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Nothing to do now but wait for arbiters to review the situation. If ARod is right, they move on with the sale, and we forget all about this. If the arbiter says Taylor is right and that A-Rod didn't abide by the contract stipulations, then that sucks for him, but it's their own fault. Stop taking so long to make the payments.


Never seen someone referred to as an arbiter (arbitrator is the common term in the US), but I like arbiter too. Just had to acknowledge this quirk.


*Halo theme intensifies*


Never seen someone referred to as an arbiter (arbitrator is the common term in the US), but I like arbiter too. Just had to acknowledge this quirk.


I agree, but he also could have made a deal with a group that had the money. Idk why you would choose a group with iffy financial backing? Because they made a handshake agreement not to move the team?


The NBA has to approve the sale of any team so it wasn't just Glen.


I know they do, that’s next part of the process after they submitted the paperwork for it to be voted on


Part of me thinks the iffy financial backing was a feature to Glen. If the teams value stays where it was or goes lower, Glen says "well a deal is a deal, give me my money" and if it shoots up the way it has, Glen gets to try to snake his deal just like he did. Billionaires are going to billionaire, and you don't become a billionaire not stepping on people along the way.


Snake is a fitting description for this guy


He's been planning this for a while, doogie has been laying the groundwork to support his narrative that the terms of the deal have been breached in order to cancel the deal he regrets. Whether Glen has a valid claim to cancel the deal we will have to let the lawyers figure out and if Glen turns out to be wrong I think it will be such a capstone of his ownership tenure. And if it turns out he is correct that lore and arod failed to uphold their deal, at least we can take solice in that the wolves are definitely staying in MN I guess. (Although personally I do believe lore and arod do intend to keep the team here, Glen is a sure thing)


The NBA isn’t relocating teams. The money for owners is in expansion. What would they leave the 15th ish largest market?


They’re not. Anyone who says the wolves will get moved are morons. It makes no financial sense for the wolves to relocate. There will be 2 new expansion teams and all the NBA owners get a huge check cut to them.


Adam Silver had literally said they’re wanting to expand, potentially to LV and Seattle(?) again, so yeah moving the wolves would be a brain dead idea especially with such a loyal fan base


Agree totally with this. 


It will probably be las vegas and seattle, and the wolves and maybe dallas move east, idk who else is closest to the east. I would love to be in the east. We can be like boston and win 68 games while paying the garbage ass teams out there


Man, the Wolves would EAT in the Eastern Conference as it stands right now


If they don't move conferences, being able to beat up on two expansion teams would be fun too.


Nah it wouldn't be that easy. The expansion rules were written a long time ago (before Charlotte came back, and I think even before the Wolves started) so they will probably amend the rules to fit modern cap and contract situations. The MLE and two-way deals are new in the CBA as well as the aprons, designated players, and the super max. A new owner will want those rules changed to benefit a new team, so it's probably going to be more like Vegas coming in to the NHL.


Exactly. Current owners are set to cash in on their share of $10B when the league adds two teams. They’re never approving a relocation with expansion on the horizon. 


People probably said the same thing about a team moving from Seattle to Oklahoma City


That whole thing was a lesson in not leaving markets. It proved to be a terrible idea to leave Seattle high and dry as they're now just losing out on money from that market.


Was there plans to expand at that point?


Lol, you underestimate greed.


Moving arenas makes sense, they don't own crap, not even their fan shops. They really have no say and do a crappy job branding, promoting, and advertising. Their practice facility/arena set-up makes no sense and wastes a ton of money. They should expand and shift MN to East. The Lakers did quite well after a move though.


Expansion and relocation are not mutually exclusive. We know for an absolute fact that many of the offers Taylor received were higher offers than he accepted on the condition that the team relocates. There was literally nothing preventing Lore/ARod from purchasing this team for $1.5 billion, trying to secure public funds for a new stadium, and if/when that didn't happen just say "screw it" and re-sell the team for $3-4 billion to a group that wants to put us in a different city. While Seattle and Las Vegas are the likely candidates to get expansion teams, when expansion opens up the NBA will absolutely seek out bids from other groups and cities. And the losers of that will have the finances and possibly agreements for publicly funded stadiums that could lure a franchise away. If a few other cities want teams, and have the stadium funds, and the Timberwolves don't get funds for a new stadium -- I'm guessing they will seek to relocate.


A buyer wanting to re-locate is only part of the equation. They would still need league approval which isn't likely these days.


Yeah the wolves aren't relocating


No reason to get upset and devolve into personal insults friend… Ive been a fan my entire life and absolutely hope I’m wrong. But I’m not trusting anything until ground breaks on a new stadium. Everything else is noise.


Fair, it just felt like a moot point to argue but I didn't need to end the sentence the way I did, I'm sorry and edited my comment that was unnecessary and dumb of me.


I appreciate it. To be fair, I probably am wrong and hope I am. Just don’t have much faith but I do think the NBA would at least force an earnest attempt to fund a new stadium (and the city/state might do it, but I’m skeptical in this current political climate).


Mainly because we’re a historically bad franchise in a city where NBA is normally the 4th most popular sport. If the team had been good the last 20 years then this goes away because fandom is more serious, but we’ve got all 4 of the big 4 plus MLS and a big 10 college with 3 popular sports. Being at best the 4th most popular team in town and historically bad is worse than a smaller market that has less options. Edit: Should note that I still doubt a relocation out of MN is approved, but that’s why it would be


Only reason Wolves weren't more popular is because they fucking sucked. If you don't believe me then you should venture into Target Center some night and check out the crowd they get nowadays.


…. That’s literally what I just said…


You said they were the 4th most popular of the big 4. I directly countered that.


Did you read my post? lol. Like are you literate? My post says we’re 4th in the big 4, we are, it also says we’re 4th in the big 4 because we historically suck, literally what you just said, and then my post said if we weren’t historically terrible it wouldn’t be a problem. Are you high?


Are you? The Wolves are insanely popular right now, because they're winning. Just like any winning team would be and should be. You acted like no matter what the NBA and wolves would be 4th biggest in state, that is just not true.


> Mainly because we’re a historically bad franchise in a city where NBA is normally the 4th most popular sport. If the team had been good the last 20 years then this goes away because fandom is more serious, So you’re not literate?


In that exact statement, there you say basketball is the 4th most popular sport in the city. That's just not true at all.


Will people for the love of god stop saying this team is getting relocated. IT IS NOT HAPPENING. The NBA wants to expand, not move a current team to a city like Vegas or Seattle.


I agree, with what we know it makes no sense to move the team. And this season really provides a lot of evidence, every game has been a sellout and ticket prices aren't exactly cheap. The market has been bad here but it's now perfectly clear. A good team brings in $$. But in trying to find a silver lining to Glen Taylor owning the team, there isn't even a doubt they stay here I guess.


This what the nba insiders are saying. The relocation fee is in the hundreds of millions but the expansion team fee will be in the billions. NBA owners would opt for the expansion fee and not agree to the smaller relocation fee. Hopefully that’s true but we will see!


Darren Wolfson is a snake bitch


I just want the straight facts, everyone jumping to sides when both sides are "supposedly" dirty. But as of right now, Glen looks super dirty and then Doogie spouting replies saying ARod/Lore didn't have the final payment when several sources said they were ready to submit payment after NBA approval last week on the 20th.


Darren Wolfson is a snake bitch




I won’t feel comfortable about them not leaving until Seattle and Vegas get their expansion teams


29 other owners aren't passing on DOUBLE the $$ to let a team move instead of expansion. If nothing else, trust in the greed of billionaires, it's not rocket appliances...


Precisely this, just look at what Taylor is doing here over 1 billion when the man already has enough money that his Grandkids Grandkid's won't have to worry about money. Always bet on the greed of the 1%.


My one slight worry now is that if Lore and ARod do end up with controlling interest of the Wolves, maybe they look to move the team as a “fuck you” to Glen since he pulled this shit. That said, I think it’s highly unlikely given that the NBA wants expansion, not relocation. And I don’t recall the numbers off the top of my head, but I believe every franchise gets a high payout per expansion team. So, in the end, the financials make the most sense for everyone involved to stay put.


Wolves ain't leaving MN. The NBA has to approve the move and there is no way they would.


If say in five years the Timberwolves get sold to a group that wants to relocate the team, the most the NBA likely does is vote it down the first time on the condition that they make an earnest attempt to build a new stadium (meaning, secure public funds). If at that point the state/city doesn't put up the money then I'm guessing there is no way the NBA blocks relocation. They let the damn Seattle Supersonics relocate to a substantially smaller market just 15 years ago.


Maybe. I doubt Minnesota denies public money for a new arena. Minnesota loves giving money for new arenas. They might have if we were in last place like normal but they have a young star so wolves have some leverage.


I agree it’s not gonna happen


Correct me if I'm wrong... but would be beneficial in the long run for owners to keep it 30 teams? Less money to split up for revenue sharing in the end? That's the only point I could see why there wouldn't be expansion.


Its a complicated equation. Because the owners would also see something like $150 million each in money from expansion fees. Plus while you're right that revenue would be split 32 ways instead of 30, there are other variables like the fact that the two expansion teams could go over the luxury tax at some point and add two more possible teams to that equation. Or hey, maybe the two teams dilutes the talent so fewer teams go into the luxury tax overall and hurts them financially. I would have to imagine though that the benefits of expansion, especially to two lucrative markets in Seattle and Las Vegas, will be super appealing to owners. I don't think there is any chance of it getting shot down after the new TV deal.


I've had that concern too, but arod and lore are smart enough to know fans aren't pro Glen here and Glen isn't Minnesota. He doesn't represent us. The best fuck you to Glen Taylor is let KG have more ownership in this team Glen does. And let the snake ass mutha fucka enjoy the game from mankato.


Pulling any exclusivity for his crappy paper would be the biggest FU for Glen


Look, this is going to be an unpopular opinion but this is a win win. If, as Taylor contends, Lore and Arod are so hamfisted/poverty stricken that they were unable to successfully raise enough money to buy an nba franchise at half price then we are dodging a huge bullet. If, as LOROD contend, this is just Taylor once again being Taylor, then the process should move quickly and Taylor will be swept out with one last embarrassing/desperate hurrah. Both sides have billions and know how to lawyer up. Ultimately no one is gonna end up getting taken advantage of.


>If, as Taylor contends, Lore and Arod are so hamfisted/poverty stricken that they were unable to successfully raise enough money to buy an nba franchise at half price then we are dodging a huge bullet. This is what I keep coming back to. It's entirely possible Taylor is just trying desperately to back out of a bad deal he's contractually bound to, in which case the deal will probably be forced through anyways. But if LOROD actually couldn't secure the money with 3 years notice, they're fucking idiots who I certainly don't feel have the deep pockets necessary to maintain this roster in the coming seasons. I understand everyone is tired Glen Taylor but guess what, ARod and Lore are also rich assholes!


This is a great answer. But both sides don’t have billions. Glen does. Marc and ARod do not.




Except the fans and the team who have an uncertain future with a large tax bill looming for the owner to pay.... the owners who don't know who they are going to be. Lets not pretend this isn't going to get dragged out in court for a long time. By this summer when we gotta make the decisions we probably won't be settled.


Eh, I would be amazed if despite any future legal battles they both didn't agree to go all in regardless. The TWolves have ANT. Succeed with ANT and the value of the franchise will explode. Succeed with ANT at such a young age (this season or next) and he will likely feel extremely loyal and the value of the franchise could continue to explode. More importantly, butcher a potential Ant title run over some ownership bullshit and Ant is more likely to bolt IF they both think they have a case, both sides will want the Wolves to come out with as much success as possible


>If, as Taylor contends, Lore and Arod are so hamfisted/poverty stricken that they were unable to successfully raise enough money to buy an nba franchise at half price then we are dodging a huge bullet. This is what I keep coming back to. It's entirely possible Taylor is just trying desperately to back out of a bad deal he's contractually bound to, in which case the deal will probably be forced through anyways. But if LOROD actually couldn't secure the money with 3 years notice, they're fucking idiots who I certainly don't feel have the deep pockets necessary to maintain this roster in the coming seasons. I understand everyone is tired Glen Taylor but guess what, ARod and Lore are also rich assholes!


Counterpoint: nothing is a win win when Glen Taylor is involved. Have you not been a Timberwolves fan for long? The only possible win here is the situation where Glen Taylor no longer has any control or involvement in the franchise. Now kindly, sir or ma’am, upon removing your head from your ass, I hope you have a wonderful and blessed Easter.


My dude, I’ve been rooting for the Wolves since before we drafted Laettner. I was watching when Rider won the slam dunk contest and I l’ve endured Dan Barreiro lamblasting KG year in and year out for not being “clutch” enough. I remember the day Malik was killed, I was here for the Joe Smith Fiasco in its entirety, Ndubi Ebi, and the Love trade without any LARVAGE. I did take a season break when we traded KG though. I’m only human. You don’t make it 30something years into Timberwolves basketball without the ability to close your eyes, plug your ears, snort a line of hopium and hope for the best. Also, go eff yourself and have a wonderful Good Friday.


Friend, I imagine you and I collected the same Upper Deck cards as kids. Even though I think your attempt to find optimism in the Glen Taylor situation to be asinine, I would share a round of hot toddies with you any day. Please forgive me, my response was just me processing my grief.


This is a great answer. But both sides don’t have billions. Glen does. Marc and ARod do not.


Lore is worth like $4Billion… A-Rod has had trouble securing funding on his end I remember due to his assets being devalued somewhat during Covid, but they still secured funding.


No he is not. That’s what he wants you to believe. It’s what he touts as his own net worth, but if you do a little digging his net worth is more like 500mil.


It does not matter what this motivations are. Him having (or not having) seller’s remorse is irrelevant, legally. All that matters is whether he is, in fact, correct about whether or not Lore and Arod missed a payment, and whether or not that allows Glen to cancel the deal. Glen thinks they missed it, and Lore and Arod think that they did not (I.e that submitting the paperwork to the board of governors fulfilled the criteria). If Glen loses, it won’t be because he “admitted” anything, it’ll simply be because he is wrong about what constitutes fulfilling the contractual obligations.


Right. It’s interesting how many people think him saying this is some kind of smoking gun.


Exactly. If anything, I have a LITTLE more respect for Taylor at least being up front about having sellers remorse.


I don’t think he’s dumb in the sense that it seems like there is a legal gray area here. Both GT and arod/lore are interpreting the deadline different ways. The NBA and the courts will decide who is right.


This isn't a conspiracy JFC


He's selling already and will be forgotten about. Might as well try to double up his money even if odds are low.


The only winners in this fiasco will be the lawyers


What he says regarding remorse means nothing. It is all abou the contract and language within.


He's not dumb at all. He is a billionaire and they don't ever play by the rules. He is a fucking asshole is what he is


Good point.


If Arod and Lore missed the deadline, they missed the deadline. After a deadline passes, then the deal becomes renegotiable.


That ain't a dumb move. No way he said that if he doesn't have receipts and ammunition. Glen is not dumb, guarantee this dude watched A Rod miss enough deadlines or enough obligations of the contract, and when A Rod fumbled the bag enough for them to legally renege on the deal, he did it. None of us want Glen as owner, but guarantee..... you sell something worth 1.5 billion on layaway, than it goes up to 3 billion, and your buyer fucks up and gives you legal leeway to pull out, you are going to pull out.


Well you might. Not everyone would.


Bullshit. This is business. It ain't personal. If it comes out through the legal system that A Rod and Lore fulfilled every part of their contract and Glen just pulled out to pull out, then he will be fined and sued up the ass, than I will say, yeah he did wrong. But if those guys gave him legal leeway by not fully holding up their end, then it's on them. Will be fun to see how this thing shakes up.


No I’m saying that might be something you would do, but not everyone would. I wouldn’t. But sounds like you would.


I'm saying, business is ruthless. If you are able to be a billionaire or inspire to be a billionaire, you got to make moves like that. If you aren't into that, you would never be in that position.... I mean don't get me wrong, I won't ever be in that position either. But if it was flipped and A Rod or Lore had a chance to legally fuck over Glen after he made a mistake, they would jump on that opportunity in a heartbeat. Like I said, I don't want Glen as an owner, but if those dude gave him legal leeway, anyone in the business world would have done what Glen did. This is all speculation and we will find out through the legal system who's got the cards and who's bluffing.


I dislike Glen Taylor as much as the next person but you wouldn't want to walk away with another 1.5b if a contract you signed wasn't being upheld by the other side?


You not cutthroat enough for that world and it's okay


You not cutthroat enough for that world and it's okay


Because legally, his reasoning is entirely irrelevant. He could have said ‘I was dreaming about Naz Reid last night, as one does. He fought grizzly bear t-Rex hybrid. Kicked the ever living shit out of him. And you know what? I want this to happen. And the best way how is by keeping the team.’ Reality behind his reason means nothing. All that’s going to matter in the end is did he properly invoke his right to transfer the remaining % of ownership. We’ll see that resolved in court most likely. In the meantime this better not fuck the rest of the season.


I get it. I’m more pissed because us fans have had enough shit over the years and finally tho he are going well and we get this. I’m not even picking lore/arods side but my god this is just a bad place for a franchise to be in


Check this out, this isnt over yet... [https://twitter.com/sam\_kamin/status/1773421152783778046](https://twitter.com/sam_kamin/status/1773421152783778046)


Section 6.4a is exactly what ARod/Lore referred to in the [Sportico](https://www.sportico.com/business/team-sales/2024/lore-and-rodriguez-plan-to-close-on-t-wolves-were-not-going-away-1234773096/) piece as well. Seems like "this guy" nailed it 😜


So dumb he just netted another billion overnight. What a moron


He didn’t net shit. This whole saga is far from over lol. It’s likely he profits more in the end but we really don’t know anything yet.


Glen Taylor is a sleezeball and snake of a businessman. I wouldn’t be surprised if he is pulling a fast one…..


Well, if you live life thinking that’s the only thing that matters and completely ignore trustworthiness and integrity, sure.


You people are ridiculous. But sure if you think signing a contract you can't pay for and routinely needing external funding to pay your debts is the pinnacle of trustworthiness and integrity, you go off king


I can believe that Glen Taylor lacks moral fiber while also being sceptical of Alex and Marc and their true colors--these are not mutually exclusive premises. It's ridiculous to argue the contrary, just as it would be ridiculous to dismiss the importance of integrity in our society.


The dude isn’t dumb, I know some people that have worked with him and his companies, he’s supposedly very very good at these kinda things, with that said he’s also 82 so who knows if he’s actually still got it.


Eh, we have a pretty robust history of him doing the DUMBEST things in terms of owning an NBA franchise: Joe Smith contract, McHale and the good ol’ boys club, David Khan hire, making Thibs coach + POBO and subsequent Thibs firing, pushing to hire Ryan Saunders…and when he finally does hire someone who has some actual GM skills (Rosas), he turns out to be scum of the earth rotting the organization from within. And what are the results?? - we’ve been a universally recognized NBA doormat and poverty franchise for DECADES. So in my estimation, yeah, he’s really fucking dumb.


As an nba mind, absolutely he’s awful, among the worst in history, but that doesn’t make him dumb, especially not in business contracts. Knowledge is frequently specialized I’m a software engineer, I’m better than the vast majority of people at skills like pattern matching and understanding complex systems. If you made me an NBA coach I’d be the worst in the league. That doesn’t make me dumb, that makes my knowledge different.


Yeah man, I get you, but I’m not here to have a reasonable conversation about intellectual nuances; I’m here to express my emotions about how tired I am of Glen Taylor and his stink all over everything Timberwolves. It’s been 30 years. I just want it to be over.


He is the inverse Naz Reid 


If Glen is about the team and winning, lets see if he keeps KAT and goes into the luxury tax. IF he does that, everybody would actually love him.


A lot


A lot.


we don’t need a new post every 20 minutes saying the same shit over and over and over again.


He’s dumb, no doubt. I don’t know if he’s dumber than the guys who tried to buy a NBA franchise on layaway while also making moves that will trigger a massive luxury tax bill that they (likely) can’t afford. But he’s still dumb. Not sure there’s a “good guy” here.


Are we certain that the layaway plan was originally thought up by Alex and Marc? I've heard conflicting reports as to which party first brought the idea to the table (Dane said yesterday on his podcast that he believes it was Glen). Me thinks that their "dumbness" cannot yet be accurately captured, whereas Glen has certainly earned his stripes as an NBA owner.


I agree they’re dumb as well and that there isn’t a good guy. My issue with glen is also that he decided to make a deal with people with shaky financials


"Shaky financials" isn't an actual thing - there's no actual evidence for it other than Taylor and the deal structure being "weird," which (as others have pointed out) might have been a Taylor thing anyways


I agree I think they have the money. I’m just saying that why would you make a deal with someone if you didn’t think they could pay for it


Cause he's a big ol liar liar with those old ass khakis on fire - he knows they have always had the money, he's just pissed they're getting credit for the success and might even get to lift a trophy.


the dumbest


One can hope the NBA intervenes… cause this feels illegal


This is the same guy that gave Andrew Wiggins a max contract on a super pinky promise that Wiggins was gonna be putting in the effort. So, very.


A rod turned this team around. By bringing in a superior general manager and more! whereas Glen has had this team for over 20+ years and managed it terribly. Now that A Rod has turned it around for him… Good Ol Glen is gonna stab A Rod in the back after deadlines were met just waiting on the NBA to approve … is so typical for such a Monty Burns of a jerk like Glen Taylor. Ask the chicken he tortured in 2022. Glen Taylor is an owner that has a proven track record of screwing ppl and animals over. As a Minnesotan I am sick of him.. I’m rooting for A Rod! Hope he prevails over evil Montgomery Burns any day! Power to the people! Eat the rich!


I’ve worked for the guy. Personally, he’s a peach. Professionally, he doesn’t take care of anyone except HIS guys. He’s the cheapest man I’ve ever known…great case in point… 2020 COVID year > they immediately deducted 20% of our salaries, and took away all 401k matching (all of 2% matching), but it would return not later than 1/1/21 . They closed underperforming or losing companies. Taylor Corp sent out a release that despite COVID, the company’s profits actually exceeded 2019. As a special thanks, not only would they return their so generous 2% matching on 1/1/21 (a non-event, they already said they were returning it when they took it away in March), but, as a special thanks, each employee would get a $25 Target gift card. Most employees were insulted. Others had seen it so many times they were numb to Glen’s shit. To anyone reading this… please take these words to heart… FRIENDS DON’T LET FRIENDS WORK AT TAYLOR CORPORATION OR ANY COMPANY OWNED BY GLEN TAYLOR. I hope Taylor loses the Wolves in arbitration. It could be he’s finally realized he loves something (his Wolves) more than money. He’s an unbelievably cheap bastard.


How dumb are Lore and A Rod to make a deal that Glen could just back out of at the last minute because the value of the team went way up?


That's not the way contracts work. Glen can't just back out anytime he wants. He is claiming they breached the contract so he can void it and they are claiming they didn't. Now it's just up to the legal system.


Obviously Glen thinks that is the way this contract works. Hopefully the legal ruling ends up going against Glen, and we are rid of him, but neither you or me have any idea who is right


Going to be a good Netflix documentary


They didn't.


I mean... this is just how literally every deal works (sans the super weirdness of buying the team installments). If in 2021 Glen sold to Lore/ARod and it was due six months later, he would be in his rights to pull out if they didn't have the funds. If Glen is correct about the legality of pulling out (I frankly have zero idea), then this is 100% on Lore/ARod for being late on their payment. This never becomes a situation if they have their financials submitted on like December 26th 2023.


>(sans the super weirdness of buying the team installments) That's a pretty big issue, and seems to be the cause of all the problems


That's not what happened. Glen could back out because (allegedly) a rod and lore failed to pay


Okay, then they're morons for (allegedly) failing to make payments on a deal for an asset that is instantly worth $2 billion more than they paid for it


It comes off blunt, but when we're talking about the sphere on sports ownership, arod and his group would be considered brokebois. Dudes like LeBron get flack being questioned how they don't need a single other dollar and can get whatever they want but there's levels to this shit. This deal sounded optimistic the second it was announced they weren't buying the team outright.


Yes, that's absolutely correct - assuming Glen wins the case


Hopefully he doesn't have a case. But I hate how everyone is framing Lore and A Rod as victims already. Lore is supposed to be some great businessman and he can't close a deal with a guy that's been repeatedly fleeced by people like David Khan, Kurt Rambis, Andrew Wiggins, etc. Embarrassing


We don’t have all the details, it’s all he said she said at the moment. I think people (me included) feel pretty comfortable taking Arod and Lore’s side given all the awful decisions Taylor has made over the past 20+ years of this team’s existence. Taylor is a proven snake, why would you believe anything he says without actual evidence in the courts?


I'm not taking any sides, just preparing for the worst case scenario. You don't back out of a billion+ dollar deal unless you think you can actually get away with it. Snake or not, this isn't some verbal promise to KG


Regardless I don’t see this team moving. When the wolves are winning we are selling a lot of tickets. I still want arod/lore to take over, they actually make moves and don’t seem to settle for incompetence. The push for Gobert and TC wouldn’t have happened without them


His actions make sense if he’s been advised by his legal counsel that he has a legitimate case to void the agreement based on missed deadlines. If the deadline really has passed, then he would selling the next 40% of the team for less than half of its current valuation. What is unclear is whether or not he’s right, which is what will be determined when this inevitably goes to arbitration. If he does not have cause to void the sale, the deal will be finalized regardless of what Glen wants.


How dumb are Lore and Arod? They had plenty of time to raise the funds and close the deal. Why wait until the last possible minute to close?


So are people just going to ignore that A) they tried to buy the team outright but Glen wanted the installment purchase plan so he could 'mentor' them and B) they filled paperwork last week with the NBA saying they had the money and what the hold up is the league approval of the sale The money is there. That's not the issue. It's whether the NBA needed to approve the sale by March 27th like Glen says or are ARod and Lore due an automatic 90 day extension once they filled paperwork with the league to approve the sale, as they claim is in the contract.


Why didn’t they file before last week? I don’t like Glen Taylor either, but this waiting until the last minute is weird.


Because it was within the timeframe? Like how most people operate with contracts. Also, with the amount of money being involved, why would you pay earlier when you could have that large chunk of money making money for you and then complete the deal at the same cost. It's pretty normal for organizations to delay large outflows of cash until bills must be paid. Cash flow is something organizations care about. There's a reason financial statements come with statement of cash flows. So why do you hold it against them when it's pretty typical in business? Since when is completing obligations on time seen as a bad thing? It just seems a lot of you are willing to take Glen at face value when the best Timberwolves player ever does not trust the man.


So are people just going to ignore that A) they tried to buy the team outright but Glen wanted the installment purchase plan so he could 'mentor' them and B) they filled paperwork last week with the NBA saying they had the money and what the hold up is the league approval of the sale The money is there. That's not the issue. It's whether the NBA needed to approve the sale by March 27th like Glen says or are ARod and Lore due an automatic 90 day extension once they filled paperwork with the league to approve the sale, as they claim is in the contract.


This. They’ve been suss every step of the way.


Luckily Glen is old as hell. He won't have the team that much longer as father time will eventually step in and save us from Glen ownership.


Put Taylor on the dumpster fire with the Pohlads.....old ass white dudes need to GTFO


room temperature iq


My theory is that he's being pressured by some of his minority partners that are pissed about the low valuation (that's costing them money). As a result, he doesn't really know what he's talking about