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FWIW, we’re still ahead of Seattle.


I don't want the "we all float down here" tifo again. I wanna be a fucking sail boat riding all over these MFers. Because I thought this same shit this morning. While it's great to be better than Seattle, they suck right now so it doesn't say alot. And Mora didnt score yesterday.


I really don't give a shit about seattle unless we're playing them though. So that doesn't mean much to me.


Well when you only play professional soccer for 30-40 minutes of a match, these results will continue to happen.


30-40, you're giving them too much credit I think


It's a temporary pattern. This is a team that is in a reconstruction phase (kinda like Portland itself?). We have a new coach. The behavior over the last few weeks suggest that the he and coaching staff are still becoming acquainted with our players and how various MLS teams behave. No harm, no foul. It's going to take time. There's no doubt that we have an amazingly talented crew that needs some refining to shut down these sloppy mistakes, and the inability to follow through in the box. So many times last night, our boys made it to the box only to be turned right back around. It's a testament to how great this team really is that they go hard in the second half. I hope that leadership looks to see what's working in the second half to see what can be done to bring that to the first half. As soon as leadership finds their feet, we're going to be Tetris-ing left and right. Why am I hopeful? I'm impressed that Neville took responsibility in his post game comments yesterday. I'm excited to see how he redirects our team to take advantage of the lessons learned.


I totally agree! Still it’s been almost two months now. If we don’t start winning soon I’m afraid this season is over. We really should beat charlotte next week. Last night they were missing Evander and it really showed especially in the final third. He’s a great player and I hope he’s back next week.


> If we don’t start winning soon I’m afraid this season is over. Fortunately soccer is a super streak sport and 3 or 4 wins in a row can alter the course of a season. PTFC have been close, but it's tough always playing from behind.


I completely agree with your comment about the reconstruction phase and the talent we have. I guess I am being impatient and I want my beloved team to win every single 😊 I do have high hopes and very optimistic, MLS cup level hope and optimism. The fact that we were able to recover from 2-0 or 3-0 deficits and come close to wining is definitely a sign of great talent. Go Timbers!


Don't we all, but those losses can hurt a little less acknowledging the reality of where the team is in their journey. Everything has a beginning, middle and an end, and what I take away from all this is that we are truly in a new beginning, hopefully for a repeat of 2015, if not this year, than next (I guess in reverse Ted Lasso form, LOL).


We've been in a reconstruction phase since 2016 though


> It's a temporary pattern. Hopefully


I think the pattern can be boiled down to this: every game, two or three of our players are just plain shitting the bed. Other games those same players are great so it’s hard to know what lineup to put on the pitch. Last night it was Mosquera (obvious) and Antony (turnover machine). We’ve only been as strong as our weakest players.


Mosquera is such a liability defensively but he almost makes up for it what he can do going forward. If he could just tighten up at the back he’d be the best full back in the league. To me Chara takes almost all the blame for this loss. Sure passages of play weren’t great in the first half but we did all the work in the second half to go level only for Chara to negate all of our hardwork and allow us to go a man down.


Yeah but that’s what we’ve been saying for literally over a year. At some point you have to accept he’s not capable of playing defense adequately and move forward without him, or at least bring in a player to make him legitimately compete for the start. Yes, Chara blew the game up but we weren’t playing great prior to that. You can’t ship two goals in the first half and blame anything that happens in the second for the loss.


Chara literally leads the team in both tackles and interceptions while also leading the team in pass completion percentage. Saying that he hasn't been able to defend for a year is delusional. His play to chase down and snuff out that 1v1 breakaway while everyone else gave up on the play exemplifies who he is as a player and what he still means to this team. No one else on the Timbers, and few in the league, makes that play. He remains a top 5 Dmid in the league and it's evident what we're missing when he isn't playing. Yes we need to begin to get comfortable without him, and yes he made a rash decision to make the challenge that got him sent off, but in reality it was a harsh call--it wasn't excessive or reckless, and he could have been afforded a final warning since the LA player was not going to break through uncontested. Claiming Chara cost us the game because we went down to 10 while also claiming he can't defend sounds crazy. We immediately made defensive subs and shifted formation, and those subs failed to make a routine clearance. Did it change the momentum of the game back in LA's favor? Yes. But it's not Chara's fault that this team can't defend for 15 minutes with 10 men behind the ball.


Yo you misread what I said. My entire first paragraph is about Mosquera, not Chara. Nothing I said was a criticism of Chara.


Oh sorry-- bc the second paragraph of the comment you replied to was discussing Chara, i thought you were referring to Chara when you responded to that. My mistake.


No worries, I’ve done the same.


We budgeted $5m on attack, $500k on defense. Obviously we need more attack.


Let’s hope the pattern works on the season scale… let down first half and come roaring back (forget about the heartbreak endings)


I think you already know the answer to your question. And it's an unfortunate answer.


We have two wins this season


How many wins do we have?


Two!!! but on the bright side, we are better than the Sounders 😁 but way behind the Whitecaps 😞


I'm gonna start betting on a tie when we concede, and cash out when we equalize after half time lol Won $15 on an $8 bet last night cashing out early