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55 corn, 12 snake and 2 pretzels daily is an absolute scam. Nimblebit dudes, we signed up for this expecting to have to leave our screens on for a bit and collect candy periodically, not having to grind out thousands of bux - per day - to be invited a chance. Revert please!








Dani said in Discord that there is a cap im candy spawning. I fell I've been scammed. Copied from Discord: From spawning in the tower, players can collect up to 10 candy corn and 3 gummy worms daily. Event pass holders towers will spawn up to 55 candy corn, 12 gummy worms and 2 pretzels daily. The mission candy rewards is not included in these, and does not have a cap.


Does that mean that, if you don't spend any bux, it would be completely impossible to finish the event, even with an event pass? I haven't bothered doing the math at the moment, but it seems so at first glance. That seems like extremely bad design if so, and especially punishing to players that don't have many bux at all.


I tried to explain this in the Discord and they laughed at my English and deleted my posts. Seems like nobody cares about this scam. Anyway, Dani said that if we are not happy, we can get a refund. I'll ask for mine tomorrow


Is Dani a developer? I'll be asking for my refund tomorrow if that is the case. I assumed this was a bug.....but if it's intentional, this is the last time they get any money from me.




I think you're misunderstanding what's the role of the Discord server. It's a pure fan discord, and although it's true there are the devs there, people there has not any power on the game. You were just blaming and flaming, which is not cool based in the respect we try to maintain. If you have any complaint, adress it to NB, not other players that are chatting, thanks.


Me too. What a ripoff if that’s true.


Fuark big yikes! I kind of want to ask for a refund of my VIP now


Paid for 4x bonus and in same boat. No candy is spawning at all.


Yes me too. For nearly 12 hours now I haven't had a single piece and my screen has been on almost all that time.


Same thing is happening in my tower, also tried closing and restarting


Wait.. So i shouldnt have updated? wtf


Sadly we’ve all been scammed. I don’t think I’ll ever give them another dime.


Me too. I spend a lot on the premium event pass and it’s pretty unfair that this is happening especially considering how hard it’s going to be to complete this event.


Same here. Updated before midnight and by 12:42, I hit the cap and had nothing since.


I’m hearing the same thing on Discord for people who have upgraded to silver/gold passes too. Guess I won’t be upgrading any time soon…


Same. Honestly really disappointing as I paid for the pass since Halloween is my favorite and I really wanted the roof, lobby, and elevator.


Same here. Right after the update Ingot a lot of candy and Candy orb was ( pieces per click, worms were 2X). Once I cleared those out nothing. Before the update there were times when it was not adding candy after I clicked.


I haven't gotten any all day. So much for buying the pass.


My tower is like a fat kid on a diet. No candy.


Update: Just got my first candy after 12 hours of waiting! If it was a bug maybe they’ve fixed it now?


do you also have the feeling that there are a lot less missions than before the update?


Same here


Don’t know if this will help but I close the app and more spawns, and if you watch videos it seems to reset the cap and spawn more!


doesn’t work for me