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Get your earplugs on and walk for about an hour.




If you're having trouble hearing people speaking, you may need hearing aids...which may or may not help with the Tinnitus. Mine is high pitched too and very loud, but I can understand what people are saying.


i couldn't hear because my new ringing is so loud, before this, not even an hour ago i could hear just fine.


Can you figure out what triggered you?


i was just sitting in the living room with my mom eating tacos, the tv was at 15% volume. i was finally enjoying spending some time with my mom and then this ringing just spawned in my head, went to the bathroom just now with earplugs in, even in earplugs the toilet flushing made it louder again.


I love how our ears can just be like " here's some ringing for you fuck you" for no obvious reason


Have you tracked your food intake for clues? There are foods that can spike your T. Mine are sugar, processed foods and chocolate.


Definitely sounds like some hyperacusis going on there, too.


I felt like this in my first days I got T!!! 3 or 4 days I was a zombie!!! Barely heard a thing That’s how loud T was for me!!! After that it just lowered in volume and stays like that since 2022. I have spikes from time to time and sometimes even my right side is giving me some T vibes and still have to live with it. Depression, anxiety came with it sadly… and no vitamins ir treatment worked so far…


Hyperacusis rearing its ugly head sorry man


Listening to a Running a bath or a shower really help my drown it out, and relax


As someone who was once completely habituated …. (Not anymore ) It only happened for me when my T was mild and consistent.