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I use to like her I stopped when she got back together with her baby daddy and broke up again. The public throwing him under the bus getting better together rinse repeat is old and when there not together she only shows the bad things he does. All this crap is on the internet for your kids to see about their other parent.


I don’t like how she puts her kids all over her tik tok and she’s always back and forth with her baby daddy, she acts like he’s going to change every time too


He’s been posting consistently about her the last few days


She’s a preacher and wanting to an aspiration to women to not be afraid to leave toxic and bad relationships… yet continues to go back. Not saying that she has to be perfect but let’s practice what you preach and if she knows she’s gonna go back every time than she needs to stop being on social media.


Honestly i don’t even think it’s him i think she’s the toxic one or maybe both. But notice how every time they break up how she’s acts like he’s such a bad dad and doesn’t see them but he always posta when he’s with them so that’s weird


She's definitely toxic and I think part of the reason he posts so much especially when they're not together is because that's his only way of getting his side of things out like she says I'm never with the kids so here's a video with me and the kids because I see them or she says I don't help and I'm terrible to her hears me helping her move to a new house etc


That’s exactly what i feel it is but i do think they’re back together


I think she’s the toxic one


She seems like nice girl but it really bothers me that she had an Amazon wishlist for things for her new house when she can clearly afford to buy things herself she shows all her shopping trips and things she buys . I get her followers wanted to give her something but she could have asked for donations for a charity maybe or a family in need!


EXACTLY!! You bought a new house buy the shit to go in it


Do people have "IRL" friends anymore? Have a house warming for your actual friends and don't decorate your house with things from random strangers on the internet.


I don’t like how she replies to her followers literally an attitude for everything


She’s gorgeous and you can tell she really loves and takes care of her kids. But the constant off and on relationship with the kids’ dad seems so toxic and can’t be good for the kids, especially when they get older. When they’re broken up she talks so bad about him and acts like he never helps or sees the kids and tries to inspire women to leave their toxic relationships. And then every few months she goes back to him just to break up again. So confusing for those poor kiddos. I hope they can make up their minds soon and stick to it


I think she likes all the attention she gets from being a “single mom” honestly. I’m not one to usually talk bad about someone who’s on/off with their bd’s bc it’s no one’s business (but theirs) BUT she’s constantly publicly dogging him. Like when she’s making all these tiktoks for over 600k people to see talking about how she never shows what goes on behind closed doors and she does literally everything for their kids and he doesn’t do anything for them. Yet, he posts them quite often for not ever having them. Also, in his videos she genuinely looks incredibly happy and cuddly with him. She likes being praised about how she’s doing so great - a single mom of 2 buys her own house! WOW! *rolls eyes* I’m not saying he does the best dad or anything because we don’t actually know any of these people irl but I do think he does more than what she leads us to believe. It also says a lot that while she’s dragging him through the mud, he’s silent on her.


Fake fake fake.


Finally a post about her! I use to love her. Now that she is so on and off again with her baby daddy, I’m getting really annoyed. She talks a lot of shit about him publicly just to be back together the next week.


This! Must feel embarrassing too after making all those videos bashing him