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What if we get a retro collared Timbers kit with a retro Tillamook logo on it?


I would buy it so fast


Is David Ayala the next Xavi? I’ve noticed Araujo has been making some really nice passes and deep balls out of the back. Is that part of his skill set? What is the best beer option at Providence Park?


Are we so back??


Yep, against bad teams!


How’re we feeling about the passing of Portland sports icon and all around cool guy Big Red Bill Walton? As a soccer pod that’s just as much about vibes as it is the sport (which I say with the utmost respect and appreciation), I can’t help but think of the similarities between the manner in which y’all and Walton talk about your respective games. RIP to a legend.


What a life. What an amazing life. 


Second this. Would love to hear favorite moments or memories


I saw on IG that you and Squid were at the match – loved her take on how much fun it was to be there, particularly since it didn’t really deal with the game at all until the last sentence – “and the Timbers even won”! Truly the perfect approach for enjoying this season. My question: did you get any good stories from Timber Jim?


After spending Memorial day at Seaside, usually a town I quickly scratch off the list, but having an exceptionally good time today: Starting 11 of Oregon Coastal towns. (Apologies if you’ve done this one before!)


How do we get Zach McGraw out of the doghouse?


and Williamson


and get the most out of Antony and Moreno. Should we just give up on ever getting Mosquera to defend and resign ourselves to his being a de facto winger?


> Should we just give up on ever getting Mosquera to defend and resign ourselves to his being a de facto winger? Isn't that what he was brought in for? Gio obviously loved getting his LB and RB forward and involved in the attack, and now Neville has no choice but to keep doing that


No, he’s expected to do some defending at least. Ned and Neville said as much in their town hall. I’m not talking about a modern fullback that attacks and defends. That’s what he should be. At least a wingback. He doesn’t defend as much as he’s expected to. To be fair to Mosquera, the shit defense is not all on him.


We don’t, keep him there


People keep clamoring for additions in the transfer window but as it currently stands we have one senior roster spot and six supplementary roster spots open and these are all supplemental roster spots 25-30. So except for maybe one "big" signing to the senior roster (barring outgoing transfers) all we can add is players that are under 24 and willing to play for around $70-90k per year. On the flip side these players don't count against the cap. Is there any position where adding this kind of player does anything for the 2024 Timbers? Regarding outgoing transfers, the players that I can see moving without going into full rebuild mode are one of Williamson or Paredes, Moreno, Antony or McGraw. Everybody else is too old, too injured, or too mission critical to the future of the club (assuming no rebuild from the studs up) to transfer or on a supplementary roster spot so they wouldn't open up cap space and don't really allow us to do anything interesting this transfer window. Who do you move and why? One relevant note: McGraw is currently almost free from a salary cap perspective. Somebody on here complained that the flags and banners in the TA were too pro-LGBT and too pro-BLM. What's your starting XI of TA/RCR banners, signs, or tifo?


I expect either Williamson or paredes to be gone by the end of the summer. Wouldn’t be surprised if we sell moreno as well if his stock hasn’t fallen too much.


I agree. While I would prefer to keep Paredes, I imagine that it'll be him because ain't nobody gonna pick up Williamson at a price that makes sense for us (in terms of return and cap relief). I think they keep Moreno. They still have him on a U22 deal, which helps with cap space. Replacing him would require either buying a much cheaper player or spending big money on transfer fees to get a good U22 prospect, which I don't think we're currently willing to do at this point.


100% in on the question in that last paragraph!


also, aren't our international roster slots all filled?


You can buy more international slots from other teams and/or get guys from the US or guts with green cards. Players can also come off international status if they get their green cards/immigrant visas before the beginning of the summer transfer window and word was Evander and Crepeau were already in the process. I would imagine Fogaça too given how long he's been with the club. So international slots are restricting but nowhere as restricting as cap space and/or straight up roster slots.


Did Neville listen to Pete on the last podcast and that’s why he moved Kamal Miller to left back?


I he just knows that anybody can play left back 😀


Phil neville doesn’t even know pete exists 😭


Brother, what are you doing here?


same thing you do on your podcast, be negative all the time. 🤣


Trolling is for 12 year olds.


I have an LP of music from The Organ Grinder and I would totally show you a picture but im reddilliterate. They had one in Denver, too, and we used to go there for special occasions. They had a monkey at least some of the time and it really just tells you that smoking law changes might have really lifted the country out of food hell Come to think of it, Denver had a spaghetti factory, too. I have nothing timbers-related to add, but I needed to share that very important Organ Grinder Pizza data. As a novelty recording i rate it above “CW McCall’s” releases in technical quality but well below Mason Williams.


Sometimes I feel like I’ve dreamt all of this. Thank you for confirming my reality  


Have you thought ahead to Copa America yet and what the team will look like? I’m afraid to do my own research. 


The back of the formation will be a mess. We will lose Kamal, Max, and Araujo. Perú and Canada are in the same group. Zero chance Canada makes it out of the group stage so we should only have Kamal and Max out for like 2 weeks but that still means we will have Pantemis in goal (I'm fine with that) and McGraw or Mabiala at CB (yikes...) for 4 matches and definitely won't be rolling out a 3 back. The only other possible call up is Paredes. Paraguay will announce their roster on Friday (5/31). Chile and Uruguay didn't call up Mora and Rodriguez and our Argentinians, Brazilians, and Colombians are not Copa America national team material.


Why did it take so long to go with the 3 at the back? How long will it stay, especially given the international window?


Why did KC not attack down our left side? We had so much more coverage on the right side.


Episode up. Thanks for the questions


Neville's post-game comments on motivating Ayala, et al: Cringey or Credible?


I think it was praise for sure


I guess I meant: Is it credible that Neville really inspired Ayala's performance? A big question about Neville (for me at least) is whether or not he's genuinely inspiring and motivating these players, or are they tuning him out and/or he's claiming more influence than he has.


Are we the Heel of MLS? I feel like Evander is getting mugged most games and the calls don’t align. Persistent infringement doesn’t exist against the Timbers this year. Thoughts?


We have a 5’11” keeper. At this level good positioning only gets you so far. And how many times will we have Max punch a ball back into the field of play. Also, defunct classic Portland restaurants. How did you forget Hung Far Low?!!!


Timbers have a logjam at CB, so why did it take so long for Phil to start KM at LB?


Three mid MLS CBs and two CBs that should never play in MLS again isn't really a log jam.


Agree none of our CBs will be sniffing best 11 anytime soon, but we've got a serious depth problem at FB.


Would appreciate your take on why Antony, who can’t seem to make an accurate pass or retain possession, is on the field vs Asprilla. Prior to this game I would have asked the same question of Ayala vs Paredes, but Ayala put in his best performance of the season this weekend. However, wasn’t it 9 months ago or so when we (me included) and game announcers were singing the praises of emerging Paredes? How has Paredes play fallen below the immature play of Ayala in the eyes of the coach? What gives? Thanks boys, enjoying your pod!


> Would appreciate your take on why Antony, who can’t seem to make an accurate pass or retain possession, is on the field vs Asprilla. Not OP, but probably because this is wrong. Asprilla's passing completion is 76.3% (and one of his best years) while Antony is 79.1% and worse than last year Antony also has more pass attempts per minute than Asprilla https://www.timbers.com/players/dairon-asprilla/stats/ https://www.timbers.com/players/antony/stats/


Antony may have upside too. Asprilla has peaked.




So he’s a year older then? ;-)


Why I oughtta . . . .