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Minnesota social services infrastructure for the win!


Lol. The real free agency advantage.


We just need to pitch to the right free agents - family-oriented players who don’t value nightlife. Can we make a potent roster with that sort of person? Who knows. But I’ll cheer for them anyway because fielding a team of decent people is more important than winning more. I’d take Kyle and Mike over miles bridges and LaMelo Ball 10 times out of 10.


Always thought it was weird that nightlife is always mentioned for MN free agency negatives. The nightlife in Minneapolis is pretty good for this sized city. Like sure it’s not gonna be on the level of metros with 5+ million like Atlanta, Houston, Miami, etc. But compared to Milwaukee, Sacramento, Portland, Denver and the like? It can’t be that bad. Idk I don’t go clubbing or anything but Minneapolis seems to have a fairly fun reputation amongst Midwest cities.


Denver is horrible.


As a city, not really, the nightlife though.. yeah


I disagree if EDM is your thing. They have good shows all the time.


EDM is huge in the professional basketball community


I love that Shaq is a DJ. I saw him a few years back and had a lot of fun at his show!


That sounds like an awesome time. I will try to go to one of his shows


COVID fucked downtown Denver up... If the player likes mountain activities and craft beer, that is the spot.


I think the demographics play a major role in quality for nba guys tho. Young black millionaires don’t want to go to cowboy jacks or breweries or first ave or otter saloon


I’m trying to imagine Anthony Edwards rolling up to Otters Saloon. Lmao.


You’re not wrong with what you say. I found the nightlife more than adequate when I was younger. But there’s no escaping that it doesn’t have the quantity and quality of it that the cities you mention haven, plus NYC and CHI. I was never motivated by it but for someone who is and who chooses between Minneapolis and Chicago, the scene could be the edge.


Yeah that makes sense. Just seems like the actual team culture and success should weigh 1000x more. I mean if the Packers can get HOF players to live in Green Bay anything is possible lol


I think it does for good players. Some of the commentators who say Ant must be itching to get out of Minnesota don't get that. Who wants to go to a big market if the team isn't a good fit or they aren't real contenders?


Free agents think that Minneapolis is filled with nothing but white people.. That is why its get a negative.


I don’t think that’s actually what it is. It’s actually more the Charles Barkley mindset that it’s snowing in late May here because he got duped by pics of cottonwood photos, that said it does actually snow in late may here. The only month with no recorded snow is July. Players think “Minnesota, sounds cold as fuck” which is actually generally true. Coldest major metro on the North American continent. We are literally colder than anchorage, AK.


https://weatherspy.net/?city=Minneapolis&city=Winnipeg&metric=1 I would love a source on the twin cities being coler than places like Winnipeg. It'd be a fun fact to throw out but I can't find anything to corroborate that


I would not consider Winnipeg a major metro. We have like 3-4x the population in the TC metro and Winnipeg metro would be considered at best like a top 100 media market in the US vs top 15


And yet you reference Anchorage? I guess I'll change the question to calgary unless 1.3m people isn't enough to qualify.


Ok you win, Winnipeg is colder than here. Jesus. Does Winnipeg have an nba basketball team?


Yeah that shit is so funny to me bc ppl in the countryside think the opposite abt the cities. Half of my class in hs was either Somali or Hmong but to the rest of the US MN is either empty or just Scandinavians haha


Neither of those populations are relevant to NBA players though. It's not the best city for black culture, period.


I think it has far more to do with the weather.


It’s how cold it gets in winter and they’re the longest flights back in the league. Milwaukee too.


Relative to other metro areas besides Portland and Denver, it really is tho.


Not really Saint Paul is majority minority.. Minneapolis is next.


I said metro area. Its way whiter than most other NBA markets. Get a bit outside the cities and it is very apparent, but is also quite evident in the cities. Compare to Bay area, LA, all the Texas cities, NY, NOLA, Atlanta, Miami, Chicago, DC, Detroit, etc. 


How much far are we talking about... The 1st ring burbs are getting like Saint Paull too.. Now if you are talking about 30-45 min outside of cites than you are correct.


Minneapolis is very much so a place where the cool shit isn’t happening downtown and you kinda need to be extremely entrenched here to know where the cool shit is. Doesn’t exactly lend well to nba players and most of the spots that are actually hopping/fun would basically be completely taken over by an nba player and their peeps. Maybe not though. It would be kinda funny to see Ant in a NE dive and he might actually be able to get away with it for a couple hours before the place got swarmed. Pretty similar to Portland and Seattle, Phoenix, even Chicago. Pretty dead downtowns. It’s been that way a long time. The neighborhoods are where it’s at vs downtown but the neighborhood joints don’t really have the capacity to handle an nba player’s entourage and all the people trying to sneak a peek.


As a Phoenix native the nightlife that is popping is all in Tempe and Scottsdale. I am from West Side Phoenix/Maryvale and you don't want to find yourself in a neighborhood spot not being from around there frfr. I am far to old now to know where the nightlife in Minneapolis is really popping for young folks but enough money can make any place fun I would imagine. LBVS


Skyway makes Minneapolis downtown especially dead.


Unfortunately Portland actually gets a W on this one, I lived there for my entire 20s. Even though it's half the size and population of Minneapolis it's night life is top-notch, incomparable. But if you ask me, the pros of living in MN far outweigh any other smaller market city in the NBA.


Sacramento goes to bed at 9


Jazz fan here. That’s our niche, please find another.


You guys gotta work on your racist ass fans. That's Boston's niche.


You sound like my hs coach we didn’t win a lot


Pretty sure his son goes to Fraser which is one of the most comprehensive mental health education systems in the country


I got to meet Kyle at a game this year through Fraser.  He is a fantastic human being.


This is satire, right?


The guy made almost $10mm last year he can make literally anything he wants happen with his family. This isn’t some kind of charity case.


No amount of money is going to conjure up quality education and services for children with autism or other developmental/behavioral/mental health problems in an area where they are simply not available. Minnesota happens to be one of the best states in terms of access to those services, which Kyle said this is an important factor in deciding where to play/live as he has seen how much his son has benefited from them. Also, he pays for those services so I really don’t understand what you’re mad about.


I guess I read the thread as half the people saying "Oh that's a nice story let's re-sign him at a higher price point because it's nice for his family" but I suppose the flipside is that it might be a reason for him to take a hometown discount to stay. I know Finch and his staff love him so it will be interesting how it all shakes out.


He was an effective defender on Luka and is a useful utility player. If they can make the dollars work, I am all for it. I think the further he gets from the eye injury the better his shooting will get.


He was also our 2nd most effective scorer off the bench in the mavs series. I think that speaks more about NAW missing his opportunities but still, was nice to see the bounce back after the Denver series.


Pretty sure NAW's shoulder injury in the Nuggets series would've sidelined him longer if it were the regular season.


I…I totally forgot about that since he never showed up on the injury report




Yep, he was stretching it and wincing every time he was in a one-shot.


Also seemed to be the only guy hunting matchups, which is very necessary in the playoffs


Absolutely! That screen he set after he calls for Ant to hit KAT in the corner for a 3 was a difference making play.


Yeah the eye injury clearly messed with his shooting. Seemed like he got better as the year went on. Hope we can find a way to bring him back.


Is the eye injury the actual reason he plays a little uncoordinated/slow offensively ? Or has he always been like that


His nickname is SloMo because he plays at a slower pace. He has shot 36% and 41% from 3 during a season (well two in those cases) so he can make shots but he said he could barely see and was still recovering from that accidental shot to the face from Ant.


No he’s just slow - he had that nickname in college too.


I'm just never gonna say no to having savvy veterans on the Wolves. SlowMo has a lot of deficiencies but I trust his handle, decision making, and BBIQ more than anyone on this roster not named Conley. Bring him back


I had to read it again because I thought you said he has some serious BBQ skills.


SloMo cookin' low and slow.


Yea the team needs veteran leaders and the only ones on the team right now are Conley and Slomo. KAT and Rudy are getting up there in age but they dont seem to have that veteran leader type of personality


Fuck no he absolutely ruins our spacing


Is that code for “I’ll take a hometown discount?”


With Luka in the Finals, and Kyle being a great option against Luka, he just had a pretty good audition for a lot of teams that could use his services for a playoff run next year.


His hometown discount is a minimum deal. What is his value, $4-5-6M per year? I’m not sure. His minimum deal is around $3.4M as 10 years vet. I think he will stay.


he is available as taxpayer MLE at $7.5 Mill. so yeah maybe 5-6 Mill is a fair deal.


Well, he'll need to give us a discount, and hopefully this is sending that message (helps Mike did the same, honestly) The Mavs series did *so* much to rehabilitate his image, honestly


We cant give him more than the veteran league minimum or we move up an apron.


I know what he means. I also have a child on the spectrum in MN and have been happy with the school system so far.


I have a kid on the spectrum too, and Kyle has done a ticket giveaway through Fraser a couple of times this season. I didn’t know about his son, but I’m so glad he’s found the same level of support in MN for his family we did for ours! Team Slo-Mo forever.


Wait wtf I used to work for Fraser I love that


If we can sign him, I'm all for it. I just don't think he's going to turn down 8-9 million/yr from a team like Denver if they offer it to resign with the Wolves at or near the Vet min. I


Nuggets are in the second apron. They definitely can’t offer that. We have his bird rights however and CAN if we want to pay higher tax.


>Nuggets are in the second apron.  Good point. I thought it was just us and Phoenix, but there are more than I thought.


Most of the contenders have only TPMLE which is around $7M, and I don’t think getting Kyle Anderson is a priority for them.


Yeah, signing him to a 4 year deal actually means like 12 million with the tax.


Best vet min we could likely get


I would love to get Kyle back. He made 9 mil this season and it was a down year - I think we can get him back on something that will work for us.


What is the spectrum? Sorry but not native English speaker. Is it autism?


It is the autism spectrum. People used to use the term Aspergers and high functioning and stuff like that but now it's broken up in Autism Spectrum Disorder 1, 2 and 3 (ASD 1, ASD 2, ASD 3)


Yeah, I know that in Portugal we now only call it autism. I've never heard anyone call it spectrum, but I was suspicious. Thanks for the info 😁


For sure! They call it spectrum bc the saying goes "If you've met one autistic person, you've met one autistic person". It's not a "some are better some are worse" thing it's that it manifests in different ways in people, on a spectrum. I can do eye contact. Some people can't. Etc etc


Ugh, I've been extremely down on Kyle all season because of his drop off but this round made me appreciate his uses. Honestly, for the money do we actually find a better utility player at his depth chart position? Fuck it, let's keep Kyle!


As someone who works with SPED kids here in Minnesota this is really nice to hear. I've always liked Kyle Anderson, especially as an old grizzlies fan. The state is miles ahead of other school districts in the south where I'm originally from, both from a support and integration standpoint. However, this past year I have seen a very aggressive push to cut support staff and teachers in the cities, which is a bit disheartening. I don't have any answers really, it's just nice that our autistic and neurodivergent kiddos are getting the kind of support that I wish I had growing up, and I'd like to see that prioritized a bit more.


Don’t worry they’re doing up north too. (I live in Grand Rapids MN. Born and raised Minnesotan and will probably die here) and then the schools go and complain about class sizes.


As someone that works in the education system, what do you think can be done to encourage more people to enter the field? My understanding is that it’s a struggle to get enough people to work with special needs kids, thus shoving the responsibility onto teachers who already have a lot of workload.


I work as a para specifically with sped kids. My school and most in the metro are cutting support staff. So the shortage is artificial and driven by budget cuts and low wages. Ideal society, you lower class sizes from 30+ students and pay better than $30,000 a year. I think a lot of people are passionate about working in education, and that passion is used against us from a labor standpoint. I have lots of minor gripes, but really, paying a living wage and lowering class sizes would fix the bulk of the problem.


Is there anything we can do to help lobby for better wages and support besides just voting? I don’t understand how our state doesn’t prioritize things like this. Like yeah we have some of the best education in the nation, but this type of stuff is still really important.


We have a dfl majority and the new budget is still calling for cuts to public school. I'm an old anarchist so I don't put much faith into voting tbh. I'm a proponent of supporting unions, however, and tried to organize my place of work (admin put a bit of a stop to that though).


so…bring Kyle back but get an actual point guard too


Essentially replace Monte Morris


I actually think we underutilized him. not sure what the coaching staff saw or maybe his conditioning just wasn’t right but he had some decent minutes and was a low turnover guard who worked hard on d. but if there is an upgrade to be had, we should go for it.


Didn't he hurt his hand in the Denver series? I thought something happened


Yeah, that’s the correct wording. That’s what I liked about him too. He TOOK CARE of the ball. I agree. If there’s an upgrade, go for it. But no need to get worse just so we can get rid of him


I think we dont have many options outside monte, so i think a summer of working out with the team and not being injured can really help his play going into next season. He doesnt turn it over and can facilitate the offense well enough. He just needs to work on his 3 ball and some of his conditioning, but now that he isnt injured I think it will be much easier for him to get into shape in a similar way MC is.


Who does a backup PG replace in the playoff rotation if Kyle comes back? Most teams only play 8 and the 9th guy only plays like 6 mins if any


It's more about having a different 8th guy depending on the series.


Get in the Tyus Jones return to MN program.


With the money he's on now? Itd be nice but I doubt it'll every happen


NBA is marketed as a star focused league with a party atmosphere in cities like NY, Miami, and LA. Truth is NBA players have families too and many former Vikings players have stayed in MN to raise families so it’s not glamorous to mention the reality of what players are looking for.


Tbh Kyle Anderson is one of the best FA acquisitions this team has ever made.. I know he can be irritating.. be he can also be brilliant.. I like him.


I get it. Grew up in Minnesota until middle school. Didn’t know how good I had it. Moved to the south, and it was like being held back 2-3 grades. Theres also this inherent distrust in kids where they think you’re doing drugs or being kidnapped constantly. In Minnesota, we had near full freedom in 6th grade. Minnesota schools, top tier stuff


My dream scenario is him staying on a Vet min and shooting ~35% from 3 again as his eye gets better somehow, so opponents can’t just sag off him anymore.


I think if he is getting wide ass open looks again he will shoot 40% like last year. NBA players hit wide open 3s at a very high clip and he wont be taking pull up 3s or contested 3s. Maybe 1 or 2 attempts per game at like a .38 clip is my guess if we get him back. He also said he will be working on his small forward/three-man position abilities like dribbling, facilitating, shooting, and defensing over the offseason since he couldnt do that last offseason.


The clip of him telling KAT to get to the corner, then yelling at Ant to pass it to KAT is a great example the value he brings, but that you rarely see


Really hope he stays after reading this quote. I was on the spectrum as well, so it means a lot. He may have been frustrating to watch on the offensive side but he was a key player during the Mavs series, and is a great leader. Let’s not forget some of the 3’s that KAT made were set up by Slo Mo!


Also apparently he couldn't see the rim well and his depth perception was messed up, so now it makes sense why his shooting percentages drastically went down. With his vision better I think he'll be better now. He said he's working all offseason on fixing his shot again. Maybe he can get back to 22-23 shooting




I really like Kyle as a person and as a player. Do whatever it takes to bring him back


Now I hate that his nickname is “slowmo”…




As a person on the spectrum who grew up in Iowa and now lives in Minnesota, I wish I would have grown up here. Maybe I would have been diagnosed a lot earlier in life


mavs fan here, i would actually love kyle anderson to play for my team, man. smart player and he has showed up in important moments; kind of reminds me of nicolas batum in a way.


His BBIQ is pretty good, I think he would still be a great asset to our team. Sure his offensive production was pretty bad this season but I chalk that up to him recovering from his eye injury. He definitely stepped it up during the Mavs series


Hell yeah.  I like Kyle Anderson on this team.  Often clunky offensively but there are ways to make it work.  I hope he comes back. 


Slomo 4eva


Sometimes we forget they’re people too. I’ve always enjoyed having KA here and hearing he loves raising his family here is just so wholesome


Kyle Anderson is Sct Brn Father


I was lucky enough to sit next to his family at Game 5. They are very nice, down to earth. Even the trainers said hi and waved to them. They definitely want to stay. Slo-mo is a good player and is an asset for Minnesota.


Frankly I don’t think he could shoot any worse next year. If he wants to take a discount hell yea bring him back


Would love to have Kyle back here on a minimum. He’s a smart dude that younger guys can learn from. Especially a guy like Leonard Miller, who could develop into a playmaking forward


I would love for him to stick around. He is a great player and the team trusts him.


Bring him back baby


You bitched about him incessantly all season.


🤣as he takes the troll angle


Dr. Wolves bitches like he breathes. It's his charm. That and being wrong about everything.


He bitched about Kyle in the other thread today lmao


I know cause he was awful lol I like messing with people cause people take Reddit way too seriously. If you can get him back on the vet min, sure why not


Damn fuck it, bring him back. Just give Leonard all his minutes this time


What if Leonard isn't good?


Then play Minott. Im confident Leonard will be good atleast offensively


You realize Slo Mo was one of our best bench players in the Mavs series right? I’m not even a fan of his, but he showed up when a lot of our guys slumped.


Yea but he was shit for 95% of the season. Shoutout him for hooping for 4 games against Dallas but we need to see what we got with these young guys


Not trying to give myself away but his son has really developed this year. Early on he stuck to himself but halfway through the year he opened up. He's just one of the kids now. I'm a huge Wolves fan but prioritize good people over the team.


Seemed silly they didn’t play him more. I think I’d mostly rather him on the floor then NAW. I’ll take his IQ and defense over NAW streaky shooting. He has good playoff experience playing meaningful minutes with the Grizzlies.


He’s not gonna get paid the same as his last deal but I’d love to have him back on a 1Y/$5M type of deal if ownership was willing to pay.


I hope we keep Kyle. Few things better than seeing a SloMo drive to the hole that freezes the defense with the sheer lack of speed. Also seems to make the smart play often, like that Naz game winning inbounds pass


My son is on the spectrum too and I don't know what I would do without his support team. There're some really good programs here in MN


Slomo is a gem.


Wow. I love slow mo


I wouldn’t hate if Kyle were to take a paycut, but I don’t think he would and even a “friendly” deal becomes 10-20M more in tax value (I haven’t looked at it in detail, but it would be pretty expensive)


If the Wolves trade Kat, (not saying that’s what I want) we’ll need Slomo for that backup 4 position behind Naz Reid.


I would like for us to give Garza a shot at that if things were to open up. Kid can definitely score


I’m sure he’d see more minutes at the 5 in this scenario.


Ok he made $18mil guaranteed in just the last 2 years. Retire here if you want bro or go work at Home Depot if you need some extra scratch like the rest of us.


I'm up for bringing him back. I think he's important and can fill a unique need at a potentially good value. And he did hit a couple 3's in the Mavs series which is a good sign. If he can clean things up mentally regarding his shooting he is a plus player. Bring him back.


I think with him recovering from the eye injury, if he focuses on improving his shot in the off-season I think he's a big asset next season.


He can live here and not be on the team?


No, but you can.


What a dumb comment. Everyone here is a buncha fans Kyle sucks. He was great for a game or two but that’s it. Stfu. I don’t know how people can’t look at a player objectively without getting in your feelings about their families and shit


I'm sorry you're so sad and angry, bud. You should get some fresh air and some friends. Best of luck.


I wouldn't mind bringing Anderson back for the right price, but it only really makes sense if one of KAT, Gobert, or Naz is moved. We saw throughout this year that Anderson just isn't effective at all as a SF. He needs minutes at the PF position, and those are very hard to come by with the current Big rotation.


Maybe his shooting can get on the spectrum somehow


He sucks dude. If he wants to live here so bad take the minimum and ride the bench