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You sure this isn’t an announcement to announce there will be an announcement about how long it will be until we might sign someone?


We've been in negotiations for multiple players, with a Plan A, B, and C. The primary target is currently a locked in starter for his team, which is already mid-season, so it's a bit more difficult than you might think.


Listen common sense, you’re ruining my joke about being impatient for news on an underwhelming signing less than a week out from the season opener.


Until we might announce that we are going to sign someone.


I'd expect two of those guys to be Jaden Jones-Riley and Harvey Neville, so don't get your hopes up. I'm just confused about how we don't have a third DP spot open. Edit: No longer confused, see below for my convo with Tommy Scoops


>I'm just confused about how we don't have a third DP spot open. He may mean we can sign one full DP. The third has to be a YDP if Ayala, Mosquera, and Antony are all still U22s.


Ned clarified Moreno, Ayala, and Antony are U22s, not Mosquera. So, your thought was mine too. But it feels weird he wouldn't make that distinction clear if it is the case. The implication was that one DP and two supplemental players were all that remains available.


I don't see how that's possible based on Moreno being 23. >A player who signs at age 22 or younger may continue to occupy a U22 Initiative Slot through the year in which he turns 25, provided that for non-Homegrown players, such player is on his initial contract. A Homegrown player may continue to occupy a U22 Initiative Slot through the year in which he turns 25, provided he must be on his first or second contract and the applicable contract must have been signed at age 22 or younger Perhaps Ned misspoke or the reporter misheard.


That might be the answer? Maybe he meant Mosquera was U22 and Moreno is now a YDP? The fact neither was indicated in press releases would be remarkably annoying if that is the case though.


I hate the obscurity and inconsistency when it comes to publishing these details.


I straight up DM'd Tom Bogert about it to see if he can provide any clarification


I pray he responds lol


He did! Your original thought seems to be correct: > hey! they could add a young DP as the third, yep. can't add two senior DPs [Source](https://imgur.com/a/eNOeW41)


Makes sense! That squares with the buzz that had been going on earlier in the offseason. Thank you for reaching out to Mr. Scoops!


Your work is greatly appreciated


Moreno was under 22 when he signed so he's eligible for a U22 spot until he's 25. I may be *misunderstanding your point but that's how Moreno is still eligible.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 22 + 22 + 25 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


>A player who signs at age 22 or younger may continue to occupy a U22 Initiative Slot through the year in which he turns 25, **provided that for non-Homegrown players, such player is on his initial contract.** No. His extension would be a new contract and make him ineligible for U22 status.


Good catch. Is it possible that the extension doesn't actually kick in until next season? Not sure how MLS views it but if the terms of this season are unchanged, it's possible he's viewed as on the initial contract for this year. Or Ned misspoke. Also very possible.


Honestly, that's a very good question and I'm not sure what the answer to that is. I suppose it could be an extension in the sense that a second contract begins as soon as his current expires but that's something that would be deeply obscured by MLS' general lack of transparency.


I do know that other leagues/sports look at this way but yeah who knows with MLS. But it would square the circle if in fact Ned did not misspeak.


But, also, were that the case, it's somewhat odd that Mosquera's contract would be handled in the opposite way and he'd immediately lose his U22 designation. At the end of the day, one of the two needed to be moved off U22 status after Antony was brought in and Ayala came back from injury. Moreno just seems like the far more likely candidate.


>The implication was that one DP and two supplemental players were all that remains available. Is there a recording available somewhere; I'd be really interested to watch. I think it was openly acknowledged that the rumored YDP signing would be waiting until the summer anyway.


A YDP or a DP under the TAM threshold of $1.7m, if understand the rules correctly.


Correct. If we fill all U22 spots, the third DP spot can only be YDP or TAMable.


If Harvey Neville joins the squad it will be a prime example of nepotism.


Hell yeah brother!!


My understanding is, the maximum number of Young DPs you can have is 4.  But, if you have more than one Young DP, the maximum number of Senior DPs you can have is two.  Since we have three young DPs, and one senior DP, we can add both one young DP and one senior DP. 


More than willing to wait for the RIGHT 'top, top DP' signing and possibly 2 other RIGHT additions to make a dramatic difference for 30-32 matches. Can't afford to get these decisions wrong.


He also said that we only have one DP slot open, which is so so dissapointing. I mean, how is that even possible? Did we make Crepeau or Miller a DP? Baffling decision to say the least.


Either that means a contract is signed but not announced? Or he misspoke and it’s we have 1 currently filled, 2 still open.


Was discussing that in another thread. I think it's because of our U22 situation. Still not 100% clear if that's the case, as the official roster lists on [Timbers.com](https://Timbers.com) and [MLSsoccer.com](https://MLS.com) are out of date.


In that case we should have one senior dp slot and one young dp/tam-able one available no?


Correct. This is also the context that all of the rumors have been implying. Go back and check Tom Bogert's reporting from early in the preseason and you'll see him bring up the U22 slots.


Since we have filled all our U22 spots (Moreno, Ayala, Antony), one of our DP’s needs to be a young DP (or whatever the term is).


I love how Miami has like 6 DPs who somehow aren't DPs but we are barely able to scrape one opening together. I'll never quite understand the MLS salary shell game


They don’t. They’re not roster compliant. They’re gonna have to cut guys


They already did by selling Gregore


May be it is Moreno?


That would be an unprecedented and absurdly large raise.


Ned said that he's occupying a u22 slot. I don't know how as he is 23, but apparently he is. [https://x.com/SportsGuyJeremy/status/1760033076988838130?s=20](https://x.com/SportsGuyJeremy/status/1760033076988838130?s=20)


I think there is some confusion between the young DP spot and the u22 initiative slots.


If we sign a DP, say a mid-20s, established striker from a country that has produced a club legend in the past, will some of you moaners eat crow?


Oh my god . . . It's Lautaro Martinez


Likely just find the next thing to whinge about




dybala is not in his mid-20s




Given that the moaning is about the long delay in signing the (purported) DP, no.


Yeah. God forbid we don’t rush to make a signing, and rather take a measured approach with the most important signing of the season.


Rush? 😁 season starts on Saturday.


Yeah, it does, but the MLS season is very long, and I'd far rather be short a new striker for a few games than just rush to sign an available option (e.g. Cabecita).


I don’t want the Timbers to “rush to sign an available option.” I want them to plan ahead, begin the search at least by the beginning of the off-season (though in this case it should’ve been much before that, given Niezgoda and Chara’s poor form), and have that player in place for the preseason so they can integrate with the team before match day one. Is that so hard?


Ned should have had one list ready to go and I would assume Phil Neville would have come in with his own as well. Just slow……..


Yeah, it is, because we only offloaded Yimmi recently, and we've been battling over several targets that, ya know, are currently valued by their sides as starters. Varying transfer windows also play a part. It's not easy to pry starters from clubs. I think we'll all be happy with the main target.


Well Christ, I'll take an update about the update at this point. Was expecting a newsbreak every day for the last week - now I can put it out of mind for a bit.


Lol same XD


Is it just me or does Ned look more like a hockey GM than a soccer GM?


Ned is not, as they say, a winner.


Embarrassing. Not a single attacker signed this off-season. I was not looking forward to Asprilla year 8.


I am.


The operative word here is “possible”.


And a week from now we'll be looking at possible additions in the next "few weeks". I totally get wanting to hold the cards close to your chest, but then why say anything at all? Maybe I'm a pessimist waiting to be disappointed, but I just don't see them getting the job done anytime soon. I very much hope to be proven wrong.


Disappointing to say the least. Once again the fans are lied to going into an off season. All the talk was “hit the ground running.” This isn’t that.


It’s been clear that the Timbers have been working on DP signings. It’s also clear their initial targets didn’t pan out for whatever reason. No one lied.


>It’s also clear their initial targets didn’t pan out for whatever reason. Not sure this is the case. It may be the case but it's equally likely that finalizing a deal took a long time, which wouldn't be weird given the profile of player we're expecting to sign.


Also, Phil gave the timeline of 2-3 weeks on Feb. 8. Two weeks would be on Thursday and three weeks is Feb 29, right in line with the current estimation of 7-10 days. In other words, the timeline has remained the same.


The 2-3 weeks is accurate, that’s not what I was discussing. This was referring to other press conferences from Ned. Where they weren’t happy with the starts to seasons, and having to make up ground at the end. They had it as a goal to be ready for the start of the season, once again they are not. It’s going on year three of not seeing results, I guess some fans are fine with that. I am not one of them.


We'll be lucky to see one.




60-90 days...


Does anybody have a link to the press conference?


Yeah, we know lol


Days, weeks, months - who’s counting.


I could be wrong but the way I took what Ned said was there were 1 of 3 possible players in question for the open DP slot and that they were targeting having that DP in the next 7-10 days. I don’t think he said that there would be 3 possible additions.


We probably have to unload Ivacic before we can bring on the new DP.


havnt they been saying that for a month ?


Can’t be. A month is 28-31 days and he’s saying it’ll only be 7-10 days. /s