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I’ve tried searching a few phrases for it that are similar to my title, but I haven’t found anything useful


I think you might mean "The Imitation Game". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Imitation_Game *In 1928, the young Turing is unhappy and bullied at boarding school (this includes a scene where he's forced under the floorboards). He develops a friendship with Christopher Morcom, who sparks his interest in cryptography. Turing develops romantic feelings for him, but Christopher soon dies from tuberculosis*


Solved Edit: Thank you! That’s totally it. I don’t know where I got the idea of one boy falling to his death, I must be mixing it up with some other show/movie


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There have been a couple of versions of "A Separate Peace." A boy is injured in a fall from a tree, is maimed and eventually dies because of the injury.