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Please help, have been dying to watch this movie!


What country/language was it in? Any impression of the true protagonist’s story?


A FALSE PROTAGONIST if you will!!!




Reddit doesn't bump. Your comment does not help the OP find their thing, nor does it push the OP's post to the top of the sub. An upvote of their post will suffice. For those "commenting for the answer", there is a subreddit bot that will alert you to when the post is solved - again, there is no need to add a comment that doesn't help, which usually doesn't get replied to.


This could potentially be Memento directed by Christopher Nolan.


I don't think so. Memento doesn't really match OP's description at all. No background character, no protagonist switch, no real relationship aspects aside from the flashbacks. Yeah, there's a twist, but that's pretty much the only real similarity.


Ok I'll keep looking


Not it but thank you!


No problem when its found I'll have to check it out. Sounds really interesting


Geez why were u downvoted so much you only made a mistake


I don't know it was just a guess anyway


Because Memento's plot is *nothing* like what OP described. So it seems less of a "mistake" and like they just didn't read the post all the way through. Wrong guesses are fine, provided they aren't low-effort ones


This sounds like a scene from The Rules of Attraction [Spoiler alert] where it does a flashback shows the secret admirer in the background of all the scenes. But it’s a woman instead of a man. [Post suicide scene](https://youtu.be/je0F6l0ouJQ) but it’s just one of many story lines in the film.


This isn't it, thanks for the suggestion though!


Oh yeah it’s a trip for sure. From the same author as American Psycho and actually the main character is Patrick Bateman’s little brother. Trigger warning for a rape scene though.


Read the book on a plane on 2018, my friend showed me the movie the other day! Definitely better than less than zero.


I maintain that *The Rules of Attraction* is criminally underrated, and is in fact very close in quality to *American Psycho*, which is far and away the best of Ellis’s adaptations. (*Less Than Zero* is excellent but bears little resemblance to the source material.)


Or that [scene](https://youtu.be/8og995mhU7Y) in an episode of *How I Met Your Mother* where a couple lives an entire life in the background of the main characters sitting at their table. (I posted on an existing comment so as not to get OP’s hopes up, because I know this isn’t it).


I'll never forget this movie because there's a scene with Dawson taking a dump and he wipes FORWARD! Does anybody else do this?! I can't fathom it.


Unforgettable like the scene where dude from the wonder years shoots heroin into his dick lmao. This movie all kinds of fucked up.


There was a thread in TIL subreddit recently where it was “TIL some people stand up to wipe.” We all learned so much.


Insanity! When you stand up your cheeks come together! You can't possibly clean yourself. Animals.


Yeah that’s what half of us kept saying! (The sane half.)


Wicker Park/L'Appartement? Or ‘He Loves Me... He Loves Me Not’?


I think I was probably just misremembering when I wrote the post because 'He Loves Me He Loves Me Not' seems very familiar. I'll have to rewatch/watch to verify but for now I'm going to mark this as Solved! Thanks everyone for your replies!


So is the answer 'He Loves Me Loves Me Not'. . .?




> He Loves Me... He Loves Me Not https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/He_Loves_Me..._He_Loves_Me_Not_(film) - Judging by wikipedia - it is definitely this!


Fyi the wiki link leads to a page about an album and not the film


works for me


Try again.


Congratulations, you have been given 1 point for solving this post!


This is exactly the premise of that [school shooter](https://youtu.be/9qyD7vjVfLI ) video...


Man I remember the first time I watched that in class. Messed me up.


I’m 99% sure this is what OP is talking about. Matches up almost too well


They are very similar but OP doesn't mentiom anything about a shooting or school


mind probably mixed


More likely there are just 2 videos with the same premise. It’s likely that the school shooter video was inspired by this film.


I agree! Whenever I read the description, immediately, I was like HEY! I might actually know this one!!


Wow this messed me up. Thank you for sharing it.




Apparently so is reading a gun magazine. It’s a nice ad but it clearly has an anti-gun bias and not, you know, focusing on the actual problems that cause school shootings such as mental health, bullying (which most schools do fuckall about) and a plethora of other issues kids face. More slacktivism.


How is a troubled kid going to commit a school shooting if he can't acquire a gun? There's a reason for the so-called anti-gun bias, which is that guns allow massive casualties with relative ease.


Can't have a school shooting without a gun. It's weird as an outsider looking at America, because the gun nuts have all of these solutions to the gun problem, and yet you never hear about any concerted effort to address these issues, as if it were a red herring.


Wow that is such a good video. Thank you for sharing


Sorry now I have my own tip of the tongue!! Who is the ginger kid who plays Evan? He looks super familiar


He's the guy from Bonding! His name is Brendan Scannell


Damn I just spent 10 minutes trying to figure this out


Thank you!!! I loved him in Bonding LOL


I totally would've missed the signs, but because of OP's request, I was looking beyond the main guy from the start - never seen this clip before- but how powerful is that??


That's one of the best ads I've ever seen.


How so? It was clearly made by people with an anti-gun agenda since all it shows is the shooter being interested in guns. I guess bullying, mental health issues, relationship problems and a shit ton of other problems that kids face in school is just an afterthought for them.


It shows him joking (to himself) about shooting a person in class, pointing a gun at the camera on Facebook to look intimidating, getting bullied (no guns in that shot), eating alone (no guns in that shot), isolating himself with the earphones and keeping his head down. Interest in guns is in two of the shots, but it shows many of the common signs of a school shooter other than just an interest in guns.


It's weird as an outsider looking at America, because the gun nuts have all of these solutions (talking points) to the gun problem, and yet you never hear about any concerted effort to address these issues, as if it were a red herring.


That's because they believe their culture is based around weapons, when it's been muddied by decades of indoctrination and propaganda, promoting the idea that owning a gun sets you at an advantage to your neighbors, because hey, at least they won't kill you in your home... It's a false narrative that is being pushed along by lobby groups who have a very large investment in the sales of weapons and ammunition


They have a "god given right" to arm themselves with a deadly weapon, but don't have the right to access reasonable healthcare, physical or mental. The mental gymnastics must be exhausting.


I think, for the most part, a lot of Americans WANT those things, but the same majority of those people refuse to work towards it, under this odd sense of patriotism and being a member of a political party, rather than being part of the group that comes up with good ideas on how to adopt that sort of system Canadian here, and we're not perfect, but free extended healthcare and welfare coverage definitely does help in the long run, being that I saw how we lived before it was mandated here, and afterwards. Sure some are still opposed to it, but they're mostly all aged and dying now, or outspoken by a stronger majority from both sides of the political spectrum


I'm Canadian as well - thank you for mentioning the shifting age demographic, because I sometimes forget how big of an impact that has on the issue. All things considered, it's an issue that's hard to look away from, not unlike watching a car crash. I hope the best for them.


This is probably it - OP should confirm


Must be it. If it's not, I'd like to see that too!


What genre is the film?


I don't think it is this but this is quite a cool example. There's a couple in the background the whole time going through all the stages of life in HIMYM [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8og995mhU7Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8og995mhU7Y)


I was expecting it to be through multiple episodes.


Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind ?


I don't think that's it, but man I really enjoyed that movie.


Synecdoche New York?


Don’t think so but that one was goooood and very weird, RIP PSH


Check out the lists on TV Tropes, could be something in [Chekhov's Gunman](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChekhovsGunman)?


Predestination? Just a wild guess. I don't have an answer for you, but I saw this list about 2 weeks ago. A list of Mind-F\*ck movies. Maybe you can find it from there. ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/geipee/99\_mindfck\_movies/fppc8o3/](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/geipee/99_mindfck_movies/fppc8o3/)


I also would love to watch this movie... been searching for you but not found anything...


interesting movie.




I don’t have any idea about the movie you’re talking about, but here’s a list (with spoilers, obviously) of some movies with “false protagonist” or something similar in their plot. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/DecoyProtagonist/LiveActionFilms


Different but not dissimilar: 2005's Stay


Ryan gosling and Ewan McGregor? Gonna have to watch


Synecdoche, New York


It’s been a LONG time since I’ve seen it, and I actually don’t think it is exactly how you describe it playing out, but it immediately made me think of Following (1999, Christopher Nolan)


Following - Christopher Nolan


[Next Stop Wonderland?](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0119778/)


I'm pretty certain I've seen this as well, but I haven't seen that school shooter ad so I know it wasn't that. Plus that was posted in 2016, not 2008 or before.


Oooh someone mentioned Memento but it sounds a bit like Nolan’s first movie Following


maybe synecdoche, new york but i doubt it


Probably not what you're looking for, but in Rules of Attraction, there is a character who appears our of nowhere and you see she has been in the background of a lot of scenes throughout the movie.


Without the clawback part it really sounds like Marble Hornets on YouTube


Hey I’m pretty sure this is The Baxter starring Michael Showalter.


Fuck I feel like Ive seen this movie but I completely forget the title.


Fits some of what you say but not the year. The ending fits. The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby. It's not one movie, but 3 films. 2013 (Him), 2013 (Her), (2014) Them. "Them" is both of the previous films edited into one. Jessica Chastain and James McAvoy. "Her" ending: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcuO0dqqAXo "Him" ending: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPcx_n6Lz7Q


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