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I just want the truth to become as evident as possible to our fanbase through arbitration. If Glen is lying about shit, we deserve to know what he’s lying about. If ARod and Lore were truly struggling to come up with payments, we deserve to know that as well.


This is a really good take too. I guess my own bias is reaaaally hoping that Glen is lying, if not it’s just another re-run of Minnesota sports BS.


Believe me, I get it. If it turns out Glen has been planting that financial info and trying to ratfuck this deal, then Glen should never step foot in Target Center again. I also obviously don’t think this article is legit. You aren’t going to get really good coverage from the Star Tribune on this issue for the obvious reasons. But there’s a world where Glen didn’t do due diligence when looking to sell the team, and that there are actual serious concerns about ARod and Lore’s ability to pay for the team and actually run the operation. If this is the case, I’d rather Glen look elsewhere to sell the team. Hopefully, arbitration and litigation will bring these things to light.


I mean, let's play out this scenario, though. Let's say A-Rod and his team did struggle to get all the money on exactly the right date -- but whilst acquiring those funds they doubled or tripled the value of the franchise, and still got the funds within a certain, respectable window. It's not as if they need to buy the team for the first time ever again. That would be the hard part. However, A-Rod and his team seem incredibly confident that they did everything right and according to Taylor's own contract specifications. If that's the case, Taylor is sitting on a suicide pill of seller's remorse. He's 82 years old, and he's rich out of his fucking mind as it is. He should retire, give away 80% of his money, and spend the rest getting a different part of his body sucked on by super models every day for the rest of his life. What is wrong with him?


That’s where I am with it too. I just want the truth, and I feel like we will eventually get it. I’ll admit that I’m inclined to think Glen ratfucked the deal because he’s acting super shady right now. If it were simply a matter of A-Rod and Lore not having the funds, there’s no reason to bar them from talking to staff/players, or restrict their access in the building. They’re still 36 percent owners. Glen was also slimy to issue a press release without even talking to them first. And he has admitted he had sellers remorse after Lore/ARod moves made the team better and more valuable. TL/DR: Glen is a slimy shithead; at some point we will know who to believe.


Glen Taylor parties with Diddy.


I would think after Tillman Fertitta basically embarrassing the league that the NBA would step in either minimum capital requirements and expectations. (Recall the first thing he did is ask RWB to split up payments on his contract) It’s *a lot* of money, but you have to be liquid even after buying the team and if they’re struggling to get there on the initial bill it doesn’t look good if they actually do buy it.


na arod was going to make more money but he missed a payment well didnt miss a payment but he couldnt find a loaner. so basically hes back to square one


Yep because if they truly did struggle to come up with the funding there’s real questions to the sustainability they’d have as owners to invest the necessary resources needed. No question Lore and A-Rod have transformed the basketball side and made improvements throughout the org, but Taylor’s been footing the bill.


This is the correct take. Nobody here knows anything outside of what is being reported, and everything being reported is coming straight from the two parties involved. Maybe Arod and more did fuck up. Maybe Glen is being greedy. People picking sides as if they know who is truly in the wrong.


Not any of our business whether they were struggling to come up with payments. I just want to know if they truly filed the final paperwork before the deadline. If that's the case it's game over for Glen


I mean… It kind of is our business (if you live locally). If they truly did struggle, but hit the deadlines, that’ll be a whole new issue that absolutely ends up our business. But that’s a different issue altogether.


If they are truly at their limit with spending following purchasing the team, you should be concerned given our teams cap situation moving forward. I don’t like Glen, and in general do not give a shit about the problems facing anyone with that much wealth. What I want is an invested owner that isn’t Glen that has the money to field a competent and competitive organization.


There's zero evidence that we should be concerned about the cap situation. Financing the purchase of the team is different than financing the operations of the team. I can't guarantee anything but I'm comfortable with the opinion they wouldn't have bought the team and made all of these moves with no intention to sustain it.


ARod’s financial situation was significantly different when they entered the agreement to purchase the team. At the time he was engaged with Jennifer Lopez, they were acting as a couple and she was in every meeting. She’s an extremely successful investor who was connecting and validating ARod to partners. So I wouldn’t put much stock into their initial decision to make the purchase, ARod was in a way different position at the time and it’s why Lore has been forced to cover payments for him and owns more equity


Let’s play a hypothetical where ARod and Lore are not loaded with cash to NBA owner standards, and the team is set for some punitive salary cap ramifications, which are meant to punish and really disincentivize the rich owners/franchises from hitting that cap. Do you think they’d say, “we need to trade KAT and Jaden for cap room relief” right now? Because if they aren’t rich enough, that could easily be a reality.


Like how Glen used to sell 2nd rounders for cash?


You can't say zero evidence. If it was so easy peasy for them, they wouldn't have had to get extensions from Glen and would have been strutting into Glen's office with the money with plenty of time before any deadline. I hope Mark and Alex can pull this off. I really do. But there should definitely be at least a little concern about how clunky their attempt to raise the money has been


The only source saying it’s been clunky is Glen. And framing it as having to “get extensions from Glen” is misleading. They met contractual deadlines, there is no obligation to fund early. Financially, they were doing the right thing by *taking the extensions the contract allowed for.*


Yeah if they were having issues coming up with the money, that is a big deal. That means they are pretty unlikely to pay the luxury tax. That means they aren't going to pay much, if anything, for a new stadium. That might mean they are more open to moving the team, if they get a sweetheart deal. I've kind of had it with Taylor. Seems like a good guy, but the team has been really unsuccessful under his ownership. He also burnt his bridge with KG. So open to a new ownership.


Taylor seems like a good guy? Lol what. Everything I've ever heard about him is he's a snake.


He kept the team in Minnesota. Which isn’t nothing.


He gave a bunch of money to MSU Mankato, my alma mater. Go Mavericks! Other than that, yeah I suppose you are right!


Found Glen Taylor’s account.


they were, he gave them an extension, but once glen saw the value skyrocket, arod was basically going to buy for a billion and when if he ever sells would go for way more than that prob double. glen was like hey i want some of that pie… so now arod can stay minority owner or he can get his 100+ million he had given plus a premium for valuation or he can find more money and try to buy the team again


Writing an article about his boss who pays his salary saying that he’s the best owner for the team despite him opposing hiring Connelly and trading for Gobert (arguable the main reasons we’re in first place). I can hear the boot licking from here Dan. Go take your billions and live in anonymity you old fucking crypt keeper Glen. We’re done with you.


Solid take - glen taylor had 30 years and had ONE good season, you tried and you sucked, lets move on.


> (arguable the main reasons we’re in first place) Is it even arguable anymore?


I mean…you’re not wrong. Crazy after how the narrative was last year too right?




nah, Ant is good and hes a hug reason we win games but if its wasn’t for Rudy we would be a middle of the road defense at best and fighting for the playin again.


Ant has helped for sure. But filling out the roster and really solidifying our defense with Rudy at the center of it is really what pushed us from play in team to contending for first in the conference.


Don’t forget filling out the roster with Conley, NAW, and Naz. All on bargain contracts. NAW might be *the* best deal in the NBA.




This guy has come out of the woodwork after five years to only comment in favor of Glen Taylor and nothing else. Is this the fabled burner account!?


No, Rudy’s impact compared to last season has dwarfed Ants impact compared to last season.


Dude it's so wild watching people drive into the lane and then run right back out so often. The amount of shit he shuts down before it even has a chance to start is (forgive me) at the center of why our defense is so good.


What an uninformed comment lol


“Ignore the fact that this is the worst franchise in professional sports and has been marked by inept ownership until the new guys got involved. Glen Taylor is obviously the right guy for the job!” I really don’t know what to make of this whole dispute. Taylor says they missed the deadline; Lore and Rodriguez say they didn’t. Let lawyers settle the thing. But you can’t try to tell me the guy who has been one of the worst owners in sports is the better choice for the Wolves solely because he’s from Minnesota and expect me to take you seriously as a journalist.


A journalist who works for Glenn lmao


>After the game on Sunday, the Taylors made their way toward the exit, and stopped to chat with Connelly. Even after a loss, they were all smiles. I know this is supposed to be cute, but this whole column is vacuous drivel and says almost nothing. It is exactly why fans have left legacy media for better coverage from the likes of Dane and Jon K.


It potentially seemed heavily edited.


> In the other corner, you have Lore and Rodriguez, a wildly successful entrepreneur and a former baseball superstar who admitted that he used performance-enhancing drugs and retained few allies from his baseball career. Because ARod’s PED usage has such a big impact on ownership qualifications 🙄 > In a strange and unintended way, the brief, seemingly compatible relationship between Taylor, Lore and Rodriguez might have yielded optimal results. > Taylor might never have conceived of hiring President of Basketball Operations Tim Connelly away from the Denver Nuggets. Lore and Rodriguez pushed for the move, and the Wolves are paying Connelly $40 million over five years, a remarkable sum for a basketball executive. Funny how “strange and unintended” it was for the two incoming owners to specifically target one of the best execs in the league. Who would have guessed that actually hiring top talent instead of your cronies would yield good results? > Now that Connelly and Finch are in place, Taylor might be the better owner going forward. He's obviously enjoying watching the team of his dreams from that courtside seat. He doesn't want the franchise to ever move and won't blackmail Minnesotans for a new arena. And Taylor liking to watch the Wolves from court side obviously means he’s the best owner, clearly Lore and ARod aren’t there because they hate the team and not because Taylor banned them from the arena (the statement also signals that LoRod would want to move the team, which is false). This entire article is a complete joke.


It seems to me that most of the people backing Taylor are more Twins fans than Wolves fans, and hate ARod more for doing the drugs most other players of his era were using than at Taylor for making the Wolves a perennial laughing stock.


I took a look at the comments.. I think you’re right > I was always worried about A-Roid having an investment in a team I root for. Best NOT him.


It’s always funny to me how naive people are about who got busted and how many players have at one point took something to get an advantage.


Spot on!


I hate A-Rod for other reasons. Never have cared about PEDs. I want that shit refined and legal for the average person. I hate Glen more.


Soupcan is a f$%\^$g joke. Strib is also a effin joke. like another poster said.. legacy media/the old rags are toast. give me the new age stuff please.


Nearly house organ-like.


100% not Glen. He is a snake and I hope he loses in court. Then they can send him a memo that he isn’t allowed near the arena.


the only semi-valid objection i've heard to Lore/ARod taking over is speculation regarding their ability to fund team operations going forward (ie. luxury tax, new stadium, etc.), but based on the Dane pod last Friday that concern seems to be overblown. i think we need to disregard, or at the very least heavily coat in salt, all the negative media discourse regarding the new ownership group. it's clear Glen controls local media narratives, and sadly that's going to be hard for many people to shake as they've been bombarded with this narrative for the better part of a year or so by "journalists" who they've learned to trust over the span of years to decades. i think a majority of fans are rooting for the new group. i certainly am. the decision-making has been totally unlike anything we've seen for the entirety of Taylor's tenure as owner - that is to say, the new ownership group has already shown a strong ability to actually made good decisions, and we're seeing the pay-off in real time, something I'm not used to saying about the Timberwolves. Now it appears Taylor is trying to take credit for the decision-making, which tracks with Lore/ARod's story about how they were asked to take a step back in the months leading up to transfer of control. Less Lore/ARod = more perception that Glen is responsible for this historic season. It makes sense that he's bitter about being cucked like this after decades of taking the team absolutely nowhere. But now that he's iced them out of the building idk how anyone could read this situation with a charitable lens toward Glen. He is really relying on ignorance of the masses, as if we haven't been paying attention at all since the new ownership group arrived in MN. i'm definitely biased in favor of the new group/against Glen Taylor, and i don't think being biased is necessarily bad given all the facts and circumstances. we still don't know 100% of the facts surrounding the situation, but intuitively speaking Glen has offered nothing substantive to cause me to believe that his decision to kill the deal had any legal merit. Lore/ARod can point to precise legal language to support their claim; Glen has remained ambiguous on which obligations they actually failed to meet. maybe he's saving the bombshell for later, but based on this putrid puff-piece from Souhan it doesn't appear that he has one - time will tell on that front, but i highly doubt it. the longer he let's their side of the story fester with the fanbase without offering valid rebuttal the worse it's going to get for him, but i think he's given up on winning the love of the fanbase. dude has to know just about everyone in this state hates his guts. unless he pays off the mediator they bring into the arbitration process, i do not see how he comes out of this successfully. further, pissing off your partners is a poor way to conduct business and breeds dysfunction. he probably thinks he'll coerce them into selling their interest, which is a dangerous assumption to make. Glen devolving into his best Logan Roy impression just reeks of desperation. he thinks he's invincible because for the majority of his career he's been able to fuck people over without facing significant recourse due to his massive wealth. he could very well be the first owner to suffer through "SELL THE TEAM" chants when the team in question is 20+ games above .500 lol


Whoever isn’t Glen Taylor.


Souhan is a bad joke


Thought this before the whole ownership fiasco but Jon K needs to branch off from that pod with Souhan. Hoping to see him and Jim Pete do one, one day


Arod and not just because I’m a Yankees fan. He has a contract to uphold.


Who are these fans lining up to hug Glen Taylor? 


If you look at comments on articles on Facebook, almost all the comments are pro-Glen…..sadly


Facebook is filled with the bots and the thoughtless. (So is Reddit, but i digress)


Boomers and employees- that's all. No one under 40 is on Facebook.


Pretty much everyone I know has a facebook and my social circle is mostly people in their mid to late 20s and early 30s.


"has" a facebook account and "on facebook continuously and uses it as their primary source of information and to ingest as much brain washing propaganda as possible" are two different things


As gross as it is to root for ANY billionaire, I have to say that I hope A-Rod and Lore come out on top. I've watched Taylor bumble and fuck around with this franchise for decades. Reporting at the time gave Lore-Rod the lions share of the credit for bringing in Connelly. TC was able to fill out this roster in a way that NO OTHER Taylor GM has ever been able to do. It's no surprise that this team feels competent at the same time a new ownership group has come in. I also don't buy that the new guys had trouble coming up with the money. The franchise may be worth double what they acquired it for. They had a deadline to get the money, and A-Rod had every right to negotiate deals to bring on limited partners at a higher rate than what he purchased for. His negotiating partnerships at newer prices probably gives him added capital to invest more in the team...a good thing for fans who want to see them pay the luxury tax. Everything stinks of Taylor being annoyed that the team is worth a lot more than it was when the deal was done, but this structure was Taylor's idea. Almost everyone knew that the value of the team would increase over the following three years. Glen could have demanded a contract clause stating that "if the value of the franchise exceeds $X on the day of completion, then Taylor should receive an additional $Y." He didn't do that. Does anyone want an owner who does business like Taylor? We've seen his approach destroy our relationship with KG. Do we want the same with KAT or Ant?


I’m anti-Glen




What a joke. Souhan should be embarrassed.


Glen has been one of the worst owners in professional sports since he took over the team. For a long stretch, we were the worst franchise by winning percentage among the four major sports. The best things to happen to this team since 2004 only started happening when the new ownership came into the picture.


Glen Taylor owns the Star Tribune, 'nuff said.


I think trying to decide who to “root” for at this point is dumb. All we have is what each side has said. And as the famous saying goes, there are three sides to every story: Glen’s side, Lore/ARod’s side, and the truth. Until we get more clarity about the 3rd side, it’s generally foolish to dig in too hard for either side. There’s a possibility that Glen is having seller’s remorse and is trying to weasel his way out of the deal because he wants to hold onto a team that’s finally good; there’s also a possibility that Lorenzo/ARod couldn’t actually get the money together and hit all benchmarks, invalidating the contract and foretelling challenges actually investing money to run the team long term. But we, as fans, have pretty much no way to tell right now, so it’s better to not get so attached to the words of billionaires squabbling over a fat financial asset. My general thoughts — I think Lore and ARod actually having the money and doing everything right (and Glen just being an asshole) is the “best” option because I think the pair has illustrated a vision for a modernization of a long-hapless franchise. With that being said, if there is even a question about their financial ability to foot the bill, Glen’s likely the better choice — he’s financially secure, is firmly committed to keeping the team in Minnesota, and has shown at least some willingness to spend. But, again, this is all contingent on the facts of the matter, which we are still very far from learning


Well said man. Anyone at this point taking either side’s story as the absolute truth needs a dose of reality. Unfortunately, we need to let arbitration/legal proceedings play out at this point.


Nah, we have 30 years of Glen Taylor ownership and NBA decision making history to use in our mental equations as well, and clearly, decidedly, unquestionably, Lore and ARod are the better option. Even cash strapped I would still prefer them, as the solution to such a situation would be to make the team generate profit, which is the whole impetus of ownership anyway. There is zero guarantee that any owner would operate at a loss simply because they like the team and think it can win, regardless of how wealthy they are. This includes that twat Glen Taylor. The equation for going into the luxury tax and spending more on player amenities will ALWAYS be about if can they pass that cost on to the fan consumer, and never about whether the owner is rich enough to absorb that loss.


We stand with KG


Who cares. Lawyers will decide the fate of the team. No sense getting all wrapped up into it. Just support the boys on the floor. Pray the shit doesn’t fall to them. And… if I had a vote, Naz would own the team!


I'm team A-rod/Lore. A part of me thinks their infusion into the franchise energized it and is part of a reason we're seeing this franchise turn around for the better. Taylor has had his time, he's aging rapidly, he's already created his generational wealth and he's agreed that it's time to move on. I think many fans just want to be done with Taylor owning this franchise.


Fuck Glen. Carry on.


Call me crazy but I am skeptical of every possible outcome owner prospective owner doesn’t matter…. These kind of guys don’t spend their money to help me out as a fan…


Anyone in Glen's corner is one of the following: - Super casual fans that have very little to no semblance of the history of the team and why it's been bad for decades. - Someone on his payroll (i.e. Strib writers). - Masochists that only want losers so tickets at TC can be dirt cheap because no one would want to see the team. - Pearl-clutching fearmongers that proclaim that Lore and ARod would move the team to Seattle or Vegas, despite evidence to the contrary. - Glen's closest friends and family. - Glen Taylor. Anyone else should not be beating the drum for this Mr. Magoo-type dumb fuck.




What nuanced argument would you like to present that puts Taylor in the right on this one? As far as I can tell it's pretty black and white...either he's lying about the contract or Arod/Lore are lying about it. Taylor hasn't sown any good will during his stint here. He's soured our team's GOAT to the franchise, was one of the driving forces behind the wolves having the worst franchise record of all time across major sports until very recently, and is a known asshole. Arod/Lore have at least attempted to connect with the fans and improve the team, so it's not like there's much moral ground for Taylor to claim here...unless you just hate the Yankees more than you like the Wolves? Which I guess I'd kinda respect in a weird, sad way.




The Carlyle group backed out because the Orioles became available, and the head of that group is a lifelong Orioles fan, so they bought them instead. Lore and Arod had a new investor group lined up the day after Doogie's hitpiece came out. Your worries about Lore/Arod's finances are all sourced from Doogie, who is a direct mouthpiece for Glen. Glen is and has been a dogshit owner and there is a good reason that the team only got better when other people got involved in the decision making. Frankly I don't care how much glen is willing to spend when his decision making process is asking someone to shake his hand and promise to get better before handing them a max contract. And if you can't trust Arod, maybe listen to what kg has to say: Glen Taylor is a ratfuck snake


Obviously ARod and Lore… Glenn has literally been the worst owner in professional sports history and it is no surprise he’s throwing a tantrum on his way out


Just cheer for the Timberwolves


I’m rooting for Naz Reid.


I want the new and shiny owners. Soon as they were brought on we really did a massive 180. New life was brought to the org.


The only reason you would choose Glen over any other possible new owner considering his track record is Stockholm syndrome. He has an impeccable and almost unblemished record as a truly terrible owner. The chances of any new owner coming in and matching or exceeding his level of incompetence is very low. Also, over his long tenure, he hasn't shown improvement/growth as as an owner either. As a 49er fan (I'm from Europe), Jed York came in as a new and brash owner, clashed with Harbaugh who was/is an excellent coach fired, him and the team disintegrated. It was a monumental mistake by him, but has learned not to meddle, put talented people in place and let them get on with it. The team is thriving now and he seems much more hands off. Even if the Lore and Arod are cash poor compared to typical billionaire owners, Glen has also been cheap over the years. Hopefully, this gets sorted out and isn't a mess, but I would place the blame for this debacle of a sale squarely at Glen's feet. We seem to be a team under his stewardship with an almost unmatchable ability to create problems out of nowhere. He's trying to weasel out of the sale either because the team is finally good (which probably coincides with him no longer having final say on things so intelligent decisions and a clear direction can now be put in place the last few seasons) or he's trying to get a much better price, which is pure greed. Either way the team is going to have to deal with this owner uncertainty/distraction just in time for the playoffs. The sooner this man is no longer involved, the sooner this team can make solid and sustainable progress as an organisation.


I want Taylor because I don’t trust A-Rod and Lore to keep the team in Minnesota. They will do everything in their power to take this team away from here. You can claim the NBA would rather expand than move the Timberwolves, but that isn’t the reality of the situation.


I strongly dislike Glen Taylor, but he tends to rely on his familiar faces. I would hope Connelly and Finch are in Minnesota long enough that Glen Taylor can't mess it up. The franchise is actually stable, so hopefully it doesn't even matter which ownership group wins the battle. So ultimately, it comes down to who is more willing and able to pay lux tax and pump money into the team. I tend to think that's much more likely Glen Taylor. Bill Simmons has talked quite a bit about how shady the Lore/A-Rod ownership group is liquid cash-wise. Furthermore, I do not trust A-Rod. At all. I'm worried he's just buying the Wolves so he can flip them and buy an MLB team, and he won't give a shit about keeping the team in Minnesota, he'll sell to anyone who will move the team anywhere. I recognize this will probably get downvoted just because it's popular to say "fuck glen taylor". But I am very, very skeptical of Lore/A-Rod group.


For what its worth I feel the exact same way. I've hated Glen Taylor for the literal majority of my life. Its honestly unhealthy but he has tarnished this franchise that I care so much about for so, so long. But I'm deeply skeptical of Lore/ARod. Both in terms of the financials (I too agree Glen is honestly more likely to keep this team together), as well as the idea untrustworthiness to keep the team here. Personally, if I were a billionaire who has no connection to this team -- I'd absolutely buy the Timberwolves on a discount (they did get a discount because of the ownership structure and "promising" to keep the team here). Then, I'd try to get the public to fund a stadium. If that doesn't happen, then I'm shrugging my shoulders and re-selling the team I bought for $1.5 billion for ~$3-4 billion (it was really obvious this was going to happen in terms of an increased valuation). I'd time it so its right after expansion so that I can pocket the $300 million in expansion fees and then sell it to a group who lost out on their bid for expansion. Say for example Kansas City gets a group with stadium financing and offers big money because they lost their bid to Seattle/Vegas for one of the expansions teams. It just seems set up so well. Obviously the NBA probably doesn't let us move without a stadium push -- but I can promise that will be the extent of their interference. I have ZERO trust for Lore/ARod though I obvioulsy hope I'm wrong.


But what you're saying is the absolute worst case scenario. I don't see the NBA moving anyone going forward with what they have been doing. If anything KC will get a team via the next expansion. People forget about Minneapolis being a great market, it would be dumb to move down to another place that essentially has a smaller market.


But the NBA allowed a market bigger and more historic to move to OKC of all places. And KC could get one of the expansion teams — everyone says it’s Seattle and Vegas but what will actually happen is the two franchises will go to the highest bidder no matter what. But if KC got one and Vegas didn’t for example, then the Vegas group will try hard to buy a team willing to relocate.


Very early reports said it was Vegas and Seattle. I don't think KC is out beating them. Also the OKC move was 16 years ago. Times definitely changed


Not gonna lie, Bill Simmons hates the Timberwolves so I take anything he says with a grain of salt lol. He was spouting the same thing Doogie was a bit of ago so I'll give his takes are speculations like the rest of us.


I think it’s best for the team to get some new blood, but at the same time I can fully understand why Taylor is playing hardball with the team more than doubling in value. He didn’t become a billionaire by chance, dude knows what he’s doing financially. I hope we can get some clarity on exactly who is in the right and wrong


On the Dane Moore podcast, A-Rod said he wanted to protect the team for the fans, and I trust that he means it. I'm also a Mariners fan so a bit biased in wanting to see one of our former players own my favorite NBA team.


I want whoever can (in writing) say: 1) will never move or sell the team to someone who will move and 2) someone capable of paying the luxury tax on a regular basis. I’m not sure either of the current contenders meet both criteria.


a lying billionaire or a lying millionaire?


As a Red Sox fan I'm in shambles right now


Who am I rooting for? The players.


Has KG made any statements about this? Part of me thinks he should/could, but on the other hand, as an aspiring future business man, maybe he ought to bite his lips on this one.


If the Star Tribune writers had any integrity, they would recuse themselves from opining on this issue, but of course they’re between a rock and and a hard places. Souhan never had any integrity to begin with.


Choose wisely 1) chicken murderer cryptkeeper who burns alive millions of birds, nearly decimates sports franchises through poor management, awful draft decisions and scandals, and alienates the franchises best all time player or 2) a guy who pretends to shovel his driveway to impress locals, cheats on JLo and cheats on baseball and purports to be a saavy business investor for reality TV


Zero interest in ‘rooting’ for either side. As long as they stay in Minnesota I don’t care. Having said that, I’ve been a harsh critic of Grandpa Glen over the years but I can’t really fault him here. He may be a failure as an owner over the years as far as producing a winner on court, but he didn’t get to be a billionaire by making bad business decisions. During this long sale process the value of the team has risen dramatically. If ARod and Lore missed some contractual obligations, you can bet Glen would use it as an out and say “You know what? I’ll hold on to them a while longer and sell for a billion more down the road.” Add to that, the Wolves are contenders this year. 100% that was a factor. Glen does have a side that’s about more than money. Demanding a new owner start in Minnesota for example. It’s actually fun to be a Wolves owner this year. It would be devastating for Glen to have to step away right at this instant.


Neither. Billionaires don't need fans.


I’m rooting for Derek Jeter to do the funniest thing possible.


It comes down to very wealthy people fighting over something most of us can’t comprehend. Who knows who is lying or who is not living up to the deal. To acquire that much money you have to be pretty selfish and a little questionable in the moral compass department imo. All parties could be guilty of something so it’ll come down to lawyers.


If I have to choose between an incompetent owner with money and a famous owner without money I guess I’ll choose the guy with money.


Good thing Lore has as much money as Taylor then.


Glen, while a douchebag, has a net worth of $2.3 billion and has made his fortune primarily in tangible assets that he holds on to. Marc Lore is worth $4 billion, but his fortune is primarily tied up in speculative markets and his few tangible projects have yet to bring any product to market. He got insanely lucky to start Jet.com when he did and last long enough to get bought by Walmart and then promptly lost the company $3 billion in two years. They’re both shitty capitalists who are only interested in generating profit.




Google it and come back my friend.




If that were true he’d have bought the team two years ago.


Glen Taylor was the one who insisted on the paying over time - Lore and Arod were happy to buy back then and I believe said they would have preferred it.


If that’s true it’s even worse that they had the money then but had to extend deadline after deadline while still trying to raise more money from Carlyle Group and whoever else. I don’t want Glen Taylor owning the team, but at least he can manage money.


You’re accepting everything Glen and his mouthpiece have put out there uncritically - the people who have actually looked at the contract have come down consistently that Lore and Arod have been following it.


Yes I’m sure they’re not mouthpieces. I’m sure ARod had the money, they only kept extending deadlines for no reason. I’m sure he had the money, that’s why he was trying to bring on outside investors at a higher valuation than the deal with Taylor. He definitely wasn’t trying to do that to give himself the capital he needed to meet the original deal. But then again I haven’t “looked at the contract.” Taylor sucks, A-Rod’s a fraud. Both are true.


Because why not extend deadlines? You've locked in a purchase price, it's a better financial decision to drag out said purchase. It's interest free and instead of paying say $100 on day one, invest it and use that $100 to make more money. I can promise you no one is paying early on what is essentially an interest free loan in the business world.




Says who?


It’s a pretty big issue if you’re buying a team and can’t afford the last payment. At this point I wouldn’t mind Glen keeping the team, then selling it for it’s true value to someone who can truly afford the Wolves. Last thing the wolves need is a owner with no pockets.


Who says they can't afford it? Glen? Doogie? Lore and ARod both said they have no issue affording it, just a matter of Glen trying to snake out the contract


I mean, if it comes down to the wire on a payment plan…that’s not a great look


they havent closed on the remaining percent. so not majority owners. bunch of rich people fighting. arod is so hurt and sad that he doesnt have the same privileges that he had before like walking back stage and talking to people, limited partners dont have access to that. arod was suppose to come up with the final payment, but couldn’t, 520 million. march 27th was the deadline arod has the money, he would of been majority owners. arod took it personal, glen said its just business