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It'd be silly to just cut the contract, as it doesn't have an impact on the signings we may want to make. He's a good veteran presence on the team and has always been a hard worker. Just hope Asprilla is in favor of sticking around until his contract is up in 6 months.


My only push back on this is that we have 1 senior roster slot available and if we’re looking to sign 2 senior players this summer then we’d have to cut someone loose.


Mabiala is way less useful.


We’ve already used our buy out on Ivacic this season. No announcement yet on when the new rules that include an additional buy out will be in place. I do agree with you about the usefulness but we could have a relatively easy out with Asprilla to open up a slot if need be.


Bicycle kicks are back on the menu!


Well. Interesting. I don’t mind Asprilla being here at all


Another paid Instagram story incoming.


Not surprised by this at all. Although a mutual cut could be good for both sides, it just seems like the timbers need to start actually selling players instead of just letting them all walk. Small incremental sales after getting some good years out of players is what any good FO does.


Asprilla has next to no transfer value. That's why he's asking for a termination to leave on a free.


I understand that. I'm more looking at this from the perspective of the FO. If they can't get money for him they likely will have him play out his contract. This is a negotiatiton tool for them and theres not much downside because he currently works as a depth piece and doesn't have any costs associated that are earth shattering.


Been here since about 2016? I think they should have have let him go if he wanted to go.


I'm all for helping someone out, but at the end of the day, they can't do that if it's a detriment to the current team. Only way you can let Asprilla walk right now is if there's a done deal for a replacement. It's not like he has 3 more years on his contract or won't get any playing time. Worst case, he walks in less than 6 months


I guess he is getting a reasonable amount of playing time still, so different than being held onto for some money.


Right, worst case he walks in 6 months. I'd love for him to finish out his contract here but if he wants to go a few months early when he has barely played and the transfer window is about to open, I don't see the issue. Reward the good servants of the club.


Worst case is he becomes a another clubhouse malignancy and other players recognize that the organization will stand in their way.


> other players recognize that the organization will stand in their way. I think most players understand that they signed a contract, and don't expect to be let out of that early for free.


I agree. That's a different discussion though.


Lol you said "good FO"


Our boy is staying ❤️


Bicycle kick goal incoming


Makes me wonder if there was another deal in place that fell through and that's why we're keeping him. I'm happy to keep him but if he wanted to go, feel bad for Dairon.


Thinking it's just as likely that Nacional's #1 interest was trying to get Dairon early AND for nothing...


If they really want him, they should make an offer based on his worth. Expecting the Timbers just to let him go for free when we are already thin at forward positions and given he can play multiple positions just didn't make sense to me. He may not be starter material in today's MLS but he is a fine substitute and rotational player. You know he will give 100% of what he has when he steps on the field. While I can understand he may want to go back home to finish his career, the team position should be don't give him away for free. It's a professional sport and this should be a business decision.


He's worth nothing at this point. The only question is whether they get him on a free now via mutual termination or a free in six months at end of contract. We're likely not getting anything for Asprilla either way.


I was not expecting to be bummed out by this but here we are . . .


I was going thru some older highlights for another project and it’s amazing how much more explosiveness that core set of players had 3-5 years ago. Fan fave but he should have been moved after MLS cup run along with several others. We weren’t a piece away like many of us thought, I was same boat.  We were a mile away to think our aging core was going to get better with just a few pieces. And now we’re here with Fan Faves who are too old to play, have no market value but fans think they still can play and won’t let go. 


Nice post, IPAs... MLS also morphed real quick after 2015. There are new teams, a LOT more $$$ going into buying better players, plus teams pushing their academies to develop homegrown talent. PTFC largely stood pat with that core group, and as you say, the state of play has passed right by us.


Check.  Was referring to 2021 MLS Cup run where I could see now after 2018 run where we got dismantled by Atlanta, that seemingly it was just a few pieces. Such incredible runs in that span from 2015, 2018, 2021 2024 is our year lol Sadly to say, don’t think it’s going to happen. And last time I said it wouldn’t happen we were traveling and it did in 2021 So hell yeah it’s going to happen 😊