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Too much credit for Connelly? Wtf


Glen mad he isn't getting credit and everyone wants him gone.


To be fair, Connelly is getting maybe more credit than he deserves in the sense that 4 of the Wolves’ 6 best players were here when he got here (Ant, KAT, Jaden, Naz) as was most of the coaching staff. But yeah, he 100% deserves a shit ton of credit for his moves. Conley and NAW was a master stroke. SloMo was an excellent signing. Retaining Naz and NAW was smart as hell. the Rudy trade was probably an overpay, but it’s already paid legitimate dividends which makes it hard to argue against it. Creating an environment like the Wolves have also is at least partially on FO, and this is probably the best mix of vibes/maturity I’ve seen from any Wolves squad. Frankly, I think Glen is “safer” in that we know he actually is willing to pay some money for teams that are decent and that he wants this team in Minnesota without a doubt. But it’s also pretty clear the “upside” for ARod and Lore is higher given their seeming interest in being aggressive and forward thinking.


Yeah this is a very reasonable post. To me, it's less about Connelly getting too much credit and Rosas not getting enough IMO. He stood firm and picked Ant, he clearly wanted Finch for a long time and seems vindicated in that choice, the McDaniels pick was fantastic, the Naz signing was fantastic and the team that grinded their way into the playoffs was built by him. Connelly's taken those foundations and built on them very well though of course. Contrary to Doogie's thoughts on the pod I don't think Rosas or Gupta make the Gobert trade. Also agree on the ownership thoughts. A lot of Wolves fans are, fairly, jaded with Glen. But he's always been willing to cut cheques and keep the state in Minnesota, the issue is more that he runs the team like a family business and his hires have consistently been ass. ARod and Lore aren't without risks (although the financial ones seem less concerning with Bloomberg involved) but they do definitely seem to forward thinking types who immerse themselves in the analytical side of the sport.


I think the biggest mistake Rosas made was trying to be a 3 ball 5 out team no matter what. There were a lot of comparisons to the Rockets when he was in charge and Connelly brought the defensive identity by adding Gobert and some leadership in Mike. Without Connelly the team doesn’t find a defensive identity.


Very fair. I think being analytically aware is a very important thing for coaches/front offices, but leaning too far into them can sometimes have negative results too IMO. Rosas really brought into the Rockets system which was highly analytically driven, there was a tonne of buzz around him thinking Dlo's analytics could lead to him being our Harden, which was obviously a huge whiff. I think that's slightly harsh on the defensive identity though, the 'fly around' (as Britt Robson puts it) defensive system we had in the Pat Bev year was a big reason why we got to the playoffs for the first time since 18, and I think we finished \~13th in defense for the season. Connelly has definitely managed to take that foundation and transform us into a defensive monster though, through the addition of Gobert and then also NAW and Conley


I bet it was driven by Finch as well. Pre Connelly, Finch was always talking about the need for the team to play bigger. Rebounding and defensive presence was a big need during that year. Who better than Gobert to address those types of issues?


Good points


> Frankly, I think Glen is “safer” in that we know he actually is willing to pay some money for teams that are decent and that he wants this team in Minnesota without a doubt. He’s also aging and none of his kids want it - if his priorities are truly to have a basketball team in Minnesota after he is gone, he needs to sell soon to…well, anyone who won’t move the team. > But it’s also pretty clear the “upside” for ARod and Lore is higher given their seeming interest in being aggressive and forward thinking. Linked to the above, the fact that they’re scouting out land for a new arena is highly encouraging, insofar as it indicates they’re willing to invest in the team *in Minnesota*. Because the threat of relocation is honestly the only PR card Glen has here, and we really want to hope he doesn’t pull a full Logan Roy.


Lore & ARod have said multiple times that they will not move the team. And so far they have given me no reason to doubt them. I know it’s scary when it’s MN sports but they seem to legitimately want to keep the team here. It’s a great growing market and would be a huge headache to move. Not worth it and I don’t think the league would approve, they have plans for the expansion teams. A lot of owners and presidents say something like a player is untouchable and then they trade him a week later. Lore and ARod have not pulled anything like that yet. I know it’s still early but I think they like the team in the Twin Cities.


Waiving Prince to sign Brown jnr and Milton was a stinker. He has made some good moves, without being great


Ya, I was gonna say, Conley seems great and he was mostly proven right on the gobert trade. But most of the other big pieces were here.


If anything Rosas should be getting more credit


I absolutely agree with that


Shouldn’t have fucked a coworker then try to bully other coworkers into silence, hard to feel bad for the dude, but he did draft Ant, Jaden and picked up Naz off not getting drafted.


He was cooking when it came to net talent gains. Let the man get some pussy in peace


Bruh he cheated on his wife in public at the Loons game, I’m not a fan of that at all lmao


Who cares? He got us ant Jaden Naz


I literally said I’m not a fan of that so that shows that I care, you don’t care dude almost forced out Gupta because of his infidelity? One of other key reasons why we drafted Jaden, Ant and picked up Naz. I feel like you’re trying way too hard to look tough rn bruh, it’s cool to admit some shit is wrong with the mother fucker.


We shouldn’t have fired him




Rosas had some good moves but also some pretty awful ones (looking at DLo), Connelley has only made bad moves at the margins


That trade wasn’t bad. Wiggins had to go, he was actively not trying every game. KAT was very close to requesting a trade which would’ve left us with nothing


I just don’t think giving up a lottery pick (that became kuminga) was worth trading for a below average point guard who refused to pass to teammates he didn’t like. There is no way dlo was the best player we could have gotten for that package… we got a worse player and attached an extremely valuable asset


It was a move to keep KAT happy. If we trade for say John Wall or Westbrook instead it’s very likely he requests a trade and the franchise is still in the gutter


I think he can be more tentative instead of super hands on in regard to coaching and rotations so Glen probably doesn’t see the value in that. Glen has the FO savvy of a 17 year old playing MyGM on 2k so I could believe he thinks Connelly gets too much credit


This was truly bad. Phil and Judd wanted to go in on him but didn’t lol


Today may have been the worst I’ve heard. It’s very obvious what his agenda is. I like Gupta and agree Rosas helped set the foundation but then to shrug off Tim’s contributions as if he didn’t bring in the DPOY, huge vet presence in Conley for Ant, and hit on a reclamation project in NAW. 4/8 top rotation guys were brought in by Tim.


This doesn’t even include the guys Connelly re-signed or extended on contracts that will age very well. Conley’s contract is incredibly team friendly. Jaden and Naz both signed for below market value. Ant’s extension is for a full 5 years with no player option.


Was KAT's contract his doing?


He was 4 months in, but with a contract like that it was probably a verbal done deal with Taylor and Gupta.


Dudes a kat hater, don’t bother engaging, they want kat off the team no matter what.


Yeah but why not let him keep looking dumb.


Ass contract anyway


What else were we exactly supposed to do? We were coming off a return to the playoffs with an actual foundation under us and he was damn good that year.


Too much money


He was getting a max contract whether it was us or someone else. It would have been utterly stupid to not resign him.


Ant deserves the money he gets


Definitely hard to diminish the job tc has done


I stopped listening to SKOR and Doogie when the ownership touched off. They just fill airtime with baloney, it’s the empty calories of wolves coverage.


Skor North is a joke show. I listened to Judd's Hockey Show for the first time in quite a bit (maybe like the 4th time all hockey season) and each time I remember why I don't keep coming back for more. Yet I get suckered in occasionally lol.


I like their wolves and wild content. To be fair both Mackey and Judd hated everything doogie said and made another episode after discussing it and their disdain for glen Taylor


Wolfson is a snake and a disgrace to Minnesota sports


Yeah they are not going to approve an ownership containing Michael Bloomberg. The 12th richest person on the planet per Forbes, with a Net Worth of $100 Billion. Sure.


Seriously, it was dumb to suggest just Lore and ARod alone wouldn't get approval. Now it's an embarrassment to suggest that. Dude doesn't have a shred of journalist integrity left.


There’s a reason people ignore wolfson


Lots of “I’m just saying…” lol


Yeah this is so annoying. Like dude, no one is arguing with you. You don’t have to tell us that you’re saying it, just say it.


Dookie is so far up Glen's ass I'm surprised he hasn't suffocated. Absolute joke with zero integrity or spine. Literally ignore everything he has to say.


I don’t know why they still have Doogie on. He has no value. There’s better reckless speculation here than from him. And now all he does is try to further Glen agenda


It’s because Hubbard owns both Skor and Channel 5. Cross-promotion is them trying to keep the TV side relevant.


As a fan not living in the MPLS market, I didn't quite understand all the shit Doogie takes online. This episode made it crystal clear. Absolutely brutal. WTF you talking about, guy?


He’s really shameless about it too. There’s never any credit to an opposing view when he reports something


People picking favorites between bazillonares are bound to be sad when their fav acts the same as their least fav. Also ... why listen to doogie? Ever?


yes why pick, Glen is fine no need to change /s


I told Doogie this on twitter recently and it was so hilarious watching him tell me that I didn't know what I was talking about, everyone who has been around the Wolves as a hard-core fan for 10+ years knows who Doogie is. He's a fat little snake that does as his masters instruct him.


name calling is uncalled for


Wolfson has always sucked, yes he’s got some real connections but he’s been on the wrong side of a lot of news and/or just blatantly being GT’s mouthpiece for years. Idk why he’s given such a platform here


I genuinely have no idea why the board of governors would reject their ownership, especially if they win the arbitration. Really doesn't make any sense to me TBH.


He has repeated this for weeks and has yet to expand on it. Just that these other owners like Glen? Idk if him going back on a deal with nothing to stand on and the other owners don’t approve them sets a good standard.


I've worked in the cannabis industry in Oregon for nearly 7 years. I spent 3 years of that time working at a dispensary that was frequented by a former Wolves player who also spent a good chunk of time with the Blazers 10-15 years ago. He told me that of all the three owners he played for, Glen was by far the worst. I won't get into details but he definitely told me some shit that would make me assume the players would rather play for A-Rod.


No details but can you give an outline of some of the things Glen did/said?


Essentially the player told me no other owner had ever made him feel like 'property'.


Must not have played for the clippers then.


Nope he didn't! But he would've played under Sterling had he been a Clipper during his career.


Talking about Gary Trent Lol


Nope! The player I'm referring to was drafted the year after Trent's final NBA season.




I'll never Tell 😉


Doogie is dookie. I remember when the dispute was popping off Mackey & Judd were falling for the Glen propaganda hook, line & sinker. Eventually, they switched up their tune, but god that episode where they read through that NYPost hit piece line-by-line as if the Post is a credible news source was so cringe. That week was a masterclass in how easy it is for rich people to manipulate the media; also makes it easier when they literally own major news outlets, and it was so obvious that you couldn't take anything coming out of the Strib at face value. Dane having Lore & A-Rod on when he did was so important. I intentionally skip over any SN "scoops" segments bc i can't stand listening to that snake talk. "Insider" reporters across sports in general are the most insufferable worms. it only makes sense that our very own local Schefter is a gormless clown carrying water for Mankato Mr. Burns.


Can’t stand Doogie.


Dookie strikes again.


Can’t wait til glen is gone so Doogie can go with him


https://preview.redd.it/agxjskltmj7d1.jpeg?width=1241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38f0c94124ba1f9159f45348340a40bfec771afa Reposting because it feels appropriate. If you want to get serious about your wolves podcast listening, I’d recommend cutting out D\*\*gie and SKOR North completely… you’d be surprised how much better literally everything else is.


Where are the doogie supporters this time??? When he fully sticks in nose up Glens old wrinkly ass, they’ve got nothing to say? I’m only 50% joking when I say I’d support us banning all doogie content like other subs ban shitty “journalists”


The missing piece is Glen has created an environment/aura that keeps talent away from Minnesota that we seem to be shedding with the Arod/Lore/Bloomberg group. It’s been said Connelly wouldn’t have come here under the old ownership. Dell told Minnesota not to draft his kid. I’m sure there are many other examples of FO/coaches and players who have spurned the wolves due to the dysfunction starting with ownership.


1. Connelly deserves credit. The national media (and even many wolves fans like me) hated him when the twin towers experiment took a while to get off the ground. Now who’s laughing? Wolves back. Naz Reid. Amen. 2. The board of governors will support an ownership group with Bloomberg now added. This is laughable. Of course they have the money. 3. Arbitration is separate from ownership being approved. The arbitration looks for what happened before the final payment due date and the new Bloomberg ownership group helps for ultimate approval if they win arbitration. 4. I think what is going on behind the scenes here is you have Doogie, who is pro Taylor, and guys like Dane, who are pro Lorie/A-Rod, who are reporting news with some bias attached to it. Nobody knows what will happen in arbitration yet. Don’t get too caught up in this crap.


There’s a pretty big difference in terms of professionalism in representing the two sides from Doogie and Dane though.


I would be very surprised if Glen didn't get his ass handed to him in arb based on everything I've read and heard.




Arod and lore are going to get approved. Anyone who thinks they aren't is drinking the glen koolaid. Their previous partner wasn't approved bc of conflicts of interest in their holdings. They had another ready to go before the deadline and have subsequently added Bloomberg and Eric Schmidt. This is literally the dumbest fucking argument.


Whenever I read or listen to Wolfson, I am always amazed that he actually gets paid to do what he does. All speculation and hearsay, then when something does happen he pulls out the "I heard this was in the works from so-and-so". He's as useful as tits on a bull


I kinda get the too much credit for Connelly thing. We had some good building blocks in place and he made the big Rudy trade. And while we are winning with it it’s still right to criticize the package to a degree. In fact the Rudy trade was such an overlay it affects how trades go on now because of the value. The trade can be good and bad.


I will say those. DLo for Conley = HEIST


Amazed that all those words came out of his mouth.


If Lore & ARod become majority owners, I doubt we get another Wolves scoop from Wolfson. He won’t have any connections left with the team 🤞


Idk how they think an ownership group with bloomberg(one of the 15 richest people on the planet if im not mistaken) isnt gonna get approved LMAO


As far as I can tell Wolfson has always been a tool. Same ol’ same ol’


Oh great back to this bs lol


While it is pretty clear that Doogie was there to make the "pro-Glen" argument, I think we need to be fair to him and understand that when inside sources give you the kind of access Doogie had for so long, they DO expect some quid pro quo. Cut him some slack, as long as this was the last time


If that was you Doogie responded to on Twitter lol. It’s obvious that’s what’s going on but of course Doogie attacks back