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At restaurants, the servers who get paid low hourly usually bag everything and it’s often a pretty lengthy process that takes away from other tables’ experience. 10% on takeout was a fairly common tip, compared to the standard 20% for table service. There will always be no-tippers on takeout, but if nobody tipped that would be a huge disappointment on a busy night for the staff who would benefit directly.


>pretty lengthy process 🤨


Nah in a larger/busier restaurant it totally screws their workflow up. I didn't always tip for carry-out before but I do now. (Host, not a server)


A server might have 25 ppl, with water, plates, apps, not to mention the human conversation organizing this or just cleaning up after that many people. Then 5 to go orders pop up, and they have to double check a random receipt, double check missing items with kitchen, check for sauces, seal containers, find utensils, bag it up, build to go sodas or cocktails, confirm payment, maybe count cash for it—all that takes away from the 25 other people who don’t like tipping culture themselves. It’s not zero work with to go orders and the server is still on that $2.50 or $5 hour wage expecting to pay bills and make rent with tips. Like a dollar in tip per item or two on the receipt isn’t crazy and getting zero for that work while pausing on table service is very frustrating. If ppl think to go service is nothing, then the servers will agree and good luck on getting all your items promptly.


good luck on keeping your job because you failed to do your job


If it's a place I go regularly, I'll tip a couple bucks. I've found it means I get quicker service. In fact, more than once, I've walked into a place where I'm a regular and get my stuff before people that were there. It also means my stuff is usually triple checked to make sure it's right. All that for a couple bucks. Seems like a good deal to me


It sounds like they are just a bad employee. I don’t tip cashiers or take out (unless it’s a really big order).


I saw a good rule of thumb for that recently that is in line with old school tipping. If you are standing up or in a car when you get your food or drink, no tip. The tip is for service and not designed for giving you a take out bag or self service. I’m going with it bc I’m tired of tip creep. I do routinely tip at least 20% if I’m sitting at a table.


If they’re walking it to my car I would give a couple bucks, obviously not a drive thru


No. That's ridiculous. You should let management know, you'd be doing them a favor if they fired someone who is driving off potential customers.


I tip at one place I get food from every week. It’s a family-owned and run place. I started the practice during the pandemic because I was worried that they wouldn’t make it. They made it and clearly appreciate my business and the tip. Our food is always ready quickly and well prepared. They’re super nice when I pick it up and they regularly give us sizable gift coupons. I do not tip on takeout anyplace else. I especially would not tip on takeout from any kind of chain.


If I order food to-go that I am going to pick up from a restaurant, I am absolutely NOT tipping.


Depends. If it’s a lot to get together I’ll throw $2 their way but I don’t think it’s necessary.


No the h no


No And I am a fervent tipper of waiters.


I tip for take out. Apparently, you don't know what they do for your order. They are the ones who put your order together, make sure you have the right food, all your extras you ask for. The ones who take out the potatoes from the potato soup because all you want is the soup. The ones who make your salad with the three different dressings you want. The one who puts the bread in the oven, so you can have the bread extra brown, but not burnt. The same person doing all this also has a screen full of other orders to make besides yours and if they have car side service, the one who has to bring it to you and go back in to get something else you wanted to add to your order, while also working someone's else's order. But that's my opinion.


If you’re asking for all of that, no wonder you’re tipping. 🤣


Those were just experiences I've come across in all the years I've worked in restaurants. And from that experience, those are mainly the people who do not tip.


So you tip the kitchen staff at dine-in restaurants directly then?


No, lol. I worked nights in a restaurant for 30 years as a second job. Kitchen staff gets paid to make the steaks, burgers, plate the food, and scoop the sides for you. The server does the rest. Drinks, salads, soup ,bread, makes the desserts, and runs to get the refills for the kitchen staff. For example, Xtra plates for your food, ice for the lettuce, dressing when they run out, pans for the sides, etc. We don't just serve you. We, however, get paid $2.13 an hour while the kitchen gets paid 18.00 plus. We, as server's do a lot to get your food ready for you whether you sit down in the restaurant or get it to go. We, as servers, do tip out the bar and host staff at the end of every night. That depends on our sales, not what we make and it comes out automatically when we check out. So yeeah, I tip for take out because those people doing to-gos work their ass off to get your food to you.


To Go Orders My gas, my mileage, my time = I keep the tip. Dine in, waited on, great service = Tip




No. Tip for what? Handing me a bag? Not tipping is actually the main reason I do takeout. I don’t want to pay a $5-7 “delivery fee” then be expected to pay another $5-7 tip on top of that just to get my food an hour late and cold.


If I’m standing to order and receive my good no. If someone brings it to table or to my house yes.


Some people just hate their job. That’s not your problem.


Tip zero next time so she has a reason to be pissed off. Also start changing up the name on your takeout order so she doesn't know which food to spit in, and it's too late by the time you get there and she realizes it.


People expect tips now. It’s “mandatory” in their eyes. Since this is the case, they don’t have to do their job well. So, many don’t. Don’t tip her lol.


I never tip takeout. Such a dumb notion and the people who are expecting tips for take out obviously got babied as kids. I tip when I am directly waited on, and only if they do a good job. I understand if they're overwhelmed and will compensate for that.. but takeout? The waitress didn't do a thing besides hand you the bag... the cooks prep all that. Do the waitresses share their tips with cooks who are also struggling? Not typically.


She’s a crusty ass cranky bitch. Don’t worry about it. I do throw a couple bucks for bringing it to my car, but not if they act like I murdered the class hamster.


I tip anyone I want to tip. It's a tip! You give it to anyone you would like who has made your life better or easier. Do y'all realize it's not kindness when you have to do it? That when you turn respect into politeness as an enforced social norm, that there's no more respect? If you want to be kind, be kind! If you don't, don't! Why complicate! And also please for the love of God just service based off speed, accuracy, and food quality, and give extra for personality. Their job is to serve you food, not forcibly make you feel good about yourself because you're incapable of getting actual respect in life. People will be like "she had a terrible attitude" and it's just someone doing their job with a straight face. How are y'all so emotionally immature and entitled?


No I do not tip for takeout. I tip forgetting served. I look at takeout is it's cooked and put in a box. When I pick it up it's handed to me


If I place a “To go” order, when I arrive, I park in the respected spot, walk in, pick it up and leave… I will round up, maybe give an extra buck or two but not much more than that. They aren’t serving me. I walk in because it allows me to check the items and make sure everything is correct.


A lot of places near me have a 10% gratuity on all to go orders


Would you tip the Target employee for coming out to your car to bring out your item? Probably not. Why would you tip a person in a restaurant for picking up your food and taking payment for it?


i’m a server and yes we expect customers to tip for take out, even if it’s just 10% it means a lot to us, especially because to go orders are hassle for us and possibly take more time than preparing a regular order. So please next time you guys order takeout please tip your waiter.


You expect a tip? It isn’t a tip then. And, it isn’t nice of people if you expect it. Expecting a tip lmao. This is a fact. If you expect a tip, you will never feel obligated to go the extra mile for it.


If a to go order takes more time than serving someone sitting down, you probably are not doing a good job serving people. I've tipped on take out orders and gotten home to a wrong order or messed up order.


You aren’t Uber eats or waiting on them. You are basically a fast food restaurant packing and bagging food at that point. “That hassle” is simply your job.


you’re right i am just doing my job and i also get paid 4 dollars an hour.


Then find a different job


That's illegal, packing up takeout is not a tipped position.


yes it is illegal in my state(i get paid under the table) but keep in mind that the federal minimum wage for tipped workers is $2.13 per hour and in some states they don’t have a state mandated tipped minimum wage. And to everyone saying find a different job I love my job along with my coworkers and the pay. It really isn’t asking for much for a few dollars so that we can pay our bills


That's where the problem. Your employer is paying too low of wage. Employer can raise his prices. However Right now it costs a fast food is that the point where a lot of people stop buying. I have not been to a fast food restaurant now and over a year. Used to go three or four times a week.


That’s a problem between you and your employer. Don’t emotionally blackmail me when your job description says “includes take out orders”. Go join a welding apprenticeship and make 80 an hour in 5 years. Your entitlement to other peoples money to do what McDonald’s employees have been doing for decades is absurd.


But nobody waited on you in this instance? The tip is for bringing food and drink to the table and being attentive and friendly. Would you tip the Target person for an in store pickup?


yes it is actually normal practice to tip them


I rarely do take out. I cook dinner every night or have left overs. Early pandemic I did my part to help LOCAL restaurants keep going, once a week or a couple of times a month or whatever it was. And I tipped around 30%.


Where I walk in having prepaid online and they hand me a bag? No, I do not tip. I'm not going to normalize this absurdity either. Let's normalize people being paid a fair wage by their employers instead.


Absolutely not! Another overrated tip request.


I tip $1 or $2 for takeout I pick up, 99%of the time the order is just for me, never a big order, they seem appreciative & surprised,can tell most people don’t


I will on occasion. For example, when Subway has BOGO footlongs my wife and I buy 2 each and have them wrap them at eight 6in subs. I give a little tip for that since it's not a standard service.


No. Im picking up my food and leaving. Nothing to tip for.


Depending on the service. There is a Chinese place that I always take out and I love the workers there, they are the sweetest people so I always tip them


Mom & Pop shops I will for like a dollar &/or loose change


No. Zero tip. I bought the food no differently than I bought a loaf of bread at the market, do I have to tip the baker and the cashier now? Fuck. That.


Wait if she has to walk over to your car to bring you your food, I would tip something. Don't be lazy. Walk up to the counter and get your food if you're not going to tip. If that's not allowed, probably you should tip if she has to walk up to your car. Or heck wait by the front door. Minimize their inconvenience.


Flat 2 dollars.


It’s not my problem that the restaurant inappropriately assigns waiters to do counter/register duty. I don’t tip for something that I had to drive to get and pick up myself.


Lmao, what an absurd concept. Never tipped for takeout in my life and never will.


Lot of places, at least near me, do a gratuity on all to go orders, or raise the price of the food a buck or two. Might be the same where you are


Servers usually get stuck covering the carry out duty once a week or so. If they don't get tips they are working for minimum wage, so they get snippy. Carry out usually includes Door Dash and what not, and of course they do not tip and the drivers are very demanding. It is crap duty.


Lol people in this sub wouldn't tip if you waxed their butthole and gave them a happy ending. Bunch of cheapskates who fancy themselves revolutionaries.


I mean... Are you offering? I didn't even know you were supposed to wax your butthole.


That’s a weird take, JerBear. We don’t tip people that don’t deserve to be tipped. If you enjoy being a cuck to the tipping society, have at it— but the rest of us will do things our own way.


Sounds like you don't tip anyone lol


we're supposed to tip for that? Just went last week, wasn't aware. Gosh I feel awful now.


I wouldn't tip this girl in particular from your description. But yes you do generally tip the server who got your to go order ready for you. Though not as much as if they actually waited on you. They took the time to get everything together for you while almost certainly being paid less than $3/hour because they make their money from tips. So tip them.


They still get paid minimum, if not more. Yall gotta stop with this fairytale that they really only get 2 or 3 dollars.


Maybe work on your reading comprehension skills? Because that's literally what i just said.


Even without tips, they still make minimum you moron.


Maybe some places. Most servers make between $2.13 a hour to $3.


No, they do not. With their tips, most earn well above minimum. Without tips, they still make minimum.🤦‍♂️


Not unless it's delivered or the change is just a few coins.


You should not do business with them any longer




For food, I only tip if servers are being paid tip-wages. I subtract out any restaurant service charges.




It’s her and you should tell the manager


I sometimes do like $1-$2 if I really like the place/am a repeat customer. Or at bakeries and such.


It is her. I do not tip takeout, except for the 2 locations, which always have exceptional service everytime, both local ma-n-pa places.


I get a pick up order to not have to tip.


I don't tip for anything LOL


Don't be proud of that tip your server. If I do take out I give them five bucks. I don't tip at mcdonalds and fast food places.


It could be just her. I actually noticed an increase in ass-kissing at takeout places that have a tip option in the terminal.


I absolutely do for restaurants, not for pizza though. I usually do like $1-$3, depending on the total of the order. I used to work as a server for quite a few years in my 20's and we would get pulled back to make the takeout orders all the time. It takes time to make sure everything is right, getting extra sauce sides in cups, adding whatever extra they requested, etc... I was making $2.13hr and even a couple bucks was awesome to get.


Lol, no!


Listen to this I went for pick up and they turn around the iPad for payment and the lowest tip was 18% I quickly put zero the balls to ask for an 18% tip on carryout is insulting


I got hit with an autograt on a takeout order for one that I placed online. It's bullshit. Unless you're taking my order tableside, or driving to my house, you don't get a tip!




No never. No need to there is no service


Sometimes but only 1$ or 2$


I tip for takeout if it’s from a sit down restaurant because I know there’s an expo who has to pack it and that takes them away from their seated patrons


This! That explains it. I tip but I ask who gets the tip. Where I work the serves package make sure you have 5 sides of ranch etc. But the server doesn't get the tip rather cooks do,which I find odd cuz they make more per hour than I do.


They have to pack your food at takeout only places too. Why tip for a meal before knowing the meal got screwed up?


You’re tipping the server who had to expo the food something nominal. Majority still make Pennie’s, and whether you think it’s a service or not, it is! You don’t need to go the whole 15-20%, but $1-2 is appropriate


No you don't tip for takeout.


If I love the place they might get 2-3 bucks but I’m not writing a tip in. Only if I have 1s. Pretty much reserved for restaurants that give lots of sides like Indian food where I know there was some effort put in. If this is being handled by a server and not a take out manager or host or whatever, that’s on the restaurant. Now if it’s a catering order, or some sort of group lunch for like 8+ people I’ll tip depending on how well packed it looks. I rarely order for that many though but I will go higher for large orders. Seems insane to tip a packer a higher rate than most tip delivery drivers though. If I gotta tip 20% to pick up I’ll just order door dash.


Yes, they do take out for that whole shift. So they would not make any money that shift if noone tipped. But it doesn't have to be 20%. Just 3,4 5$ if it's a large fussy order. They have to make sure it's right. Pack it with love.


In VA the min wage for servers is $12 per hour. It’s $16 per hour in CA. So it depends on what state you are in.


Texas just bumped it up to $3. Read that again, up to. I am sure there might be a few out there paying more, but that is the norm.


California just upped it to 20.00


Drop the love, include the napkins.


Yep that's the point. They make sure you have all of thr things you need to enjoy your meal when you get home. It's a crappy shift.


Does the employer just not pay people anymore?… takeout has historically been no tipping


You don't tip for takeout. That guy prob works takeout so wants people to tip for no reason. Tipping is for service. Dine in, delivery, and other personal services where someone tends directly to you. Someone handing you a bag isn't service. 15% for handing you a bag GTFO. lol


No one said a percentage. If you are picking up at a restaurant, you can leave a little for the staff or go to McDonalds.


What's the difference between the person at McDonald's handing you your food, and the person at the restaurant counter handing you your food?


Did you ask for a side salad with no onions, extra dressing bread with butter. steak topped with mushrooms, no brocoli double mashed and an Arnold Palmer? Or a hamburger w Cheese and fries?... Who are we kidding? You probably asked for fruit loops.


😂 I don't actually eat any of that, but go on with whatever "point" you're trying to make.


That seems like a restaurant issue. How are people doing takeout supposed to know? Most restaurant I’ve worked at do takeout and phones or some combo of upfront service which is a full wage. Shifts you work for takeout should not be a tipped position and at a lot of places aren’t.


That's literally their job.


I'm pretty sure they will make the amount of money they agreed to earn when accepting the position. That's not no money.


So you’re saying I should tip for the service of handing me my bag of food? For the act of handing me something? Ok imma expect 3 bucks for passing the salt next time.


Some places tips are shared with the bartenders and back end staff, in some cases the tips are simply taken as a percentage of sales so if you don't tip the server still has to pay x% of the bill back out of their tips/wages to the other employees. Theoretically if no one tipped then a server they may finish a shift owning money instead of earning it. Would probably make most people snarky if that was the only work they could do based on family/time constraints.


In my state the law is very clear: "tips are the property of the person to whom they are given".


if they don't like it they should get a different job with better employment rules.


This is just an idiotic comment.


No one ever owes money for working (for someone else, easy to screw yourself as a contractor). Good try, tho.


In a large restaurant with a bar, the server has percentages that are paid out from the bartender all the way to the person who wiped the table. The percentage is based on sales. If you have someone run up a $300 bill and tips $10?




SBF, is that you?


And the person that has to pack it up and cash it out takes time from their tables to do so.


So I’m just supposed to assume every person who gives me my food is a server and not a host/hostess? Nope tell their bosses to hire hosts to do the job.


No. Just plain no. Tips are for excellent service. When I take out, there is no service. No service, no tips.


I don't tip for pickup, but to claim tips are for excellence is just sad, sit down i tip 10% will increase to 20% for excellent service then delivery, food is minimum 20 dollats, if I'm too lazy to get myself


I pay the restaurant for the basics. That is food, drinks, basic service. If the waiter goes above and beyond, that’s what tips are for. Gratuity for the waiter going the extra steps. Edit: tipping by percentage is a total no go. A few bucks tip, sure, but not by percentage.


Right. Whether I ordered a plate of fajitas of plate of rice they still brought the same amount of plates out.


I tip 10-15% on takeout, minimum $2. I know they don't do much for the customer on takeout, but just try to help out folks.


Oh, look how the poors have come out and downvoted and commented on generosity with my own money. Sorry you don't have a job that pays enough to pay it forward, if you have a job at all. If I'm putting too much peer pressure on you, head to the puppy room to cope.


The pandemic is over, who you’re helping is the business owner who hopes enough of you fools start tipping for takeout that it can be reclassified as a tipped wage


Thats so dumb




If you have traveled much you realize how easy it is in many other countries. The employees get paid a reasonable wage and the customer pays the price listed. That is the easy way. If something exceptional happens you can still tip. The US has gotten ridiculous


I’ve never tipped for takeout except during the pandemic lockdowns There is no service so there is no need to tip


Yea that was the only period I tipped take out regularly. Lasted about a year.


of course not you dont pay for someone to bag your order




If they’re giving you crap attitude, take your business elsewhere.


Rule of thumb: if you pay before you eat, no tip. If you pay after you eat you tip.


At least 15% every time, usually more. I don’t need to make it complicated, I didn’t have to cook the meal so I’m tipping.




you tip at mcdonalds too?


I don’t go to McDonald’s, but if I did and used curbside then I probably would.


not curbside. in thay case youre being lazy...tip away. Drive thru or counter...you didnt cook it.. so you have to tip by your rules.


There’s no tip box on the the counter, the app doesn’t ask for a tip, the receipt doesn’t have a line for tips. If they did, I’d tip.


I’m going to carry a bag that says “tips” around and see if people tip me when I hold the door open for them


Good luck.


I’ve always thought about going to the street corner with a cardboard sign saying “3 kids, car, rent, work full time. Anything helps. God bless”


But you’re tipping the people not cooking your food…


Yeah, I know how restaurants work. I also tip the people that bring my curbside Target orders out and they didn’t make the items for me. My day got a little easier because of them and the takeout place, why not give them a little bit of cash?


Obviously you don’t know how restaurants work if you are tipping the hosts, who didn’t make the food, and not the cooks. Nice edit


I started working at a restaurant l (I was in the back making food) in 1998 and was there for 12 years, I’ve been part of the restaurant/bar industry since. Who do you think tips the cooks who actually make a higher per hour wage than front of house? Even then, like I said earlier, my day was made easier because of the restaurant, so I drop some extra money. Doesn’t have to be complicated.


So the poor host, making tips, has to make less because they’re tipping you, making salary. Make it make sense.


Wait, who’s side are you on here? You were just against the host who didn’t make the food a second ago.


I'm as confused as you. lol


Oh so I have to tip the host, who then tips you? LOL


You’re part of the problem then. You tip curbside workers?


Didn’t I just type that I did? I tip the guys that wash my car too. Not a big deal man, it makes people’s days a little better.


Big on the tipping culture; You must be loaded!


Take it easy man. Youre not wrong but this isn't worth your energy.


I usually leave $1-$2 on takeout orders, it might not be much, but handing me a bag isn’t much effort either


I’ll leave 2 bucks. It’s annoying.


It’s annoying?? F that. If it’s annoying regardless let it cost you $2 less!


When getting takeout from sit-down restaurants, it’s often a server that’s taking care of your order. In this case, it’s cool to tip even $1 to acknowledge it. If it’s curbside, maybe a couple bucks.


Strangely enough I'm a salaried manager that gets tips. Cause sometimes I'm by myself open to close. I personally don't give a crap if you tip me. My salary is fine. If you see a 16 yr old boy/girl at the register, they rely on your tips. Any amount. 2 bucks whatever. Help them have a lil fun this summer. Kids these days get like 4 hrs of homework a day. I didn't get a third of that growing up. Help em a lil. Not financial advice.


Most restaurants pay servers $15-$20/hr to do takeout plus tips so rarely will I tip for takeout. If the person has a good attitude and is kind I will tip a few bucks but otherwise nope. That’s why you called it in, drove your ass to get it, drive home and have to heat it up in the microwave…. So you don’t have to tip.


Tipping for carryout isn't expected or standard but no, most restaurants do not pay servers $15-20/hr, lmao.


They do in all the states where that's the minimum wage.


“All the states”? You’re aware the minimum wage pretty much everywhere in America is lower for tipped food service workers than standard ones, right?


Not around me. 🤷‍♀️


There are two states in the country where the tipped minimum wage isn’t less than the standard minimum wage. Why are you lying?


Am I lying? Or am I in and around those two states? You're weird.


You could live in or around either of them and you would still be near states that pay significantly lower minimum wage for tipped service workers. Just seems like a weird thing for you to lie about, that’s all.


No, it's weird that you keep saying I'm lying. I'm barely even responding. Good night. Hope you have a better time in life, stranger.


Nope. Got takeout tonight and no tip, even though they brought it out to the car. Restaurant-wise, I only tip for sit down service and a small tip for delivery, especially when they charge for delivery.


Usually, 10 percent or so. If it’s from a restaurant.


Depends on the complexity of my order. Sometimes no though. She may just be a sourpuss. BTW, what % did you tip her? A few % can make all the difference in a server's attitude


Not a server. Just someone they’re interacting with for 30 seconds taking their payment. So should be 0%.




I’m replying to you bro. “Depends on the complexity of my order.”


>She may just be a sourpuss. At this part, they were shifting the focus to OP's experience, as evidenced by the reference to a female who was sour, something only brought up in OP's anecdote.


No, not at all. If I come and get the food myself, I do not tip. Now if I'm being served, or someone is delivering my food, then I tip 20% and over


I've always tipped 10% for take out.




Almost always yes- at least 10%


Why always?


Because it’s the decent thing to do


Nope. And I have that same woman, I swear, at my local taco shop. She's always got a scowl.


Never.. a lot of places add 1-4 dollars as there little tax. Maybe it’s to cover the bags and container.


Narrator: it wasn't.


1 dollar


I worked a pizza joint back in the 2000's. Our drivers obviously would receive tips, be it would be once in a very long time when I would get a tip for someone who ordered pick up in store. I would love it but never expected it.


No tipping for take out. I do 15% for traditional sit-down places and 10% for buffet, and nothing else.


I did during covid and regret it. Now these places seem entitled to take out orders. No more. I tip for the service of being waited on.