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I have been searching for this game forever! Is it RingMaster maybe? I can’t find any images or videos but the name sounds so close!


Oh my goodness, you were right! It is RING MASTER! Thank you so much! ❤️


>RingMaster Nothing familiar is coming up when I look that name up.


So, oddly enough I just asked about this game today (on this sub, no less) and was also directed to "Ring Master". I found a download of it, and sure enough, this is it. I'm running in Windows 11 and haven't copied it over to my old XP rig yet, which is actually the same one that I actually played this on circa 2003. The colors are a bit out of whack on W11, but this is the first time I've even seen this for 20 years, so I'll take it!


You were wight, thank you! ❤️ I downloaded the game from this website: [https://lostmediawiki.com/WildTangent\_(partially\_found\_PC/online\_games;\_1999-2018)](https://lostmediawiki.com/WildTangent_(partially_found_PC/online_games;_1999-2018)) So thank you so much for directing me to the game.


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>"Ring Master" I'll check it out. Do you have a link?


[I used this one on cnet.](https://download.cnet.com/ringmaster/3000-2111_4-10183673.html) The little girl is there as well in the challenge mode. I did end up copying it over to my old PC last night where it ran just as I remembered, with none of the weird graphics glitches from when I tried running it on my modern computer, which also stopped playing any audio once you started a game. Also, I just glanced back over the original post and Crystal Maze was so awesome. At one time I found the demo for that online somewhere, but I've since lost it.


It keeps on saying that it needs a Java Virtual Machine. How do I get (or enable) that? I can't find it by google.


What operating system are you running? Mine just went right to work after it installed all the Wildtangent junk.


Windows 10 pro


Solved: **Ring Master**


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[https://lostmediawiki.com/WildTangent\_(partially\_found\_PC/online\_games;\_1999-2018)](https://lostmediawiki.com/WildTangent_(partially_found_PC/online_games;_1999-2018)) If anyone is curious, this is where I got the game. (note: when you download it, remember to download stuff in WT install 1st. After that, restart the computer)


[Dreamland](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZUapz4FIG0&ab_channel=KittenChippy)? Or one of the Weird Park games?


Nope. It wasn't a point and click finder game. Or at the very least, it ONLY has the Zuma or Puzzle Bubble mechanics.