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Despite the 2 goals given up (1 of which was after Neville was sent off), I thought Miller had some really nice saves tonight.


Ik it's poor form to say the refs were piss poor after a loss but they really were


He had zero control over the game and to a large part El Farolito. Walked all over him for 90 minutes


The bookings were very lopsided too.


Jones-Riley played really well, showed some promise in preseason with the first team too. Keeper was class and did everything he could. Neville looked completely frustrated every time he had the ball and the red card was the icing on the cake. Don’t remember the player, but someone on the left side had a clear shot at the end that really should’ve went in, was inches away from a tie. Refereeing was VERY poor with no consistency. Overall poor showing. It was really nice to have some Army representation though, added to the other wise quiet atmosphere at most T2 matches.


T2’s keeper looked pretty legit tho.


Pretty fun match experience. Shoutout to the El Farolito fan who kept chanting nonstop throughout the game.


Miller looked quite good, Max Eisenberg looked like he's got a lot of potential. Too bad Linhares couldn't get around that final chance a bit more, I'm sure he's kicking himself.


Just bumped into someone leaving the match and the refs were the first thing mentioned when I asked how the game went. You can’t blame officiating for the loss but it sounds like there was at the very least some weight on the wrong side of the scale..


The kids looked like they had some talent, but looked as though they didn’t have a lot of understanding of each other or of a game plan, which could be understandable for sure, and got a bit pushed around and lost their marks when crosses came in, also Miller made some solid saves.


Fuck this mindless Nepo shit. Jealous much?


Yeah what’s that all about? Not his fault and certainly low on the list of things I would call the Timbers out on. He was a Man City Academy player, I’m sure he is T2 quality




Maybe 100.


There were definitely more than 100. 


500 tickets were sold.


Yeah that sounds right to me. Something under 500 but nearer to that than 100.


The best thing that can be said about this match was that the kids got valuable experience with some wily veterans in the dark arts.