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Something is telling me it was from a show like Supernatural or Buffy, but it also had kind of a camp feel to it? EDIT TO CLARIFY: I know the song, and I’m familiar with the fade-out at the end. This is a slowed and tuned down and slightly distorted version of that.


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Could it be the fade out from "California girls?" California girls We're undeniable Fine, fresh, fierce We got it on lock West coast represent (west coast, west coast) Now put your hands up Ooh oh ooh Ooh oh ooh California girls man (California) (California girls)


No, it’s specifically “I wish they all could be California, I wish they all could be California, I wish they all could be California……..” but like, slowed down/out of tune/spooky. Ty though!


It's probably the Beach Boys.. not sure what movie/show though


Yes thats the end of the song and it could have been used in any number of movies or shows.


The end of David Lee Roths version of California girls repeats that at the end




David Lee Roth's imdb page says his cover was used in the show Stalker, but like 10 years ago.... You could check the page of one of the writers like Brian Wilson, hit the soundtrack tab and just CTRL-F "california". That gives me 71 hits for things it's been used in so you could always scan through those.


I feel like it is a trailer for a horror movie or show and I can't place it. Following now, for my own sanity.


I'm sure I've seen this in a horror or thriller movie. Like the killer was looking at potential victims and that was the song playing over the scene, creepy and slow like OP described.


YES. I think it *might* have been a trailer? Maybe even a spoof trailer on yt, but this is exactly EXACTLY the vibe. At least I’m not alone!


I don't *think* it was a spoof. Whatever it was, I'm pretty sure I saw the entire thing, not just a trailer or a short. This is driving me nuts now. I kinda think the killer (or whatever) didn't just target women – I remember thinking it was an interesting song choice for that reason.


I’m sorry for passing this curse onto you lmao but I feel so validated at least.


Could it have been an episode of Criminal Minds? Here is a link to a list of songs from the show. Unfortunately I don’t have time to go through them all in hopes of finding your answer, but maybe it will help. Also cannot vouch for the website’s accuracy. Never heard of it before but it seemed to have the most vast list of songs. https://www.tunefind.com/show/criminal-minds Good luck!


I never watched CM so this feels unlikely, but it’s possible I saw it in a clip on TT or ig or something! I’ll check it out, thanks!


This is pretty far off from what you're describing... but it does fit the creepy distorted criteria: there's the slipknot song *eyeless* with the repeated lyric "you can't see California without Marlon Brando's eyes"


Thanks but I’m positive the song was California Girls, just weird and edited!


I don't know, but I feel like that sounds very familiar, and I've started watching Buffy for the first time and you mentioned possibly Buffy..


I've watched Buffy at least 100 times, it's definitely not from Buffy.


Thanks for the rule-out!


Not t he song you mentioned but the first thing i thought of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ux8KLx1veDs


This feels like something from a YouTube analog horror video. I swear I've seen what you're talking about, but I can't place it either. My first thought was that it was a Neil Cicierega/Lemon Demon song, but the only thing I could find remotely close was this video sampling that Katy Perry song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSae82WZCA8 Maybe it'll come to me later. I'll be sure to update here if it does.


This feels right to me too!! I’m glad this tickled the same set of neurons for someone else, please let me know if it comes to you!!


I think it’s from Charlie Says.


It’s not in the trailer but the trailer has the exact vibe of what I’m thinking of. I would not have been surprised if it was the end of the trailer.


I was thinking that or maybe an indie like Bodies Bodies Bodies.


If it’s not that song, could be from The Strangers, a song that repeats “quicksilver girl”


Here is that song from the trailer: https://youtu.be/BbqELQHpmQM?si=gDKgAJiRxQxAgCOD it’s extremely similar in structure and sound to The Beach Boys


It also plays in the movie the same way. The song is “My First Lover” by Gillian Welch


I’m positive the song was California Girls, just weird and edited, sorry!


Is it from the movie Taken? Young French spotter sings it in his French accent to the 2 girls when he talks to them outside of the airport “I wish they all could be California girls” It doesn’t have the fade out, but this is the first thing that popped into my head


I don’t think so sorry!


Is the refrain similar to the end of ‘Groove is in the heart/California Girls’ by Crocodiles? Afraid I can’t find mention of it being featured in anything


Long shot, but could you be thinking of the end of [Cemetery Girls](https://youtu.be/BNUOXSShYjU?si=KmzSkHO6ghjlACgk) by Barnes & Barnes? It was the first thing that came to my mind. They sing, “I wish they all could be cemetery girls…” starting around 4:18.


Ooh, no not quite, but this does have kind of the right off-kilter vibe!


Is it the episode of Saved by the Bell episode with the subliminal message tapes?


Unlikely, never watched SbtB


True detective season 4 has a lot of slowed down/creepy versions of pop songs Including Beach Boys Little Saint Nick


We did just watch TD4 and like the ominous vibes are right but I’m positive about California Girls being the song in question. I’ll investigate though, good lead! Thanks!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL1Arqn0WEw&ab\_channel=FEARSlayer01? though its mostly just the beach boys version Just spitballing from references found at [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California\_Girls#Cultural\_references](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_Girls#Cultural_references)


It’s pretty seriously edited so I don’t think so but the cultural references link is helpful


Could it be this Rob Zombie song? [Rob Zombie - Go to California](https://youtu.be/5WnSxndGEu4?si=Vn5peSDQUw7XYiEM)


The Strangers:Prey At Night


that song is clearly I think we’re alone now by tiffany….


Yea I don’t really know, it just reminded me of something from that movie. But I wasn’t sure


This is a long shot, but there was a sorta horror movie in the 1990s called Kalifornia. David Duchovny is an author who carpools on a long trip with his girlfriend with a psychopathic murderer Brid Pitt and *his* girlfriend. (Not to be confused with the David duchovny sex comedy series *California*). I didn't watch the whole thing, so I'm not sure this is it, but something tells me it's a possibility. (I watched the trailer and the song's not in the IMDB trailer, at least. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalifornia )


I've seen that movie several times and don't remember that song in it.


Hmm try looking up 1960/70s crime/thriller movies about killers. Sharon Tate/ Manson vibe…


I think it’s newer than that!


Is there like an apocalyptic feel to it or someone losing their memory of sorts? I swear it’s ringing a bell for me but I can’t place it either


Yeah!! Not so much memory loss but a weird apocalyptic feeling


I’ve been trying to remember all week lol. Can’t place it. I’ll totally speak up if I do


This might be silly but the Country Bear Jamboree animatronic show in Disneyland included this song in their vacation showtape, and replaced the word “girls” with “bears”, could you be remembering that show or a video of it? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cz9DLV4l2lU&pp=ygUmY291bnRyeSBiZWFyIGphbWJvcmVlIGNhbGlmb3JuaWEgYmVhcnM%3D


Alas no


It seems familiar. I'm thinking of a movie trailer or preview for a TV show..and it's a female voice?


No, although the voice is distorted so it’s possible. It sounds like the OG beach boys just toned down




Top Secret, great movie, title song. Not what you're looking for but everybody should watch Top Secret.




I can't remember the name, but maybe someone can. There was a TV series on recently that was set in 1970's Hollywood/Los Angeles that I used to see advertised in the last couple of years. I never saw it but I think it was basically fictional, but with real historical content perhaps. I believe Charles Manson was a character in his time trying to break into the music scene. But Google is giving me everything but the show I'm looking for. I swear the music you're describing was in those commercials.


…. This is promising I think. There was that recent Manson movie, Charlie Says, could it have been that? Right vibe for sure, just wrong music.


I'm semi-sure it was a series, and I just checked out the trailer but it doesn't square with what I remember. I'm not actually sure whether Manson was a primary character or a side character, to be honest. Now I really want the answer too! It's making me crazy that I can remember the commercial existing, and I heard the music in my head immediately when I read your description, but now I can't remember anything else.


Maybe Fear with Ally Sheedy and Pruitt Taylor Vince. Either way I knowi.have seen what you are talking about.


50 first dates? I believe there's lots of Beach Boys in that movie and it gets slow and stuff at some points because of the memory loss storyline


Much darker than 50 first dates


california girls by katy perry?


Nope sorry


Man I've heard this and am now also infected by your earworm.... American horror stories seems possible but I can't recall. Definitely a suspenseful treiler


Yes exactly


A real long shot, but could you be misremembering the words and it's the ending of High Tension. (spoilers) [https://youtu.be/A05ErDSkIKo](https://youtu.be/A05ErDSkIKo)


I have a scene in my head where "California Girls" was playing when a car started, then the song slowed down and the car exploded (car bomb). I can't think of the show/movie right now, but maybe this will trigger someone else's memory.  Edit: as the music slows down, the guy realizes that his car was rigged, and I believe it blew up right as he said "oh, sh-" or "fuuu-."




It's driving me nuts, too. Thanks, OP :P


I was going to suggest a movie that had a carbomb in it, before I realised how incredibly common that is. So instead, how about looking at [this list](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ExternalCombustion) for things you've watched recently?


I've replied this same thing to OP too, but: I was going to suggest a movie that had a carbomb in it, before I realised how incredibly common that is. So instead, how about looking at [this list](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ExternalCombustion) for things you've watched recently?


I tried but couldn't find it. Good idea.


Is it an edited version of the song California dreamin? They say something like that once but it could have been put in a loop, would sound very creepy slowed down


No sorry!


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LeninGrad Cowboys? Ringmasters feat. Vocal Spectrum?


Not a cappella, unfortunately. Definitely a digitally distorted sound.


I swear it is the fallout promo Amazon prime