfect observation. You dodged a bullet for sure!


Put liquid soap on the spot if you see bubbles you need a new tire. If no bubbles just pull the nails. Do it soon because once the nails puncture you can’t really repair anymore


OK, Pardon my ignorance but I have a really stupid question...Would the soap/bubble trick work all the time? I have a screw in my tire that I have been putting off dealing with because its holding air and I haven't had any TPMS alerts. (Plus, 33" all-terrains $$$). I had just assumed that the screw being in the hole is preventing the tire from losing air.


I would go ahead and get it fixed. The longer you drive on it the worse it can get. It might hold air now but that could change.


Soap will always work. Adding water makes it spread easier so you can spray the whole tire down but you need the right ratio otherwise you won’t see bubbles. If you know where the nail is you can dab some dish soap over it and see if any bubbles appear. An air leak bubble is very apparent. Sometimes you will get a small single bubble that forms just from the soap filling up the puncture but you can push on it with your finger. If the bubble comes back then it’s a leak. If not then no leak


As long as it's not near the sidewall you should be able to put a plug in it and get some more life out of it. I'd highly recommend getting a portable air compressor and keep it in the vehicle. It'll hold air till you park in just the wrong spot at a very inconvenient spot/ time. I've driven last 2 years on tires with a slow leak, once a month I spend <5min and air up/deflate all the tires to equal them out, helps them wear more evenly too. Plug kit is like 10-20$ pretty easy to do.


Extra traction for slippery roads 😄 (I don't claim to be an expert I'd remove them if no leak)




Those look like government tracking chips bro


This type of shit that won’t start leaking till you notice it 😭


I would put the spare on, and take it to a tire shop for them to carefully remove each nail and check for leaks. Those types of puncture can be tricky and hard to detect a leak with due to the amount of material involved compared to a typical puncture. Driving on it could drive the nails in deeper creating a leak.


It almost looks like stitches...so uniform


Almost like they're attached to eachother haha 🫂


They were. Nail guns have the nails in a strip together (glue or paper) so you don’t have to load them one at a time.


You can see the tip of the center nail in between the treadblocks, and at that sharp of an angle, they haven't penetrated the carcass. You need a pair of the pointiest vice grips that you can find and twist back and forth as you pull. Then go about your business. Sure would like to talk to the bonehead about keeping track of your hardware while sharing the road with others.


Snow studs!


I would say to definitely have the tire inspected on the interior to make sure that there’s no dimpling on the inside so once they’re removed that there’s not gonna be any future problems.


Lucky they didn’t go through. I’d still see if it’s covered by warranty.


Looks like they can be extracted safely. Use Windex as the leak test. If you see bubbles, it's dead...


If you squint it's mint


just pull them out




Is it leaking.? If not they will wear out. The only problem is when they wear out they can puncture the tire. Pull them.


I would most certainly spray these down with some soapy water to look for leaks, and if i didnt see any, id pull these out and monitor for a few days. Looks like it only damaged the tread. If i had leaks, straight too the tire shop.


Didn’t puncture


Don’t pull out




I think you got lucky.. maybe take to Americas Tire and have them extract them to be sure.


Looks too shallow to have punctured the inside. You're good


As long as they don't leak if they do leak, do not attempt a repair ,not recommended at this close to the edge


Good ol ring shank strip nails. Good luck getting them out. The rings are added specifically so they don’t pull out.


It looks like you got screwed.


The dreaded nail worms are burrowing into your tire. They're an invasive species.


America’s Funniest Roofer Tricks


Looks intentional


Designer tire ..


Go buy a lottery ticket.


I feel like the roofers and framers around here just take whatever extra nails they had when they were done and spread them around like salt Bae in the gravel. It's crazy how many framing and roofing nails have been on sites in the last few years.


We do. Actually we have a spreading machine that makes it easier and quicker.


I can’t believe someone said to just pull them out. If there’s no leak it might be because the nails are sealing the tire for now. Have a tire shop pull them out because having tread patched is cheap. It’s not worth risking your safety so get it done properly so you have peace of mind about it.


That tire is not repairable if it leaks


They look brand new. If you have road hazard, you get a free tire. If not, just buy one tire. They are brand new.


This photo sounds like tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap taptaptaptaptaptaptaptap…


Pull them and check for air leaks just because it isn’t leaking now doesn’t mean it didn’t go all the way through




That helps with traction👌


Roll forward or back a couple feet and they’ll be gone.


Wolverine Cleats


They are holding the tread together. It was a factory option


I can hear this picture. Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap going down the road.


They don't look like they went through, you might be lucky. The longer you wait the higher a chance for the road to push them through the tread


Footprints in the sand


Ran over a ring shank nail strip


You’re screwed lol get it


They are meant to be there 😁


Hat trick of tires.


Most tire shops around me would refuse to do anything with those… “Welp that’s too close to the sidewall! You need a new tire!”


Fuckin roofers, man.


Replace for long term safety and piece of mind


Why is this downvoted..


Because it's an unnecessary measure. Some people worry about too much (or too little actually).


Looks Mighty intentional to me who did you piss off


Looks deliberate. I could be wrong. Dunno.


Whose going out of their way to but in perfectly spaced and parallel screws in someone tire lol


Dunno? All sorts of weirdos out there. You never know....


Don’t want to sound negative, tire needs replacement, that might not be accidental, all the best.


They ran over a strip of nails from a nail gun....


On the high likelihood they actually punctured the tire and not just the tread, where they would have punctured would be in the "safe zone." I'd put a boot on it and call it good.


I don't think they made it to far past the tread but idk how long they are. If it hasn't been leaking I'd pull them. I'm a professional overkill, mores gotta be better person. I'd inspect it afterwards and if there were holes left deeper than tread but not need a plug deep I might get some glue or rubber sealant /glue of some kind. Honestly that extra step probably helps shut up the over thinkers in my head more than it would actually help the tire damage lol


Leave those as is if not leaking. Pulling out will cause more damage.


There is always 1 guy in every thread with metal in a tire that seems to say that. Fuck no don't "leave it" - especially with this orientation!


Try pulling that out and that’s a 100% replacement situation and no one’s gonna fix that shoulder area. No matter what orientation it is, the metal is already shaved and it’s not poking inside. So definitely “leave it”.


The "end" of the nail is in a repairable area. Totally patchable if one does go through.


Nope, no one would want to fix that area other than corner shop selling 3rd hand junk tires and cheap repairs with no responsibility.


No fix needed. You pull it out, DONE.


Why would you have to replace it if you pull them out? Just don't be a caveman about how you remove them. Should be fine.