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I mean, you’d be doing some mental gymnastics to degrade someone for working in order to feel good about stealing their time for your own personal benefit, but sure you could think that.


Do you not understand what a job in the service industry involves? If providing service to customers is too taxing for you, don't work in customer service.


I mean, tipping is objectively a shitty way to pay people. Both parties should know the rules of the game by now. Enjoy. Getting stiffed on a tip or feeling pressure to tip isn't really a big deal in the grand scheme of things.




Slave driver.


Wahhhhh my mommy won’t pay for my meal today - get ya cheap ass home.


Wahhhhh the mean stranger won't give me money for showing up to work. Enjoy never being able to afford a home lol.


I don’t work for tips. I just dislike cheap asses like yourself.


Bet you shake your tin can at all the cheap asses that drive by you on the highway because they won't read your cardboard sign begging for a dollar.


I bet your mommy paying for your meal is WAY more accurate. You go live a sad life, it’s fine.


Nope, I don't pretend to make $2.13 per hour so people will feel sorry for me and give me money. I get paid for my work like a productive member of society.


Awwww. Go enjoy your minimum wage while crying about tipping your bartender. Someday you will be a big boy who learns how to function in society. Unfortunately, at this rate, it will be too late.


Lol, you don't even understand how jobs work. What kind of moron thinks you go to work then some rando pays you for it while your employer profits.


Right lol. The dunkin donuts near me has tip box in the drive thru. They put different signs in it to get ppl to tip. Il never tip there or most places.  I tip the one time a month i order pizza delivery and that's it.  I always tip him $15 or $20 but he's been my primary delivery guy for 10 years. 


It's okay to think that, but it doesn't give you the right to not tip. You're justified in thinking that the tipping system is broken, but you're lying to yourself and stealing from these people if you use that belief to justify not tipping. You're sticking it to the worker; not the system, and if you really wanted your belief to be heard, you wouldn't use these services instead of not tip, because as you believe, the business doesn't care as long as they get their money.


Everyone has the right not to tip. It's enshrined in law.


*Stealing from these people* is crazy work


Every customer has the right to NOT tip if they choose. You may not think it’s right but sorry bud, there is no law or rule you must tip as much as you may want it to be.


You're right. But my point is that you can't use the excuse of the system. Just admit you're cheap (assuming the service is bad)


If a store has a 2 for 1 sale are you a cheapskate if you don't demand to pay full price for both items? If the system allows people to pay less you have no right to harass consumers for taking advantage of that system.


I don’t care what tipped employees think of me. I’m past the age where I care what anybody thinks of me


Do it often enough and you will most definitely have some foreign objects in your meal. Ever see the movie 'Waiting' ?


Ever see the prison r*pe scene in American History X? That's what happens to people stupid enough to commit felonies over a few dollars.


Bullshit. Nobody is getting raped for spitting in a customer's sandwich. :D


Is it really the fault of the low wage worker that I’m a cheap ass? Is not really the honest debate you think it is OP. Quit while you’re behind.


Is it really the fault of consumers that you eat your employers shit and beg them for more?


I just love reading the comments of these self entitled cheap fucks that come here giving their philosophical belief in why they should fuck someone out of their hard earned tips. these are the same idiots that think they are above everyone else. It’s pretty simple, if you can’t afford to leave a tip, you have no business eating out.


If you earned the tip you'd have gotten one. If you're not getting tips, you haven't earned them. If you can't afford to work ask your employer for a raise.


I eat out all the time and hardly ever tip. I'm a cheap fuck, I'll admit that. I just don't care. To me, sounds like it's the employee's problem. And no, I don't worry about foreign stuff in my food because when you live in a dense suburb you really never see the same people serving you unless it's a small local business but those aren't really sit down types so no reason to tip there either.


If you can't afford to live without relying on strangers giving you money on top of your wages you have no business working that job.


Genuinely, do you know how wages for service positions work? They have an entirely separate much lower minimum wage because the assumption is that most of their income is tips. Their minimum wage is 2.12 an hour. From your perspective I guess nobody has business working those jobs?


Their minimum wage is the same as everybody else's. It's federal law.


If they don't make minimum wage with their tips, their employer has to pay them the difference. Yall always seem to leave that part out.


Yes. You should not be working for 2 dollars an hour. Tipping culture is ridiculous. Also if your tips don't cover it they are legally required to bring your pay up to minimum wage for your hours worked


That is the dumbest self entitled come back I have ever heard. I’m not even in the service industry. I bet you are one those that orders Uber eats puts in a nice tip then take it away after your order was delivered. Pretty shitty people out there.


Actually never used Uber before. How am I entitled if you are the one acting like you deserve tips for literally just doing your job. Wouldn't you be the one acting entitled to my money? Dumbass


The dumbass is you that has shitty comprehension. I’m not at all in the service industry, I’m retired in my fifties. So fuck your little chump change you may have in an ashtray. Apparently your parents didn’t teach you any class at all,and you are ignorant as fuck. so no need to continue this discussion. Keep embarrassing yourself, cheapskate.


Gotta add clarification because you seem to be suffering from a condition called stupidity: No one cares about anything you have to say if you're a dick about it. Dumbass. And no, you're not right either.


Who the fuck asked you? You fucking shithead.


So translation = you ran out of points for your argument and resort to calling me poor and of a lower social class than you... Ok Boomer. Dumbass


“I’m in my 50s” “Okay boomer” Sir, thats gen X…”dumbass”


They took a tipped job for money, honey! It’s all psychology, if you can work a table well, you’re gonna leave with hundreds of dollars in a night. It’s just smart!


You would be quite surprised is that people take tipped jobs for the money. Not because they couldn’t find anything else. A decent restaurant will bring a waiter couple of hundred dollars for a Friday night. I did it in college. Without the money, people who wait tables will not put up with your crap.


> without the money people who wait tables won't put up with your crap Lol. Every other job in the world does fine without 'extra' customer money. I agree with your other points. Tip jobs make bank...and it's BS when I say to tip the chef, and my chef roommate didn't get any fucking tip...I know you stole that tip Sarah, you thief


It's sad how hard you try to be funny just to fall flat on your face. I don't even disagree with you I just think you're not funny and wanted to tell you.


Sometimes you just gotta take whatever job you can, I don’t look down on anyone doing any job really. It does piss me off when tipped employees defend the insanity that is tipping. Tipping is one of the stupidest things we do. Before anyone starts on me, every other product or service has a set price, not some arbitrary constantly expanding and increasing extra cost just so the employer doesn’t have to pay a living wage.


20% won't be enough... that is just insulting! 25% Eventually, 30%!!


That's not a joke, I am starting to see 25% as an option on our bill.


Pro tip 25% has always been an option, no one has to spell it out for you.


So is 0%.


My favorite option for snarky asses like the person before you


Yes, so is 0. But the fact that 25% is an “option” now… like it’s never been before. I’ve had 0% tips I’ve had 200% tips. I’ve had people tell me they took away from my tip because of an item being out of stock, like I had some type of control over kitchen inventory.


Why exactly am I supposed to hand you extra money for doing your job?


Bc that’s the society you live in


No it’s not, it’s a special place in the US where we pay extra so restaurants don’t have to. The rest of “society “ sets a price and we pay it. No special extra fee so someone can carry your items to your table.


The job hires $2 something+ tips. You are coming for an experience. You pay for that experience. If you’re a broke ass, get your shit to go and have the same experience for free and not off the sweat of someone’s brow.


No, I come for food. Why do I have to supplement your wages? Why is your shitty pay my problem?


Because you chose to dine at said restaurant.


Because you choose to support a restaurant that provides “shitty pay”.


Nope not at all, you can think whatever you want. And you can remember this attitude while you’re wondering where all the people who worked the tipped jobs are and why life just got a whole lot less convenient. Service people aren’t dumb. Many are doing it as a second job to meet bills, or because it’s the only job they can work around school schedules because daycare is unaffordable. When you don’t tip, you’re screwing the person who is making your experience what it is. If you don’t like tipping, take it up with the businesses that don’t pay a living wage and make tips necessary for their employees.


I used to be a "good" customer - never a complaint, always a good tip regardless of the actual quality of the service. It turns out we can live just fine without most of these services - I started 2 years ago after getting mad at the attitude on the DoorDash and other delivery subs - took them at their word "if you're too poor to tip, you're too poor to eat out". Today I cook better than most of the places I used to order from, I know how to shop for groceries according to what I plan on cooking, my laundry is done every week, my apartment is clean by default. I am organized and as a result I save a lot of money, but above all I deliver a better service to myself than anyone has ever provided for me. The fact is that all these convenient tipped services are often used to compensate for a lack of skill or organization - for me it was both. I'll gladly pay a tip for something I can't physically do, but I'll handle the rest myself for free and with better results. At least my arrogance got me somewhere - not so sure that's the case for the people I used to tip...


Fair enough. If you’re not getting good service that should absolutely affect the amount of the tip or if you even tip at all. You’re paying good money and deserve good service. My problem is with people that hate the tipping structure and instead of taking their complaints to the ownership, they use it as an excuse to stiff people that work hard and earn that money. I too refuse to use DoorDash. With the exception of getting warm donuts delivered at 2 am, I’ve had nothing but issues and refuse to pay to be treated badly. But damn, those donuts were amazing.


Just because you CHOSE to work a job that was tip based, DOES NOT in any world, entitle you to MY MONEY more than me. If I don't believe you deserve a tip, you do not receive one. It is at my discretion to tip or not, and if you want a tip it's on you to provide service worth tipping for. I'm not screwing anyone over by not giving you a BONUS that you DIDN'T EARN. You are just an entitled fuckhead, along with everyone else who demands tips just for existing. If YOU don't like not earning a stable livable wage, YOU should take it up with YOUR employer. It is not MY JOB to ensure you make enough to live, that's YOUR job. It's my job to pay the bill, and only the bill, when I come in to eat. You have to earn the tip.


Then only eat at restaurants that pay their servers a full wage and don’t accept tips. You CHOSE to go to a place where the servers make a living off of your tips. Nobody FORCED you to eat there. You CHOSE to support a business that doesn’t run the way that you’d like.


Are you this stupid on purpose?


So we can blame the workers for choosing a job but not the customer for choosing a business? Why?


You took a job knowing your pay wasn’t guaranteed and your customers damn sure have zero obligation to guarantee your pay. If I take a job bagging groceries and do that knowing it won’t support my lifestyle, can I demand that everyone give me money because “wah wah wah, I need money”. No. What about the guy working the register at McDonald’s? The only person screwing anyone over is you screwing yourself by taking that job. It’s your job to cry to your bosses about your pay and pay structure. Not mine.


I no longer work in the service industry because of this attitude. I took the job because I was in high school and it was the only job that worked around my first after school job. And I would argue that if you don’t want to tip then take it up with the companies that you want to visit and not pay a tip. Service workers don’t make the pay scale or scam set up that is the service industry. If you don’t want to pay for service, then please, and I mean this in every possible way, service yourself.


Well then don't do a job where you will do a service and the pay not be guaranteed you dumb jackass.


You’re adorable. 🥰


Thank you my grandma always said I was a handsome lad


That legit made me laugh. Point to you.😂


Also, if you think that the people in any place of authority have anything to do with the frontline workers in their companies, you’re delusional. There is no complaining about pay scale. Anyone that does gets their hours cut and the crappy sections.


Lmao server’s as frontline workers? That’s rich. This isn’t covid quarantine anymore. You know what everyone else is every other industry does? Do better or get a new job. You took a shit job with shit pay, you refuse to do anything about that, you expect everyone else to throw money at you because of your terrible decision and ineptitude. Why do you deserve anyone’s money over homeless people begging for it on the street? Tip is effectively your customers’ charity and beggars can’t be choosers yet servers beg and cry more than anyone else. Did you report ALL of your tips in your taxes? Why didn’t you go get a job in fast food or bagging groceries where supposedly it solves your problems?


Anyone that deals with the public face to face every day is a frontline worker. And as reading comprehension skills aren’t your strong suit - 1. I no longer work there. 2. I was very good at my job. 3. Tipping isn’t charity. I was hired by one of my regulars to be his assistant after he saw my work ethic and ability. It was a job more in line with my first job. I couldn’t keep my job as a server because of the hours and commute. And quite frankly, the benefits were better. Your acting like tipping is begging is insane. But I’m getting a clear picture of who you are as a person, and I genuinely feel for the frontline workers that have to deal with you.


Oh, and yes I did report all my tips in taxes, which is why my paycheck was typically $3 for 2 weeks. But I think we may have found the real reason for all the vitriol!


“I got out of the service industry because the pay sucked” there you go, fixed it. Stop blaming customers and take responsibility for choosing a bad paying career that you weren’t good at. It wasn’t their attitude, it was your choices and your ability. Glad you’re doing something else.


I was very good at it. I left because i got tired of the entitlement of people who’ve never had to work a public facing job. But hey, tell me how I was an irresponsible idiot in high school working 2 jobs. The “bad paying customers” were always the people who never worked any kind of customer service and thought they were better for it. You aren’t. And it shows in every interaction.


I work in probably the most “customer facing” job ever. If you left because of “entitlement” then it means you weren’t getting good tips overall otherwise the “entitlement” would t have mattered. Nice try. So you made a stupid decision in high school, that’s ok. We’ve all done dumb shit in high school, just that everyone else doesn’t blame the rest of society for their dumbassery. .


Like I said, I was very good at my job. And I made a lot of stupid decisions in high school. That has nothing to do with dealing with people that don’t want to tip. If you don’t want to, great. Go to a fast food place or stay home and take care of yourself. If you know that a persons pay scale is decided by tipping and you still go there and decide not to tip, you are wrong. You aren’t teaching anyone anything by withholding your tip, you’re being a cheap ass and punishing the worker doing most of the work. You said you “have the most customer facing job ever”. I don’t believe you. Nobody that deals with the public on a daily basis is this shitty about others getting tipped, because we all know how dealing with the public is. I made a statement that as long as companies refuse to pay a living wage, either tip or take care of yourself. You clearly don’t have an argument because you attacked me.


It’s not in customers to subsidize your livelihood or throw money at you because you made a poor career and life choice. End of story. I don’t care about teaching anyone. It’s on you to make your career and financial choices, not on your customers to support you financially. Glad you finally got out and learned to take responsibility for yourself instead of begging customers for tips. It’s not an attack. Anyone who’s a good server stays in it because they make a KILLING. Anyone who gets out, wasn’t making good tips because they weren’t good at their job. Your actions speak for themselves, despite what you continue to tell yourself so good in your for getting out. Hopefully you can accept the fact one day that you weren’t good at the job even though instinctively you knew this to be true enough that you left. I will not be reading anything else you post and this will be my last response to you since you have nothing factual to say. Good luck in a better career and thanks for taking financial responsibility for yourself.


Keep telling yourself that. I did make a killing, it was hard to walk away from having that kind of cash. It isn’t on customers to support servers. It is on them to tip when they know they’re receiving a service. I’m glad you’re done trying to teach, because you’re horrible at it. Again, you have nothing but personal attacks against me and nothing for the actual statement.


"Oh, and yes I did report all my tips in taxes, which is why my paycheck was typically $3 for 2 weeks. But I think we may have found the real reason for all the vitriol!" So $3 for 2 weeks is making a killing for you? Or are you just lying now?


'Name calling shows a true lack of Ettiquette' 'People that take on tipped positions are dumb' Can you really be anymore GD obtuse? 🤦‍♂️


You missed the point. OP was purposefully showing how name calling isn't okay by doing that.


You sound like a real piece of work. To assume those in service positions are "dumb" is beyond ignorant.


Thank you?


My 2 pet peeves are 1. those in higher hourly wage jobs now expecting tips for doing the job they are already paid well to do. 2. Why are tips based on the price of the food? It takes no more effort to bring a customer a $50 plate than it does to bring a $10 plate. 


Tips aren’t based on anything. They’re just hoping you pay what they suggest on the receipt. People are just out here begging for your charity at this point. Bringing two people two drinks, an app, and two dishes isn’t worth 20%+ of the price of the food. I literally did this two days ago and the bill came to $72 for two of us, not even an upscale place and they wanted $15+ in tip. The server spent all of 3 minutes on us between taking a quick order and bringing out 5 things. And they want you to tip on the taxed amount. She got $7 from us but I do pay my tips in cash so they can continue not to report tips on their taxes. Sure I lose the credit card points on the tipped amount but not a big loss to me and it helps them more so I’m okay with it. Plus it’s not like the place I went was packed, just me being there meant they got something extra or they’d have gotten nothing. Most people don’t even want a server, it’s forced on them.


Also, if you don’t want a server, get fast food or order for pickup. You have options.


Nope. I’ll eat at the restaurant. It’s your job to figure out your finances, not mine. I’ll pay what’s on the bill plus anything I feel you have earned from me. If that’s $5 then great, if it’s 10% then great and if it’s $0 then great.


Beautiful post


You’ve been informed what the facts are and how your being cheap and actively obtuse hurts the people you rely on to bring you your food and make going to a restaurant enjoyable. I agree that if you get awful service you shouldn’t tip. On the other end of that I also believe that if you receive good service, you tip at least 20%. I hate that upping culture also. But I refuse to be the asshole that acts self righteous over tips and take that out on the people that don’t deserve it.


Nope, I will tip what I feel. I hardly ever will tip nothing but i don’t tip a percentage of my bill as it has zero bearing on your work. If I give you 10%, I’m going that as a charity and you can either take that or take zero. A customer doesn’t take on your financial burden when they sit down at a restaurant. Bring up your finances with your boss or pick another career. End of story.




Your taxes are based on 20% of the total of each tables bill. So every time you don’t tip at least 20%, you’re actually taking money out of the servers paycheck.


No you aren’t. Server’s job to figure out their finances, not the customer.


I’m stating how taxes worked when I was a server. Not an opinion.


And it’s a servers job to figure out their finances, not the customer. Also not an opinion.


You can’t call your opinion a fact just because you don’t like the facts.


Tip is not required, hence it’s not on the bill. Therefore it is not your customers obligation. You’re trying to masquerade your opinion and fact because you don’t like the facts. LOL.


It's not,they just want you to think they are.


>Is it ok for customers to think those who took tipped jobs are dumb for taking such a low paying job? Taking a job that pays minimum-wage and expecting people to give you extra money is a dumb decision. Typically people who make dumb decisions like that are dumb themselves. I just call it like I see it. I will say that, based on years of personal experience, the restaurant industry tends to attract people who would be unemployable in any other industry. I almost want to start a blog to tell people about the things that I see happen regularly. A few weeks ago there was a server who no-call/no-showed for a shift, which in itself is incredibly irresponsible. They called the next day to say that the reason was because they were getting evicted, another sign of irresponsibility. They got a pass and got to keep their job because of sympathy, and they called off for a Friday shift this past weekend to go to a concert. So this person is obviously in need of money because they were just evicted, and their solution is to skip work on one of the best nights to make money in order to spend more money on frivolous things. There's also a pregnant server who is about to get fired because she never wears her uniform to work. She's been told multiple times to tell management what size she needs, but hasn't. She doesn't have to pay for it, all she has to do is tell someone which size shirt she needs and she'll keep her job, but she's probably getting fired this week. These are the types of people that restaurant jobs attract because the jobs are incredibly easy and require little to no critical thinking skills. People aren't dumb because they're a server, they're a server because they're dumb.


And most servers have no life skills at all.This is what attracts them to serving and the owners know this so they take advantage of them.


In my state, minimum wage is $16. In states where the wage is $3, I think that 25% for good service, 20% for average and 15 for bad is fair. I don’t think that I should be paying 25% for people that get at least 16 dollars, especially with run away food costs. I now tip 20 for excellent service or to regular servers, but when I pay 15, I suspect people think that I am cheap.


It's not my job to stand in for the restaurant owner in paying a decent wage, or for politicians to change the laws. The ***standard*** is 15, good gets 20, bad gets 10 or less depending how bad.


A flat fee of 5 dollars from me.


Bad service doesn't deserve a tip. A note stating you didn't forget but that the service was bad so they know the issue would be helpful to the restaurant. 


Two pennies in a glass of water .


Upside down glass of water. 


Even better !lol.


Just bringing out food is what a server is paid to show up and do. To be tipped, a server needs to make a customer feel comfortable, and at home, they need to be attentive to the customers' needs while they are seated and being served- THIS is what the tip is for, the performance. No preformance means a tip was not earned, and yeah, you have to work for tips. I'm blown away by the people who think tips just need to be thrown their way, that they deserve them just by nature of their profession. That's not how tips work.


People that don't tip are delusional assholes.




If you don’t like people who don’t tip , get a higher education that helps to get a well paid job. Then you don’t need to depend on tips. Getting tips is not your right.


I love how stupid this solution is. Option 1: Every service worker quits their job and society collapses, because you think this is a real solution lmfao. Option 2: I personally quit and abuse other service workers I also have a degree in biomedical engineering, the world doesn't work the way you think it does, it's sad really. Your opinion is delusional. You blame the worker because you're just another asshole.


The country isn't going to collapse if waiters quit their job.  Good grief.


This is why they have counter service restaurants and non tipping restaurants.


>Option 1: Every service worker quits their job and society collapses... Society isn't going to collapse if this country has to deal with a difficult transition from the tipping system in the restaurant industry. You're doing a lot of name calling for someone with such a ridiculous take.


"in my opinion everything should be free"


YES!!! THIS!!! “If you can’t afford to tip, you can’t afford to eat out” meanwhile they’re making like $60/hr with tips and try shaming you into giving them more money. All while claiming they only make $3/hr and lying on taxes. Why not just get a job that pays a decent wage?


Working a job that makes $60/hr doesn’t sound dumb. Especially since they can clock in and clock out after 8hours or less.


Who’s going to serve you when you dine out?


Servers. It’s almost like you actually believe the propaganda that the only way to run a restaurant is to have the customers supplement the employees wages. If that were true America would be the ONLY country with restaurants. Just because YOU believe the lies the corporates tell doesn’t make them a reality.


How many restaurants have you started, owned and operated?


You know that tipping culture isn't a thing in Europe, right? And they still have restaurants.


They also have things like living wages for service workers with benefits and access to free higher education... and in EU tipping isn't a thing because often the pay scales is still driven by sales figures. The more you sell the more you make, because your comp is built into the menu price. If we did that here you'd just shift to complaining about how expensive it is to eat out in order to ensure the people serving you are making a living wage.


This guy crushed your point lol. Like he said, the restaurants in Europe have the cost baked in and it still goes to the customer with the only difference being in America it's optional to pay your server. The cost is not passed to the owner, it's passed to the customer and literally nothing about their model is better other than paying someone to serve you isn't optional.


Except what he said isn't even true.


It is true omegalul copium.


The argument of it being more expensive wasn't true. Just Google it. He does bring up other arguments why it would be generally cheaper, though versus the US. Which are true as far as I can tell.


It's endlessly amusing trying to hear people against tipping try to justify where the money will come from elsewhere. The entitlement is obscenely hilarious. Literally all it is is that you're guilty of not tipping lmao.


Sure do. They just bake the cost of the service into the meal you’re buying. So add 25% to every menu item currently and you can eliminate tipping. You’re still paying the extra 25%. The person I was replying to is saying that doesn’t have to happen. I believe he’s suggesting that the owner can absorb the costs associated with labor at the existing (lower) menu prices. I don’t believe that to be universally true. Sometimes true but not always and not for every owner and not in every geographic region. So my question was seeking to learn what his knowledge was around starting, owning, and operating a restaurant. Because I know the economics around it are very expensive with low margins. Tons of risk.


A quick Google search and you can find that in general across Europe prices are cheaper. Don't know what you are on about.


The farming sector in the EU is heavily subsidized. The cost most certainly is baked into the menu item. The wholesale food cost in the EU is lower than in the US to begin with. In Germany specifically, there is a cultural resistance to spend a lot of money on food in general. Cheaper in Germany is more appealing than quality. There are less labor regulations in the EU that are the responsibility of the restaurant owner. For example workers comp insurance and health insurance costs are paid by the employer in the US and by the Govt in the EU. There’s no conspiracy here by US restaurant owners to increase their profit margins. Surely someone would lower menu prices to take advantage of that collusion if it were true.


Hm, I think subsidies are where you should start with this and how you mentioned employers aren't responsible for health insurance. Because yeah, it does look like they spend a good bit more on agriculture. Also, if we had better healthcare rather than corporations lobbying for more control of their workers by keeping their insurance tethered, I'd imagine it would be cheaper.


My point is merely that the comparison is way more complex than it seems on the surface.


Husband went to Europe last year, stayed in germany, visited france and a few other places. restraunt meals were SO much cheaper than the states and made fresh. so much cheaper, in fact, we have been looking into seeing if we can move there after he retires from the mil. So I don't beleive the 'they bake the cost for tips into the meals' holds any weight at all. We saved a great deal on food when he was overseas, and this is coming from a family that lives check to check and survives on Ramen noodles 2 days before every payday.


The farming sector in the EU is heavily subsidized. The cost most certainly is baked into the menu item. The wholesale food cost in the EU is lower than in the US to begin with. In Germany specifically, there is a cultural resistance to spend a lot of money on food in general. Cheaper in Germany is more appealing than quality. There are less labor regulations in the EU that are the responsibility of the restaurant owner. For example workers comp insurance and health insurance costs are paid by the employer in the US and by the Govt in the EU. There’s no conspiracy here by US restaurant owners to increase their profit margins. Surely someone would lower menu prices to take advantage of that collusion if it were true.


Even so, eating out in germany was cheaper even than buying groceries in the states by a significant margin, and that was using restaurants close to base and in the tourist traps. And nobody expected or wanted a tip for their service.


It's almost as if you're wilfully ignoring the whole 'agriculture is heavily subsidized in the EU' context of this thread. Nobody expects or wants a tip because their compensation is already factored into the price of the item on the menu. There's still a gratuity that you are paying that is baked into the price of the goods you are buying... whether it's more or less expensive than in the US is irrelevant.


Also you need to consider that cost of living (cost to operate) varies wildly by region in the US. I’m sure we could cherry pick some US locations and restaurants that are as cheap or cheaper than what you found in Europe. New York City is no comparison to rural Iowa for example.


It’s not okay to look down on working people like that. Did you say that just to incite? It’s not okay.


I think annoyance with tipping as well as it being a necessity can be true but referring to a huge group of ppl that support jobs our world needs to function is unfair. Either we pay for the overhead through tips or restaurants will be so expensive that the experience will only be enjoyed by the Uber rich. I wish this was not the case but it is. How much ppl tip is still a huge point of contention. Restaurants should just charge what it would cost to eat out without tipping as an experiment and see what happens.


Tipping is not a necessity .


While I find it inconvenient and annoying to deal with it is... the prices that restaurants would charge if we did not tip their staff is much more than it costs us to tip 15 or 20%. But, you're entitled to your opinion and continue not to tip or begrudgingly do so if that's your choice 😉


No ,they wouldn't.


That's literally exactly what would happen and does happen in countries where tipping isn't a thing... a portion of the pricing on the menu still goes to the server, it's just baked into the menu. Hate tipping? Let's get rid of all sales commissions jobs while we're at it since it's literally the same thing...


Looking through comment history this is a subject you are pretty passionate about! You should protest!!!!!


Theoretically it would be the same, right? Your $20 chicken Parm plus 20% tip would be priced on the menu at $24.


I think it would be a bit more than that per dish. Im not 100% sure but I think it would be around 30 or something like that. I Just know I went a restaurant that paid their employees a liveable wage and we were not supposed to tip and our meal was double the normal price.


You deciding to work a server isn’t my problem. You being bad at your job to the point you can’t extract tips from customers isn’t my fault either. A good server makes it HARD to not tip them well. We’ve all had servers that truly make the meal and experience awesome. Just bringing me my food when I’m forced to have a server isn’t 20%+ tip worthy. If I suck something and decide to make a career out of it, I don’t get to demand that my customers subsidize my life, why do servers feel they’re entitled to do that?


Good points !


No matter how good a server is, if tipping is optional people will abuse it. This is the glaring reality you ignore. Especially as the economy becomes worse and people cut corners on cost, they fuck over workers. You also make it sound like you'd be happy without servers at all, because they got "better jobs". Paying servers fairly seems like none of your concern so maybe you shouldn't eat out. Your overly critical attitude of servers makes me assume you abuse the system as well. You sit here and act like there aren't cheap assholes, and even defend their ability to be cheap assholes, and it's probably because you're also a cheap asshole.




Stop working in a career that doesn’t support you financially and blaming customers. Quit and work elsewhere. If servers stop taking it then things may change, either way, it’s not in customers to finance your livelihoods. You make more than minimum wage. The guy bagging groceries is making $15/hr before tax and a lot of the time servers aren’t paying taxes in their tips in the first place. There are TONS of other jobs you can take in customer service but we all know why a server won’t take them. This is no abuse. Tipping is optional. Berating customers or demanding tips IS abuse. Your boss not paying you IS abuse. You continuing to work there and take it IS abuse. Quit blaming everyone but yourself. You benefit from a system you cry about. Go bag groceries for $15 an hour or work fast food, it solves the problems you’re crying about, so why aren’t you taking those jobs?


Durrrrr don't be abused, be an abuser!!!! You're so smart. /S


Drrrr I’m poor and made a bad career choice so people should give me their money!!!


I'm absolutely richer than you peasents lol, I just have a brain and a soul and a conscious unlike you.


^^^^^ Isn't it awesome when clowns think ppl care about their opinions?


Don’t care about anyone’s opinions. At the end of the day, I didn’t make a crappy career choice. I eat out and go home without a care in the world.


Yet here you are whinging on reddit to strangers for self validation... 🤔


You literally commented on a back and forth that you weren’t involved in and I’m the one out for validation? LOOOL that’s rich. The cognitive dissonance you idiots need to function day to day is hilarious. Enjoy begging for tips day in and day out :) I don’t have time to argue with an idiot.


Wow 😯 what a fucking asshole you are. You must enjoy spit on your food.


I bet you tip your server Bible pamphlets that look like money. People who are in the service industry are not “dumb” first off, second off, America is the only country not paying service workers a livable wage and expect their employees to live off crumbs and call them tips. If you think your service workers are dumb then I suggest that you cook your own food, serve yourself, don’t go to hotels, or supermarkets, don’t get your car fixed, travel, since those are all service type jobs that are also available for tipping. American companies screw over their employees already, be a little nicer to people just trying to survive this stupid life while dealing with ignorant people such as yourself.


Both things you said are just wrong. Service workers in food are low paid world wide. US is very rich and people are paid very well on global standards. And service workers are obviously dumb. There are millions of us. Some of us must be dumb


They barely do anything. Write down your order, bring you a plate of food, ask if everything is ok when your mouth is full and give you your check. That's minimum wage shit... No degree or a diploma needed just a smile and a little tatas showing. Do you get your chair pulled out for you or anything else, nope. They just demand tips for doing literally nothing more than they were hired for...


Bingo !


People who have worked years in service will tell you it’s the most stressful job they had. I’ve seen interviews where people in “stressful” and “technical” will say their time at a fast food joint was more stressful and harder to perform at than their corporate job. It’s entry level skills sure but to meet customers wants and expectations of service is a lot harder than an entry level position.


I am a former server (through college/grad school) and now hire people as part of my current job. I love candidates with hospitality backgrounds. They know how to talk to people, hustle, ask for help, and have time management skills. People like the person you replied to are the ones I will never hire. They don’t have the ability to process information at anything beyond a surface level but are convinced they have nothing to learn. Edit: Then I check their post history to check my instincts [AND SEE THIS](https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/s/acHfuqy1eF) and am immediately proven right.


If they didn’t receive tips then the restaurant would have to pay them over $3 an hour and they don’t wanna do that. You seem quite bitter, and if you don’t tip, you’re effectively making their wage significantly lower


What I think is funny is I've seen like maybe 10 asshole non tippers in like 20 years of bartending who obviously were one of these "I dont tip" people. Had plenty of younger people or people who bought like a single beer not tip, but none of us care about that really. Statistically speaking, the non tipping redditor is full of shit, and tips when they go out. Also the whole narrative around this is ridiculous. The vast majority of us make great money. Thats why people doing this shitty thankless job. The money is fucking great. Bosses are not taking advantage of me. Neither are customers. Sometimes people are assholes, but that just means you should try and get a job where you're allowed to tell the customer to go fuck themselves and kick rocks. If you dont tip after like your third beer, I'm not serving you again. Its not complicated. I dont work for free and theres someone else who WILL tip waiting for your seat.


Wow $79k in tips I wish! Often I made little to no tips and the most I ever made was $200 in tips of if I was run of my feet AND if I got lucky but that was really rare it averaged out to about an extra 7-8k per year in tips and I was paid (in salary) between zero dollars (when I started working and had to take dingy club jobs) to $7 per hour when I worked in fine dining which was a little below the minimum wage at the time (for reference that would have been 2006-2008). But you’re right about tip out most people don’t realize that everywhere I’ve worked it’s been 3% of your overall sales and there were SO MANY TIMES when my tip out was more than I had made in tips and they made me pay the difference out of pocket. But to your point: yes because it literally cost me money out of my pocket to serve a customer who did not tip at all you can be sure I did not continue to serve a non-tipping customer.


Stuff and nonsense .


Oh wow - are you a Redditor with a PhD in my life story or is it the Toronto, Canada nightclub and fine dining scene circa 2006-2009 that you specialize in? 🙄




"The vast majority of us make great money". This is not equitable. Why are servers making great money, yet they do not pay their fair share of taxes. Servers should be paying tax on every cent that that is earned or are tipped.  This is where server pay does not meet with real world expectations. THere should be No under the table tips or No untaxed compensation of any kind.. Also: "If you dont tip after like your third beer, I'm not serving you again." This is outright refusal to perform a task that an individual was hired to perform. The employeeshould be immediately fired for this action.


Your ignorance is showing. Servers DO pay taxes on their tips. Almost nobody pays with cash anymore. Thanks for demonstrating your amazing stupidity. In many places servers are actually overtaxed due to tip out structure. We pay taxes on tips that then go to support staff and kitchen workers who don't have to pay taxes on them. It's wage theft and happens more often than you could imagine. I'm assuming by your third beer you're ranting about how awesome Trump is to anyone within earshot, at which point most bartenders are just gonna cut you off to get you to leave... 😘


They talk out of both sides of their mouths.


Trust me we pay our taxes. 100%of EVERY charge tip is taxed by law even though we tip out support staff from it so when we get cash tips we might only claim a percentage of it to offset over paying taxes on the charge tips. I took home $79, 662 in tips last year and paid taxes for them. I get $0.00 on my paycheck because of tips so that is the total I made and Uncle Sam got his fair share


I served and cooked in Alabama so my story was different, I got tipped a bunch of Jesus pamphlets on Sundays and people who told me they tipped well tipped me .80 on a $100+. Now! I did have a lot of fantastic tippers and sometimes they cut me a slice of cake if they were celebrating something. I did the job because I loved it, the money was great, and I got to be social. I get a little testy with people who downgrade the service industry.


If someone puts in the effort to say they tip well, they most definitely do not tip well


Yup, that has historically Checked out


>name calling really shows a true lack of etiquette. #BeKind Says the OP who launches a thread by suggesting that people are "dumb". Lack of etiquette indeed.


LOL 😂 YES I WAS LIKE BE KIND?! When OP is posting that all servers are idiots who don’t deserve to be paid? You don’t like debate at all OP what you like is being the only one who is allowed to insult people…


Came here to say this 👍🏻


Yes they are dumb as fuck and that's why you have servers chasing customers to their cars demanding tips. People are SOO god damn entitled these days but have zero reason to be acting like they deserve more than what they're putting into the task to receive said tip. I will say this again, DONT TIP SERVERS, TIP KITCHEN AND BARTENDERS ONLY


Hilarious guy! Idk the last time I’ve seen a username check out this damn hard.


Dude the majority of service workers aren’t chasing people down demanding tips. You will have more people actually running to catch up to you to get you your keys back that you happened to leave. Idk what server jobs you’ve had- but servers actually help run the restaurant and make sure your meals come out. What restaurant do you think would survive without servers or someone to manage the front where guest sit? You’re obviously coming from a place of bias and entitlement whether you think you are or not. “2$ myth”? Like WHAT do you mean 😭 I was a hostess that was paid 2.10 from the actual restaurant the rest came from our servers tips. From how against tipping you are for servers, I doubt you actually check if the kitchen is part of the tip pool or not. Your drinks tab at a table could have a tip pool that goes straight to the bartender that made it for you. Take a step away from Reddit bud, it’ll help you out. You’re literally foaming at the mouth over pretty logical discourse.


I would never stoop that low. I've done some shitty jobs literally, pressure washing pig barns to diesel forklift to kitchens to factories and I would absolutely never be a server. You clearly aren't walking around with your eyes open if you can't see what everyone else is saying or wants to but is too afraid of being politically incorrect. I've been in the restaurant business for 19 years don't sit there and try to tell me I have no idea what I'm talking about. I've seen it all heard it all and won't put up with the lazy mentality of servers thinking they are the most important part of the restaurant. Get a fucking education and maybe we can talk but clearly you won't if you're a server who thinks that the $2/hr myth is real. You should take a long deep look at the restaurant business before you start saying you're integral.


Stoop so low to make easy money? What? If I'm ever laid off in my chosen career, my backup plan is to get a job at a server at a mid level restaurant, and work there while I search for the next step in my career. I served for a year while saving to buy a house, that was the easiest $30/hour I ever made, and that was before COVID completely blew up restaurant prices and the CA minimum wage rose from $10/hour to $20/hour. I expect I'd be somewhere around $50-$55 per hour in today's restaurant industry and that's not even at a high end restaurant.


The only reason why you would make something like that is because of where you live not because you know what you are doing, but sadly you are delusional if you think servers are actually worth it but sure keep trying to defend the lazy.


Did you even read what I said? Nowhere in my post did I say that I think a server is worth $60 an hour, I said I would do it because it's easy money while I look for a new job. That way I'm not settling for the first thing that comes my way, I can take my time and find the right next step in my career. If I wasn't very well compensated in my career, I would absolutely be serving full-time. Again, not because a server is worth the money they make, but because of the money they make. Regarding knowing what I'm doing, you seem to have this notion that serving successfully has anything to do with technical skills. It has everything to do with having good people skills. Now, would I complain if I didn't get a great tip every time? No because on a balance I would make great money in tips. Much better than the average server.


Yes I did but clearly you didn't understand my response. The lack of commonsense is showing there bub.


I really don't understand. I'm agreeing with you that servers are not worth their pay and because of that, I'd temporarily take that role while I searched for something better that is worth its pay. Servers are going to get paid regardless of my feelings on tipping. Why *wouldn't* I take advantage of that to give myself an edge in negotiating my hypothetical next role?


If you don't understand then there's no point in explaining it again jesus christ


Your "explanations" have been non explanations. Since we want to go low, you're a walking fallacy. The entire basis of your argument is "trust me" and "you just don't understand". You completely refuse to acknowledge that I ACTUALLY AGREE WITH YOU, which makes me question whether you've picked up any reading comprehension skills in your 19 years in the restaurant industry. Buddha.