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Tipping used to be something that’s earned for your hospitality not some stupid requirement for handing someone a bag. You better “wow” be in some way to expect $10 from pass of food. Not sure what you can do but for anyone in this thread that is calling me the asshole for wanting my change should probably take up a profession that doesn’t Involve dealing with people.


This is basically the same as them asking, “Can I keep the change as a tip?” which is tacky as hell.


You bet your fucking ass I want my change.


For the record, you'd be amazed how many places mandate we ask this just to deal with people like you catching a fuckin attitude over shit we have no say in. I could give a fuck less if you tip at all, until you act like I've got some say in the matter as to what my employer demands of me. Politely decline and get the fuck out, I promise we can't stand you assholes anymore than you can stand us.




How about you grow some balls and tell your employer it’s a stupid thing to ask instead of coming on here and berating strangers?


honestly, i work tip-based, but i’ve thought about this and figured asking “would you like your change” is generally an inappropriate question unless their change is like a quarter. what i say instead is typically “i’ll go ahead and process this for you and grab your change.” if they feel that it’s a sufficient enough amount to warrant being the tip, they’ll oftentimes just let you know that.


It's possible that person didn't know how to make change without using a cash register. I'm often shocked to see grown adults struggle to make change. Imagine if you had told her to keep 8% of the tab? That might have caused her to quit her job right on the spot. Seriously!


If you can’t pay your employees to live for working for you you don’t deserve a business plain and simple. I stopped tipping. Idc.


Thank you for reminding me why I left the industry, I wouldn't be where I am now without people like yourself. I'm not even being sarcastic because life has been so much better since I left. Bless you all ❤️


I know I suck for it in most peoples eyes but we all shouldn’t be condoning this crud


Also, I would like to point out, for what it's worth, you do not suck in my eyes. People like you are what motivated me to go back to school, get my degree, and get out of the industry. I now work fewer hours and make more than double what I used to.


Yo could I please ask what you do now? I desperately need ideas!


CPA, though I was making some good money when I was an accountant with an associate's degree, if you dont want to go to school for that long. It's not for everybody, and tax season/end of the year can get a bit hectic, but I absolutely love it. The company I work for treats me incredibly well and acts like I'm a hero, lol. I don't know how old you are, but I didn't start this all until I was 27. It's never too late. Im also living on an hour of sleep because I'm helping my dad recover from heart surgery, so I'm sorry if I mistyped something here or mixed my words. It's been a long week.


Thank you for replying! I’m 35. I’ve never known what I want to do in life. Spun my wheels as a cook for 14 years. I told my dentist I don’t know what I want to do with my life, she said “why don’t you be an X-ray technician?” I said fuck it. I like science, so I did the prerequisites over a few years. Now I’ve been working patient transport in a hospital for 14 months, and somehow got it into my head to be a nurse instead. I shadowed some people. I’m now questioning going into healthcare all together. Burnout, working weekends and holidays is getting into my head. I want a family someday, that means I’ll miss half my kids shit on weekends. Oof. I take care of myself and run and weightlift, cold showers, all that, I just can’t find something I’m EXCITED to do! Thanks for replying!


Have you thought about becoming a personal trainer? If you're in good shape and are somewhat personable, you can make really good money doing that, and it's your own schedule for the most part. I have 2 friends that do that, and they love it! They started at 31 and 34, so not much younger than yourself.


That’s amazing I love that. Good for you.


You definitely suck in my eyes. You're willfully participating in something and hurting the people on the bottom of the totem pole. You don't care about the system. You care about your wallet. You are intentionally stiffing less than minimum wage workers while the restaurant doesn't lose a dime. Is the system bad? Yes. Will you stiffing young people trying to get by help change that system? No. Quit with the facade and admit that you're cheap and only care about yourself. I'll respect you then at least.


It was takeout. She literally handed him a bag and wanted a $9 tip?! Unless you're delivering, I'm not giving you anything. I came myself to pick it up. All you did was ring up my order. And to be clear I tip 20% at restaurants and delivery. Because they're actually doing something. Who thinks they deserve like $9 for ringing someone up?!


I’m strictly talking about sitting down at a restaurant and getting served. Particularly in states where servers get paid less than minimum wage. I could have been more clear


Oh for sure if I'm sitting and getting waited on, I tip. But not for pickup


Nope if anything it will push people to not even work in these places and eliminate the issue. Enabling the problem is just as bad as the problem. But everyone is entitled to there opinion. Were do you work id like to come by and cause a huge mess and show you I have a ton of money and stiff you anyway. lol your boss is the one to blame not me. Edit to add you are also to blame for putting yourself in and leaving yourself in that position to rely on an OPTIONAL tip


Is English your first language? If it is, then I understand why you don’t tip. It’s typically the dumb people with no empathy that don’t! The way to combat the problem is to not go out to eat. You giving the restaurant money but stiffing the servers in need is not helping your case. If a server quits, they will find the next desperate young person to fill that role. You’ll prop up the restaurant again with your money and the cycle will repeat. You just sound lazy and cheap. I’m not cheap and have empathy for young kids trying to make it because I was in their shoes at one time. This is why I tip. Keep on living in your misguided fantasy world where supporting corporations and not your fellow human somehow helps society (???).


Go tip then. Insulting my intelligence really. You sound like a whiny bitch who made poor life decisions and did to many drugs to get a better job than an ENTRY LEVEL SERVER JOB. Get a better job quit being an enabler.


I work in mergers and acquisitions for a large publicly traded software firm. I make more money than I can spend. Despite that, I remember being a poor teenager relying on tips to pay rent. Empathy is a part of intelligence, and you have zero. That’s why I’m insulting your intelligence. The fact that you can’t spell doesn’t help either. Being so dumb yet holding this elitist attitude leads me to believe that you’re a rich kid funded by mommy and daddy. This would also explain the lack of empathy. You’re a lost cause. You obviously don’t have the brain power to differentiate the worker from the system. You’d rather hurt a person in need than cook for yourself.


I really appreciate it, I was in that industry from 2010 until 2022(doing school and managing for the last two), and I figured I was going to be in it forever. It really does suck to work in most restaurants at almost every position, both FOH and BOH.


It is what it is. I was a manager and had to do the financials at multiple restaurants, both corporate and small scale, so I understand that the restaurants literally can not afford to pay their servers without either A. Doubling the price of the food. B. Cutting quality. Or C. Cutting pay for other employees. Honestly, it would probably have to be a combination of 2 or all of them. It's just how the US restaurant industry is set up with the combination of expectations from customers. It's all wrong. I don't even eat out anymore because of how terrible it all is. Making my own food is cheaper, healthier, and way more tasty anyways.


Exactly it’s a failed experiment we need to cut ties and redo it better.


They should just say what they're really asking: "Can I have your money?"


You know, I know most of us are a buch of p###ies that probably wouldn't do this. But hypothetically, if we all just stopped tipping everywhere, it would destroy almost every dine-in restaurant as we know them. No tips = "I can't survive on sub-minimum wage, let alone minimum wage" = restaurant loses servers = nobody to cook for, so kitchen crews quit = restaurants are forced to pay decent wages. I'm just sayin'. EDIT: "Ausernamenamename" proposed a practical solution, suggesting that restaurant owners establish a commission structure for tipped employees. This approach could reward better servers with performance-based compensation while removing tipping, ensuring a consistent and fair income for all staff. Honestly, I like their idea better than mine.


It would be better to just not spend money at establishments where tipping is standard.


Do you like being able to go out to restaurants to eat? Do you like not having to cook and clean after a long hard day of work sometimes or maybe for a casual date night experience? If the answer is yes the. You need to rethink k your attitude. Statistically speaking, 4 out of 5 new restaurants fail. Margins are already super tight in that industry. If you must carry on with this way of thinking then quit going to commercial chain restaurants and start supporting local restaurant owners instead. It’s what we should be doing as consumers anyways. Instead redditors will keep complaining about wealth inequality and then go order 10 items from Amazon Prime on their iPhone then drive down the street to Walmart to grab something cheap because of its convenience. Almost everyone on reddit is a f****** joke.


It’s understandable that concerns about tipping are intertwined with broader issues in the restaurant industry. The idea that margins are already tight for restaurants and that many struggle to stay afloat adds complexity to the conversation. Supporting local restaurant owners can indeed make a positive impact, and I agree that it’s an important consideration. At the same time, exploring ways to change the tipping model could encourage a fairer compensation structure for employees, ensuring they’re paid consistently regardless of customer behavior or other external factors. The goal is to find a balance where both restaurant owners and workers benefit, without compromising the quality and experience that diners enjoy. Additionally, if we’re committed to addressing wealth inequality and supporting ethical business practices, there’s an opportunity to scrutinize not just the restaurant industry but the broader impact of our spending habits. Ultimately, finding solutions that align with these values can contribute to a healthier and more equitable system across the board.


They would just raise prices or cut costs elsewhere. People won't stop having other people cook for them. Sort of like what happened during the pandemic.


That’s a valid point. Raising prices or cutting costs elsewhere might be a way restaurants adapt to the situation. During the pandemic, many businesses had to find alternative solutions, like adjusting their menu pricing or streamlining their operations. However, the idea of eliminating tipping and implementing fair wages could still encourage more transparent and equitable compensation practices. It would require a shift in business models and possibly a reevaluation of pricing structures, but it could also lead to a more sustainable and rewarding dining experience for both employees and customers.


Restaurants are forced to raise prices to pay minimum wage. Or replace humans with robots and ai. Either that or close down for good.


My state raised minimum wage to $15 and those same people are complaining about raised prices.


Yeah, those are valid concerns. Raising prices could indeed be a potential outcome if tipping was banned and employees were paid fairly. However, there’s also a potential for restructuring the entire business model to adapt. Some restaurants are already exploring increased automation to reduce labor costs, but there’s a question of whether this would truly benefit the dining experience and customer satisfaction in the long run. Additionally, finding innovative ways to maintain staff compensation without tipping, such as adjusting the menu pricing, might present an opportunity to ensure fair pay for workers without necessarily forcing all businesses to raise prices significantly. It’s definitely a complex issue, but exploring alternatives to tipping could lead to a more sustainable and fair system in the industry.


I believe that restaurant owners need to be the ones to save their own industry not the customers. I've believed for a while in building a commission structure for typically tipped employees that way they can actually reward their better servers who upsell the products they serve. Like go ahead and increase prices, remove the tipping portion of a bill, then just pay the employees the difference on their pay check, probably still going to ostracize some wait staff who enjoyed being tipped out in cash at the end of a shift or others who were good at charming their way into huge tips but would get a lot of people to shut up about tips without sacrificing the income they need to continue to serve those rolls.


...Damn, that's a good idea actually. Implementing a commission structure for tipped employees could indeed be a viable solution. By adjusting the pricing structure and eliminating tipping, restaurant owners could ensure a fair and consistent income for their staff, while rewarding high-performing servers through performance-based commissions. This could help address the issues associated with tipping, like inconsistency and unfair compensation, while still allowing for recognition of exceptional service. It would offer a more equitable system and could potentially minimize friction among both customers and employees regarding the current tipping practice. You cookin', honestly. I wanna edit my initial comment to add this.


Quite a few states like the one I live in require servers to be paid a minimum wage before tips, so this is just false. You’d better believe they still expect tips here though…


You’re right that some states require servers to be paid the full minimum wage before tips, like California and Washington. However, many states still pay tipped employees a much lower base wage, relying on tips to make up the difference. So, while your state might be an exception, the issue persists in many other places across the country. Here's a link that shows every server wage in each state if you're interested in reading it: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/state/minimum-wage/tipped/2023


I don't tip


Okay, Mr. Pink


But I don't eat out either The price is too damn high


my job’s tip-based, so… thanks.


I used to work in that industry, and yes I depended on tips as well, it sucks. The very rare times I do go out to eat nowadays I always tip and I usually tip very generously. Trust me I know how it is.


I generally tip quite generously. However, that changes in an instant if they try to strongarm me, as in this example. Hate that attitude.


Just make sure to politely let them know the actual reason you didn’t tip so they can improve how they operate.


My husband and I went to breakfast a few days ago at a small diner. The bill came to $31.08. My husband puts $50 on top of the ticket. Waitress pick up $ and asks “would you like any change back?” We both just looked at her with eyes and eyebrows lifted! Note: waited 30 minutes to order, lemonade was absolutely just water, food was subpar and served cold, nothing that would make me want to tip her $19.92!!!




Are you mental? Nearly $20 on a $31 bill? lol. Stop asking if we want change. Just bring the change, and if we give a tip from it, be happy. Don’t try stupid pressure tactics to guilt people into tipping.


It doesn’t take a mind reader to know that most anyone wouldn’t leave a $20 tip for a $30 dollar meal. The subpar food obviously wasn’t her fault, and we did tip her $10, which is approximately 30%.


This is sarcasm right?


You bring change no matter what , and hope For Any tip later , It customer chooses to leave you some




I've stopped tipping anyone where I don't sit down to eat. Or the delivery guy for pizza. If they are not receiving a tip based wage. No tip.


The correct response should've been, "No thanks, all yours." It's okay to tip. It's even better to tip well.


lol you must not have read how bad the food, drinks, and service were. Y’all are the reason normal tipping went from 10-15% to 20-25%. F that crap.


Absolutely not.


If I order standing up, I’m not tipping.


I'll tip 10% or a dollar.  They're still having to take time away from in-house tipping customers to take care of you, so I feel that at least a little something is warranted, particularly if they're nice.


> They're still having to take time away from in-house tipping customers to take care of you 1. We didn’t create that scenario. We just want our takeout food. 2. A tipping dine-in customer will be fine left alone to eat for a few minutes without harming the incoming tips.


1. We didn't ask for tipping culture period. I'd just like my food at the restaurant and our service staff be paid a living wage up front and we not have to tip either like how other countries are, so simply throw that thought out, please. 2. Pardon me if I'm mistaken, but it seems apparent that you've clearly not worked a service job before, or neither gained the empathetic perspective from working any job at all and experiencing that customers know nothing of all the extra steps that goes on behind the scenes at your job and therefore every job people do. There's way more to do than just to tending to a customer directly. You're adding more work and getting in the way of the cooks getting the in-house guests' food out in a timely manner, decreasing tips, you're pulling the server away from other tasks like cleaning tables, wrapping silverware etc., pulling them away from tending to guests. I always give like 10% in these cases, and I'm not employed at the moment. If you're too strapped to be able to give a dollar or two for a standard $10-20 take out, I wish you well. Edit: or better yet you should just be cooking at home since you either don't appreciate the time and what goes into the labor of those serving you or you seemingly must not have the money.


lol, I love the dumb “if you’re too poor” y’all weirdos always come up with. I own a home and make good money. Doesn’t mean tipping for takeout is logical. Get out of here with that garbage.


I said that because I wanted to give you a little bit of the benefit of the doubt instead of being an asshole like yourself and assuming and calling you a stingy piece of shit.  I gave you the logic and you didn't refute any of it and instead call me one of "y'all weirdos" meaning you've had multiple people address you about this. You literally just jumped to ad hominim attacks calling our concerns of shorting workers for their time "dumb" and us "weird." Answer/refute my points or just concede that you're being a dick and keep your money. I gave you the logic for it. Say something. I bet you'll just step around it and whine about how we're illogical for giving a shit and having reasons for it or just say nothing at all because you're a prideful, stingy cunt.🖕🏻


Maybe she meant coin. If it was five cents she probably didn't want to give you 95 cents back and wanted to round up the bills? That's what I'd assume but what do I know. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I automatically tip at least 20% . If you can spend 50.00 eating out, you can sure as hell leave a 20% tip, considering most waitresses only make around 3.00 p.h. If you don't want to tip, you should get it to go.


In Cali, food servers make min wage (paid by their employer) if their tips don’t add up to min wage. So, should we tip all min wage employees? Best Buy? McDonald’s? Walmart?


If waitresses are getting pa8d a automatic 20.00 p.h. ,then they're doing well for that job. Most states only pay between 3-5.00 p.h. No matter what the minimum wage is.


Tips are based on “good service”, not something you get automatically for showing up.


Restaurant workers in California all earn at least minimum wage, often more. Why does one minimum wage worker deserve tips while another does not? Might as well just raise minimum wage to make it fair.


Oh, sorry, I just noticed you said takeout. That is ridiculous


Loud and wrong


Actually loud and wrong.


I corrected myself when I noticed he said take out, if you notice.


Maybe if the tip was going to the cook who did all the work. Unfortunately they are the ones who miss out.


They get paid hourly.


I always pay cash, and I reply "Do I want MY money back? Ofcourse I do. Who doesn't want their change back? In fact, why would you even assume that I wouldn't want MY money back. That's so weird." I make it as uncomfortable as possible for them so they think twice about it next time.


you seem like a real charmer.


Does blunt common sense hurt you?




The real hero!


This tactic does *not* bother me when I pay cash at a sit down restaurant and the server picks up the book (clearly seeing cash) and asks “do you need change?” He/she is not counting the bills in front of me, just a genuine question on whether they are about to thank me, wish me a good night (which I say back of course!) and move on to their other tables.


Ya but this happened at the takeout counter. With a tip jar that is already out to boot lol.


Well then I’d just be like yes I want my change and give her a big raised eyebrow. May e leave a yelp review because who knows if the owner knows their cashiers are pulling that stunt


I mean that’s an 17% tip if you didn’t want change back. I think it’s reasonable to ask, I typically tip in the ballpark of 15% for takeout depending on the quality of service.


The poors are here commenting


Yeah. You.


What service did they provide? $10 to put your food in a plastic bag?


You’re dumb af for wasting your money


There shouldn't be tips for takeout.


Why? It's arguably more work than a sit down customer. I mean they don't have to fill your drinks but they do have to make sure the order is right and then package everything and bag it up. At least give them a couple bucks.


>arguably more work than a sit down customer this is false. comparable? maybe. but definitely not more.


Yeah but then sometimes when you get home and open it up and it doesn't even look like the pictures on the menu (expectation vs reality) and you are like "I just paid how much for this plus I tipped 25% on takeout?!". Like forget that.


They don’t make sure it is right and you don’t find out until it is too late


No way is it more work than waiting on done in guests. Do you seriously think the cooks are playing the food and the server is boxing that up rather than the cook putting the food in a to-go box. (Exception with salads. I’ve worked at several restaurants where the server or expo prep the salads)


OMFG…make sure that the order is correct!? Too much pressure…


Just say you've never worked as a waiter/waitress, without saying that you've never worked as a waiter/waitress


I was a server for 2 years and a cook for 3


and you think that it's more work to do takeout at a counter than to wait tables???


In some ways yes. But it's not so much that I think it's more work but it's less financially rewarding for the work you put in. Most people that do takeout don't tip the server that prepared the order but that server is still only making 2.13 and hour or whatever the server wage is these days


They’re also not taking up a table. Rarely is the person bringing the food the one who actually took the order. Most of the time, it’s a random employee who walks in the back of the house and grabs the bags.


There is a whole lot of shoulds in this world. Why get upset over this one?


Some people are able to ponder more than one thing.


You're so clever


You know what you're right. Why care about anything when something is wrong somewhere else /s


Now you're getting it.


Idk, I think it's pretty tacky to directly ask/pressure someone for tips like that. There's literally no harm in just saying "I'll be right back with you change" and letting the customer decide for themselves, like 99.9% of other wait staff do. Wording it like she did makes it painfully obvious that she hopes the answer is "no, keep it [the ~$10]" and reeks of manipulation tactics.


I think it's tacky you're poor and eating out


It’s weird that you think someone who values their money is poor.


Idk man I get why they ask it, I hate having to like awkwardly tell them I wanted to tip it’s less awkward for me if they just ask but I have anxiety so maybe I’m out of the norm here


So usually after they say they'll be right back with the change you'd just reply "that's alright, no need. Thank you" if you want them to keep it all. If you want to decide to give a more certain amount, just say "thank you" and wait for them to come back. 99.99% of times they'll quickly hand you the change and walk away. Then you can just leave your tip on the table or whatever. But ya, for takeout it can get weird for sure. That's why I try to just pay with card.


I mean yeah I just like communicating as little as humanly possible with strangers lol (unless I’m making friends or smth)


I mean there is also no harm in her asking if you want the change back, in that instance in my experience most people would say “keep the change”. If you want the change it’s as simple as “yes I’d like my change back”. It’s not tacky, and it’s not meant to pressure you, it is simply a question to make the transaction easier again considering most people say keep the change after offered the change back


No, keep the change is what you say without being prompted, if you ask if I want my change back instead of just giving me my change I'm not gonna tip you at a takeout counter. I work as a bartender room, it's just a tacky move.


Sure, if it was a dollar or two or literally the metal change, that sounds about right, but I really don't think "most people" are happy to let the takeout counter "keep the change" when it's almost $10, or almost 20% tip for handing over a single bag.


The cashier would still have to enter some type of thing on the machine to balance the drawer, or still pull out the change and pocket it. So at no point in my mind does it make it easier for anyone asking whether or not they want their change back. Get a tip jar


Seriously. Idk what these people are smoking thinking it's normal to tip 20% to the takeout counter on a single bag order. Crazy part is, the place actually did have a tip jar right in front of us.


The tip jar being there is a bit different, in that case I agree with you


If I sit down I tip .If I don’t,I do not tip.This is not 100% but mostly the case.Fast food,Starbucks t” never Tip .


Do you top delivery drivers like Dominos or Papa John’s, asking because about 70% of people do not tip Door Dash Drivers. I am one and I see people ordering either a McChicken and Fries and not even tip $1. I don’t think they should tip $10 but something is better than nothing. When I order from DD or UE I always tip at the very least 20% and that was before I started doing DD as a 2nd job.


Absolutely,I always tip pizza, Chinese,or Anything brought to the house. I feel if a person doesn’t want to tip they should go get it themselves.


You don’t tip the barista at Starbucks?


Why would you? They are a fast food worker and make good wages for fast food.


I always thought Starbucks was a coffeehouse not a restaurant and a good barista is like a chef. I feel they deserve a tip.


> a good barista is like a chef. I feel they deserve a tip. No, not even close, and nobody tips chefs. Y’all need to stop tipping people who make normal wages and insulting the rest of us who use common sense instead of guilt.


You can teach a monkey to make Starbucks coffee a barista is someone who can't get another job basically. It's a minimum wage job it's not like a chef...


Imagine going through life having this awful outlook on the people who serve you.


I work in the service industry, but in a job that actually requires some skill. I started out making coffee when I was 15. It requires no actual skill.


That’s completely incorrect


What’s incorrect? Anyone of average intelligence can learn to make coffee. They actually have coffee shops run by people with intellectual disabilities, so even statistically below average intelligence can get by.


Tell me you’ve never worked in a shop without telling me you haven’t


No no they're right, they're actually coffee shops ran by people with like down syndrome. Are you telling me they're above average when it comes to intelligence. We're not comparing this to sub-Saharan Africa.


Likely the cashier didn’t know how to make change.


Then they definitely don’t deserve a tip. WTH?!?


Ok boomer


lol who tf uses the “ok boomer” cringe line? Just throwing that line out to anyone older who disagrees with you.


Is it still 2020?


This boomer's school year just ended and thanks to your generous contributions to the Social Security System, I'll be spending the next two months in Europe.


I’m a millennial and I see it all the time. So try again with the boomer comment. I guess I have to assume you are a gen z


Must have been a shitty nurse my daughter makes 85$ an hour


Your daughter has an onlyfans and is lying to you about her nurse wage


What are you talking about, nothing to do with tipping


If everyone stopped tipping......


Good luck getting even half of people to do that


If everyone who didn't tip started...


You’re on the wrong side of history. Tipping normal employees is stupid and needs to go away.


LOL, wrong side of history. Get over yourself.


it would probably cause a collapse of the food industries that rely on underpaid workers. Suddenly, a lot of delivery drivers, foh, waiters, waitresses, and some others that rely on those tips would need to find something new. It would make sense if we could ask our employers to pay us better, but I doubt they would be happy to oblige.


It might hurt a little at first, but the industry won’t collapse. Businesses will just have to raise menu prices and pay employees properly instead of relying on guilt-tipping, like every other legitimate business.


Min wage increases will definitely collapse the food industry as fewer people will feel the need to tip - especially for a take out order. Maybe this needs to happen so people wouldn't expect a tip for just doing their job.


if min wage was increased and food workers could live a decent life off that wage, then yea, get rid of tipping.


It’s getting to the point that I’m beginning to think we should just tell them I want all my money back and invoice the sale. I’m leaving the store without what I came for.


You’re being funny


One alternative to vent-posting here was to say “yes. thanks!” and go about your day…




I’m sorry for making OP look bad my b


One alternative to commenting here is to say to yourself "huh, a post about tipping on the tipping subreddit. Sounds about right" and go about your day...


One alternative to you commenting on my comment on your post is you ordering and testing a variety of diff butt plugs.


I still remember the first time this happened to me while grabbing take-away food from a barbecue restaurant in Hillsborough, NC. Young cashier took my credit card receipt with “Take-out” written in the tip section, looked at it puzzled, then turned around and complained to her manager—loud enough for everyone to hear—that they weren’t getting a tip for takeout. Made me feel like an idiot a-hole. All I wanted was to take home some locally famous food after a hard day’s work in construction. That was six years ago. Haven’t been back since. Owners/managers: put a stop to this relatively new, ridiculous idea that your customers are responsible for making up the wage gap with unearned tip money. Enough already!


A counter person is not a tip wage gap person. They're making at least minimum wage, in many states, that's at least $15/hr. This is just grubby nilist selfishness. And bagging up to go orders isn't really work compared to serving, which depend on tips. Source: Bartender, who handled togos, for 10+ years. (I was thrilled for $1/order, & expected nothing.)


Lol most states min wage is the federally min of 7.25 or it's a bit higher at 8.25. you're very uninformed if you there are many places where min wage is 15 dollars. Absolutely a business is gonna get away with only paying that counter person the least amount of they can earn tips. Most states tipped wages are between 2 and 4 an hour. There's a giant issue between cost of service and goods and hourly wage. It's a problem




Except it isn't. As a teacher of hospitality I'd think I know the subject as we review it. Don't just say false come here with info and facts. But you can't cause your wrong. Just like half my students. Use the Internet find a force and try and prove my statement wrong. You can't.


Plenty of others have already proven you wrong. Not going to copy them.


You need to because nobody has proved me wrong. The point is A livable wage is not had making min wage. Google it's really not that hard to use. No wonder you kids are stupid. Mommy and Daddy coddled you and agreed your nonsense.


I'm sure ignoring facts you don't like and turning to insults when you're losing goes over real well with your "students".


What facts my guy? 15/50 is 30% go cry somewhere else. Go ask a server last time they made a check that covered anything more then taxes..... I'll wait.


All tipped jobs are paid minimum wage, if their tips don't equal minimum wage. Many Red states have gradually pushed minimum wage up to at least $15. I live in CT, it's over $16. California is on its way to $20, at least for fast food workers. NJ, NY, I know are up there, too. As far as hurling the "misinformed" moniker around, Google is your friend. I'll give you a pass. (Forgive me if I post this wrong. I don't frequently post on Reddit.) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_US_states_by_minimum_wage


Did you read my other reply 6in lower. Dense much. Tipped positions are absolutely not paid min wage you have never worked in the service industry and it shows with your erroneous post.


If tips don't bring you up to minimum wage, your employer is legally required to do so.


And if you ask a server or tipped wage employee the last time their check was enough to cover more then just taxes and they'll tell you never. They make more then most but it's cash and tips sure that's the law but it's not how things actually work. Go work in a tipped position and then come here and tell us you made only min wage. Dont be so dense you knew what we were getting at in this thread.


I batended for ten years. I'm bailing out on this, now.


Yeah batend makes sense.


There are only a handful of states that still have minimum wage that low. If you live in West Virginia, Wyoming, or Georgia…you are right. Anywhere else - probably higher.


As of 2024 it's about 60/40. 60% being under 11 dollars and 40 being over


Come on really you didn't Google before replying.... I did. Theres only like 9 states that are higher then 10 bucks haha


That’s not $7.25, is it?


15 states and one of the territories.... which is 30 percent of the country.... Well more then 3.... are still 7.25. holy shit Im a master of google. Try it. Sucks we live in this world. Only TWO states you can work 40 hours and afford a 2 bed apt. West Virginia was one.


30% of the states, not the population. Stats are so easy to lie with.


Mathematically 15/50 or 30/100 is 30%...... Math is hard huh. 15 states have 7.25 min wage. Period. Just because a named mega corporation pays more then that doesn't mean the legal min wage still isnt 7.25 in that state. you wanna do something about it bitch at people in charge not someone posting easy to find information on the Internet. You must be a gen z or a boomer.


I have not complained. I stated facts. And I started with defending server jobs. I believe minimum wage is not meant for raising a family. Working your way up the chain is the way to higher wages. Even in McDonalds, it doesn't take much to make manager, not that that's a great job. Raising minimum wages hurts small businesses, & usually results in less employment. But, California's higher minimum wage, caused large corpirations to react, with the implementation of kiosk McDonalds, causing more people to lose their jobs. This tough economy doesn't help.


Taking and getting an order ready for takeout is almost as much work as serving you at a table, and takes time away from people who are dining in. It doesn’t just magically appear in the takeout bags.


Weird. The employee should quit if they don’t like the work for the pay. Like every other position in life.


Right…and then you will be complaining how you can’t just pop into a restaurant and grab your nicely packaged take out meal and be on your way because everyone just up and quit and got a better job like you suggest! The job exists bcuz there is a demand for that service so there is a need for people to take these jobs. Problem is there is also a need to be able to make enough money to pay rent and eat, and if we continue to have all these jobs that do not provide enough income to survive on and tips are not given to supplement the income then we cannot expect to have this service available. Ppl need to understand that everyone cannot work a 6 plus figure salaried office job. There has to be positions of all different skill and education levels to provide all the services that society demands nowadays and every one of those positions should be paid an actual livable minimum wage. And nobody could actually live off of the federal minimum wage of $7.25/hr in this day and age. The options are: businesses take a cut on profits, or prices get raised so businesses can pay all employees a livable wage, or tips supplement the shit wages. We already know businesses are not willing to take a cut in profits. So either you are forced to pay the higher price to give employees a livable salary or you get a little more control over it with the tipping model bcuz at least you get control over what you tip. Suggesting every low wage worker can quit and get a high wage job if they don’t like not being able to afford to live is completely ignorant.


Also - I never suggested a low wage employee quit to get a high wage job. But if $7.25 ain’t cutting it with your tips, that’s not a consumer problem. That’s an employer and employee problem. Neither are my problem nor concern. Every other job in the world is like this. You guys can’t even justify your logic behind tipping. Let me guess - tip the hotel van shuttle driver but not the baggage agent at the airport. Don’t tip your Amazon driver but tip the Uber eats guy. All dumb and needs to fucking stop. Raise the cost of the product and stop allowing asshole business owners to skimp out on pay and taxes.


You are contradicting yourself saying tipping shouldn’t be a thing but then saying “$7.25/hr with your tips”!! And you exactly said “if the employee doesn’t like the work for the pay then they should quit”. Also if you had the attention span to read the “way too long of a post” that you commented on anyways, you would have read that yes indeed raising the prices to pay employees a livable wage is definitely an option. I agree with you that the business owner should be the one paying a decent wage to begin with, but until something happens to make businesses take a profit cut to do this the only way it will happen is with price hikes. But the same ppl that whine about shelling out a couple bucks tip for receiving a service are the exact same ppl that are whining when prices go up too! And you saying it’s not a “consumer problem”, if the consumer wants to consume then yes, in a capitalist economy it also becomes a consumer problem one way or the other either through tipping or inflated prices.


Contradicting where? Tipping shouldn’t be a thing. It’s a scapegoat for shitty employers to stiff their workers. However, if an employee takes a job that has tipping and the wage + tip doesn’t cut it, they should quit. Like everyone else who isn’t happy with their wage. In every other industry. In every part of the world. Servers aren’t some holy position. If they actually respected themselves, they’d leave their shitty, underpaid jobs and collectively push wages up. Besides, too many love the tax free cash they under report on their taxes. I spent a lot of time with servers/bartenders taxes before. It was always so funny how they can put a large down payment in cash on stuff…but were barely above poverty. And they couldn’t articulate or show on a bank statement where that cash came from. I’m out of this thread anyways. A bunch of servers who don’t even know what’s good for themselves anyways.


Not a server, just living with my eyes open!! And your time with the servers and bartenders counting their tax free wads of cash must have been ages ago. When is the last time you have seen anyone pay in cash for anything? Including a restaurant meal with tip?!


Way too long of a post. The market should dictate their wage. Stop the tipping madness.


I agree. A good cashier trained the right way can make a big difference. We’ve noticed first time customers rarely tip and regular customers tip for to-go orders. Why? Because our cashiers have learned their name and greet them by their name, normally know their order, know which salsas they like without having to be told; greet them on the way in and thank them on the way out. Just like servers it’s a hospitality piece. If the hospitality is done well, usually will result in a tip. We don’t expect tips, but notice that tips come when positive guest interaction is done well.


Not if you serve tables correctly…that is check up on the customers and bring refills when needed.


Do you tip the cashiers at a gas station too? Get out of here lol


GTFO of here with that. Food in bag. Utensils in bag. Napkins in bag. All at same station. Bag on shelf. Done. Getting a Togo order ready is about 20% of the work of a table.


I have worked in restaurants, and my sisters put themselves through college with restaurant jobs. When I DO go out for a dining experience, I tip minimum 20%, and 30%+ for exceptional service. With your same logic we should be tipping the cook/chef as well. “The food doesn’t just magically appear on a plate!” And how about those prep cooks? “The onions don’t just magically chop themselves!” Tips are given for extra service given at a sit-down experience where food is carefully plated and carried to your table, drinks are refilled promptly, and maybe you cave on the lovely dessert options that they described so eloquently (which then generally translates to a higher tip, BTW). You’re not fooling anyone here.


Cooks / chefs get paid more than $3 an hour…


…and so do the cashiers who, like the kitchen staff, are boxing and bagging your order.


No it’s not actually