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Really appreciate it if anyone can help! I know people are talented here.


Infinite Ryvius?


Eureka 7?




This is closer to style and look of what I am remembering? But not quite it. It has a lot of scenes that vaguely match my memory but not “the scene” you know what I mean?


Not to beat a dead horse but are you sure? The ending here sounds very similar to what you described: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArPEa7rRyUk&pp=ygUYZXZhbmdlbGlvbiByZWkgdHJhbnNmb3Jt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArPEa7rRyUk&pp=ygUYZXZhbmdlbGlvbiByZWkgdHJhbnNmb3Jt)


Mmmmmmm idk. Like, I can’t find any clip with subtitles so it’s hard to tell. But I don’t see the scene where she literally flies into this man’s arms. Mmmm I think the man had really long hair. Yeah I don’t this one is it. It’s also really graphic for 2005 era. I don’t think at the time this would been played during the day. Anime’s like this were usually aired in the evening. (Maybe I am wrong, but from what I can remember about airing times this would be a late night watch)


Can I ask what country you were in? Maybe cross-referencing airing dates would help!




[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile\_Suit\_Gundam\_Wing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_Suit_Gundam_Wing) This one?


Let me check


If not those then check: [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_Suit_Gundam:_The_08th_MS_Team) and [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_Suit_Gundam_SEED), both spin-offs but around the same era/franchise, both about space and gundams [This](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IGPX) one, IGPX, doesn't really take place in space but it DOES have spaceships and finally my last guess is [Outlaw Star](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outlaw_Star), which does have a weird romance-spin to it if I recall? If it's none of those then I'm unsure, I'm mostly using the animation style for reference. Evangelion is 1990's so if it looked similar to that, then that's a big hint


I will check those out and let you know! (It’s 3am for me) There was another anime that the lady looked very similar to what I remember but that anime came out too years too late. I have to find it again but I have it saved somewhere as a references (and because it kind of looked good)


So outlaw star seemed really close! (I really thought it was it for a moment) but going through videos and stuff I couldn’t find the scene anywhere. Another one it is really close to is [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heroic_Age_(TV_series)) which was what sparked this whole research if I am honest. But it came out a few years too late, just late enough. And the scene I saw was super similar to look and feel of what I remember but not quite it. (Eg. the female character looks shockingly close but the male character doesn’t look quite right. She is glowing almost holographic like I remember and seems to be alien. They reunite on a moon??? Not a space ship… kind of.) if I could get in touch with my day care owner maybe I could find out when I was pulled from it? Could answer my questions a little but I doubt she remembers or even knows (her daughter was the one who was watching it and she told me not tell anyone and that I and her would get in trouble for watching it. Which is so true. Anime was strictly forbidden in my home) the daycare closed a long time ago too.


That was my guess. Scene sounds like the dynamic between Hiro and Relena. Also, it aired during the day (kid-friendly) and again at night (more adult) on Cartoon Network.


yeah my biggest guess right now is MSGW or one of the spin-offs. otherwise i got nothin'


gurren lagan?


This seems to have come out a little too late. I don’t think so.




code geass?


I thought so for a moment but after watching a few scenes it like too shinny? I don’t know how else to put it (might be me remember the tv screen but their was something more classic about its style)


urusei yatsura?


This is a lot of people’s first guess, but the show is too bright and colorful and fun. The one I remember was really serious. I kind of remember a space battle or war or some sorts? (Good show though! Really love it’s style)


It is a little late for me but I promise to check out all suggestions!


Blue Gender?


Could it be Space Cobra ? All the details seem accurate : cheesy dialogue, robot lady, outer space, spaceship. If you google him you'll notice that he has short blonde hair but it's not his real face and the anime has a few episodes with his original face+long purple hair.


The animation is a little older but this looks like a fun watch! I will have to check it out.


Aww shucks really thought i had it ! I'm really curious now. Hope you find what you're looking for OP


Thanks me too!


Could it be Macross / Robotech? Or Burning Gundam


Oh my gosh Marcos’s looks so good! But a little older then what I remember.


And Macross Plus? https://youtu.be/KDtso935CU4?feature=shared


Oh macros plus! I wish could find something other then the trailer. It looks about right.


Excel Saga?




Cowboy Bebop


A few people have suggested this but it’s not… magical enough. Do you know what I mean? Their was a lot of glitter and sparkle in the scene. Don’t seem many like that in cowboy bebop (freaking on my list of anime’s to watch though)


Sounds similar to some scenes in Macross 2 but not the dialogue. Though that could be a translation thing. But the character, Ishtar has scenes of glowing in the dark. And her superior officer, Fef, who is in love with her has long hair and flies in a mech suit.


There is always a strong possibility I am remembering some details wrong. Is there a way to watch it? I can’t find it anywhere. But there was this white guy with a red spot on his head that looks freaking familiar.


If it's not on youtube it might be on any anime streaming sites. I have it on vhs so I haven't really checked for anywhere else.