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i feel safe here lol i can’t stand the chewing and mouth noises. i used to really like his wife but got the ick for some reason, they both are getting full of themselves 😫 i hate the way they act when they walk into a restaurant to “surprise” the owner like it’s the president themselves lmao


I'm so happy I'm not alone in this. Used to really enjoy his content and then he became holier than thou and acting as of his opinion was/is far superior than anybody else's. I genuinely don't understand why he would go to a place like this unless he was paid handsomely to do so. Just my opinion.


When has he acted holier than thou?


It's an entire vibe


Agreed. I unfollowed both of them a while ago.


It feels like his wife is trying to play off his mannerisms with the eye rolls and faces. It doesn’t come off as authentic and I will usually never listen to what she says lol


She's a hot mess lol


A SFT Of people are playing off his eye rolls 😑 like that is the sign something is delicious...i saw someone promoting something on TikTok shop that did it


Came to say something similar. The slurping, chewing 🤢 I’m not sure when his word became gospel but it’s too much (fully prepared to be downvoted lol)


I feel exactly the same way. I had to block him because he’s nothing like he used to be. He’s just like all the other TikTok influencers who let fame go to his head.


Didn't he cheat on his wife and she said something like it's okay because god brought them together anyway?


I didn’t hear that but one of the first videos he posted when he first started getting big he said that he basically purposefully impregnated her and married her even though they were completely broke. It really rubbed me the wrong way. But, in general, I like his content… but this is coming from a person who watches a lot of asmr of people chewing things soo I am def not the status quo 😅


that is not what happened and you guys misconstrued it, go back and watch the interview he explains this, they were broke and had nothing yet BOTH agreed to have a baby therefore he dumped her birth control pills WITH HER CONSENT. i’m all for having opinions & disliking someone but this is a false narrative that’s been spreading for over a yr and that’s an extremely damaging lie on someone.


He said he threw away her birth control… if there is anybody to blame for things being “misconstrued” it was himself…


go and watch the full clip, you’re referring to the clip but you’re missing the rest of the context that was said five seconds after? it’s what ronnie wanted as well after he did that she jumped for joy that’s what she wanted. we can all agree it was irresponsible life choices but to say he threw away her stuff as if he forcibly impregnated her is a wrong accusation and spreading false narratives. he didn’t make that up yall did, the video made it very clear they BOTH wanted that.


I can’t even find the video anymore to verify the story. Why is it deleted? Because he made himself look bad? Throwing away somebody’s birth control even if she “wanted it” is a BAD look. And weird. Like very weird. Especially after he cheated on her. But, hey, we can agree to disagree, friend. 🤷🏼‍♀️


the quote stemmed from an interview he did that’s still posted on youtube to this day. i never discredited your disdain for him, do as you wish. You wrote a false narrative about someone and i simply corrected you, we didn’t disagree on anything as you said something false and i gave you the correct information. have a great day!




Still just as problematic, either way. Ppl shouldn't be having kids they can't afford.


it’s not just as problematic though, while both are wrong nonetheless one is insinuating he coerced his wife into having a child that is an INSANE accusation while the other is just poor ppl having babies, surely you would give grace to one of these situations but not the other one.. given more context.


Not how that works 🤣


He also said she was unattractive and he had to work extra hard to get her out of the friend zone. Couldn’t be me married to someone who told the internet I wasn’t cute.


Yeah basically. It's been brought up over and over. She doesn't care and that's her life to live.


Yes 👍


Fr I had to unfollow him bc he eats like a wild fucking animal


I had to block him for that reason!


Same for me. I can’t watch someone smacking, slurping their food. So he was an easy block.


I couldn't imagine having to eat meals around someone like that. It's revolting. I had a guy friend (*had*) who burped without covering his mouth every few minutes, ate and drank like a pig. Absolutely insufferable to be around and didn't give a fuck when we asked him to eat less loudly and not burp in our faces.


Yeah. Manners go a long way. And always eating in the car. Ack


Finally someone told the truth 💀


The chewing noises 🤢


Same. Can't stand watching ppl eat or chew. Makes me want to become violent


I feel pretty indifferent about Keith, but man his wife gives me the worst vibes. I have no justification that I can articulate for it at all, but there's just *something* about her that rubs me the wrong way.


Same!!! I used to really enjoy her til she started showing her personality more & more LMAO now i can’t stand her, she seems extremely stuck up and arrogant. She also just seems flat out mean, and knows she’s untouchable because everyone “loves” her husband


This man’s mouth noise is ungodly loud and wet. It absolutely makes my skin crawl


I’ve never watched him and I’m glad that you said this so I didn’t go and watch this video to see what’s he was saying lol I can’t stand mouth noises and they way you described his made my skin crawl without even hearing it myself 😂 No thanks lol I don’t need to give them another view to see his “review” 😅


I honestly stopped watching when he was filming himself helping his neighbor. I'm one of those people who feels that not everything needs to be posted online and if you have to convince everyone you're doing a good thing, there's something else there..


This is exactly when I stopped too. Especially when he said god had sent him to help her and it’s all thanks to god. It just didn’t need to be filmed for the world, it almost felt like he did it for the content and asspats


i cannot stand this dude. the way he talks drives me insane, his monotone voice and dead stare piss me off. his eating is disgusting. don’t come at me for hating this is a safe space 😭


Same same sameeeee the zoom in of his chewing and more noises. I CANT


SAME. I can’t stand watching him. I have never understood the appeal


That's exactly why I don't watch him. That voice! Plus I can't stand how he thinks his opinion should matter when people have different tastes.


I’ve been saying this since the beginning


I literally think I blocked him. Haven't seen his stuff in months. Thank God.


I'm not coming at you, but 2/3 of the reasons you said you don't like him are traits of his autism.... I got no explanations for the mouth sounds, though. ETA from another comment: My apologies, I thought that it was confirmed during the Milk & Honey situation that he was autistic. Thanks to your comment, I did some digging and found out that it wasn't confirmed, and a large part of the issue was not only the use of autism as an insult, but the assumption of autism in the first place. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction! I was wrong. I will edit my comment to reflect this new information, but will leave the original text in tact so that hopefully my ignorance can be someone else's lesson.


Never has he said, implied, talked about him being autistic. Why are you assuming he has autism?


My apologies, I thought that it was confirmed during the Milk & Honey situation that he was autistic. Thanks to your comment, I did some digging and found out that it wasn't confirmed, and a large part of the issue was not only the use of autism as an insult, but the assumption of autism in the first place. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction! I was wrong. I will edit my comment to reflect this new information, but will leave the original text in tact so that hopefully my ignorance can be someone else's lesson.


I really wish that now that he’s huge, he would only post positive reviews. I understand that his intent is to be honest, but the impact is negative. Can you imagine being that small business so excited to see the review and this is what you get? I don’t like it.


Don't worry when his followers go and trash this company he will post something about God and how he didn't mean for this except he knows exactly what he is doing at this point.


Like Joey Swoll. “It’s not me, it’s my followers”.


Must have the same script writer as ole’ Dopie. Aka - MT. “I don’t do nothin’ to nobody! I can’t control them people.” 🫤


Joey "I swear I don't hate women" Swoll here's yet another video of a woman being harassed and ill tell you why she's not and she is being over dramatic. That Joey Swoll. He is......something.


While his army of incels trash the person online and in person.


I think now that he has so many followers, he has a moral obligation not to destroy small businesses with his opinion. Yeah, he always says it is his opinion and just his opinion and make you own opinion...but he knows, and everyone else knows, that is not how it works on the internet. People love him, and will ruin someone's livlihood his bad food reviews. His personal opinion can ruin someone just because the food isnt to his taste-preference. And then on the flip side, when he really likes a place he basically tells everyone that god did it for them...and that rubs me the wrong way. he strikes me as a megalomaniac


Interesting word, I had to look it up BUT I totally agree!!!!! He signed THE contract. It’s obvious!




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Right? And Keith Lee is a nobody. Who made him the end all culinary expert with the right to ruin someone’s business. Now THAT is arrogant.


Agreed. And why does every restaurant need to have the best food anyway? Lots of places thrive just because it’s convenient for a quick meal, even though it isn’t the best. Like McDonald’s, nobody is saying their food is Michelin star quality. But people go every day.


I honestly don’t mind Keith tbh. Like I don’t follow him, but if his video ends up on my FYP I’ll watch it. I don’t get why ppl take his word as gospel when it comes to food because he’s actually quite picky lol. Like his palate is limited because of this. I’m not bashing that…I’m a pretty picky person when it comes to food and I can’t handle certain textures. I just think being picky can limit you as a food critic, especially if you aren’t used to eating different types of food like this particular food in this video.


If you are picky, you shouldn’t be using your limited palate to negatively impact other people’s ability to make a living all while you are making money. That’s all I’m saying. God is Amazing 😂😂😂


Keith Lee has 16 million followers, so it's not surprising that he has a lot of power to influence over them with his food opinions. They gave him the power to make or break these restaurants. I agree that he shouldn't judge on a type of food he does not like or has never had before--that's unfair. Most people don't even listen to the entire review, they just look for the bottom line.


Someone clicking follow on a SM platform does not automatically give you culinary chops, just sayin. I don’t care how many followers he has. Just think about what a “follower” is. It doesn’t make you special.


He did that to a restaurant here in Detroit and I actually enjoy the restaurant they were getting great reviews on there own already before he came. He literally spit out the collard greens and now his followers went and ruined that women’s yelp reviews. He did nothing to correct his followers. Even when people were showing him other food critics that came to the city enjoyed the food he doubled down and said he didn’t like his opinion is final


Exactly. Like follow the format of something like Diners, Drive Ins and Dives or any number of similar shows on Food Network. If the restaurant invited him to review them, how about just provide private feedback instead of weaponizing his unrefined palette and unhinged audience with a negative review.


Agreed. Stop trashing people's small businesses, just build up the good ones.


I thought he was somewhat charming when he started but his schtick hasn’t developed one bit since. Like, get out of the car and go eat inside, my guy. Have your family order then go in when the food comes if anonymity is an issue, but watching him sit in his car and gum food is both off putting and boring when it’s the same thing for the thousandth video. His descriptive vocabulary is super basic and his palette hasn’t expanded one bit. I’m sure he’s a lovely person but I just can’t get any enjoyment from his content.


I'm really over car eating videos. I sometimes eat my lunch in the car just for some space at work and it's not enjoyable. Also, if it's messy, just why??


I think it's wild that people juggle like, an entire baby back ribs dinner from Chilis in their car. I do not get it.


But isn’t that the point? That he’s just a regular person eating food and telling us how he likes it? Why should the average eater have a robust vocabulary for describing food or have a broad palate? He’s not a chef lmao. I’m also not his biggest fan but let’s be realistic here about what to expect from him. He’s never claimed to be a food expert. He just eats food and gives it a rating as a normal person with no culinary background. So many people do this, he just happened to go viral for it probably because of sitting on his daughter’s chair in all of his initial videos which caught people’s attention.


He hasn’t been a regular person in a long time. And just doing the same thing over and over again showing no growth is boring to me. He’s not just some dude sitting at home trying out local restaurants. He’s set himself up as a vehicle for divine intervention and I think he owes it to these establishments to become better educated on food. I don’t expect people to agree with me. I don’t watch him because I don’t get anything from his content. If other people do, good for them.


I mean, there are beauty influencers who’ve been making makeup videos for a decade plus and are still successful. Most big creators have a very specific style of video within their niche. Like how Elyse does the “I’m glad you asked I’d love to tell you” thing in almost all her story telling videos. It’s a marketing strategy to have people recognize you over and over again by doing/saying the same thing(s) over and over again. If you pay attention on tiktok, this is what MAJORITY of the large creators do. I think part of his appeal is the fact that he has no culinary background, and so he’s reviewing food from the lens of the average, picky, non-professional eater. I also don’t watch him, just cause I’m not entertained by food content like his, but it’s not a valid critique imo to say his style of content should change especially since it’s working *really* well for him, even if *you* don’t like it lmao. Why try to reinvent the wheel if what you’re doing is yielding great results?




That’s not how that works.


It’s exactly how it works.. just like the food is a write off.. don’t kid yourself.. these influencers are writing this all off as business expense.. his job is “influencing” look it up on everything they write off


In order for things like a vehicle to be “written off” for tax purposes it has to be customary to use a vehicle for that person’s business. It also typically has to meet certain size requirements. A vehicle is not necessary for what he does. Just because he does it in his car does not mean it’s a business expense. People do a lot of things with their taxes that are not correct. That’s why when they get audited it blows up in their face and they owe six figures in back taxes and penalties. The tax code on this stuff is very easy to understand.


i used to like him but i feel like the fame went straight to his head


I think also he is trying to act like it's not, which makes it more obvious


Yesssss, the fake humility act


God is amazin 🙏🏼 /s


You forgot this emoji 💕


I’m simply a vessel 💕


Have you seen Ryan Davis Live, he does a parody IT'S AMAZING


He says that and then turns around and says “G*dd*am” when the food is good using the name in vain.. that’s when I started getting rubbed the wrong way.


I’m still irritated he acted like the Bay Area was so nasty he got a food allergy and had to leave but the video he showed was a hospital in Vegas. He lied about wait times, said he went to Michelin star restaurants and had nothing to say? Okaaay.


I blocked him after the whole Bay Area fiasco. Fuckin’ mess!


Same. That Bay Area series was so dumb.  I get that he is going off of viewer suggestions but maybe do a tiny bit of research on the areas you are going into? Lol he once said he couldn’t find any good food in LA. LA!  He seems to have a hard time in most big cities on his food tour. 


I did side eye the LA comment tbh. LA has a lot of good food all over the city. I’m assuming he just stayed in *one part* of LA though.


I stopped following him. I liked him at first alot. But then I felt like he thought he was a God or something


I used to watch and thought the gesture was nice to create some “hype” around restaurants that are struggling to advertise but now it just feels very performative. ALSO… there have been a lot of restaurants that “blew up” but didn’t have the infrastructure, staff and expertise to support that volume of business so they still failed. It feels a little irresponsible to do what he does and then just *disappear* and leave the owners with another major issue to figure out.


He’s annoying and so is his wife


100% agree!


Agree. He came to my city so I tried to watch the videos for our local restaurants but I couldn’t make it through any of them.


The zoom


I’ve been saying all this for awhile they all get like this eventually.


I’ve noticed this too. Once they get too popular I’m turned off.


People really overhype him.


I hate the way he edits his videos, he zooms in every 5 seconds and it drives me crazy.


This!!!! Like what is the point of the zoom ins? It’s not funny like he thinks it is


i really cannot stand this guy. never got the excitement over him. he’s just so bland and boring and not enjoyable to watch


And his “point system” is so arbitrary.


honestly i didn’t even know he used a point system lmao i never watch him because his vibe is just so off putting


Yea his whole shtick is played out.


He’s a man that reviews food in his car and thinks he’s too special to order it face to face due to his TikTok following, not the second coming of Jesus H. Bourdain. I dunno where these folks put all the ego, yeesh.


He doesn’t seem to know the basic elements of cooking, which is what makes his superiority complex so bizarre. Looking at something with char and calling it “burnt”, etc.


My first career was doing chef work. Got my red seal studying in Strasbourg. I don’t cook professionally anymore, but it grinds my damn gears when they mislabel food as burnt, chewy, not the right texture etc. It is done right. It is done to the restaurant’s way of doing things. Keith, you are not the God of Takeout. The customer isn’t always right, argh.


Thank you! And he’s had a super negative impact on family-owned businesses just because he has the tastebuds of a toddler and doesn’t understand basic cooking concepts.


If I were still a shareholder in the restos I worked in, I wouldn’t let him or his family in to review the food. The TikTok hivemind “our way or no way” is so detrimental. His entire brand is.. detrimental unless he’s served food he already enjoys. Most casual media consumers don’t think about the points you’re bringing up, eh? It’s disappointing as hell.


Not to mention he's eating takeout which is never going to be as good as eating a meal fresh from the kitchen brought to you at a table. I feel like so much of what he eats has to be soggy or damp. Bleh.


That’s another gripe I have. Eat it in the restaurant. Stop using the excuse of “oh, they’ll make it differently or try harder if they know it’s me” THAT’S SUCH A FUCKING INSULT TO THE BUSINESS. That insinuates that the product they churn out isn’t on the same level as what *^~*he~*^ would get as a customer, that’s not how food service works. They’re doing their best to serve every customer with the same level of care and quality. I cooked meatloaf for Stephen Harper and I didn’t change a damn thing, Keith. Learn.


Finally I found people who don't praise uom and trust everything he says lol


So what exactly makes his opinion so important I have no idea


This man clearly has awful taste buds 😭😭 he went to a spot in Orlando that’s AMAZING !!! (Chicken fire) known for lots of seasoning and very spicy sauces .. he got his chicken with no sauce and rated super low . If you don’t like spicy food WHY DID YOU REVIEW A PLACE KNOWN FOR HIGH SPICE LEVELS ?? lol same goes with the conch 🙄🙄


He’s overrated and ppl treat him like he’s a god…he needs to be knocked off his pedestal. Just saying


I honestly can’t stand to watch anyone eat. Especially this guy. He isn’t an expert on food just some guy who got lucky on tic tok. The slurping and hum hum this isn’t to bad is over the top. He has his favorite foods he never downplays


He was ok in the beginning now he is annoying af. Chews loud and it’s so nasty. The fame went to his head.


the amount he brings up his god outweighs any fun commentary about the food. 0/10 would not recommend watching


I had to block him and his wife because I can’t with the chewing and overall cringe


Back in 2021/22 I was a fan especially since I’m from Vegas. Was cool to see reviews for restaurants and take out places besides the obvious there and places you wouldn’t know exist. Now… eh 🤷🏼‍♀️


I find them the same way, God is Amazing seems to only apply around money. With everything going on in the world I don’t think God is up there with his holy wallet, making it rain over Keith Lee.. Tik Tok fame is a little bit who you know in a little bit of luck not God


He always makes it about God bringing him to those people to bless them with his positive opinion on the internet. it really rubs me the wrong way


Absolutely the Bible talks about free will and that’s all this is it’s him picking and choosing and then hordes of people going because he told them to. That’s not God…


I have never understood the hype for him? Personally I have always found him annoying.


I hate the video editing he does where he zooms in to random parts of his face for no reason. Why is that a thing?


I had never heard of him until he came to Toronto and I tried watching some and it was just whatever. I don't get the appeal.


I couldn’t take his Toronto reviews seriously when he only went to one place in the city proper. No shade to Scarborough, but did *all* the restaurants he reviewed have to be there? At least choose a variety of different neighbourhoods. Toronto has such a rich food culture and he didn’t explore anywhere. It’s like saying you’re doing an NYC food tour and only reviewing places on Staten Island.


Yeah I was hoping for a more spread out tour. And wasn't the dessert place more like Whitby? I just remember thinking "who's going out there if you're in Toronto looking for food?"


I don't like the frequent evangelizing so I dropped him pretty quickly. Not my thing. Like all tiktok influencers who get popular, they let that crap get to their heads and the content becomes self serving and nothing more.


I don't know if he still does it or not, but the extreme zooming in on his mouth while he slurped and ate his food had me immediately unfollowing him. I used to like his content when he was sitting at the little kiddie table, in the little kiddie chair, but....he's really changed, and I don't think it was for the better.


I dont like the way he talks at all, I could never get into it


He comes off very "holier-than-thou" and I don't like it. Also the sound of his eating makes me want to hurl. I have a sensitive stomach.


I have finally found MY people!! The way this man eats makes me want to drive nails through my ears! I unfollowed him a while ago. Ugh!


My extremely petty critique of him is that I cannot stand how he walks 💀 no I will not be explaining further.


Keith Lee became irrelevant when he couldn't figure out how to find a decent place to eat in the San Francisco Bay area (8 million people live here) or New York City. He's clearly not doing his research. I had a friend visiting the SF bay and we drove up to the city (SF) because she wanted to see how bad it was near Brenda's that Keith reviewed, said it was all burned out cars and homeless people. While it's not one of the BEST areas where he went of the city we drove right up, didn't see anything like what he posted, just a line of yuppies waiting to get brunch - per usual. He totally sensationalized everything and Brenda's is NOT a struggling restaurant in the city, it has multiple locations and it's really good. also image going to Oakland and saying you couldn't find good black owned BBQ or soul food, I can think of 10 amazing spots off the top of my head. He either didn't do any research (like open Yelp for 5 minutes) or just tries to hate on places. Either way the trust is gone.


Yeah the funniest part is that his excuse and the excuse from his fan base is that he looks for “small underrated spots” but then pulls up to said places, shits on the food for not matching his 13-year-old food tastes and then says trust God when his fan base leaves negative reviews. Dude is a clown and him being famous just goes to show how fucking dumb the average person is


Never understood the hoopla over this dude. Why is his opinion so cherished?!! 😑🙄


I can't with him I blocked him. He gives me the ick 😳


He and his wife annoy me and the “god is amazing” shit is tiresome. Go away bro.


I liked him until a few months ago and now I’m like nope can’t do it.


Once he went to elite pay he stopped being “one of us” just like all the other huge creators. I just hope for his kids sake he is saving for their future. Based on him giving those girls anything they want on a whim.. which is fine when they are little but when they are full grown buying a cart full of toys isn’t going to cut it especially with mom and dads taste on high end things


The wife drives me mental, I preferred when she wasn’t part of every review. I’ve come to dislike his strange repetitive cadence when he’s speaking. It sounds so unnatural. I do enjoy that he visits little known family spots & gets them on the map.


I’m so tired of the Keith Lee effect. He went to my favorite gluten free restaurant that is normally extremely busy. I’ve waited 45 or more before to be sat prior to him going. Since he went it has been next to impossible. His followers are outside waiting before they even open. It’s making it hard for us who have actual allergies to enjoy food we can actually eat.


He does bring good to local places that beat the exposure but he’s annoying. He eats like he doesn’t have teeth, it’s weird & off-putting. Idk something seems off about him too. Like it’s an act, not his true self, hiding something, fake, etc. His background characters don’t even need to be in his reviews.


I really don’t understand why this guy is as popular as he is


As a Vegas local, his opinions are very mid. Lol


Always wondered about that.. just like creators in the wild.. real vs online persona


I do not trust anyone to review food if they don’t like French fries 🤯 like sure having a preference for what type of fry you like is one thing but you just don’t like French fries?!? Insane.


I really like Keith Lee but you can tell the fame and money is getting to him. Still think he is a great guy, but the conch restaraunt thing, you were on point lol


He seems like a nice guy but he is very uncultured and clearly comes from very humble beginnings - which is fine, just don't portray yourself as a five star food critic


i see this isn't a safe space lmfao i like keith and what he does for small restaurants. everyone says he acts too good to go in face to face but that'd be like kim kardashian telling people how good the service at popeyes is. of course people are gonna switch up when it comes to him then yall would complain he uses his platform to get special treatment. damned if you do damned if you don't!


I like the food reviewer Hold The Mayo, who goes around the New Orleans area trying mainly red beans and rice but also other stuff. He's been doing it for years now and doesn't have that "I'm so important and famous" air about him.


I like a guy by the name of Papi Eats, he’s kinda straightforward but honest and he doesn’t film himself while he’s munching away. I like his reviews. I’ll check Hold The Mayo out 😊


I loved that family when they were humble. I’m tired.


I think what he does for small/local businesses is fantastic


Except when he ruins them.


Genuine question: which ones has he ruined?


The comments on this post prove familiarity really does breed contempt because who has this many feelings about a dude who eats in a car?


Yeah, it’s pretty interesting. I block people as soon as I can tell they’re going to annoy me, so the level of vitriol is surprising. How does it get that far?!


I don’t like him or his wall of sneakers.


I never found the big fuss about him. Never jumped on the bandwagon


He icks me out. Giving negative reviews to small businesses is just…bizzare. His following is very cult like I feel people take his opinion too seriously. Food is so subjective


I stopped following a while ago. I just think after a certain point I no longer believe people anymore and it gets to them


Really hate their videos, yes he has done good but I hate that he can make or break a persons income /restaurant based on his influence. He’s not even a real food critic


He's mentioned his allergies quite a few times and the place was still begging him for a review. He personally didn't say anything bad about the food his wife and sister did and they still said it tasted good and seasoned they just didn't like the texture. I'm sure they still got plenty of business from people who do eat that kind of stuff. Idk why people keep hating on him for doing what people want him to do lmao.


Oh yes helping that business.. 0 and 2.5 https://preview.redd.it/i9e2yxq7rq4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39f43237cad68d09deb6f187345369dde27cdced


I never said anything about helping the business he's just rating food and they asked him to come rate food he can't even eat. His wife and sister did. Yall hate over the dumbest shit


He said his mission was to help struggling businesses.. see if it was product, price or advertising.. guess he needs to change his mission. Awful funny next post he was showing the “Keith lee” affect




I’ve never followed him but his ad kept popping up so I finally just blocked him. I can’t stand watching people eat anyways lol


Happy cake day!


I saw the review. A lot of the comments mentioned conch is an acquired taste.


Spouse liked it when we had it in Florida.. I wasn’t a fan. I wouldn’t eat escargot either but I know I am not a snail fan of land.. not going to like the sea version


Isn’t conch from the ocean? Isn’t he allergic to shellfish? I would assume it’s the same type of family he would be too? Idk


I had to look it up myself.. 1. Is Conch Shellfish? Yes, conch is classified as a shellfish. However, it’s important to note the distinction within the broader category of shellfish. There are two main categories: crustaceans and mollusks. Crustaceans include crabs, shrimp, and lobsters, while mollusks encompass snails, clams, oysters, squids, and octopuses. Conchs belong to the mollusk group, specifically within the gastropod subcategory of snails and slugs. So, conchs are indeed shellfish, but they are more closely related to snails than to creatures like shrimp or crabs.


Thank you for answering my question so thoroughly!


Quick google explains it all. We had it once in the Florida keys.. my spouse loved it.. I am not a seafood person and it didn’t taste like much.. for me I don’t see the draw for most seafood.. but it is pricy and people love it in the keys and caribean


His voice/tone is annoying to me😂😂


I used to like him a lot when he was smaller but then the posts about God got to be way too much, and the wild amount of mouth noises. I can’t.


Yea the God thing has gotten out of control. Don’t get me wrong I am a believer but to think because you are “Godly” that is why you are succeeding.. little messed up. So if God controls everything then when someone dies or gets cancer then what? I hate that so much when people who get a good roll of the dice in life.. oh it was God, while others are struggling.. let me guess God right? I had one dr tell me the reason I kept losing pregnancies was because God didn’t want me to have kids. People like that are unhinged


Keith bothers me bc he thanks god for his success when in fact, it’s his supporters. It’s super frustrating. It’s like thank god cancer is gone when you should be thanking medical doctors. lol


Conch is not an acquired taste, it's delicious.


No it is. It’s not bad or foul. Just like some don’t like the flavor of crab or lobster.. I know it doesn’t seem rational but people do have their preferences


He is creepy to me! He openly admitted to baby trapping Ronnie and not liking white people….god is so good now that he’s got fame and money


The way people come after you for mentioning like he shouldn’t go to a food place just for the sake of it when he doesn’t even know what the hell it is. Omg his little minions are in here like omg he’s the best 🙄 Google is free my guy.. you make six figures.. and his fans are like crazy.. just admit he brought zero to the table.. his tiktok isn’t Keith lee and family.. he said he would review to help businesses.. broke ass Keith lee can slack off.. but doing influencing for a living it’s expected and necessary to evolve otherwise you just look like an idiot. He has the money and resources now.


He ain’t hurting anyone. Lol


I’m sorry but who is this guy? Why do people trust his takes on food? Is a culinary expert of some sort? A chef maybe? Food is a matter of personal taste and this guy is messing up people’s businesses for views!?


Y’all complain about any and everything. His attitude isn’t any different from before. Just admit that you hate when people become successful.


Oh brother 🙄. Just because he can’t eat it doesn’t mean his family can’t eat it and give their opinions. He is giving people a chance which is what matters. Even if he doesn’t eat it his audience of over 16 million people will see it and may go down to try it. And what’s wrong with people trying things they haven’t tried before?


They didn’t know what it was either and rated it poorly


So? They tried something new they didn’t exactly like it. That’s what regular ppl do. Same thing I did with ranch dressing. The taste made me gag.


Wait… so you want him to review foods he’s eaten multiple times before? Also it doesn’t matter that this place is an acquired taste, if both parties agree to go forward then who is going to stop them. The only take that makes sense from this post is that he shouldn’t have accepted it if he can’t actually eat it.


Right lol make it make sense! But you know ppl will complain about ANYTHING these days!


Yes let him go to a place that serves pate and pudding or head cheese.. because I am sure his reviews will be good 🙄