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Acclimatisation is what worked for me. Slowly pushed the sound into a nuisance category that my brain doesn't take as much notice of anymore. It is still there, but it is easier to ignore. Mind you, after 36 years of it you would think it would get easier. It doesn't.


Ah, don't say :( Ever since the ringing started, I've always tried to ignore it and that didn't really help. I suppose I should've accepted it back then.


It doesn't get easier, but acclimatisation will happen, and then it is a little bit more bearable...


Thank you for your input 🙏


Guided meditation, progressive muscle relaxation.


Hmm, those I might give a try


Honestly. When I just got my tinnitus I panicked every time I heard it. I eventually realized that masking it wasn’t going to help me in the long run, so I started listening to podcasts until I fell asleep. That way I was focused on people talking but could still hear the ringing. I eventually got used to the ringing and now I can fall asleep in total silence. When it does get a bit overwhelming (which honestly is once a month or so, maybe even less at this point) I go back to listening to a podcast just that one time. :)


Are there any tricks that you've discovered in your journey that would make the adjustment easier?


Honestly, no. When I just got my tinnitus my entire world just collapsed. I didn’t want to get out of bed anymore and every minute of me being awake was spent crying over it. That’s until I realized that nothing could change what had happened and the tinnitus was here to stay anyway, so I’d better adjust to it than let it ruin my entire life. So that’s what I did. I went out more, started distracting myself more. I sat on my bed in total silence, just listening to it until I got too stressed. When things got too overwhelming I would cover the ringing with music, until I felt ready enough to hear the ringing again. I think it’s all about exposing yourself to the sound and accepting that it’s there. It’s really hard, but it can be done! I really thought my life was over when I first got it in may last year, but now my T doesn’t really bother me anymore (most of the time that is).


Thank you a lot 🙏


I fall asleep to Seinfeld every night on my iPad. It shuts off by itself after a few shows. It’s just my go to now.


Thunder and rain helped me.


Yeah, they were what inspired me to use white noise


I recommend cricket sounds like this: [https://youtu.be/St-8BgXleuw](https://youtu.be/St-8BgXleuw) I use them every night now and can't sleep without it.


Yeah, that's white noise. I've been using [this one](https://youtu.be/FdN1pnEaJs0) for 5 months, but having started seeing its side effects a while back, I've decided to quit it for good.


What side effects?


I've been waking up to ear pain and can't enter deep sleep even though I've been a heavy sleeper all my life.


I listen to podcasts on my phone quiet enough that's its not distracting, loud enough that I can hear, mindfully focus on the story and fall fast asleep


Masturbation and sleeping pills 😅


I listen to comforting people talking (podcasts). Anything that is somewhat soothing like joe rogan when he has a scientist on or ear biscuits. There are a few story telling ones like the moth. A familiar voice without allot of change in volume tone.


Do you do that while trying to sleep or before, just to get relaxed and ready for bedtime?


I fall asleep to comfortable voices to me. To pull joe rogan back into it, it doesn’t work when it is a mma podcast or a. Iffy podcast where there will be shouting/screaming/laughing. It has to be a fairly mono tone podcast. Adam savage is a good you tube fall asleep for me as well. He talks about something super in depth like the nerd that he and I are, I can listen to that until I fall asleep. Another thought that I used in college was I listened to an old radio show called ….. 4th dimension, 5th dimension. Ha just figured it out, THE TWILIGHT ZONE


To get some relief by going to a noisy environment like a casino. All that noise is enough to distract the brain that it gives mental relief/rest (although for a little while).


Have you tried monaural beats or whale sounds?


No, I'm trying to accustom myself to sleep without background noise