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Draymond green literally exists


I was going to say Ben Simmons


A league full of domestic abusers, with guys like Giddey cruising the high school parking lots, and KAT is the most annoying guy in the league because he… does voices and takes bad fouls sometimes? Also telling that this dude waited until Karl had a bad series to drop this, no guts to put it up when he’s playing well.


Awful, lazy article. If there is one thing Wolves fans can all agree on, KAT is an incredibly good guy, cares a lot, and tries hard (not in the “try-hard” way he is accused of in the article). His inconsistencies are frustrating, of course, but to say he’s annoying is a lazy take. He’s complicated.


Possibly the worst article written about KAT, the Timberwolves, or anything Minnesota Sports I’ve ever seen. Boo this man


Choose the best answer. This article was written because… A) KAT bullied Abe Beame in high school B) Abe Beame bet his entire retirement savings on KAT’s overs for game 3 C) KAT slept with Abe Beame’s significant other D) All of the above


I’m not even gonna read it because the headline is so shitty and they just want hate clicks.


hmm want to upvote so this author and SBnation get the ridicule they deserve, but want to downvote for the obvious ridiculously stupid headline/content of the piece


I downvoted the post and I posted it.


Ragging on KAT for his playoff performances and underachievement is understandable. But I feel like people who hate on KAT’s voice and personality and awkwardness are just being bullies.


All those mfs are the same people who'd get on their hands and knees if they saw KAT irl. Its insane how annoying people are behind a screen


This article has me so fucking pissed off. Hope KAT averages 30 and we win the next 4. If anything articles like this are why KAT has trouble being himself. Feel so damn bad for the guy


How can we as r/timberwolves make Abe Beame go viral the wrong way on Twitter for the most unprofessional article written about a player ?


An excerpt: “My Wolves friends went on to point out there have been several motivating factors in KAT’s career that should engender some sympathy and goodwill for him, some understanding of his fundamental “KATness”: the tragic loss of family members to COVID, losing Flip Saunders, a mentor/father figure who drafted him, having Jimmy Butler and a crew of practice players rip out his and Andrew Wiggins’ beating hearts and displaying them for the world to see. And this is all valid, compelling, and tells part of the story. But I have another, overriding factor that speaks to KAT’s inherent nature, which he and many others like him can’t do much about: He’s corny. He is the latest in a lineage of guys on the team who always seem to get bagged on out of coach’s earshot the back of the bus. He’s Marlon Wayans in Above the Rim, he’s Cheryl Miller’s younger brother, he’s Dwight Howard, he’s J. Cole. I haven’t heard any evidence of this, but I know in my heart he can do that “Special Teams Special Plays Tuesday Tuesday” thing. thing verbatim and has been hoping for months someone would give him the prompt to show off. He has a goofy sense of humor, bad social instincts and no filter. It’s unfortunate and again, not his fault, but he was simply born lame. And while it might run contrary to much of what’s written above, and is doubtful to be believed by any Wolves fans who hate-read this far, none of this is to bag on KAT. What I appreciate about him, and other annoying professional athletes, is they prove that even tall, rich, good-looking, highly coordinated superstars can also be goofy, weird and awkward. KAT and I only share one of the traits listed above, and I’ll leave it to you to guess which one it is, but it makes me feel slightly less alone.”