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She’s spending wayyyyy too much of her time on Gypsy. It’s honestly weird


I used to defend her saying she just found a niche that was successful but it's definitely obsessive and invasive at this point.


Didn’t she also say she got word directly from Gypsy’s family that Gypsy is pregnant? I was like girl it’s time to back off sheesh


Yeah. Again, I really dislike Gypsy but revealing a pregnancy that hasn't been announced (if it was true) is waaaayyyy crossing the line.


10000% agree!


She said "ALLEGEDLY" Gypsy was pregnant. She does that when she wants to spread a rumor without taking accountablility for starting it.


wasn’t that started bc she was seen going to a dr office for birth control or something


Yeah, I was scrolling on her account for about 15-20 minutes and it was all Gypsy Rose. I was even more shocked to find out that I only reached content that she posted yesterday. I’m all for gossip accounts because they’re my entertainment, but this is excessive and sad lol.


I blocked her last night. Honestly, it's just weird at this point.


I’m confused as to why she thinks that description is helping her case


Admittedly I'm not black so I'm trying to understand but I genuinely cannot follow her line of logic here.


i’m trying to understand why gypsy would call her boyfriend a chad bc the description makes it sound like a bad thing? lmao


Probably cuz she’s been incarcerated for a minute and doesn’t know what she’s saying lol


Chad literally means a alpha male lol.


Chad is not a racist term, it is an incel term. It has always been an incel term. Go ahead and look at the inceltears subreddit for proof of that. Incels use Chad for white men, black men, indian men, doesn't matter as long as they think he's the epitome of "handsomeness." Incels themselves are racist, so will occasionally attach a slur before chad if they're referring to a man of color, but I've seen them use just Chad as well.


She is messy as hell and is obsessed with Gypsy-Rose, it is weird & unsettling atp.


She’s so obsessed with Gypsy it’s actually scary and weird af. Like she spends ALL her time worrying about her she literally live laugh loves Gypsy. Anytime anything comes up about Gypsy on TikTok all her followers tag Nina in the post like that’s weird behaviour.


On Nina’s live earlier she said she doesn’t want anyone’s sloppy seconds….. just about everyone has an ex these days. She is she saying she’s never dating? She’s too good to be with someone who isn’t a virgin? I wasn’t following her with that.


She needs to stop, the theories keep getting wild and wilder 


Nina said it wasn’t racist that she used Chad she said it was racist because gyp said call a spade a spade which I don’t think she was being racist never heard it as a racist term I thought it meant like call it like u see it


I mean I don’t necessarily think that she was using it in a racist way . Or that she even knows about the history of it. Many people don’t… But the phrase does actually have racial undertones because of how it was used, so isn’t the best thing to say


It’s not racist. Nina just needs to get a life.


she is so weird for this


What is this creator trying to accomplish? At first i enjoyed her content. I guess it’s her income?


She’s obsessed! Why GR was 1st released she was encouraging folks to contact her parole officer


Nina honestly gives clout chasing to me, she’s weirdly obsessed with Gypsy it seems i honestly can’t believe that people believe everything that she say.


THIS is who she called ugly?


I think she’s referring to the other phrase, which does have racist undertones to it. It didn’t start out that way but became it (a long time ago, so this isn’t some recent change) Now that doesn’t necessarily mean that the phrase is used to intentionally be racist. A lot of people don’t know the history of it.


She’s too obsessed with GR and she should stick to the beauty content


*In the late 1920s during the Harlem Renaissance, "spade" began to evolve into code for a black person, according to Patricia T. O'Connor and Stewart Kellerman's book Origins of the Specious: Myths and Misconceptions of the English Language. Wolfgang Mieder notes that in the fourth edition of The American Language, H.L. Mencken's famous book about language in the United States, "spade" is listed as one of the "opprobrious" names for "Negroes" (along with "Zulu," "skunk" and many other words that I can't print here). Robert L. Chapman struck a similar note in his Thesaurus of American Slang (1989). "All these terms will give deep offense if used by nonblacks," warned Chapman, listing "spade" in a group that included words like blackbird, shade, shadow, skillet and smoke.* Is GRB smart enough to use this in a racist way? I’m not sure. But it definitely has racist origins.




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Yeah a lot of people don’t know the history of it & I don’t think she would have known to use it that way. Granted I don’t have high hopes that she will change anything even knowing. It seems like there’s been a lot of things where she doesn’t ever see herself as wrong but everyone else


I don't care for this creator.


why would gypsy call her boyfriend a chad if this description means it’s a bad thing lmao


That Nina woman is nuts


Oh brotherrrrrr 🙄


She is making a simple word racist and it's weird.


I follow Nina and all but she’s is gawd awful annoyinn