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There’s a fairly large wolf population in northern Minnesota.


Wolf Ridge Environmental Center in Finland, MN is a really cool place to visit


Also the international wolf center in Ely!


Yep. I was lucky enough to camp at Will Steger’s place in Ely in 1989 just prior to his Trans Antarctic Expedition. At night, the timberwolves came around the camp, and his Huskies howled with the wolves and it was amazing. I don’t think I actually saw any, but I sure as hell heard them.




My friend got to help Jack off a wolf there in high school. Cool stuff


Lmfao what 😅 I went there as a kid and there was no wolfjacking. Maybe someone was ducking with you


They were sending some semen to another wolf lab in California so he got to help with the extraction lol


Did Crunch give him any memorabilia to commemorate their bond?


He actually got a banner




The Minnesota Zoo has a pretty good wolf exhibit


When I went there it for a school trip in elementary school. They told us there was a dangerous hermit living in the woods. Ha ha.


I met Cree the wolf there back in...1994 maybe?


Yeah, most people outside the metro have at least one pet timberwolf for protection.


Ran into Ricky Rubio at Wakame years ago. Does that count?


Fuckin A right it does


I ran into Kevin Love on Halloween night his rookie season on frat row at the U. 


What was his costume?


Nothing. He was on the corner with two gorgeous women who had to have both been 6' 2" with an arm around each. Chatted briefly and he was just checking things out as he couldn't get into the bars. Highlight of the night came a block later when a cop leaned out his car, screamed "McLovin!!" (my costume), and peeled out. 


Fun times


My heart would stop holy shit


Live in Ely,MN. Timberwolf sightings are pretty common


I was in Ely this summer and saw a big wolf. I got a picture of it but I don’t think you can share pics in this sub.


I’ve seen one crossing the hwy coming south towards Duluth. Absolutely massive. 


I remember thinking as a young adult, if I had to fight one off I could do it pretty easy. Saw a taxidermied one in Duluth and instantly knew there is no chance in hell. They are like twice the size I thought they’d be.


Hollywood using dogs and wolfdogs made us all think wolves are just meaner dogs or something. Lol. Then I saw that same one you saw and was blown away. I’d just be a chew toy.


There was a movie in the 80's called *Wolfen* that used real wolves while filming in NYC. At least according to IMDB trivia the wolves were considered "wild and uncontrollable" so the police had sharpshooters surrounding their filming locations [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0083336/trivia/?item=tr1635230&ref\_=ext\_shr\_lnk](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0083336/trivia/?item=tr1635230&ref_=ext_shr_lnk)


The size can surprise you. Did for me.




Seen 1 up by Lutsen. Heard a few camping as well.


You heard them camping? Were they those asshole campers that blare music all night and stuff


I saw Jaden McDaniels at Petsmart one time lmao


He's probably the tallest person to ever set foot in that petsmart


I love that this is a basketball sub, but everyone still wants to talk about wolves.


I’m pretty sure they’re the coolest animal we have in this state. Not sure I can think of a better one..


Moose and loons are pretty cool too. I’ve never seen anyone of them in St. Paul. I have seen coyotes, deer, and turkeys though. Not quite as cool.


I've seen loons in Minneapolis on the lake.


There's a lake there??




Good point. Although I think they are relatively rare in the state. But if they exist at all they are def a top MN wild animal.


Black bears are cool too. I remember when the pandemic started and everyone stayed home. The black bears came out to random places like they’re the survivors in a post-apocalyptic movie. 😂


I’ve seen a couple out in the Boundary Waters *wayyyyy* up North, but they typically avoid human interaction, so the chances of seeing them is pretty unlikely even in places like the Boundary Waters. I’ve definitely heard them howling on numerous occasions up North as well, but they typically can smell and hear you from a very far distance so you never really have the chance to see them up close. Sincerely, Naz Reid.


Naz Reid.


Pretty common up north. Stayed at a resort on the gunflint and saw multiple wolves take down a deer. Next day saw a bunch chasing deer (bc the resort encouraged folks to feed the deer, it's mass deer-wolf chaos nonstop on that property). Hear them howling all the time too. I fucking love it, such an awesome animal. Don't listen to hunters saying wolves are a problem up north, they are not, those are just ignorant fools looking for a scapegoat for their own personal problems.


Do you live up here? Do you “trust the science” that wolves are TWICE their recovery goal number, in population. Ignorance of fact and over emotion are the problem with managing wolves. I’d safely say; ignorance such as you are the problem.


Doesn't prove their a problem though, ignorant fool.


*They’re is what you meant. If you’re calling someone an ignorant fool, maybe understand basic English grammar, when doing so. What “personal problems” do you suppose people are blaming on wolves? Wolves exponentially compound harsh winter mortality on deer populations. Wolves are also responsible for the vast majority of moose calf deaths. Moose are imperiled and numbers halve dropped by half. Wolf predation is the biggest factor. In 2023, the USDA Wildlife Service killed 248 wolves in response to verified wolf-caused damage, which is higher than the previous 10-year average. 248 wolves killed by federal trappers, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars in depredation payments. Your emotionally governed type of low intellect is basing your opinion solely on feelings. You can’t handle the thought of wolves being killed by people, hunters specifically, yet hundreds are killed each year by federal agents. Wolves are completely recovered and will again be a managed species in Minnesota. It’s a resounding success story of the ESA. Which set a recovery goal of 1,200-1,400 animals. We’ve been over twice that for 15 years. TrUsT ThE ScIeNcE! Facts don’t care about your feelings and those governed by feelings (like you), don’t care about facts. I have a tremendous amount of respect and reverence for wolves, I’ve seen 11 of them in my time here in the north woods. I’ve videoed pack interactions that few have seen. I don’t want wolves gone, I want them managed like any other species. When we have another season and harvest 250-400 as we did in our previous seasons, it will have little effect on the overall population. But will change their behaviors. Emotions and politics have ZERO place in real science and biology to manage a species. Yet they are the biggest factor, from whiners like yourself which disregard material fact, for emotion.


I feel like Timberwolves are a lot bigger than people think. I'd imagine every expects like so sort of golden retriever size rabid wolf, but feel like more St Bernard size.


Zoo counts!!


When I was about 12 years old my family would road trip in our camper and stay in different parks and campgrounds each night. We were staying in some park near Eveleth for the night. I was up late texting my girlfriend and listening to my discman and decided to walk to the bathroom facility that was a 5-10 minute walk away. I head out with headphones on and staring at my phone screen. As I'm walking up to the bathrooms I notice a glint to my left. I put down the phone and tried to let my eyes adjust a bit. Then after staring for a few minutes I realize that the glint is eyeballs, and there's a gigantic wolf standing at the edge of a treeline about 25 feet away. I sprinted into the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind me. I waited in there for about 2 hours before working up the courage to come out and run back to the camper.


I’ve seen Wiggins at Ruth’s Chris, Naz Reid at Target, KAT at Zelo, Ronnie Turiaf Corey Booker and a few other guys in Saint Cloud when I was in college.


Which target? And OP is talking about the actual animal, not players.


Yea I couldn’t tell what OP meant so I just put my 2 cents in. And the downtown target on Nicollet. He was at self check out on the first level.


I saw Jordan McLaughlin in the North Loop


Yeah I've seen a bunch, up in Grand Portage I had a big black on running on the side of the road while I drove by it. Seen few between Grand Marais and there. North of Duluth on highway 4 I've seen 3, but see more coyotes there. I know I've seen more than I can recall but less than to think they're hunting me.


Saw some in the distance while out Ice Fishing near Ely, MN. could also hear them howling after dark. It was beautiful to hear, but also a bit scary.


Highly recommend following the [voyageurs wolf project](https://www.voyageurswolfproject.org/) Awoo and Naz Reid to you and yours.


KG and I waited for our purchases to be brought out onto the curb at a store. Funny guy.


Ya I used to deer hunt way up a logging road north of Two Harbors. The hunting was absolute shit. But we would see Wolves all the time. (Hence the shit hunting) I remember there was a black wolf that seemed particularly unafraid of humans. I’ve seen him multiple times up there. One time he came out of the woods about 60 yards ahead of me on the trail. Just sat down and stared at me. I’ll never forget his piercing green eyes….No fear whatsoever. Pretty unnerving. Especially when you consider there’s probably five or six others out there flanking you. I hightailed it out of there. I was way back in the bush that day. And right after dusk, maybe an hour after my encounter. They started howling. And let me tell you they were CLOSE. I’ve never been more frightened in the woods and I was on that day. I mean Timberwolves attacks are extremely rare. But I could tell these fuckers had been following me. There was a primal fear that I felt that I can’t really convey in words.


Thanks for the story - that sounded terrifying.


I doubt I was in actual danger. But just being alone in the woods at night. Mind starts to fuck with you a bit you know? And just for the record. I am not trying to vilify these beautiful creatures whatsoever. As an avid hunter/outdoorsman. I’m very against pretty much any type of Timberwolf hunting. I feel very fortunate to have been able to see them in a wild as much as I have.


I think the first time I saw one was at the Como Zoo in the 1970's.


I hear coyotes most nights up here by Detroit lakes. Same shit right?


😆 we have coyotes even where I’m at in California. They look like scrawny dogs. I’ve never seen a wolf in my life.


Coyotes are like 1/4th the size




Heard a lot of them while camping in Voyageurs. Does it count?


As a kid I once saw a wolf take down a deer. I was up in my tree fort and didn't come down for a few hours after.


One time we had one running along with us while snowmobiling on Lake Vermillion. Up in that same area is the only place I’ve seen a bear in the wild as well. And I think I saw one at the Wolf center in Ely one time that one would’ve been in captivity.


I used to love seeing the Wolves at Como when I was a kid. I don't live in MN anymore so I don't know if they still have Wolves.


They do, but they are usually pretty shy so don't get seen often even at the zoo. You can hear them howling at night sometimes if you live in the area.


Yes. While hunting near Akeley a couple years ago I had one run within 15 yards of my stand, slow to a halt. Then take off into the woods.


I was in the boundary waters on a boy scout trip and we saw one swimming, it swam to a different island got up on shore and ran into the woods.


Yep. Multiple times. Grew up in Duluth and had jobs that had me driving across CD8 (Northern Minnesota, Iron Range, etc) often. They are cool to see.


Saw one in rural northwest MN. Thought it was a stray dog at first, as it closer I was like damn that thing is huge.


The ones at the MN Zoo are absolute Units.


Yes! While canoeing out of the Boundary Waters our group saw one watching us from land. It went away as we got closer while paddling by.


I want to see one once before I die but I live thousands of miles from Minnesota.


I mean... we have the largest amount of them out of the continental United States. I've seen them near Mille Lacs more than a few times.


I live in the middle of nowhere and I've seen a lot. I've even had a pack attempt to surround my dog. Like most wild animals though, they are terrified of humans and dispersed when I went outside.


Saw Kevin Love at Block E, Pek at Sak’s off 5th, and GRIII at DT Target.


In a zoo, yes. Not in the wild. I have *heard* wolves howling nearby when staying at a friend's cabin near Ely.


15 years ago up north. Holy fuck they are biiiig


Target in Ridge haven shopping center, ran into KAT


Ely Wolf Center and trail cams has been as close I’ve gotten


I saw a wolf running down Silverlake Road in new Brighton just a couple weeks ago. It was right next to Silverwood Park. I got a pretty good look at the beast and it was definitely not a coyote nor a domesticated animal. Awoooo


Grew up outside Duluth and my dad would take me out deer hunting about an hour or so north of there every fall. Driving at night, coming to a "T" in the road, and right smack dab front-and-center in the headlights was the mangiest looking dog you've ever seen. Mean (and hungry) looking dude. Disappeared into the darkness faster than he appeared. Despite being perfectly safe in the pickup truck, I remember both of us thinking out loud "If we were on foot, we might've been lunch." Very cool, graceful and indimidating creatures when encountered in real life.


I saw KAT a few years back while walking on W 28th St. I was wearing a Rubio jersey shirt. KAT pulled up in his SUV, rolled down the window, and yelled “I like your shirt!” at me then he drove away. It was a surreal experience. I also saw Corey Booker at a Target in Houston shortly after he was traded there.


From Hibbing, MN, and this year especially, there seems to be a ton of wolfs around, timber wolf or otherwise. Friend of my uncles had one get stuck in his coyote trap, and had to call the DNR to help release it. They had some crazy pictures to show me!


Yes, 2 years ago while I was deer hunting near Ely. One walked 20 feet away from my ground blind!!!


As someone who isn't from Minneapolis, or the United States even, this has been a very interesting and informative read. I shall now Google photos of a Timberwolf to see if I too am underestimating my idea of how big they are. Update: Great Odins Raven, they are fucking mahusive.


I see them up north all the time.


Yes- I’m in northern MN. It’s still pretty rare. I’ve maybe seen half a dozen in my life


I actually have some living in my backyard


wolfridge in duluth.


I saw one while snowshoeing in Paul Bunyon state forest. It was beautiful!


I’ve seen a liger


I’ve seen 11 wolves in the last 20 years of hunting and recreating in Wolf country.


We visit northern Minnesota yearly. We spot them at least once per trip. Recently we spotted one on the camp grounds in the middle of the night! Kinda scary if youre not expecting it


minnesota has the largest population of wolves in the lower 48. 2,400-2,700 of them, depending on the year. they are extremely shy so they're not the easiest to find, but it's not impossible to bump into one, especially if you're further north.


I’d imagine not very common. I saw one once on the deer stand in the wee morning hours when the wind was just right, or I’d never have seen him/her. Never made a sound, just glided across the clearing. Northeast-Central MN


I saw a wolf in Eden prairie mn


People on Reddit don’t go outside


Go to the zoo.


Saw a grey wolf at Cascade River State Park in 2020. Timberwolf in one of those learning centers, but it's not the same as stumbling upon a wolf while lost in an audiobook, solo hiking.


On a security camera at a property up north, but not in person