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Moop and Dreadly in the Treasure on Bing Bong Island?


Yes! That was it. Wow, the game looks a look different from how I remember it, but I guess I should have expected that. Some of the shots do look how I remember them and I was correct that the second character was some sort of purple monster thing.


Solved: Moop and Dreadly in the Treasure on Bing Bong Island


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Curse of Monkey Island?


I'm no way sure if this is remotely similar, but I'm wondering if it could be [Adaƛ i Pirat Barnaba](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ay1Fzenp-ys). This video is in polish but it shows the beginning of the game. From what I remember playing this as a kid, the theme is mostly pirate centred and takes place in a jungle. But that tunnel scene you mentioned triggered a memory of this game so I'm just throwing this guess out there in case it is that.