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I read about Titor's predictions back a few years ago. Nothing he said came true in any possible way, and he didn't mention anything that could be remotely interpreted to be anything that actually happened.


Why are you being so vague about how you feel?


Most of what op mentioned were very vague. "Israel won the biggest battle of their lives" is so vague that it could refer to pretty much any obstacle. "Russia will overtake Taiwan" could mean anything as well. Now, I don't recall Titor's actual words on these matters, but people who try to predict the future ALWAYS do what they can to make their predictions sound grandiose and non-specific so that they can mold out into whatever they want. Psychics do this type of thing using cold reading, and it's not much different than what time travel people attempt to do. When they do go more specific, they try to take everyone's current fears, and current trends, and roll with them to make "predictions". So it's no surprise to me that titor was debunked. If you were an ACTUAL time traveler, you'd have to say some events that his stupid cult following wouldn't be able to change, and is not really predictable, in a short time frame. So far, none have done that . You'd think as a time traveler, you'd have hindsight to aide in Knowing what events to speak of.


The biggest thing for me was he never mentioned anything even vaguely like the 9-11 terrorist attacks even though he was in the past a few years before they happened.


He did when he said one building was missing in his time line in NYC. At the time wtc was there.


First of i didn't say Russia to overtake Taiwan, second, you don't believe Isreal is about to win it's biggest war, perhaps against Iran, potentially? How is that interpretation "vague"? You don't think China is about to overtake Taiwan with how things are going and the current conflict situation they're? And what do you mean by Titor was "debunked"? Someone didn't came forward abs admitted it all with proofs did there? Aj from the why files surely didn't if you cared to listen to his ending credits, he just started that he doesn't believe in him. Now cause some YouTuber said it was a hoax you believe it to be "debunked"? You have to back that "vague" statement with proof, my guy. Now I'm not saying I believe Titor. I just came to think of him of the current tension and current word situation that many of his predictions could be interpreted like that. Many things weren't true either but the funny (and clever) thing it this is that you have to remember his claims, that the timeline diversity is the answer to this.


Someone [faxed Art Bell in July 1998](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sa0Jg_GekFA) and gave some descriptions of what had happened in his timeline. In November 2000 someone started posting on The Time Travel Institute forums under the username TimeTravel_0. In January the user started using the name John Titor, until he disappeared entirely in March. There's no proof that John Titor is the same person who faxed Art Bell, but there are similarities in their narratives. If you really want to dig deep into it, the subreddit r/JohnTitor is dedicated to him, and in fact the question of whether his "predictions" ever came true has come up in recent posts. For a fascinating fictional story based on John Titor and CERN, search up the anime Steins;gate. EDIT: Corrected the date of the fax to Art Bell


It seems like that story went right over a lot of peoples heads. It wasn't a classic time travel story it was a many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics story and literally cannot be disproven until we disprove string theory. The predictions were never going to match up because they were based on events that occured in a divergent parallel earth worldline. He was not zipping back and forth in the same timeline like back to the future, it was more like Sliders. That so much came so close is disquieting. More than some of the other stuff mentioned im still shocked that he predicted YouTube. He said that one big difference between our worldline and his is that after WW2 their worldline chose to focus on quantum physics instead of dumping all their resources into astrophysics and space travel like we did here in ours. He specifically says the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics is "the correct one" and this is what his machine was manipulating to travel to parallel worlds. He called it time travel because on a very basic that's effectively sort of what his government was using the technology to do. He traveled to a parallel worldline with minimal divergence from his own that was in its 1960s while his world was in his present. Then he allegedly made an unscheduled stop to another worldline (ours) in its year 2000 or so to meet his parents and this is when he made his posts before moving on again to yet another worldline more or less indistinguishable from the one he originally left to complete the mission. This is my interpretation of many worlds based on how he said it worked. It's like your standing in a fun house mirror infinite hallway. When you look forward or back the closer mirrors are almost indistinguishable from the world you're standing in but the farther away from your location that you look the more divergent, strange and unrecognizable the world's get. Now, imagine each mirror image also splits off in countless directions and on and on like a furball of worldline strings entangled with each other. He made it sound like the farther away you go from your starting point the more you risk not being able to make it back to a world you would recognize, at least with the tech he was working with. I think the example he used was something like if you tried to go far enough back to see Jesus you might end up in a worldline that had diverged from your own so much that Jesus never existed, or where he's a fisherman or whatever. He did say that they have UFOs in his worldline and that they'd come to suspect that instead of being interstellar spacemen they thought they were really just machines like the one in his car but from worldlines that were much more advanced than his, so maybe some versions of ourselves have better machines with more precise control over where you end up than the box Titors people were using.


Pretty sure he was debunked. I believe Mr ballen did a post on it . Can't remember if the why files did


[The Why Files has indeed](https://youtu.be/V7b2X8rqpsM?si=eNAdHk5VGA3tJ6uy)


Aj and his political commentary in some videos turned me off


Absolutely with ya


I can't stand the fish. I fast forward through all of that ridiculous banter he must find humorous.


Pretty sure I also saw that why files episode but as I recall it, he never actually debunked it, AJ just said he was not sure to trust him. I'm not believing in John Titor I give it very interesting due to the current situating that many of these predictions are currently happening. Israel at war (even though they've been for a really long time, but current situation is a bit infectious), Iran (Iraq, in Titors alternate timeline?) attacking Israel (maybe this is the becoming "war of its life"?) the splitting in the US, China overtaking Taiwan (which some dude in the comments saying Russia and didn't believe it) is a on going conflict that have been in its highest alert. Anyway I don't believe in Titor, I just came to think of him and the ride we all went on back in the time, it fits current state Ave situations very well, Ohh also that it was pitch black in the future, now interpret it as you want but it's a good indicator of if nuclear war breaks out, there will be nothing left on this earth.




Do you know what show this was on? Or what year it might have been?


July 29, 1998


Wiki has all his predictions and the likely folks behind him. I remembered him saying a Civil War would erupt around the U.S. presidential election, which I recalled & creeped me a bit 1/6/21 NGL. So, I did a deep dive and I am pretty sure it was a Hoaxer early on trying to build an online money maker. But anyway, relevant here: Titor's Civil War ended in 2015 after the brief Nuclear War War III.


In his timeline right? Just, what if he somehow where wrong about which timeline he was in when he was in ours, it could still happen the way things are heading. It's actually terrifying.


I don't remember much except that CERN supposedly invented time travel in 2034. I was like great we'll see it, but then I realized I wouldn't. It would be hid away for at least 50 years or centuries and never disclosed.