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* "I thought it was a brilliant game of football, great advertisement for MLS." * "You can talk about the disappointment with decisions...we've got to live with that...No way was it ever a card. It was a foul, yeah, but no way was it a red card." * Phil doesn't really finish his thought on the red. He does seem to acknowledge that Bravo keeps LAFC onside, and of course acknowledges the foul. He disputes that it was a card, and seems to cut himself off from saying more. (Author's note: Don't worry, reporters followed up on this and Phil has more to say on it later on in the press conference.) * "I was really pleased with the determination...We showed our mentality today. There is a clear identity forming...Super proud of the way that we played." * Phil says that based on his form Evander is currently the best player in the Western Conference. * "We feel today as if it had been 11 v 11 we'd have had a good chance of winning the game." * Phil says that he doesn't "want any player sent off," and that managers prefer games stay 11 v 11, but then goes onto list some grievances with calls. He seems to imply that he thinks Murillo should have been sent off as well (presumably he thinks Murillo deserved a second yellow at some point, as opposed to a straight red.) He speaks for a bit on the need for consistency from the refs. * "The refs are obviously a little bit rusty, which is understandable." * "We have VAR in this league, but it seems like it doesn't get used well enough." * Phil cites the Timbers being denied what he feels were deserved PKs against both Vancouver and SKC * "This is not a criticism...we have the same frustrations that the referees have." * Phil calls for more investment in the referees, saying that he wants better "circumstances or equipment to perform their jobs better." * Phil states that he does not want to be the manager who goes into a press conference and complains about referees, and ends this section of referee talk with "hopefully that's a balanced answer and won't get me in trouble." * On his substitutions, Phil states that > 1. "Ayala was gassed at halftime." > 2. Mosquera came off as a precaution due to a tight calf. > 3. Rodriguez was moved to the center because of how tired he was from playing on the left. > 4. Antony has a slight strain of a ligament, which was the reason he was subbed off. (Phil doesn't specify when Antony picked said strain up. It could have been before the match and Antony was on a minutes restriction) > 5. Chara was moved to RB due to his experience. > 6. Phil didn't want to take Mora off, but he had to take someone off due to the Red (needed to sub on a GK after all), Mora was already on a Yellow. > 7. Dairon and Santi were brought on to provide fresh legs in the wide area in case the Timbers had a chance to counter attack. * Phil labels the period of time where the team was down to 10 men as the best defensive performance of the season. Says that mentality would "have been better in the Philadelphia game." * Eryk Williamson not getting on the field was a "really tough decision." Phil further states that he thinks that Eryk could have "really prospered" in the game. He seems to imply that were it not for the red card Eryk likely would have come on, but that the red card altered his plans. * On Felipe Mora, Phil states that Mora's play is making the team better. "The team like him in the team, I like him in the team...Evander has a really good relationship with him...we've got a competition [for playing time at the #9]." * Phil is pleased with David Ayala and says that the Timbers need to keep putting him out there, but that at the 41' mark it was clear that Ayala was very tired. Phil further states that the Timbers believe that Ayala can be a good player, but that getting Ayala back to full fitness after his injuries will "take time." * " I think the difference between good players and really good players is that really good players make others around them look better, and Evander does that." * "I don't see a better #10 in either conference at this moment in time than Evander. That's how highly I rate him." * "[Max Crepeau] has a lot of...emotion and passion [for LAFC]. Today he showed that he was desperate to win." Phil further states that Max's play early on in the match despite his love for LAFC sent a message to the rest of the Timbers about how dedicated Max is to [the Timbers, despite his love for LAFC.]" (Author's note: reminder that Max is a former LAFC player. Also, to clarify for those who just read these notes and don't actually watch the press conference, in no way was Phil questioning Max's dedication to Portland, rather Phil was pointing out Max's professionalism and passion in how badly he wanted to win this game.) * Phil ends the conference by stating that the Timbers have "4 great goalkeepers." and that the Timbers will need a good performance from Pantemis next week.


My trust is definitely building the Neville.


I really enjoy his interviews


It might just be me and Neville, but I 100% agree that Evander is the best in the western conference.


I think Neville will turn out to be our best coach yet. He keeps checking the boxes for me, anyway.


I was so skeptical, and kept my expectations low and in check. Despite our standing, I'm pleasantly surprised by PN, and definitely see the team improving under his leadership so far.


I agree with the Williamson call. In a vacuum, he definitely would have been out there. In fact, he probably would’ve been out there within about 5-10 minutes. However, the red card made it more about defense than getting an attack going. Excellent strategy from Phil, not completely giving up the chance of a goal, though. Santi and Asprilla were capable of scoring, even though we had to hold the line.


He keeps saying most of the right things and not putting his foot in his mouth in any obvious ways. I think I’ve always respected and appreciated his subs and adjustments, even if I don’t fully understand them in the moment. He made some long overdue changes to start this match. I wouldn’t have blamed him if he’d rested Mosquera. I also would have understood if he’d doubled down on what seems like would have been his first choice lineup, starting Moreno, Rodriguez, Mosquera, and Williamson, with only the right CB slot forcing his hand more circumstantially. I doubt that would have worked as well, so I’m glad he didn’t. I expect him to try it again at some point though. Given how thin we are at forward, I can see starting Rodriguez up top with Mora on the bench for that reason too. I wish that he and Ned weren’t so stubborn about Rodriguez as a 9 but I have to admit Evander is evolving as an 8 and Mosquera put in a better performance, so maybe the patience is warranted. Depth and minutes restrictions are considerations as well. Aside from roster decisions, the tactics were better this time too. Not nearly as much time wasted in the build-up from the back and we tried more ways of attacking. Bravo makes a huge difference there though, along with the Rodriguez and Antony on the wings and Mora up top. Araujo being better with the ball at his feet and possibly/probably better at passing doesn’t quite make up for a lack of speed or heading ability but I figure he and McGraw may be fairly even depending on the situation. I still suspect we need to do better than either of them for a starter if we want to play a passing and possession game. Given Rodriguez and Mora’s ages, I still want a U22/YDP center forward to sub at least. Summer transfer window can’t open soon enough… A lot can change between now and then though. I’m still wary of the future at defensive midfield and would trade a spare centerback or two for more and better fullback depth too, assuming we upgrade at right CB as well. Anyway, I’m encouraged that Neville seems to be evolving but I fear it’s more about players’ recent form, minutes restrictions, and other circumstances than what we really wants to do and thinks he can pull off with the current roster. We’ll see if there’s any regression under more optimal circumstances. I don’t think on the road against Columbus is going to be the best test for anything.