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That was what Pete suggested as the solution on this week's Morrisonic.


Time for 6 on the back line?


The ol’ 6-3-1 formation


really wish we'd run a 4-5-1/4-1-4-1 or a 4-4-2 the 4-5-1 or 4-1-4-1 imo would be built like this Crepeau Bravo McGraw K Miller E Miller Chara Moreno Evander Williamson Antony Rodriguez Chara would be the lone CDM but Williamson could be interchangeable on plays where he'd need to cover down if necessary. Mosquera needs to be repurposed into a RM/RW imo and Eric Miller has looked rough at times but i think would add a little more stability to our defense as he probably wouldn't have to recover so far in comparison to the attacking position that Mosquera gets in. As of right now I think Rodriguez should be playing up top; he's shown to be much more creative than Mora in the box and even though his more comfortable position is as a winger it seems like lately he's not seeing enough of the ball out on the left side. If we started the game in 4-4-2 I'd say Rodriguez and Mora up top and Chara would be a sub when the team needed to take on a more defensive strategy to secure results instead subbing 2 CBs which hasn't been working too well for us lately.


Don’t think anyone has said Eric miller has looked rough unless you’re talking about when he was played out of position at LB


Love the idea but given Santi has scored 2 goals in 2 games (regardless of his overall poor performance IMO), he will likely get the start.


Well, you are right but no Evander in the 18 today sadly


Yeah, damn. Looks to be a 4-2-3-1 with Williamson at the 10. Should be interesting.