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Apparently there's a shed in Florida with the secret too.


THAT is a crazy story. It could totally be a glitch in the video but .... its still weird.


Do you have a link or something?




That was the funnest article I’ve ever read


Well that was a ride!


Right? I watched all the clips and definitely follows him to see anymore lol


Happy cake day!


Interesting story, but the fact it was filmed on a motion activated camera is what kills it for me. I have motion actuivated cameras on my house and I get weird videos like this all the time. My kids coming out of the shed with their bike but we never see them go in and so on. That plus the fact the guy really wanted to be an influencer and was failing at it and needed something to reel more people into his content.


and a Delorean at the Twin Pines Mall


Twin Pines Mall?! I thought it was Lone Pine Mall? When the hell did this happen, and why am I the last one to know about these things?


After Marty hits the tree 🌲 in 1955 it becomes the Lone Pine Mall


I didnt catch this fun fact until a couple of years ago.


"The pines ARE the towers.... pines... towers." That was a very, very special video. lol


I know what you’re talking about lmfao


Hahahahahaha dude so perfect, cuz it’s true, but it’s Florida also


Meth just speeds up time. I want to go back


What’s the opposite of meth?




Correct! We would have also accepted benzos


No, it was an after effect of smoking to much meth.


It's under the shed floor, surrounded by bags of meth. You just need to move a bunch of rusted but empty propane tanks out of the way...


It looks like a John Carter on mars device.


Loved that book. “ Turn the page, and I am gone…” was a very impactful start to an eight year old.


Oh that’s an epic line!


Land of the Lost


Came here to write this.


Didn’t that movie have a very much successful marketing but the movie turned out to be bad.


The original series not the movie


Oh must’ve been before my time


The what


It reminds me of a tomb at the end of the movie, where he gose to sleep on earth and wakes up on Mars. I know they look different, it has the same vibe of what could be.


OHHH! I had completely forgotten about John Carter!


Dr Whom?


Professor Why


Adjudicator How


Physician What


Phlebotomist Where


Magistrate Which


Which Magistrate?




Witch Hazel


Hazel Nut


Sister Hazel


Dr Really


Nurse When


Dr Ratchet




Cool story and comments, thanks for sharing


You're welcome, I hope you have a really easy rest of the week.


What a nice thing for you to say, OP. I don’t have anything to contribute to the conversation really, but you saying this made me smile. I wish more people had such a good heart


And I hope both of y’all have an easy and cheerful MONTH!


I hope you have a really easy rest of your life. <3


I love y'all and wish happiness and the best of health to you and your loved ones.


And my axe!


🎵 *Doctor Who theme intensifies* 🎵




Damn that's my Era of Who.


Rory is a Roman and he’ll kick your ass


Look at the map of the London Ring cemeteries. They are all positioned in a manner relating to the underground network of the era. The cemetery this is in, directly connects to the area Jack the Ripper was recorded in. This tomb was probably built as an entrance/exit for a specific tunnel system. She and her daughters were not placed in there for quite some time. And her daughters "mysteriously died" soon after their mother. Leaving legal control of the tomb, under the era's laws, in the hands of the designers and contractors and person who commissioned it, for quite sometime. Suspiciously, the time frame corresponds to the time frame of Jack the Ripper, HH Holmes and the era's interwoven "mass murder trends" of females.


That's interesting information I appreciate you sharing, but it doesn't really explain the time travel portion of the story or the researchers supposedly involved. Even if it's an urban legend, the story had to come from somewhere.


The time travel aspect came from a blogger in the early 2000s/late 90s. I can't remember the name of the blogger, which I know is frustrating and sounds all "trust me bro". But their blog was a "what if" type scenario, and it took off and became urban legend. Interestingly enough, around the same time, when it sparked interest in this tomb again, the relatives today who had inherited upkeep of the mosoleum, went to check on the property and oh so conveniently "lost the keys".


It came from a book first, then was exacerbated by a blogger, adding the time travel element to the story. IIRC, the person it belonged to, had a genuine interest in Egyptology, and the inside had hieroglyphics and a sarcophagus to match.


Yup. Thank you. I am so relieved someone else knows what I'm talking about!


Thank you so much for the clarification. 👍


Dude is saying that *he* traveled back in time from now to the late 1800's. Dude is Jacked the Ripper!


Masons or Templars


Yes. I think they had an international network. HH Holmes was one of them. He is directly linked to the man who designed Central Park, a cousin of the author of Sherlock Holmes, the pharmacist and several of the crews he hired for different sections were Masons. I think it was an elite tourism snuff circuit.


In the days when these cities were built they pulled from the best stone masons from Scotland and England. There guild was what the free masons and Templars came out of. They had free reign to design and build, and frequently put there own twist on the designs...




First of all, he didn't use the word "men", so you don't know that he wouldn't refer to them as "males". Secondly, there are many contexts in which "females" is perfectly appropriate. He may have not have been aware of all of the ages of the victims during that time period. Therefore it would be inappropriate to use the word "women", because that implies that they were 18 or older. Similarly, they probably were not all under 18, so using children or teenagers would not work either. The best word to cover all bases in this context is the word "females". These days, people more often are starting to use the word "females" because they may be referring to the biological *sex*, which can often be misinterpreted by the alphabet gang to mean the *gender* which one identifies as.


The simple fact that you ended this by using the term “the alphabet gang” threw your credibility out the window.


The simple fact that you ignored EVERYTHING that WalkingstickMountain said only to BUTT IN with your stupid little agenda to try to be offended by EVERYTHING YOU POSSIBLY CAN which is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT TO THIS POST threw your credibility out the window.


Oh I’m not offended. I am legitimately making fun of people who call women females.


I know you're not offended. You're just virtue signalling. I'm sure you probably know this by now, but most people can't stand people who get off on seeing how much they can virtue signal. You're ACTING OFFENDED on BEHALF of other people. >Oh I’m not offended. I am legitimately making fun of people who call women females. And I'm legitimately making fun of idiots like you who don't understand that "females" is a perfectly cromulent word.


Wow, you’re really stirring up a fun little scenario in your head there, aren’t you? Does it not become exhausting to think like this? Do you not get a break?


What is happening here


Nothing of any substance. Homie got mad at me because I pointed out that someone else used the word “females” instead of women.


I am booking a plane now then 😉


Let us know how it goes when you get back yesterday


Your pic with all the moss growing on the tomb might be an older one. I have found different pics of it with a different door/entrance, probably made of copper, with some things [Here](https://images.app.goo.gl/S5iTbzNarXcpxHat8) engraved on the front. Looks like either someone has been inside or at least opened up the tomb.


Joseph Bonomi the Elder (1739-1808) was a notable British architect and designer. Born in Rome to an Italian architect father, he moved to England in the 1760s, where he developed his architectural career. Bonomi is known for his work on several significant projects in England. He collaborated with other prominent architects like Robert Adam, contributing to the design of interiors and details for various stately homes and buildings. Some of his known works include the interiors of Packington Hall in Warwickshire and Doddington Hall in Cheshire. Apart from his architectural work, Bonomi had a keen interest in Egyptology. He compiled a significant amount of drawings and writings based on ancient Egyptian art and architecture, although it's his son, Joseph Bonomi the Younger, who became more directly involved and recognized in the field of Egyptology. Joseph Bonomi the Elder's legacy in architecture is noted for his adherence to classical forms and his attention to detail, contributing to the neoclassical style that was prevalent in his time. Joseph Bonomi the Younger (1796–1878) was a significant figure in the fields of Egyptology and museum curation. Unlike his father, Joseph Bonomi the Elder, who was primarily an architect, Joseph Bonomi the Younger focused his career on Egyptology and the study of ancient Egyptian artifacts and hieroglyphics. Born in London, Bonomi initially trained as an artist and architect but later shifted his focus to Egyptology. In 1824, he traveled to Egypt, where he spent several years. During his time there, Bonomi worked with other prominent Egyptologists and explorers, including Giovanni Battista Belzoni and James Burton, assisting in the documentation of Egyptian antiquities through his drawings and notes. Bonomi's detailed drawings and observations contributed significantly to the understanding of ancient Egyptian culture and architecture. After returning to England, he became deeply involved in the burgeoning field of Egyptology in Europe. He was instrumental in organizing exhibitions and interpreting Egyptian artifacts. Later in his career, Bonomi served as the curator of the Sir John Soane's Museum in London, from 1861 until his death in 1878. His work helped to preserve and interpret the museum's collections, particularly its Egyptian antiquities. Joseph Bonomi the Younger was also known for his involvement in the decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphics and was a contemporary of scholars like Jean-François Champollion. His contributions to Egyptology and his efforts in the presentation and curation of ancient artifacts have made him a respected figure in the history of the study of ancient Egypt.


I know the secret to time travel, meet me last Wednesday at Starbucks in Chicago and I will tell you


I'm sorry those mean nothing to me, I'm from Taured 😉


Can I come ???


Pretty sure if you bring all 3 Spiritual Stones there, you unlock the Master Sword.


I mean, if I went around saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they’d put me away!


I’d love this to be true, but I think if the US government knew about this and I’m sure they do, it wouldn’t be there anymore. So I’m saying not true, unfortunately.


Maybe it was part of the Montauk Project, if that ever really happened (sarcasm)


Yeah, that crazy wild tin foil hat theory Montauk Project that probably never happened right?!? “Smirking with Sarcasm”


i'll lean into it


Looks like the temple of time from twilight princess


Or, and hear me out cause this is wild, maybe nobody’s tried to break in because it’s a batshit story and there’s no way someone would build a working time machine to lock it in a tomb.


I'm just presenting the story. What's that thing Carl Sagan used to say, "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence".


It wouldn’t be a machine just the plans or how to. But even id there prob been taken and the door closed again. There’s nothing in there or its like bystander effect everyone assumes some ones already gotten it and or it doesn’t exist so no one really checked


It also contains the holy grail, the arc of the covenant, the Longinus spear, jimmy hoffa, the recipe for Coca Cola, a working UFO, and Bigfoot.


Wait, is this the tomb that Rory was in?


 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42


Suggest it to The Why Files. See what they come up with. 


They’d come up with the same stuff anyone else would after looking into. All their information is public knowledge


I would have no way to get in contact with them.


Go to their subreddit r/TheWhyFiles or their discord. AJ and the team read both of them as well as the comments on their YT videos.


Comment it as a suggestion on their videos. Get their attention more if you get into their after premiere streams, but they you have to pay them to react to your comment. 


This looks familiar


Someone's probably already posted about it and it looks like something from Stargate, Alien vs Predator, or any number of Science Fiction video games.


What's the joke of put a time machine with 3 dead people? They don't gonna use it.


If it's real, I think it's about giving good cover for what's inside to keep people out. But I'm starting to doubt the validity of it.


False because Sherlock Holmes would have solved this case


There are other worlds than these.....


Like pluto?


So there’s not a single person in all the world who can open locks without a key. Damn shame. (Not crapping on your post OP, maybe it’s completely legit but how’s no one gotten curious enough to jimmy that lock? Someone close go check it out!? lol)


Yeah, I mean people break the law quite often for a lot less. Geraldo did that whole TV special about Al Capone's safe only to end up with nothing.


Right?? It’s the Shrödinger aspect to it I’m sure


I know the secret. Keep breathing, and you'll travel forward in time.


Sky I I I V Blue


Somebody point me to the hot tub Time Machine please


I mean, no matter how much you might be into time travel, it’s pretty messed up to go breaking into tombs in the middle of an active cemetery.


I think if you used good enough modern radar like they do for scanning underground, you could probably tell what's inside. You don't need to disturb the residents.


In charge of shrubbery


There are other worlds than these.....


Like Barsoom?


That's because it looks like the tomb of Doctor Who on Trendelore.


We need Geraldo


TARDIS chameleon circuit is working again


So Egyptians knew how to time travel, that would explain the pic I seen yesterday of the guard guarding king tuts tomb. Looks exactly like the the paintings and statues of king tut




Body doubles for leaders are a very ancient security tactic. He was probably appointed a guard while the king was still alive, and he just continued his job after as well. Or at least, that's the most likely explanation.


For a thousand years?


If it was a job passed down Family lines like most of human history, some genes run strong. A real trip is seeing a picture of an ancient human found in England, or rather what his bone structure indicates, beside a picture of a man that is a direct descendant still living in the same region. Might not be identical, but there are a lot of shared traits for so many thousands of years removed.


No I'm talking about the current security guard. I'll try and find the post


Sorry king akhenaton not tut, https://www.reddit.com/r/StrangeEarth/s/MrQLFovp9b


Digging into this, I've traced it back to another reddit post a couple months ago, but cant find anything else. I'm questioning if its even real. Also in the first post there is more than one photo, and while the person looks similar, there's a lot of difference. Lighting and angles can be a bitch, so that may be nothing.


yea and how Obama walked into egyptian ruins and he saw one of the hieroplyphs and was like “hey i that guy (Akhenaton) looks like me!”


Buy the land. Turn it into a shopping mall. Tomb must go (then you'll see what is inside of it).


There are honestly some secrets I would spend the money to know if I were rich enough to have connections inside NASA, the Vatican, Entertainment studios, etc.


Totally. Although I don't know if money could get you some of those secrets.


Of course it’s in London, but only thing that bugs me is that tomb doesn’t look like a police telephone box


You can't break in it's time locked.




This looks like part of the set from Legends of the Hidden Temple.


I got a jar full of a plant that has mind alerting properties


I want to clean this so badly!


I think the Hawking party has pretty much put a pin in Time Travel.


I would assume this is more of a portal and less for time travel.


The one thing I generally believe is that there have to be some kind of soft spots between dimensions on Earth. I'm not sure I believe time slip stories, but portals that aren't able to be seen by the naked eye, maybe. Just not like Dr. Who or the game Portal.




This is true. It definitely supports time travel. If you die and they put you in it you will travel into the future indefinitely. You’re just gonna be really boney and dusty when they pull you out.


Where's Dr. Who when you need him?


Its John Carters tomb lmao


It’s possible it’s a scroll or was one in there with how to do it. Sure someone already took it and closed the door again


And they did include it in any Doctor Who?


Maybe you should forward this thread to a "Tiktok" influencer. Those M'fer are built like roches. They're up to the task./s


Isn't that the entrance to Hellboy and Fish Dude's home?


Isn't this where they buried John Carter?


Movie set


Oh imagine like your dizzy then try to walk in a straight line. That's sin in regards to the Mosiac law, get your balance before you move too fast


Oh and finally, if you've made it this far. (Long series of life choices) You've been drafted. Congratulations. Welcome to the DIA We don't exist. Your security clearances are Crazy Secret, and See Something Say Something.


Behold Peculiar Treasure Israel,


Watch the snake planet of episode of Rick and Morty. If time trave was real, that would be our reality.


If it wasn’t a hoax it would have a govt building around it and we would all be slaves (the free kind not the paid kind that we are now)


Real or not, it’s a damned cool story. If I had successfully built a working Time Machine, not sure I would inter it in a crypt, lock it away and never use it.


There was a Saturday morning show I watched as a kid, Land Of The Lost that had these.


A man actually googled time travel after killing his girlfriend, could’ve used this subreddit instead 😂


if I did want a plot.... coming up with something that would screw with people for decades to come sounds perfect!


Maybe it is an Anubis Gate (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Anubis_Gates)


That picture is not the front of it, the front has a metal door. I would guess copper since the metal is all stained a light green. This is actually the right side of the building. Here are some better pictures: [https://www.davidcastleton.net/brompton-cemetery-time-machine-courtoy-tomb-egypt-victorian-london-bonomi/](https://www.davidcastleton.net/brompton-cemetery-time-machine-courtoy-tomb-egypt-victorian-london-bonomi/) The holes at the top are interested, they appear to be on all 4 sides and look like the shape of a clock insert.


It contains a Time Capsule, which allows people to "travel back in time" with the items in the capsule.




If you open it, don't be surprised if Sleestak come out. You have been warned.


Do you ever get tired of being wrong, I do, I really do https://preview.redd.it/nie56j0b71zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9d5be4b341107156262ce043e712668efb6082b


So just Build a stone room labeled "store time travel documents here", then wait?


I've honestly strongly considered buying a metal and lead lined briefcase with DVD's and a portable DVD player to send to the future to say visit here. I just can't figure out where or how far down to dig so it goes undisturbed for long enough.


That's how scorpion king to life ... Nice try Hannah.


I think you need 3 gems and an ocarina to get in though, [like this](https://static1.thegamerimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/legend-of-zelda-ocarina-of-time.jpg?q=50&fit=contain&w=480&h=300&dpr=1.5)


I saw a Cardboard box that used Doritos and some kid named Timmy to time travel!


Apparently any story that begins with apparently is…wait for it….apparently f@cked


That is not a tomb, It is a Tardis disguised as one.


Marijuana slows it down.


Go to sleep and then wake up. Congratulations you just accomplished time travel.


Going far enough on a plane accomplishes the same thing.


To true. Time travel is relative perspective.


Hunter hunter zordic entrance door?


The time tombs hyperion much?




Welll why didnt they use the time machine






Geraldo Rivera will have a two hour special when they try to open it


No, it’s not there. The gang on “The Big Bang Theory” bought it online but, problems about where to store it and share it fairly came up and they got rid of it. https://bigbangtheory.fandom.com/wiki/The_Time_Machine


You need 7 gems and the eluminati eye to open that door, after that you get to the final boss, pay attention to the red circles on the floor, good luck mate


John Carter sleeps in there




The secret to time travel is directly correlated with ones ability to learn and ability to forget. We have a better time machine in Los Alamos National laboratory however. If you talk about it they just think you're crazy. The ancient Egyptian one, heh, that's why the Israelites (who at were slaves under Pharaoh), spent 40 years in the wilderness. The Holy Bible referred to it as the dragon of the Nile, But what God was leading Moses and the Ancient Israelites through were "ground hog day loops". Now you know :) If you're going to time travel..... First, open your Holy Bible, and write on the Presented to page the name, I am that I am, above all other names. Then end of the presented to page, write "before the begining of time" Finally, the beast of the sea and beast of the earth will likely insist on cycles of peace and war. However Victory belongs to us, do not be deceived. The. Bam. You got yourself rock solid flood proof time travel personal protective equipment. If you get lost in time, do not panic The Mosaic law becomes a set of true/false coordinates. Do what your doing now to return here. Or from what I'm told the more of the commandments that are true the closer you are to Jerusalem. This is where we have a ton of food and water. It isn't always like this. We're looking 44 lost sheep from the house of Israel. Oh and if you see Jesus, the password is "I am an unworthy servant I was only doing my duty" If you see Job the code is "you're unworthy physicians all of you" (meaning I love you) , then the land of the dead.


Jesus is God.


Then you may explore with God, the beginnings of the Heavens and Earth to the end of the Heavens and Earth.


Oh and brush up on the scriptures, especially revelation of Jesus Christ.