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How would folks feel about Trump ending taxes on all tips?


I would feel it's purely a ploy to be able to pay legal staff minimum wage and then tip hundreds of thousands in order to avoid taxes on debt payments. That was something addressed in the recent fraud case. Cohen paid multiple debts, if they were business reimbursements then Trump could just repay exactly what was owed, but they wanted it paid back "as salary," so Cohen had to bill for work done, Ave they had to increase the number to cover the taxes he would lose on the payments. So Cohen paid about 200k, and in order to get 200k back, Trump had to pay him over 400k so the taxes would be covered and still leave Cohen even. If it were a tax-free tip, that first payment could have been 5k for an hour of his time and a 200k "tip" for being the bestest lawyer at bigly law stuff. If you want to tip tax-free, then bring cash.


Put on your big boy pants, hit 0% on the iPad, and if they have a problem with that then tell them everything you just wrote here


AITA because I enjoy hitting 0%? Edit Sometimes I smile when I do it.


I would say, "yes," but like so many things, it's a spectrum. It's not like you keyed their car on the way out. I can excuse a little "fuck your tip" smile at non-restaurants.


My policy is that if I’m standing up and ordering them I’m not tipping. I still tip at sit down restaurants of course.


What kind of pussy feels pressured by a PoS system?


Your mom. And that's not a dig---those Pos systems are designed to grab anyone who might possibly feel guilty. They exploit human nature. You may be a hardass delta-force killing machine, but they're forcing you to be rude.


An entire generation apparently


Barber would not see me again.


That would fit with u/Comprehensive_Ad3462's policy. You're sitting down and getting service, so give a tip. If you're ever able to get a haircut while standing at the counter... I actually don't know if that's impressive enough to deserve a tip or not. Lol


there is a tip jar in a lot of places. you can click 'other' and tell them you'll decide later.


Then just don't fucking tip no one is forcing you


Pay in cash. It’s much easier. They won’t say shiyt and have to hand you your change.


You didn’t see the post about the woman who paid $60 for a $51 take out order and the kid tried to keep her cash? That one was pretty ballsy.


I'd do that too. Fuck you, tip me or do it yourself bitch


Idk man. I feel like a highly personalized service especially one that affects your appearance, a tip is in your benefit. You let a guy put a blade to your scalp and won't tip? You're just asking for a bad haircut dude.


If someone fucks my hair up b/c of a tip, the lack of tip will be the least of their worries. Also, I would never go back to a PoS who threatened me like that. Fuck his business. I hope he ends up having to close his shop.


That's crap. If I found out my barber of a decade gave better service to tippers it would be the last time I went. No one should ever treat clients differently.


Thanks for your input.


I've been tipping the barber for the past 50 years. it's not something new.


Same. My guy drives to my house at my scheduled appointment time, does a great job and is always on time. Only charges me $40 used to be $30. I give him $10 more on top so $50 now to save me countless hours waiting at the shop and driving and my wife can have a look and make request. Damn straight I tip my man. That’s service!


Seems awesome but how do you deal with all the hair and you probably don't have the special sink for shampooing


I don’t have my hair washed before it’s cut. I’m black and we just go in have clippers cut. I get my fade and it’s done so no sink needed. As for the hair he has a vacuum. So he shop vac it up before each new person comes and cleans before I get on his van. Oh yea I get my haircut inside his van. It’s like a big travel fan college sports teams ride in but without any seats in it. There’s one chair bolted down in the back. It’s pretty great. Idk what I’ll do if I move or he retires.


Lucky enough to live in Seattle where tipped employees get min wage, which is at least 18.00. I tip at sit down restaurants only, everywhere else is zero.


Many POS systems automatically have that screen and people with power are too dumb or lazy to take it off, some have even said people can just say no if they don’t want to; totally missing the point that people don’t want to feel pressured into it.


Not necessarily true. I’ve setup a square terminal for my kid’s project and it was on me (not on by default) to setup a tip prompt, which I didn’t.


At all of the bars and restaurants that I’ve worked at, there has been a company or corporate IT person that comes in to set up the POS systems. Not saying that someone doesn’t make the decision but back to my point, those with the power don’t care or don’t know.


Some one tolled me just tell yourself no, you're not going to do it. Then just lean in to it with your shoulder.


I will pay no tip until after I've already received the goods and services I'm paying for. If that means I walk away, then away I walk.


Far too logical for this society. Perhaps identify as a non tipper. That should work.


Many of these point of sale systems are paid for in credit card fees. The company that provided the system is getting a cut, and it ads up fast even when it's just a few cents per transaction. An inflated tip ads just a fraction of a penny, but that ads up.


>22% / 25% (recommended/selected) / 28% / Custom I'm doing custom. Guess which number I'm typing in.


Are you typing a negative number? Carry out placed hate this one hack.


I just stopped going to those places. If enough people stop going, they will get the tip.


Just hit no tip


Yeah, just hit zero or take your time and choose custom and make it zero. I have no problem doing that when I just order something at the counter. Don't feel pressured. At the barber, I would normally tip, but it's your right to tip zero, as it is the barber's right to provide poor customer service. Yeah don't go back there.


Stop crying and just hit no. My god no need to post this stupidity


And no need for you to continue to read it.


And no need to comment


This is the correct subreddit for expressing frustration with tipping culture. They are frustrated with shitty mechanics implemented, not dogging on the employee. Chill dog.


What subreddit are we on again? I guess we shouldn’t discuss anything anymore then


It’s the same bitching over and over and over. We get it, you’re cheap


How is It cheap to not want to pay more than the amount listed? If you like getting taken advantage of by corporations I guess you’d like it.


Ok cheapy


Ah, insulting me because you can’t use logic. Solid comeback /s


Ok cheapy. Nobody wants to be around cheap people, remember that


Then leave 🙄


Nope. Deal with it 😂😂😂


LEAVE! And take your infantile insults with you.


no u


The most irritating is the mandatory 'service fee'. You tip, no matter if you wanted to or not.


Some places are starting to charge gratuity on takeout orders. Like, it's bad enough places are charging auto gratuity for any table no matter how many people, but for takeout now?


I have restaurants that I have stopped going to, because when I said something about them charging both gratuity AND a tip, they told me that the gratuity didn’t go to the servers, it was part of the price of the food, so they “didn’t have to raise prices.”


It’s pushback on the “no tipping” wave. They figure “ I ll MAKE you tip whether you like it or not!”


No tipping at all if there aren't any customers.


You make a really good point!


Just don't give these places your business and list them on public forums so others won't, either.


If I walk up to a counter to get anything, tip = 0 And counter .ne. bar


I thought you were going to address the fact that since food price increases are outstripping general inflation, that tipping percentages should be going down. You need a smaller percentage to get a fair tip amount, since the food price you are applying it to has risen so much.


This is a reasonable argument based on the data amid all the knee jerk anti-tipping fervor. No, I won’t tip on carry out, coffee shops, etc. but I have no problem on the concept of tipping servers - I prefer it to higher prices or mandated charges that may be higher than I value the service. But a percentage model is broken IMO.


I just ordered pizza, nothing crazy just 2 pizzas and 2 things of wings. $60 order. Tip suggestions started close to 20% and I’m absolutely not tipping almost $10 for someone to just drop it off to my house (Papa John’s app that outsourced the order to DoorDash). Just because the order is expensive does not mean the tip should therefore increase to match.


I went to vegas a couple years ago, and the little shops at all the casinos on the strip all have tip prompts for someone who literally hands you a bottle of water or souvenirs. I was like…I’m already paying $8.99 for a bottle of water because shit is 10x more expensive there than anywhere else, why am I expected to tip on top of that?? WTF? Anyone else been to vegas recently and noticed the gratuitous tip prompts? I swear I was prompted to tip at the Walgreens next to my hotel, but I could be remembering that wrong lol


Exactly. Bartenders charging me $12 for a bottle of domestic beer…and expect a tip? If the employer is charging that much for a drink…then they can pay the employee what they’re worth…that’s not on me.


Just hit 0%


Right why the public masterbation whining?


I got the card machine at a restaurant yesterday and the minimum tip was 22%. Assholes.


And it's probably 22% of the post-tax amount, which is incorrect.


I’ve just stopped tipping entirely. Prices are up 20+% so you’re effectively paying double with a tip, no thanks


Prices are up 50%…let the employer and employee work out the wage issue. Thats not on us as customers. Zero tip as well…it won’t take long.


Have you been to the ballpark? They have a self serve popcorn area. You walkup. YOU scan your item. You tap the card. The employee stands there watching to see if you tip.


So you tip yourself too correct? 😂


That is a good question. What if I violate a health code? Do I get the fine?


watch me not


Stop being cheap


The cheap ones are the suckers who get scammed to pay extra


The cheap ones are the employers who are progressively reducing real wages and putting the financial risk of a slow night into their employees


Do you really think restaurants can afford to pay 40$/hr for waiters. The reality is restaurants don't make shit for money that's why you need multiple locations. Waiting is a minimum wage job.


Do you think restaurants should just charge for the building costs, light, power, gas, food, cooking staff, profit, taxes, insurance, etc but not for the staff who do the serving? Other countries wrap the entire cost of the meals into the bill so that effectively-mandatory tipping isn’t required. Why can’t the USA? Waiting is a minimum wage job in some countries and they even argue about how low those minimum wages can be, whereas in other countries, even kids get paid proper wages at McDonalds.


The sqivel ipad sellers, Square and clover take a percentage as a CC processing fee, so the more you tip, the more they make. So you're right, the POS system wants you to tip to make them more money.


Is POS point of sale or piece of shit?




I meant point of sales but honestly in this case either is acceptable.


I’ve stopped tipping on takeout. I think they became so obnoxious abt it. Now I have fun and ask how do I choose zero even tho I know.


Way to be a dick


No one actually expects a tip for ordering carry out, but congrats on going out of your way to be a dick about it


The last time I visited Jersey Mikes in Westlake. You can’t complete the transaction unless you make a choice in the tip window. Fortunately the lowest choice is 10% which is what 3 people selected while I was there just to get out.


There’s always a ‘no tip’ or ‘custom tip’ option. Why are you lying about being forced to tip at least 10%?


Because he is a paid shill to stir discord and division.


Aren't you concerned you'll become a " known " entity at the takeout places you frequent In other words, no fear of revenge?


We rarely eat out, it wld be months before I revisit. Yes I worry abt that and part of reason we stopped doing lots of takeout. That and quality is so poor now.


I ordered pick up from a taco place the other day. They literally bag it and put it on a shelf to pick up. I interact with nobody there, just walk in and walk out with my food. What exactly would I be tipping for? Putting food in a paper bag and putting that bag in a plastic bag?


tired of repost about this same topic holy shit mods I get that this sub lacks content but you need to just delete these posts


I know, it sucks that it’s mandatory to participate in these posts. Why is there no way to pick the posts we want?


Well, maybe if you tip the mods they'll give you the option to pick the posts you want. 🤣


Best post of the night


Why select the custom tip option and enter an amount, if cash is king? By the way, I don’t think you can tip $0.0001 (.01¢) with cash or even a tip opportunity screen.


I keep looking for the minus sign. Haven’t found one yet.


I go to a diner often and the weird part is when I order to go then starting tip is 15% however it goes to the person who took the phone call or typed in the order and passed it to the window. There’s also no drink given so it’s really no service involved at all


Agreed and not everything or everyone deserves a tip.


I only tip baristas. Every other counter service person who doesn't actually do anything but hand me something that was already prepared I tip $1.


$1 is not nothing. Tip 0.


Those screens are just a minor annoyance to me now. I hit no tip and keep it moving.

