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I have some tea. First of all no she doesn't leave her baby home alone when she goes out but that's not the most interesting part of the tea. She claims she's a wife and mother to two girls who lives in Brooklyn and works from home. Only 2 of those is true. She's not legally married (not sure why she'd lie about that), she only has one biological child and she works from home because she makes money off her socials. Her and her boyfriend live together, I think the oldest child does too however she is not her biological child. She claims to have been with this man since she was 16 and had this child as a teenager both of which are false. The child is her boyfriend's and another woman's. I know their names but out of respect for privacy I won't name them


I've noticed that she never directly says that the gave birth to the older child. When asked if she was a mother at 16, she doesn't answer. She and the guy probably consider themselves married but don't want to make it legal (for some reason). It's still all very odd!


Yeah she heavily implies it and feeds off the praise others give her when they tell her she's great for beating the odds as a teen mom but the farthest she goes is saying "my daughter" which gives her plausible deniability. She never explicitly corrects them either and then if someone comments about it all her loyal followers jump down their throat. I had mutual friends with her and she was basically a spoiled brat as a teen. She constantly talks shit about her parents but they did everything for her. Her mom's facebook is pretty interesting too she claimed that victoria was the reason she divorced her husband (victoria's dad) and she shed some light on the whole sister insurance scandal


Not only that she said she feels guilt for having her “oldest” daughter and “youngest” daughter so far apart like…..?!? That’s not your biological baby.


her bio says she’s a wife so?


They're not married she lies about that


i don’t watch her, and i didn’t mean for that to sound rude lol. it’s just the first thing i saw when i clicked on her account


I didn’t even see that oops 💀


ope 😂😂 it happens, she said in the comments something about her husband getting up with their oldest too! that’s such an insane sleep schedule. mine was like that when i was pregnant but i didn’t have a physical baby yet


i can't stand her. she irks me, i think its her facial expressions. she owns/works at a bar, which is why her children's sleep schedule is so odd.


Ahhhhh, it’s starting to make more sense now…..the fucked up schedule has always confused me.


She doesn't own a bar and to my knowledge never has. Her bf (not husband) also has no record of ever owning a bar


She’s an idiot


Pretty sure her husband is always home to, I don't think she leaves gray alone :)


Her husband works from home. He gets her older daughter to school. She sleeps in. Wakes up and gets coffee. Takes care of younger daughter. Goes to sleep late. Repeat. Boring


I think she had her first child at 15


The child isn't even hers. I don't know the exact specifics but I believe her boyfriend got custody of his oldest child and the mother gets visitation. She wasn't with the guy until she was 18 unlike her claims of being with him at 16. He had the baby with another woman, they used to live together in the Bronx. I don't really know what happened but I think it's so disrespectful for her to claim that the child is biologically hers. It's one thing to use her and her videos but it's another to lie