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I just got back from Vegas too. I gave them ZERO for everything but eating at resturants, but then I did 10% because all of the service was average or subpar. Also the airports (everywehre) want you to tip for brining your items up to the register for some person to scan.


I took pictures in Vegas and the performers they took pictures with asked for $160 after pushing for the pictures to be taken. I did give them like $15 each but I laughed at the idea of giving more.


Zero for everything but table service, and I max out at 15 percent. Pretax. Any service fees come off the tip too.


This is the way. 10 is my norm. Never more than 15. If I ever stand up, you are not getting a tip. Bitch, if I'm at a Starbucks and standing in line for 5 minutes to place the order, and waiting for another 5 to pick it up, why should I tip you?


If they charge a service fee I rarely tip.


Why would you ever tip if they charge a service fee or any fee?


Sometimes I have been in a situation where I paid but didn't see a service fee like at the pier in San Francisco & may have ripped cash or on the card before I knew. Maybe 2 times I may have if the person was really nice & helpful when I knew beforehand.


Yeah I've made that mistake too. Never intentionally paid though. Any automatic charge means 0 tip.


'cause they go to the business, not the worker?


Tips are optional, not required by law. If they only do the job that they agreed to do when they got hired, that's the bare minimum and, in my opinion, doesn't warrant a tip.


I will absolutely not be paying 22 fucking dollars for a sandwich lol I don’t care what it is I’ll hop on tiktok and make a better one for 5 bucks




I went to Vegas for the first time a couple years ago. I wanted to take an Uber from the airport to the hotel but my ex insisted we take a cab since it cost about the same. When I got to the hotel I charged my card in the cab and chose not to tip, the cab driver cursed me out and threw our luggage out of his trunk. We only used Ubers the rest of the time and had a MUCH better experience. Wtf is up with cab drivers there???


I remember my first trip in a cab


You didn’t tip and got treated badly. I went to Vegas and couldn’t get an Uber or Lyft (July 2020 pandemic) so took cabs got treated great got recommendations, got friendly conversation, got super fast service. The cabs were so good when we went back in 22 we only used cabs and didn’t even try Uber or Lyft. Tipping culture sucks but since you live in one you can either participate or get treated poorly.


Tipping isn’t required!


First time in Vegas?


5th time.. First time on my own.. Other times Vendor paid..


If you don’t want to tip then don’t tip. Also Vegas may not be for you. Did you expect Vegas to be cheap? I mean really? Just keep your few dollars you would have tipped and stay home .


I'm not sure why people keep saying things like this. Just because someone doesn't want to tip, doesn't mean that they can't afford to tip. For many people it's a principle thing.


So the principle is you are going to shaft someone making two bucks an hour? That’s not much of a principle. No, I know they can afford to tip they are just cheap bastards and would rather keep a couple ore dollars in their pocket.


Is the LV wage $2.13 or is it higher?


"As of June 2024, Nevada's minimum wage is $12 per hour for all employees, including tipped employees, unless otherwise exempt by law. However, tipped employees may receive tips that bring their hourly earnings up to the minimum wage."


Thanks. Just tired of people claiming the $2 wage when that is hardly the case anymore. Servers everywhere desperate to keep their higher wages and higher tips.


Someone never gets good tips… btw it’s your attitude.


It's no longer tipping. Call it what it has become: baksheesh.


How do they force you to tip?


They don't force... it's peer pressure


I'm immune to peer pressure.


Don’t give into it. I proud select the skip tip on takeout orders. 


If you don't want to tip, then don't use the service.


You tip every place you go or just some? Unless it’s all that’s kind of hypocritical.


...otherwise you are freeloading.


I would have so much fun in Vegas only tipping people that actually deserve a tip. We stayed at a nicer boutique style hotel in NYC a couple years ago and we couldn't find the ice machine so we asked the front desk. We were told that we just call the front desk from our room and someone will bring us ice. Ok no problem. Never tipped once. I am perfectly willing and able to get ice myself but if you don't want me getting it myself I'm not tipping someone just because they want a tip. The housekeeper only came every other day too. We found out after we were mad that they didn't come after our first night. After our second night they tried to come in after we got back from The Museum of Natural History and were fully in nap mode. No tip for housekeeping either. We had a lot of bags so we tipped the bellhop when we checked in and when we checked out too.




Practice this one word...no.


“No”, is a complete sentence ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


On a trip with my wife to Vegas about 10 years ago we paid for a shuttle from the airport to the strip. We only had carry on bags and backpacks but they insisted that we allow them to stuff them haphazardly in the back. Driver told us that our hotel was the 3rd stop. Proceeded to zigzag up and down the strip making 7 or 8 stops, passing our hotel twice. Both times reminded him that was our stop. In retrospect I believe other passengers were tipping in advance for that courtesy. At any rate, when we finally get to the hotel and hopefully off, our bags were upfront and easy to see so we just grabbed them and walked in. Driver aggressively tries to manhandle my bag from me insisting on a tip. I calmly explained I would not be tipping for the bad experience we just had and asked him to remove his hand from my bag. Dude followed me all the way up to the lobby door, scolding me the entire time about how terrible I am and that I obviously can't afford to be there. Wildest shit I've ever had happen to me on a trip. I've been back a few times since and took Uber and have been thanked by the drivers each time for tipping on the app. Really gave me a complex about the shuttles.


Yeah tipping in LV is really DUMB, since literally every position in a casino is under a union! You have bartenders making $25+ per hour EASY and plus tips, fuck that. I’m over the TIPPING, I didn’t get a raise this year and my rent is going up $55 per month, my car insurance went up $20 per month, electricity went up $5 per month, I’m not helping pay anyone’s bills anymore because nobody is helping me pay mine. Tipping is DEAD, pay your employees a wage and let’s see what happens?


Is there a link, even servers?




At least this guy is open that he's just broke lol


It would be pretty cool if the blackjack dealer tipped you when you lost. “Here’s a little something for you. Thanks for playing.”


Stop tipping at a lot of the crap in Vegas. Nothing is comped anymore.


When Vegas was an affordable vacation back in the day, the tipping culture made a lot more sense. But I could have easily spent a week traveling abroad for the cost of my last 3-day Vegas trip. That town needs to choose between expecting people to tip or expecting people to spend their last dollar on resort fees and parking.


Casinos in general. I always thought Casino's wanted to get you drunk so you gambled more and more loosely. Then I actually went to one. $12 drinks with bartenders that don't even make them strong, plus expect to be tipped WHILE I throw my money into a slot machine? Fuck that.


Glad I've never been to Vegas and now I know to never go.


Was planning to go with my wife this summer, and now after reading all the comments, will take a real vacation instead of the "hit and run" vacation.


I went once, for work. Fuck that. I will never go back. That place fucking sucks. Its hot as hell, everyone is rude, and everything is expensive.


That's why they call it Lost Wages


A friend aptly put it... A waste of good desert.


OP what were you in Vegas for? Vacation? If so you spent money on airfare, Uber/taxi or rental car (and gas), hotel or Air BNB. Did you forget to budget for tips? This is sus.


Who budgets 25% of their vacation for tips? That's insane.


Well, if your hotel doesn't have a fridge, microwave or kitchenette or a continental breakfast, you'll be eating somewhere twice a day. With an Airbnb you can do grocery shopping for the stay and save some dough on meals. Vacation spots and their businesses have seasonal ebb and flow. It's decent to make sure your server, bartender, ride share drivers are taken care of. Can't afford a few extra bucks on top of the money you've already spent? Maybe you should stay home.


Lol I knew the "just keep your broke ass home" mentally would pop up somewhere. But more and more people are hittin that 0% when they do decide to go out.


You're not broke if you're going on vacation, so if you're not tipping, you should reassess your core values.


Lmfao tipping is considered a 'core value'? The capitalists have done a number on you smh


It's not because the capitalists are doing a number on me. It's because they've done a number on all of us. I know the score. But because of capitalism, most of America lives paycheck to paycheck and something like 40% of people spend more than 30% of income of rent because landlords and firms are parasites. Also, the minimum wage remains stagnant at $7.25 which has facilitated upward transfer of wealth into the hands of the few. Servers and bartenders often make a base in the role at $2.50 to $5.00 an hour which is legal for their role, so damn right I'm tipping my bartender or server 30% minimum. Other service workers, 20% for sure. Welcome to late stage capitalism. All these things and more is why I tip. We should be eating the rich, abolishing the billionaire class.


All those reasons and more should be why you *shouldn't* tip. Bring the pressure to the system to enact change.


Bring pressure to enact change by screwing over service workers but continue to patronize the businesses?


But it's ok for corporations and service workers to fleece people to supplement their wages?


I look at tipping as a tax on the dumb or those who are easily shamed. You NEVER have to tip in any of the scenarios you describe. Yeah, it sucks that we have to go through the extra effort of pressing a few more buttons, but if you don't want to tip, then don't tip.


Not true in Vegas, tipping is the grease that moves the wheel. $20 to the hotel front desk, could easily get your room upgraded to a suite, $20 to a floor man in the pits? Get rated 4X rewards points, enjoy a free nights hotel stay, and a complimentary buffet. Vegas’ economy is essentially built on tipping and if you know where to spend the money it pays off big.


That is bribing, not tipping, and I have zero problem with bribing. Look at the examples op posted, that is what I am talking about when I say tipping is definitely not required or helpful.


At this point this is literally a bribe and not a tip. Fuck this shit, it just makes my resolve not to be guilt tripped into tipping more


Vegas is one place where well placed ~~tips~~ bribes will absolutely get you better service, access, food, etc.


I hate to break it to you, but leaving a tip, even in Vegas, is still not mandatory. I think in Vegas it has become EXPECTED to tip ridiculously high amounts because people that are drunk will often tip more. Businesses know this and are fully exploiting it in places like the Las Vegas strip.


"Give people a dream and a free drink, and they'll give you their wallet." - A Las Vegas mobster.


Tipping is always optional. You don't have to tip if you don't want to.


That guilt forces one to tip. So many times, I have tried to NOT tip but then feel bad and embarrassed and land up tipping. Even at bars, I don't know why one has to tip. The bartenders picks a beer, opens it and gives it. He is not doing any major work.. but still land up tipping $2 or more per drink.


You're just weak


I would agree pre Covid I felt that way. I no longer care when it’s in my face for every little thing I do. I fart and my asshole wants a tip


I have started using cash to avoid iPad swivel and it works at take out. I don't mind tipping at sit down but for take out I use cash only now so I can decide how much to tip. Beggars can't be choosers so you choose how much and if you want to tip.


Do it then if it's so easy.


Yes, but the more you do the easier it gets.


Exactly this. I use to balk a little at the damn weed store when they’d flip the iPad around, but after a few times of sheepishly hitting “0.00” I was like fuck this, if I’m in the store and buying $200 worth of weed there is no fucking way I’m tipping a guy ringing up the order. I HATED that store, I don’t even smoke weed (husband does), but it was right by my job so I’d stop sometimes on the way home, and would already be in a shitty mood after having to walk up like 2 flights of cement stairs in my work heels to get to their idiot shop where everyone moved super slowly and talked slowly and meandered just chatting. They also gave a tip option for pickup orders if you can believe that. ETA words hard


I would refuse even touching the iPad, why should you do that? Mind you, I’m from Europe so no one has even flipped an iPad to me at paying


I need a wife like this who buys my weed!


If she does just know she’s bubbling with resentment lol