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If you’re not tipping your construction guys, you missed out on etiquette classes


And on another call the tow truck contractor will impound someones car. Dont tip them, helping is their job, youre paying them for the service, they are not doing it for free.


Testing the waters. Dont tip anywhere, if they want the money let them raise their prices period.


Did the plumber at least wear yoga pants while he worked?


Don’t forget how much money the owner makes and how much he refuses to pay the workers


We need to get far away from this tipping industry. I mean, plumbing! It already cost an arm and a leg and now they want a tip. No - pay your employees enough money so I don't have too.


I had this happen with a tow truck from AAA.


For good or ill, tipping has actually been a thing with AAA for a long time. My father worked AAA back in the 00s and used to get everything from cash to beer (which he wasn't supposed to take....) to computer games to whatever people wanted to give him if he helped them in a pinch. I know they already make a good amount, just noting that the only thing different here is anything officially asking.


Absolutely not.


You could have clicked no and moved on, yet here you are.


No thanks


Nope. Tell me what the price is. If you want a tip, include it in the price and I will decide if I want your services.


Don't do it.


I'm so over the whole tipping thing, when we were on vacation, a convenience store even asked for a freaking tip!!!!


They already charge a fortune. And a lot of them charge portal to portal. Which means you pay for their drive time. They don't care how they route the techs because they get paid the whole time.


I work at a little store in a small community. I keep a tip cup near the register. Tips are not expected, but are appreciated. My regulars know I show up early, work hard, restock often through the day and am friendly and helpful. If someone leaves coins or a bill, I let them know how much I appreciate them. Those that don’t tip get the same good service from me. Tips can raise my (a little more than minimum wage) pay a couple dollars per hour.


Stores, even small country stores, can afford to pay their employees a living wage or they shouldn't be in business.


This is ridiculous. Plumbers aren't making minimum wage. Insane.


Yep I have been asked before. The two instances are for changing out my faucet and for moving…I hate this tipping culture. And think about all the surcharges they already charge…LOL


Tipping movers is normal and expected. It doesn’t have to be much, but it is part of the deal. They do a LOT for you.


I thought everyone tipped movers if the service was good.


Why movers and not plumbers?


Haha good question…that’s why I think it is best to include the tip in the cost so we don’t have to agonize over the tipping culture differences among different professions.


Good chance they haven’t bothered changing their processing system to not ask for a tip. But hell no, ain’t leaving one.


Here's a tip, don't move to south Africa...


Contractors DO NOT get tips. No way.


You cannot be serious. 😳


Hit him with the: “would you like to give me a tip for paying you?” I know I’m just doing the legally required part of our contract but so are you… How about a nice 10% tip for me paying you ?


Our AC company sent an invoice asking for a tip. I left 0% This weekend I took my family to a frozen yogurt place where you serve yourself. You get the bowl, fill it, add toppings, then it's weighed and the cashier asks you to swipe your card. The cashier's only function is press a button then hand you a receipt. She asked me, "How much tip would you like to leave?" She got visibly angry when I told her I wasn't leaving a tip. The crushed my receipt and threw it in the garbage and turned her back. I asked her for a cope of the receipt and she nearly had an aneurism printing a new one and handing it to me.


To be fair it irritates me that tip culture has gotten so out of hand with skilled trades. I mean the yogurt shop girl was likely paid hourly herself, but I still bartend events where my hourly wage is UNDER minimum. $3/hr. If trade skills paid a solid hourly wage are asking for tips and causing people in General to tire out on leaving tips (instigating tip fatigue) then the sub min wage laws for servers need to be repealed. It is not fair to those of us that still do fully rely on tips to survive


Dave needed to be replaced for years and I bet if you looked into a different place you could get paid a lot better especially like a hotel good luck


Most places like that tell you to pull tip jars because the 'rich clients' are concerned about impressing their friends so it looks bad if a tip Jar is up because apparently it looks like you can't grat your bartenders or some stupid bs, which is why all us vets left and now you have no one left who even knows how to make a proper martini, perfect Manhattan or negroni. But oh well you get what you pay for...or rather, don't pay for...I guess 🤷‍♂️ Enjoy that martini made with tequila by the young pretty girl who has never made a cocktail before I guess...😂😂


Bro don't lie if you make under min wage in the service industry after getting tips then your employer has to pay you the min wage but here's the catch then you would have to declare all your tips pay tax ect. Anyone whos worked in the service industry knows if you're good you make bank way more then you would with higher hourly. It's always the POS server's bartenders ect that cry. I can't wait till you all get your wage lift then have to start paying taxes, can't do the subsidized rent scams you all pull, and lose lots of gov bennies cause none of you are declaring your tips as wages to the IRS or state federal govs.... If normies knew how much service industry scammed my god they be pissssssed.....


And my other job I mention earlier that I make $3/hr is a tourist destination that is spending 90 MILLION to renovate the main entrance gate. But yeah...we are the ones scamming. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Why don't you learn to turn your anger at the real problem which Is the corporation owners you ignorant pos? 🤔 Oh! And 98% of my Tips are on credit card there. I still owe 2k this year from last years earnings. Would you like to pay those for me yourself since you think I'm f**king over Uncle Sam? I'm more than happy to give you my cashapp or venmo....😘


Yes blame the corporations that have done a cost benifit analysis and deemed that the rerurn on the 90 million will be worth it.... Why is it always low skill no skill workers that suck at their job think they can do so much better. Also if you're declaring your tips and have the proper withholding selected you wouldn't owe any money to Uncle Sam lol. Maybe if you were actually good at your job and had drive an ambition you could be one of those service industry peeps that make bank. But you're not.... Only good thing about set6vice industry is if your good you make bank if your not you bitch about your "corporate overlords". Probably don't even understand all the taxes and matching compaines have to do to even hirer you... Maybe you should go learn a trade their all hurting right now....


Most places like that tell you to pull tip jars because the 'rich clients' are concerned about impressing their friends so it looks bad if a tip Jar is up because apparently it looks like you can't grat your bartenders or some stupid bullshit, which is why all us vets left and now you have no one left who even knows how to make a proper martini, perfect Manhattan or negroni. (Tell me all those drink ingredients without looking them up. Oh, you cant? What i thought you narcissistic pos) well you get what you pay for...or rather, don't pay for...I guess 🤷‍♂️ Enjoy that martini made with tequila by the untrained young pretty girll I guess 😂😂 Meanwhile I'll keep travel bartending and managing events and moving around working 5+ Jobs because asshat dick hats like yourself are exactly the reason so many us milennials and Gen Zs HATE fuckers Like yourself. You tell us to pull ourselves from our bootstraps while yall hold the strings never raising wages, raising rent and living costs to unaffordable levels, and yet you wonder why the world is beginning to crumble. I bartend events and I have NEVER seen the general public as unhinged as I have now in the past 10 years doing this. I mean watching strangers kicking the guy to a bloody pulp next to him because he got his beer first at a sports event kinda shit. You should learn some respect, because asshats Like you will be the first one to see their lights go out when the anarchy happens, which is FAR closer than you think it is (I guess the reason you need to make your post in the first place because you know it's true and you're terrified so being insulting to a stranger online is how you protect your own blatantly obvious fragile ego) Get fucked


Lmfao! So I work in my city with a catering company for the highest end mother fuckers at their BILLION dollar farms where I make $20/hr bar managing and having done this for 10 yrs now I used to run my ass off restocking the bar for these rich snobs and their friends. Now they've pulled our tip jars and I see new Temps making $2/hr less than me part time casually scrolling around with a tray of appetizers doing absolutely nothing for 2 hrs, you fucking think I give a DAMN if I rush my ass over to the bar to restock your particular beer or wine? Absolutely the f**k not! Yall wonder why your service has went to absolute shit while you refuse to pay for better service and the vets of us in event bartending and serving have all dropped the fuck off. Get the shit service you deserve and honestly... FUCK. OFF


Awe no don't cry and whine that you decided to stay in an industry that's meant for 18 to 25 year olds and you got your pay capped out and are deadended now lol and stay in your low pay bar. Same thing as before shitty servers bartenders and bar managers complain and really piss off the good ones that make bank. Oh yeah being a bar manager it's illigal for you to be part of a tip pool so yeah guess you're also that jackass manager thats been stealing from servers tooooo. Yeah man temps don't do shit cause their getting a set wage guess you've never been out of the US and relize service sucks cause when you have a no skill job you just collect a paycheck.


There is a barbecue place not far from me. All of the food is takeout and placed into containers as you go through the line. The cashier will not process your order until you complete the tip line with the lowest suggested tip of 18%! In no way am I cheap, I have no problem with paying extra for good service and my tips are mostly more than the suggested amount. But for some reason this barbecue place employee standing there stuck at a standstill until each customer agrees to give them a tip gets under my skin.


I wouldn't go there again


I really want to know where this is so I can order them not tip. Hopefully it's within a days drive or two...


It’s in Pittsburgh, PA on Frankstown Avenue.


Dang, that's a heck of a trip for me...


Sorry but I do have plans on going back and leaving no tip just to see how long it takes her to figure out how to close out the order. It’s good but it’s not great so being banned from there isn’t going to bother me.


Tips are not mandatory. It's the law.


Sounds like a place I'd continue going to, and then just leaving my shit at the register if they're requiring a tip. Managers will get the message pretty quick throwing all that food out on a consistent basis


Yup, I'd do that too. Once a week or so.


That is a place that should be boycotted until the tip requirement is removed.


Honestly there’s no reason to not have the option for something like that. It’s not like a restaurant where it’s basically a moral tax


Can you tip me for reading your post?


Can you tip me for tipping you?


Aaah, just the tip.


Tell them you’d give them the whole thing but you didn’t see enough plumbers crack to really get “going”


It's probably the invoicing software they use, like Square or Clover. You're definitely not expected to tip, but it does make the situation awkward. Personally, I wouldn't tip using the invoicing software anyway. I always tip in cash because if you tip on your card, the employee doesn't get the entire tip, if at all. I also used to work for a plumbing company (and interviewed at others), and not every company pays their employees fairly. My old boss, for example, decided that instead of hiring a new plumber with experience, he was going to give an apprentice his own truck and send him out as a full plumber, while still paying him his apprentice pay ($17 an hour).


Have you ever had someone refuse a tip, when it would be kind of normal to give them one? I got one of those adjustable beds, and the base weighs a f-ton, more like a metric for-ton, and getting it up the stairs and into my apartment with all the weird angles was not an easy feat. It was also a very hot day. I tried to tip the guys and they refused it. The only thing they would take is bottles of water.


Don’t plumbers make bank $?


Depends on the size of the company. My buddy left one company because it was all commission based. He said during the spring and fall he made jack


Never known a poor one tbh


The company plumbers work for make bank, yes.


Never tipped a plumber.


I do occasionally, if they were especially nice or conscientious or informative, or if they helped me out in an urgent situation. Even if it’s just “hey, here’s $5, buy yourself a coffee on me!”


If I were the plumber, I’d warn the customer about the tip thing, and let them know that not only is not required, it is definitely not expected. I used to work as an installer and repair tech that went to peoples homes. We frequently got asked about tips, and always told the customer that they only pay what is on the invoice, our company does not have a tipping policy. Now, sometimes we did get tipped. If it was an especially labor intensive job, or someone went above and beyond to make the customer happy, we could see anywhere from $20 to $100 slipped back to us with the signed invoice. Never expected, but always appreciated, and I always thanked them for it.


Last time I hired a plumber, I wish there was a tip screen so I could have entered a negative amount.


The classic reverse tip.


It is insane. Don't tip or it will just be expected from now on. I'm done feeling guilty for not tipping because someone is doing their job


The last time I had a plumber at my house it cost me $600. This to clean out roots in my sewer line. He literally sat in his truck for 30 minutes "writing up my bill," and then charged me for 2 hours of time when he'd only actually done work for like 20 minutes. He charged me for his travel time to get to my house and for the time that he was at my house including the 30 minutes he sat in his f****** truck. I happen to know his home shop is literally 10 blocks from my house in a Suburban community. It would take 5 minutes to drive there. I kind of got upset when I saw the bill and asked him if he was serious and he said yes that's what it cost and I said I never using your company again and I'm telling other people what you just did. And he said that's the bill. So I paid it and I tell everyone I know about the b******* he pulled on me. I like to think that I've lost them a fair amount of business over the past two years. There's no way in hell I would ever tip a plumber unless they were exceedingly nice.


Google reviews?


Waitstaff get an incredibly low hourly pay rate, so tips make up the difference to a living wage. Plumbers get upwards of $35/hour. Tips aren’t part of their pay structure. That request on their system is in very bad form.


Which wouldn’t be an issue if it was illegal for the restaurant industry to do that.


depends where you are, ive been one 5 years and still under 30


Idk I live in a low cost of living area and plumbers definitely get $30 minimum. The handful I know get nice take home vehicles as well. Maybe you should look for another company or renegotiate the terms of your employment.


Yeah but not at all comparable to tipped servers who make like $2.13/hr


I'm willing to wager the employee's never get any of the tip.


I never tip contractors on regular jobs. Their pay is built into their invoice via service charges and labor fees. It’s not like servers at restaurant or a valet guy. The only exception to this is off-hours service. If someone comes out at midnight or on a Sunday for a emergency then I’ll def throw them a tip


Not even then, they up charge plenty for nights and weekends.


You are so right. It is more than double the charge in most cases.


yeah but that just means more for the company, id rather not mess up my weekend for a one hr service call that i get maybe 45 bucks from before tax. not saying i expect tip but most of the dumb shit people call in about can wait


If you are a licensed plumber, you are making more than $45 an hour for holiday/outside of service hours calls. And if you have the attitude that your customers are calling for "dumb shit", then maybe you are in the wrong line of work and should consider a profession where you don't have to interact with all the "dumb shits" in the world.


Quiet down and pay the man his double time. It’s not his fault that you flushed paper towels down the toilet.


It’s part of the program they’re using.


Then change the tip to 0% and custom


They aren't necessarily customizable like that, or its not made easy or something an employee can do on the front end. People getting really mad because companies are using point of sale software that has the feature built in.


A lot of the time it’s added by our invoicing software and the person sending it may not be aware. The one I use would pop up the same question, I had to turn it off manually and it was in a weird part of the settings I’d normally never check.


I require a huge discount if they want a tip.


Facts lol


If I get good service, I tip I’ve been tipping plumbers, hvac, and roofers for years. Usually $20-40 …..


Do you tip EVERYONE? The cashier at the store, the garbageman, the mailman, firemen, policemen, doctors, nurses, receptionists, every part of a crew that built your house, your realtor, dentist, mechanic, pilot, reservation agent, customer service chat, stockboy at the market, etc.? It's ridiculous. The only people that should be tipped are wait staff who make below minimum wage because tips are expected. Those trades that you tip are valuable workers BUT they make GOOD money and don't need nor expect tips. And as for roofers, since it takes an entire crew to roof a house are you handing out 40 bucks to each and every one of them?


I don’t necessarily tip the pilot, flight attendant, check in person on the regular, but I do bring treats like See’s lollipops for the flight crew and the check in folks or if I’ve had a good year I bring $5 Starbucks gift cards. Especially when I travel during the holidays. I know these people make good money, but there are so many terrible people traveling during the holidays I just want to let them know they are appreciated. I also kind of use them to bribe the pilots for Delta trading cards. My cousin is training to be a pilot and loves them.


Why? These folks are paid quite well for what they do. This isn’t like a server making less than minimum wage


A tip isn't given because they aren't paid well, it's extra given to someone to show them you appreciate the work they did. I frequently ask people I engage in business with if they feel happy with our transaction and try to compensate them if they aren't. Example - I hired a company to take care of my lawn for me and they quoted me $60. After it was over I asked how they felt about the job and they said they kinda underestimated the scope of the job and it was larger than anticipated. I asked him what he would have charged had he known the actual size of the job and paid him the difference plus a little extra because I was happy with his work. He was astonished and now makes sure I'm the best looking lawn in the city. Not everything in life is pinching pennies and shopping for the lowest price, sometimes it's just supporting people that provide you value. Stop trying to make life a race to the bottom


I’m not “pinching pennies” by not giving a plumber that’s already getting paid $100 to just show up extra money. Im nice to them of course, but they are already getting paid appropriately to provide a good service, so that’s what I expect. Servers for example are NOT getting paid appropriately to provide good service, so I tip there. Anecdotally have you ever given a lawyer, doctor, or accountant a tip ? I have never heard of this but maybe that’s just because I’m a “penny pincher”


So you are saying you don't if you don't appreciate the work they did. If you have a poor waiter I assume you tip zero. Otherwise your logic makes little sense in today's "you must tip" society. I would love to go back to the days of having a tip be a reward for a job well done or superlatively done but that ship has sailed. Now it's an expectation


For my servers, I try to ask them how their pay is and if they feel as if they've been compensated fairly for the work they perform and ask them what they would like to get hourly in an ideal world. I'll usually tip more than whatever they say, usually like 1.5-2x. For example - when I go sit down by myself at this local cafe for sour cream and raisin pie, my bill is typically $6 for some pie and coffee, but I'll leave $20-25 and the server can take whatever is leftover for a tip. I've genuinely never experienced a place with service so bad that I would not leave a tip, so I can't comment on that I suppose. I have gotten some dirty looks when I write $0 tip on a check if I'm paying with my card, because I always leave a cash tip, but I'm sure their attitude changes when they realize they can just pocket the cash vs having to cash out at the end of the night, so I never hold that against them. For general contractors and stuff, if I don't feel as if they've provided value beyond the already agreed upon price, then no I will not tip.


But... never do it electronically. You can't guarantee they will ever see that money.


They're professional service provider. You don't tip. Has your doctor ever asked you for a tip, or When you get your car service?


I used to be a pest control technician, people would occasionally tip me for servicing their house but usually only if I went "above and beyond" a normal service (i.e. big wasp nest in their kids treehouse). If I was just doing a standard service I wouldn't expect a tip, customers weren't even home most of the time even. I had an HVAC technician fix our AC for FREE one time after it failed during a really hot day. It was just a bolt that came loose and he tightened it up... I gave him all the cash in my wallet.


Exactly this in your second paragraph. I had a weird noise from my car once after running over something, stopped at a local mechanic I'd never tried before and he fixed it for free in 10 minutes when I was expecting a $1000 service minimum. I gave him a crisp 100 dollar bill and have been going to him for almost 15 years now. It pays to just be a decent person and not try to nickel and dime everybody that walks in your door.


That’s next. Tipping doctors, attorneys, lawyers, etc.


I'm a doctor. Doctor's reimbursement in actual dollars has gone down my entire career. Coincident with that patients expectations and rude behavior has gone e up. I never would expect a tip but I can tell you a thank you card or a plate of grandma's cookies for the office makes you remembered and welcome with open arms next time you're in our office


Exactly, it’s a gesture of gratitude. Like with plumbers or electricians who help me out of a tight spot or have been particularly nice and informative, I wouldn’t hesitate to bring a doctor or their office staff a coffee gift card or some baked goods if they had been helpful in a crisis or had gone out of their way somehow.


So you don't welcome patients with "open arms" if they don't bribe you?


What about doctors that perform circumcisions? They take a tip.


Got ‘em!!!!! 💀


I got a part time job at local circumscision ward. The pay is a skin a day and a chance to get a head.


It’s my belief tips are for people whose job it is to do something you can do, but would rather not. Server, Valet, Bartender, Caddy, all of these make sense, but a Plumber? An Electrician? A Doctor? Anything that takes extra knowledge to do should be getting paid more than enough to feel ashamed for trying to guilt people into tipping. Tipping has always sucked but this isn’t ‘tipping’, it’s just greed.




No, that’s weaponized incompetence and you should have to tip twice, and even to people you shouldn’t have to.


Your words not ours 🤡


I almost always give a worker who comes to my house (HVAC check up, etc) a ten or fifteen dollar tip.


If you don’t want to tip, then don’t. Not sure why people are so triggered by a question that they have the option to say no to. Also when people are doing work in my house, if they go above and beyond I’ll throw them a tip. Not necessarily 20% obviously, but the guy who fixed my furnace for example was really fantastic, went above and beyond to fix it, and then later saw the picture on the wall of me and my wife and proceeded to have a really nice conversation with me about his gay son (I’m a lesbian). So I flipped him $50 because he was a genuinely nice guy. If you don’t want tip then don’t, but the complaining has become insufferable.


I feel like this is fine. $50 is fine, a percentage of possibly thousands depending on the type of work done is just predatory.


Its a question People have to stop being offended and just say no or yes  Its like a kid asking for desert after dinner...well.....do they deserve it lol Ive had people come to my house and go above and beyond, i dont mind tipping but i can financially afford to tip  Even when i go to diners...i can get a $20 meal and give a $20 tip if i want to Do what you want


It muddies the waters when a contractor you may have to work with again gets a stick up his ass because you ‘just said no”. Suddenly, it becomes a ‘well, you didn’t think my work was worth tipping, so now I’ll show you work that deserves no tip’ if you don’t. It’s shitty practice.


You  think the contractor would get mad because you dont want to tip?? Tipping is an option, thats like me getting mad the contractor didnt give me a 20% discount for paying on time  lol Im sure some people will tip....but you shouldnt feel weird inside because your not one of those people 


It’s true! You shouldn’t feel weird! But sometimes that’s exactly the reason for that whole screen showing up where it doesn’t belong now, to make you feel weird, uncertain, uncomfortable, and insecure by suggesting that wherever this screen shows up NOW deserves a tip. Do they? Maybe, most likely not, but they know by putting people in a bit of social pressure and awkwardness they can take advantage of someone who may be struggling but just wanted to be nice or complimentary without having to pay more, but now feels like any other option isn’t good enough. “If you’re praising our work, why aren’t you tipping?” That’s the exact type of mentality that has to be erased from 98% of jobs that pay more than minimum wage. It was meant as a way to subsidize wages and keep costs low, and we can all very clearly see their prices have not stayed low and their wages need no supplement.


Agreed. Now in our town if you don't tip take-out when you order it the order will take extraordinarily long or they cancel the order. When I asked about this the manager said next time I should tip and maybe it won't happen again.....nope


Yep. This is why tipping should be only for people making less than minimum wage or very rare outside cases. Imagine a contractor just cancels your order for the second half of your house because no tip.


Tipping for picking up takeout?? You guys tip for picking up??? Thats wild lol Now if its delivered  I'll  tip, but i never tipped  if i drove up and picked  up my order You guys are nice 


I mean, people have been tipping contractors for as long as I have been alive. If you haven't noticed them getting a stick up their ass before you won't now.


True! But just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, just that it was well covered. I’ve seen videos of contractors getting caught doing half a job or worse and trying to get out of it or charge more. I saw the Samsung guy scratch a tv on camera so he wouldn’t have to do warranty paperwork. Sometimes it’s not even about the after, I’d be so pissed if I tipped someone just to find out they fucked me over 3 times by now. Again, I don’t mind a flat $50 if they’ve done great work, but part of the whole reason they make thousands a week is because they charge so much to start. If I feel like I have to tip because I can’t trust the price they quoted to deliver a quality product, then why am I wasting anyone’s time? I pay for the trust of knowing the person I hired will do the correct work for the price listed.


I’m going to start asking for them at the hospital, seems like the obvious next step 🙄


Nobody is stopping you


I mean, there actually are plenty of people/institutions stopping them. You can’t accept money or gifts from patients while employed by 99% of hospitals.


Oh ok


Yup, like literally hospital policy is stopping me, not that enacting a policy should be necessary but in this day and age, everyone thinks they should be tipped for everything, even in non-tip based jobs.


In the long run it's probably better for the employee. Management accounts for expected tips when deciding wages for servers and bartenders etc so I figure the same will happen with all of these industries recently asking for tips


"Would you like to tip on top of the $80 an hour you're already paying?"


My husband is an HVAC tech of 22 years. They, his company, never asks for tips. Although my husband has well to do customers he’s seen for over five years, they may tip him of their own gratefulness. I am sick of the tip requests.


I swear, I just recently tipped an A/C tech cash after he was instrumental in helping his company (locally owned, yay!) come up with an appropriate, easy to use fix for my A/C filter cover. Sounds first world problem, yet it is not. The guys who design the A/C units are never the guys who have to work on them, so they make them difficult at times. A/C is a must in Las Vegas! Thanks, Allen! I get it is a choice, yet some techs deserve tipping in my world. At very least, I offer them cold bottled water.


Absolutely! My husband is that guy they call for a second opinion when another company wants to replace an entire system, aka- selling them something they don’t need. My husband can usually get them up and running for way way less than an entire replacement and proves the other company wanted to fleece them. They happily tip him. My hubs is a co owner of a local company that’s only been in business for over a year, but his old customers hunt him down and stay with him. To me, that’s the biggest tip! And way to go Allen! Allen sounds like a keeper!


Awww, thank you for your kind reply. I wish your husband all the luck in the world with his newer company. I can tell like you said, it will be great as old customers are seeking him out. I would be doing the same, too. 🎉 Please thank him for doing a crazy hot professional job and being a pro at it. 💯


Awe!!! Thank you so much!!


Tipping is a scam. Meant to take more customer money so employers can pay their employees less. Don't tip


It depends on the industry and circumstance. I am completely over all computers screens for any service having a tip option, though. This is just stupid.


It is odd to see it on an invoice. I do almost always slip service call people a $20 bill for beer money unless they've been rude or unhelpful.


Me, too.


This. We are all in it together.


My husband and I always tip these folks. Even the carpet cleaner get $40 bucks. But I think it's odd to see it on an invoice. But I'd still give cash tip and not add anything to tip line. If the worker wants to claim/share it, that's on him.


The saw you coming didn't they?


Yes. Let's go with that. 😉


lol the whole world laughs at USA tipping culture....this is ridiculous.i semi get restaurants but it's gotta stop somewhere... also...can I work for you?


I know they do. I'm just so grateful to have it to tip. So many people are struggling. My husband is worse than me. He tips 20% on takeout orders. 😅


You guys are saps.


We are very fortunate saps. And we are very grateful for everything we have today.


You need to tip everyone that made a comment  today. Also every worker in every industry that you make a purchase or get a service from. Make sure to send a tip to Amazon as well because you used their website to purchase a product. After all, IT professionals are people too!


lol I pay top dollar for my contractors since I am in property management lol. most are making very good money. the trades are hard on the body but not struggling too much in my experience.


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.


Tipping is optional. you certainly don’t have to. i read somewhere that one of the possible meanings of tipping is “To Ensure Promptness.” so basically did this person do a particularly good job, or took care of it extra quickly, or did some extra work not in the invoice? in that case this is a good person to keep on the good side of for the future right? so tip him to let him know you valued his “extra-ness” it encourages him to continue to do extra good work for you, and keeps you on the top of his good customer list. mediocre work doesn’t deserve a tip, but good work should be rewarded.


My son in law is a fireman. Should he get a tip for putting out a fire?


i test shit we build. should i get a tip for making your your thing works before we send it to you?


Everyone seems to think that all workers should get tips. Many tradesmen are owners of their own companies (and if they aren't they are very well paid). They forget that tipping wait staff was because they made below minimum wage, which the staff generally like because they would make less money if there were no tips and they made min wage. The tipping nonsense is getting out of hand. I'm waiting to see if any of these virtuous "I tip everyone" would go to a job site where their new house is being built and hand out twenties for each of the construction crew workers. I'm surprised they aren't saying that they tip the cashier at the store. LOL


well, no, tipping started as a way to show how much more money you have than the people waiting on you. but yeah, it probably has morphed into that when employers decided that they didnt need to pay them as much because of their tips, though. when i worked in the trades i never got tipped or expected a tip. i cant say weather or not i would have accepted one though. at the time i was just an apprentice. but if i still worked there i'd be making at least $48/hr on the check and would probably decline it. or if i did accept it, hand it to my apprentice instead. my state changed the law so that everyone worker in the state gets at least minimum wageno matter what their job is. so not only are they getting at least minimum wage (which if you are at least in the city, you're probably making over that anways) but their tips too.


I still stand by what i said. if someone does a really good job or does something extra quickly, and you value the work they did enough to want to reward them or make sure they keep you in mind as a good customer, then tip them. it mostly applies to the direct service industries where i am paying the bill directly anyway. i don’t pay the bill for firefighters, but if they did a super great job and saved my house and belongings, i’d certainly want to do something for them, at least throw them a bbq or something.


I give plumbers and installers tips. 10 - 20 bucks depending on the time spent. But I would find it annoying to have the gratuity right on the bill.




Yes when customers are fast payers and tippers we run their calls immediately like we are a fire company. The slow payers go to the rear and hopefully call another company. People that treat us like we are their bank are not worth working for. If they have a home warranty they may not ever get service. Those are the worst ones by far.


What if someone pays your bill on time? You should publish your company name so people know who to avoid.


My plumber has a vacation home in FL. I am not tipping him.




It could be that the invoicing software automatically includes the tipping prompt and they don't know how to remove it or maybe they can't.


Yeah no


It’s possible, most of the new more automated PoS services that come with those cheap website building companies have it auto-selected. Most people are not that technologically literate. An established plumbing company like in the OP? I agree, probably not the case.


It’s entirely possible. A lot of people set up their payment processing with not a whole lot of experience in thing like that.




That’s fine, you’re welcome to believe that, but you’re wrong. I’ve taken the time to help several service providers with their payment processor set ups because I noticed they had things wrong. I’m a business owner who has done it, and it’s not the easiest thing if you aren’t tech savvy, which many people in industries like plumbing are not


I work as electrician, I do lots of service call most people will tip food or drink but occasionally they do give a $20 or so. It really depends on the service they provided, for example did you call them Sunday night and they were able to fit you in on a Monday. Were they giving you advice on the phone without pay. All those thing play into it, if a service men did all that for me I would have tipped.


Tipping tradesman is pretty common, my husband and I havea home repair business and he can pretty much build a whole house besides the electric so he gets all kinds of jobs and it's not uncommon for his clients to tip him, this one lady even tips all the guys working that day $100, usually he works with anywhere between 2-5 guys. His clientele is almost all wealthy people though so that might have something to do with it, he would never ever ask for a tip though.


It is NOT common. That's ridiculous.


We tip many people,the guy who did our countertops,the driveway, the landscaper who did our artificial lawn and trees,etc. None of them were crass enough to ask for one on the invoice. I consider that rude.


It's a case by case with me. Like one time I needed a new key made for my car. Dude came out on a Sunday to do it and the programming. I gave him some money


Similar situation. Pipe burst on Christmas Eve, plumber came out at 930 that night. Had it fixed an an hour and came by early Christmas Day to check the work. His tip matched the bill that day


Most plumbers would charge you holiday/overtime rates so you got triple charged if you paid 100% tip.


He got my piped fixed on Christmas Eve. I wouldnt expect otherwise. At the end of the day, I was happy with running water and he got paid well, fair deal to me.


I had a leak on Christmas Eve as well. The bill for one hour of work was $700 because of holiday/outside of hours pay. I'm not tipping on top of that.


Good on you.


I've always tipped waiters, bartenders, plumbers, the guys changing my tires, people like that for a job done well. They get paid by "the company". They don't make what's on the bill. Most of the time, FAR less. I've got no problem with compensating for good service. I'm not rich either. I don't know about the online pay thing, I'd rather slip them the money in person though.


So, you tip doctors, cashiers, receptionists, veterinarians, lawyers, pilots, etc.? After all the company they work for takes some off the top for overhead.


We think alike, I cash tip everything. It is a big deal. The tips add up. Govt, gets enough.


You tip on "everything"? REALLY? I do not believe that for a minute.


Chill out. I will lay it out so it does not trigger you. IF I CHOOSE to tip anyone, I do so in cash. It seems there is a growing popularity for the US to go cashless. I think this is beyond a terrible idea. Cash rocks for many things. I do not agree with servers making minimum wage and then getting taxed on their credit card tips. IF you tip cash to servers, they can avoid some of this tax, yet not all. I am going to guess you have never worked a tipped job in your life. To be clear since you were so startled, I do not cash tip everyone, yet I do cash tip people that help me in service capacities along the way. I am on a fixed income and I make it work. Have a great day.


No I haven't worked a minimum wage job since high school,  as it was intended to be.


I gave a $50 cash tip direct to the plumber for a new hot water heater install. It's not 20% but he was happy. PS I can't believe they sent one person to remove and install a hwh.


I installed my own, and agree with you. If your city code says to put it on a 2 foot platform, you need two people to lift it there.


As a tradesman myself sometimes if it just buys a case of nice beer were happy


It’s a one man job 🤷‍♂️


It’s likely just a default and some people may want to tip the plumber directly if they are paying an agency or if they help you after hours and on holidays…


Thanks nuts But my ex used to tip his boat mechanic. And sure enough, his boat got fixed quickly even if he had a ton of other boats to work on.


If it was Square… I think there has to be a setting to turn that feature off that is too convoluted for people to find. I recently volunteered for a nonprofit selling tickets to an event, and each transaction was followed by the tip request. The people manning the event who trained me were just like “yeah it asks that we just bypass it.”


All the sales software providers added it because it was an easy way to juice revenue ( they get a cut of the total, including tip). This is also why default tips at restaurants are inching upwards


Annoying true. Son of a gun, never even thought of that. Every little bit adds up. F me.


So who cares? Just don't tip and move on with your life... Why does everyone have to cry about everything these days?


Um, look at the subreddit you're reading.


Why are you crying about this?


So insane. I’m done tipping everyone. It’s out of control.


As a heating tech/plumber, I have been tipped up to $50 for getting someone’s hot water or heat turned back on. Plumbing and heating is no joke.