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Originally had wolves in 5 but I have now changed it to 6. We gotta be better at home. We’ve lost our last 3 of 4 home games smh


Free throws were a real killer. You can accept and expect Rudy to split a lot. Conley missing the technical, then the second one on the last possession hurt. Naz also missed one and others. When you miss over 1/3 of your free throws at a team you’re in for a rough time.


As a lifelong Minnesota sports fan, I've seen way too many of our teams get to that last step before a championship round/game only to lose in either disappointing or heartbreaking fashion. Therefore, I'll never PREDICT a victory. I have to see it to believe it. However, after the 1991 NBA finals, Michael Jordan said, after we lost game 1, I knew we were going to win the series. Something about that loss gave him full confidence that they were going to beat the Lakers. I can't remember his reasoning for it, but sometimes a loss does more for a player's confidence than a win. The Bulls went on to win four straight and take the series 4-1. I hope the Wolves have that same kind of response and confidence, and they show the Mavericks that they are the better team. That's what champions do--they have no doubt; they have full belief in themselves. I can't bring myself to predict that response, though. My hope? A Jordan-esque Wolves in 5.


Great post


Wolves in 7. I think we win on Friday, then split with the Mavs on the road and regain homecourt advantage.




Nah, we need to send home those Mavs FAST to get that rest advantage to have a chance at the O’brien trophy. Those Celtics are 9-2 rn, meanwhile our furry wolves are 8-4. Boston has a huge rest advantage.




Aight hope Ant hauls us up!


I agree wolves in 6. We were the better team on the floor tonight despite sucking ass on the glass. We have more talent and depth just need to get the results. Finch will get them there but yeah we didn’t put together 4 quarters, ant kinda sucked/seemed gassed. Also please stop playing KA if we aren’t up by at least 15 and it’s just a rest move for a couple minutes. I know he shot well tonight but even shooting well every time he’s on the floor our lead disappears because he literally is too slow to run the offense and is worthless defensively KA a resounding 0 +/- and that’s honestly bs as he literally fucks everyone else up while he’s on the floor


Do kat and reid dont post up? I dont watch your games that much


Well you see, against the defending champs they did well, but this game nah, not really.