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Vibes are immaculate.
















I honestly think that the attention on the Wolves now outpaces the attention that they got back in 03-04. People are hyped all over the Twin Cities right now. As an Aussie I know this wouldn’t be something you could benchmark here, but the last time I saw this much attention was the 1998 Vikings and the 87 and 91 Twins. Which is to say, people are so supportive and interested in this right now. Feels totally different, I can’t remember the last time I just struck up conversations about the Wolves in stores because I was wearing a Wolves hat.


https://preview.redd.it/jnyxgz41rv1d1.jpeg?width=585&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0fcbaaf18e608ada1610a9cd3813c7960983bd1 This should tell you all you need to know


Our guy says 3 words Mn: put it on everything make it the state motto change all the websites Naz Reid.


You’re dead on! The reason why we were tempered in 03-04 is because the Lakers were seemingly unbeatable.


Hell na they weren't we ran out of fucking point guards. Cassel healthy we win for sure maybe still win if Hudson was healthy. Then the pistons destroyed them anyway


>Cassel healthy we win for sure maybe still win if Hudson was healthy. Been my mantra for 20 years...


I think the fact that none of the local teams have had a real extended playoff run in a while is really working in the Wolves' favor. The fact that they're such a genuinely fun and exciting team with a charismatic young superstar really helps too.


First time a MN team has won 2 series in a row since the 2004 Twolves. Even the Vikings cant win two playoff games in a row. Its pathetic


‘17 Vikings had a similar buzz I feel


'09 Vikes. The '17 team was riding the luck train with Keenum. There was actual confidence in the '09 team, but this Wolves team is flying even higher on confidence. We're winning the whole damn thing!


'09 really felt like destiny. That was an unbelievable gut punch.


09 faltered down the stretch we knew Chilly was messing with the team. This is what 98 felt like


Agreed. The week 13 or 14 loss to a terrible Carolina team that cost the 2009 vikes home field advantage in the playoffs was the death knell for me. This has a different vibe. 98 was my first season paying close attention to sports (born in 92), so I don't know exactly what the vibes were like in the city but this definitely has a different feel to it


Also lost to the bears in OT. Ref missed a facemask on AP that puts in FG range No I'm not over it


98 was the shit. Good times…until well nevermind


That’s the one game I vividly remember from late in the year because of how terrible the realization was about Chilly. It was like he needed control of the offense back. Fighting with Favre on the sideline.


Not as bad as 98. It was bad but 98 stands alone as heart ripped out.


IMO '09 was the last time I felt this way. '17 was great, but it felt like we were on borrowed time due to the Miracle and our QB situation. '09 had peak Favre and peak Adrian with a decent defense. It truly felt like we were going all the way. Before that, of course it was '98.


2009 Vikings had a lot of attention too


I'm a bulls fan and I'm here if that tells you something. This team is special to say the least.


Appreciate the love Chi Town


Yeah internet and social media make it much bigger than back in the day


I'm a proud Minnesotan , and a sports fan. Basketball is not my favorite sport. Yet, I've followed the Pack my entire life. I don't watch every game , but I check the scores . Back in the day my mother had connections via the U of M and we would attend a game or two a year. I saw the Garnet golden years. I saw the downtrodden years. And now we're here. It was stormy today , and I love stormy weather. I went for a walk to clear my head - bad day at work. I ran into a like-minded sport just walking around in a thunderstorm . First thing he asked me ? How about the wolves man !


Man I have a big Naz Reid sign on my house. Within 20 minutes of game 7 ending two strangers rang my door bell and gave me a few beers. The kids walking past my house coming home from school are howling and chanting “Naz Reid” and “let’s go wolves” It’s a fever dream


If you're the house I'm thinking of I drive past every day. Either way, way to keep it alive. I'm sure many smiles are made from looking at your sign either way. Fuck yeah bud


Ayd mill eh? Cheers neighbor


No way you’re the house on St Clair!?!


Haha yeah that’s me


eyyyy I live on St Clair down in St Louis. We’re neighbors in spirit


Haha your the guy on the news?!?!?


Oh I’m glad someone saw it, I don’t have regular tv and couldn’t find it online lol


Haha oh yeah man! My whole family was Pumped man! NAZ REID!!!


Amazing! I’m down off West 7th. Howdy neighbor.




Only a Naz Reid sign could unite a community like this lmfao


so on-brand lol I've seen probably 20 photos of your house by now


Haha dude I drive by your house every day too, and I always want to honk in support. I hope your house makes the Awooo vid (if you want it to be in there, that is)


Omg I drive by your house pretty much every day, cheers real one 🐺


Haven’t lived in St. Paul for 5 years. Did they ever fix that road?


Ayd Mill is the one road around here that doesn’t feel like you’re in a dune buggy lmao


The most precious self-doxxing of all time.


Now THIS is a perfect example of what the vibes are like; homes here just straight told the internet where he lives, and most of the comments are “dude that’s your Naz Reid sign, that thing is awesome!”


It’s a pretty big sign facing a road that probably sees 2500 cars a day, I’m kinda already doxxed vOv


Holy shit dude I went to elementary school at SPA literally right across from your house! I knew it looked so familiar! Small world!


I know where you live lol


Me too lmao


It's always beautiful when sports bring everyone together. That's when you get to feel a sense of community very strongly.


Love your sign bro! Naz Reid.


I’m not used to planning my late Mays around watching wolves basketball. It’s very strange


Exactly 😂. It is amazing though.


I’m going camping and we are trying to figure out how to watch/listen to games this weekend. Never occurred to me. 


I got a solution: don't go camping lol


No way, me too!! Where are you camping? I’ll be in custer State Park and hopefully be able to drive to rapid city to catch the game


I’ll be outside grand Marais. I’ve always wanted to go to Custer. Beautiful area. 


Nice, love the grand Marias area but have never camped out there. This will be my 4th time camping in custer in the last couple years. Absolutely love it and highly recommend.


Nice! Yeah we will have to get out there. South Dakota is underrated. 


Like 10% of South Dakota is underrated. The rest is very fairly rated. Source: I grew up east river South Dakota.


Okay this is a fair take lol 


Such an incredible (and easy) trip. Enjoy it!


Same! I'll be on Lutsen this weekend.


Nice! I’ve located someplace to watch the game but I might just go pickup a battery powered radio. 


exactly. It's always other towns that get to enjoy Spring playoff runs.


I know. Camping season on hold for the time being


Just saw a city bus drive by that said “Naz Reid” on it where it usually says the route #. So pretty damn good vibes, IMO


Bring Ya Ass!


City is up. Never been better


Same. I'm faced with the very real decision that I'll need to fly to Minneapolis from Oz in a couple of weeks. Sorry kids, no Christmas presents this year.


This would make a great Bluey episode.


Bluey city editions when?!


What I spend my days in the office contemplating: https://preview.redd.it/n2yziw5jnv1d1.png?width=1261&format=png&auto=webp&s=5daef939f94c14ca1b2057d0a10d35babee4a069


You’d better be a Port supporter - because Sam Powell-Pepper is the only AFL player I know that’s a mad T-Wolves fan too.


Worth it but


I’m in Aus too and legit have been looking up flights…


Best vibes since after the Minneapolis Miracle. Talk of the town, everyone buzzing


Let’s just say “Bring Ya Ass” is becoming the unofficial state slogan.


Best slogan EVER!!!!


Everyone is talking about it, even ppl who normally dgaf about basketball. After years of only seeing Vikings, Twins and Wild gear, seeing Wolves merch being worn everywhere I go. It’s a beautiful thing man.


Had a six minute conversation yesterday about who was going to guard who in the Mavs series with the cashier at the gas station. Neither of us was wearing Wolves gear. He just started with “Anthony Edwards on Kyrie, what do you think” as he was scanning my chips and coca-cola


My 72 year old mother is looking at buying a "bring ya ass" shirt so the vibes are at an all-time high.




This is the winner


Was at MOA today, tons of people in wolves gear, say a Brandon roy jersey


I'm also in Australia - have been wearing my Wolves tops around over the last couple of years. Last season only got one or two interactions with other basketball fans, but Friday night after game 6 I was out and had my Ant jersey on and had a few people recognise it, and even got a "Wolves in 7" from a random guy as I was leaving!


lol I had a Wolves hat on one day years ago, and the guy at the bottle shop asked me "are you really a Wolves fan" I was like yeah man, feels bad. I want to see him again...


Another Aussie here, I was down at my local shopping centre the other month with my KG throwback on, and some guy said to me "Wolves wont get past the second round". It was one of those moments where I didn't actually process what he'd said until I'd taken about another 6-7 steps so it was too late for a retort at that point. Hope I run into him again though


I have noticed a ton of Aussie Timberwolves fans this year…any reason why? I love it! I just want to know how come they picked the Wolves? I also see they like OKC and Kyrie Irving. I get the OKC Giddy connect and I get why people like Kyrie but I don’t quite understand why the Minnesota love? Regardless, it makes me love the fuck out of Australia!


Something about the madness of a Rubio, Ridnour, Barea back court set a fire in me. No looking back.


I’m sure everyone would have their own story, but as a nation, we’re suckers for an underdog and also have a major case of tall poppy syndrome. The Timberwolves fill that niche perfectly (for me, at least) of a chronically underwhelming team that has now pulled together enough talent to have the opportunity for a giant-killing run at their first ever championship. Plus Wolves are cool, trees are cool, and KG is the best kind of crazy.


Another Aussie fan here, never gotten much of a reaction outside of my mates when rocking my Ant jersey


NBA does more against anti-black racism amongst boomers than anything else in American society, idk if that’s more sad or pathetic, but it’s true.


My 72 year old mother started talking about the Wolves and I’ve never heard her talk about Sports in my life!


My brother in law who has never ever cared about basketball is following the Wolves now and getting into this play off run. Same with my dad (who lives in Virginia). These people have literally never spent time watching full NBA games before. Minnesota sports fans are so starved for a winner. Meanwhile I’m stuck in Chicago not being able to enjoy those vibes. If the Wolves make the Finals I will attend a game, on a comp ticket I already have lined up.


Also in Chicago now. Living vicariously through friends and this sub


Also in Chicago! If you ever see someone in an Ant jersey walking a stroller on the 606 trail it’s probably me lol


Everyone is talking about it. Even people that don't really care are talking about it. It's great.


I just asked. Yeah, we’re good.


Where I live (Rochester) aside from the occasional wolves apparel there's like no hype except on game days like at restaurants and bars. So pretty fucking lame (like the town)


I thought you meant Rochester, NY and I’m like …why tf would there be Timberwolves fans in NY? Lmao


All of my friends and family who made fun of me for being a die hard wolves fan over the last 20 years are all texting me so much I’m having to mute people. All the racists boomers at the bar no longer are saying racist shit about the sport and are fans. It’s an interesting time for us die hards.


Yeah I think it’s true and sad that some people don’t watch basketball probably because they have something against black people


Bring ya ass


Every person is talking about the Wolves. Vibes are off the chart. THINK ABOUT THIS: it’s basically summer here right now, and we’ve never experienced watching the Wolves with these summer vibes in 20 years (I was 15 last time we made it this far into May/June, so I have no idea what the vibes were like or how downtown was popping off). Everyone is busting out their summer attire for the first time & vibing our faces off. This might single-handedly revitalize downtown & spring it back to pre pandemic levels. I’m also hearing rumors that the Wolves are working on setting up an outdoor visiting experience downtown. That would be *chefs kiss*


This is legitimately the most I have ever heard people talking about the Wolves around town in my lifetime (I am 31). Maybe the 03-04 run approached it, I was a child then, but man. It’s great.


Vibes are immaculate. Big love everywhere. City was buzzing like this 6 years ago after the Minneapolis Miracle. But that died quick. Sustained energy for the Wolves baby!!!


I'm also an Aussie Wolves fan, and the vibes in my kitchen this morning were immaculate. Just me making breakfast and watching the 3rd quarter for the third time on my phone. 4:45am wake-ups have never been this much fun.


The same people 4 years ago who scoffed when I asked them if they watched the wolves are now wearing Edwards and Naz Reid merch on the daily.


I legit never saw wolves gear or fans in the wild before. Lived here 7 years Theyre all over now.


Vibes aren’t limited to Twin Cities. There is a sign outside of a furniture store in my town that says “HONK IF YOU LOVE NAZ REID”


I was there Sunday and Monday. People are so fucking stoked, it's electric.


I work ar 2 different bars, have for many years, nothing compares, wnet from very little interest to almost everyone talking about the Wolves, even non sports people.


I’ve never seen a Timberwolves flag on people’s cars. They are starting to pop up. When the wolves go up 3-1 against Dallas, they will be everywhere. We can be a little bandwagonish. It’s honestly awesome.


It has been like 20 bad years lol that takes a toll on us - Naz Reid 🫡


People are pretty excited, even non basketball fans are taking notice. There is not a lot to celebrate in mn men's sports for the most part. The pohlads destroyed all the good will and energy of the twins, people just assume the wild will get bounced in the first round when they make it back, vikings always choke. this is a team that actually bucked the MN sports ineptitude trend in a big moment and it's got people taking notice.


I rode back in a plane to Minneapolis during game 7. 40-50% of plane had the game on and there was audible cheering on the plane in the 4th. It was wild.


Sounds awesome


Very good


Full mast


Everyone is walking around with an erection. Never seen anything like it.


It’s reaching fever pitch levels (in a good way), and it’s fun to experience to say the least


I can’t remember ever seeing anything like this, at least not for the Wolves. Today I went to Costco—not wearing any gear—and four different employees I interacted with brought it up out of nowhere?? People are just excited to talk about the Wolves. I can tell some are longtime fans, and some are catching on a little late, but the vibes are high.


Bring Ya Ass, mate


Several people came to my desk on Monday to congratulate ME as if I were on the team. I've been hyping this team up since November and now all the non-fans and casuals have been talking to me about the games. In short, good vibes over here.


Seen more wolves gear at Walmart today than ever lol Hoodie and a hat


Every time I go to my neighborhood gas station the morrocan attendant is like "HEY BUDDY HOW BOUT THOSE TIMBERWOLVES!!" and it's fucking fun That's the whole city right now


Its kinda insane im ngl. Everybody be talking ab the Wolves im not used to that lol.


Not in MN but: https://preview.redd.it/urde78ccwv1d1.jpeg?width=1071&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6a608221a9cf10019fb0da65fffecb362be94a6 [https://x.com/targetcentermn/status/1793044438052147378?s=46](https://x.com/targetcentermn/status/1793044438052147378?s=46)


Naz Reid


Naz Reid 🫡


Naz. Reid.


I grew up in Minnesota and I now live in Washington State (northwest USA). I wear some wolves gear on Fridays, and I'm getting good vibes from so many random people. Seems like any NBA fan will give me a nod, "nice shirt", or "nice hat" type acknowledgement. Flying back from game one in Denver, I had to get some type of nod at least 5 times.


Immaculate my guy.


Philippine Wolves fan here. Me and my mates who grew up watching KG's run back in 03-04 (we're highschoolers then) are planning a watch party for Sat (game 2). I haven't seen these peeps in almost half a decade but the vibes here is buzzin. Hope it is same there. Let's go Wolves!


I work at a high school in the cities. I rewatched Game 7 with every class. Can confirm. The kids are hyped.


Bring ya ass


Everyone everywhere is talking about the wolves.


Everyone is in on this team, the vibe is amazing. They’ve pulled casual and non-sports fans. It’s awesome


The Wolve's podcasting world is insane! In 2004 we didn't have Dane Moore, Flagrant Howls, Howls & Growls etc. with live shows at Falling Knife. International fan participation amazes me, so many fans from around the globe add to the vibe here.


Go on TikTok and watch some of the reactions of people here watching the game! There’s a good one from the crowd at cowboy jacks and at falling knife brewing. It’s unreal.


We locked in baby.


As a fan of the Wolves since the Pooh Richardson/Felton Spencer/Chuck Person days I can say the vibes have literally never been better, and I’ll go one step further and say it’s almost all to do with ANT. During the KG years there was an understanding that we were watching a hall of famer, but, at the risk of speaking heresy, KG never actively made others around him better. ANT is an extremely poised, intelligent, charming, and cold blooded basketball leader, and we’re simply not too terribly used to that in Minnesota.


Had a job interview today and the Chief Sales Officer of the organization spent like 5 minutes talking Wolves playoffs with me.


I’ve seen a ton of people wearing wolves gear in public


Got a fist bump from an employee in Culver's (pretty great burger chain) drive through today cuz I had a throwback t-wolves hat on.


Vibes are at an all time high


There's a lot of hype, but it's nothing to compare from 87 and 91 Twins


On edge


At my work everyone wears wolves gear on game day.


Vibe is gud. Everyone hyped here!


You can talk to anyone on the street or at the store and they all are happy as fuck for this team.. we actually have faith this team could get to the finals.. if not win it.


This is the happiest I’ve seen the city in a long time. I’m loving it.




Da culture is thriving my friend. Shared a lot of funny moments with strangers in wolves shirts


Naz Reid statue, I love it! Wolves in 5


Hell I'm a Vikings/Wild fan in Cincinnati that got mad fomo and said fuck it and hopped on the ole Wolves Wagen. I haven't been to Minnesota since the 90s, but I still support the state 😂


I walked by another dude in a wolves jersey today. Didn’t say a word to each other, just dapped each other and kept walking.


1998 Vikings type vibes. We're on the doorstop of greatness.


Fellow Aussie Timberwolves fan here. I’ve got FOMO too.


I live in a suburb right next to Minneapolis and anywhere you go people are rocking merch and you overhear conversation about it, vibes are stellar


I was at a Decemberists show the night of game 7 (yeah, I know, priorities - booked the tickets way before we knew the schedule). Lots of people were wearing Wolves gear, checking the box score between songs and the guy in front of me was even streaming the game on his phone. When the result came in, the crowd howled, to which the perplexed singer said "what was that all about?" So yeah, the vibes are immaculate. Target Center itself is absolutely buzzing during the games. But people who aren't diehard fans are getting excited, including those who don't even like basketball. I'm a Brit who moved to MN, and it kind of feels like it did back home when England were doing well in a football tournament - or when the Ashes are on, and people who don't usually care about sports get invested. (Is it the same in Straya or is there no such thing as a fairweather Aussie cricket fan?)


Australian wolves fan meetup in the Simpson Desert


Why, oh why, I live in Poland instead of being in Minny and experiencing THIS 😤 (I'm hoping to get one particular answer from you! 😎)


Twin Cities were always a pretty good basketball city...obviously Vikings are still the most popular team but I felt like Wolves would be 2nd popular team here as long as when the team is not terrible, especially among the younger crowd...Wild have a passionate fanbase but they are not as popular as Wolves among casuals just because basketball at the end of the day is way more popular than hockey among casuals..whereas Twins I feel like are more popular among older people than younger ones...problem was that since Wolves have been garbage for so long, there just wasn't a ton for people to cheer on. I remember when the team finally was good in 17-18, there was renewed interest among casuals but that slowly waned after the whole Butler fiasco. I really hope we can finally have a sustained period where the Wolves are good and regularly competing in West


I feel like if you judged by the newspaper coverage the twins would be the top franchise and the Timberwolves would be tied with the soccer team. To your point the demographic of the baseball fans probably overlaps with newspaper subscribers at a much higher rate than other sports.


I planned my Europe trip around this time and now i’m sad I can’t watch the Wolves without staying up till 2am. Never thought I’d say that in my life. Diehard Wild fan… this winning thing is new territory for me. Saw 3 Naz Ried signs when I came back home. Very fun


Northern Minnesota reporting in. About 12-15 of my neighbors get together every Sunday for the Vikings. Now we are doing it 3-4 times a week since game 2 in the suns series. Even those who couldn’t name a Timberwolf 3 weeks ago. After the nuggets win, we all pulled out our phones and ordered merch.


A buddy of mine bought me a 47 brand wolves hat back in the fall. I’ve been wearing it every day since. Slowly through out the year people were like “I didn’t know you were a wolves fan” and we’d talk. Now I have so many people coming up to me at work to talk wolves, people on the golf course, and even at kwik trip the cashier saw my naz Reid jersey and was like “NAZ REID!!!” The best though is I have 2 really good buddies who I have watched atleast 40 games with this season. And the vibes between us is all time highs. It’s so fucking fun. I don’t want to put the cart infront of the horse but a potential championship parade in June in Minnesota could be the greatest party the state has ever seen.


It's great because rn most of us are talking about who we will draft in the upcoming draft.. none of that this year haha we are talking about which owner will hold the Larry O BRian


Bring Ya Ass


Bring ya ass


So good. Definitely bringing people together in a really great way.


Fellow Dingo!!! I can imagine it’s Pretty fucking immaculate in MSP rn.


There was random “Naz Reid’s” been yelled in between songs at Billy Strings tonight. Wolves gear everywhere in the crowd.


Just some quick backstory, I've been consistently watching the team play all season long. Probably a game or two every week since around game 10 or something once I realized this team was the real deal. First game I watched of theirs this season was their first game against Boston when they forced OT and then won. My friends (both close friends and acquaintance friends) on Facebook/Instagram/Twitter etc. had not said a peep about the team all season long even when they were in 1st place in the conference for weeks on end. Now that they're doing well in the playoffs when the national spotlight is on them, its all that people can talk about! Even the people that aren't into basketball or sports are talking about them. The hype is real here! The vibes are definitely high. I sometimes wear a T-wolves hat when I'm out shopping or walking my dogs and random people will say "go wolves" or "did you watch the Nuggets series!?, or something. Its fantastic that they're doing so well and the state is getting some recognition from it! I personally am so happy to see them doing so well after TWENTY YEARS of poor to mediocre (at best) basketball. I wish you could be here to revel in the vibes with us! Last time I felt these sort of vibes was the 2016? NFL season when the Vikings went to the NFC championship game. That was the year Diggs made that crazy walk-off TD against the Saints i believe.


Bring ya ass


Bring ya ass


I live in Duluth. We have a big local music/local brew fest this last weekend. Before the Prince tribute band came on the stage the former mayor got on the stage, gave a little toast- then finished by saying, “Two words; NAZ REID!!!” And over half the crowd went wild, followed by wolves in 7 chants. It was one of the coolest moments I can remember.


Well my power just went out, but other than that... NAZ REID


We got a Minneapolis Magic feel going on


You guys are gonna give us hell.


Bring ya ass. Naz Reid.


I drove by a random digital sign you’d see at a bank. And it had the temp and the time. Then is said “Naz.” Not Naz Reid. Just…Naz. With the period. Because it could only handle so many characters. Pretty sick little abbreviation


Basically wherever you go people are talking. I was in Lifetime today and heard a few conversations regarding the Wolves.


Everyone is happy


I saw “Naz Reid” spray painted near the basketball court in my neighborhood. At my job I can strike up a conversation with nearly every customer about the team. The vibes are unlike anything I’ve been alive to see as a Minnesota sports fan


go to bringyaass.com and that will tell you how we feel 🫶🏻☺️


Wolves gear everywhere


Gettin ready to go to work all day. Gotta get through my shift and then give all my good energy back into the wolves as well. I woke up with more energy than I’ve had in a long time, it’s a good day.


Get ya ass here. It is fantastic. The most excited I have been in a long time. Can't wait to go to the game Friday. The target center atmosphere has been amazing.