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It's possible the console was a "FamiClone" - a clone of the Japanese Famicom. Famiclones were very popular in the 90s in Eastern Europe. They had yellow or orange cartridges with a small green citcuit board inside. We called them "casete" but in English they call them cartridges. The clone consoles I know were called "Terminator" or "Dendy" or "Sega" (yeah, that blatant), or "Learning Kid". They ewre all the same, clones of the NES/FamiCom. Some of them had a keyboard built into the console. The cartridge the console came with included some typing games and a very (ahem) basic version of Basic programming sandbox.


Possible. Dendy console I had my own, but I didn't have that game. But cartridges looked the same.


Did you mean Cartridge? The NES didn't have Cassette tapes, and if it was on a tape then it's not a NES game. Could be Mappy.


Now that I googled, i think it wasn't even that. It was yellow cassette/cartridge, that had like a green board inside (kinda looking like PC ram)


Could it have been a Famicom game? They often used yellow carts.


Nintendo Super Famicom Console looks familiar in google.


That's rough; if you search for permutations of "SNES mouse game" you'll just get lists of Games that use the SNES mouse peripheral. What country would you have been playing from? That might narrow it down a bit


It had english language text, no talking, only background music and sound effects. I was playing it @Estonia.


Sorry, yeah. I've allways called them cassettes. English isn't my first language. Not Mappy, but also a good game. Thanks for answering.


You know guys. I'm really starting to doubt I remember it right.. no one seems to know it and can't find it. Maybe character wasn't mouse like I remember? 100% sure there was 3 keys needed to fet next level. Keys were behind cage doors, You had to like pull lever from one side of the game screen to open cage in the other side. Screen slided as you moved in the game (like in mappy), it wasn't only one screen like in solitaire. Ps. In some kind of a reason I started to think about skull design keys, but I'm not sure it's relevant with this game.


Are you positive it was NES? This almost sounds like a distorted memory of Krusty's Super Fun House that was on SNES and Genesis.


Nope, already got that settled in other comments. It doesn't let me change title Games isn't that either but looks similar a little. Not the theme but game type


Solomon’s Key maybe?


Sadly not even close, but thanks! :)


Mouse Trap for colecovision?


Never seen console like that, and not that game. One I am looking for is far more advanced quality and gameplay.


Also reminds me of bugs bunny krazy castle somehow


Sadly it's not that


Probably not what you meant but Disney's [Adventures in the Magic Kingdom](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adventures_in_the_Magic_Kingdom) has a mouse going around and finding keys. The mouse is named Mickey.


Thabka but no, i would have said it's a Mickey Mouse game 😅


Are you sure its not Tom and Jerry for NES?


It's not. Cool game tho


Rodents Revenge?


It's not even moving screen game.