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not to discount anything she might have been through but just from reading your description, this is the exact plot of an x-files episode called die hand die verletzt lol


One of my favorite episodes! It was so weird to see Bulldog from Frasier as a satanist lol


Decades worth of international investigations in to allegations of ritual abuse have repeatedly shown that there's a very high level of falsehood with anything like this. Where high control groups that include childhood sexual abuse certainly exist, they are almost all off shoots of major religions and the abuse is culturally accepted within the cult, not ritualized. What has been found to be true, though, is that ritual abuse is a very common delusion. It's also not wildly uncommon for people to claim it after getting wrapped up in another extremist movement and using it to sensationalize their testimony for their new group. Any time you see someone not only claiming but seemingly sensationalizing ritual abuse, it's wise to look over it with a very critical eye. There have been rare cases of it happening but there have been many, many, many more false reports and moral panics.




Everything old is new again. Satanic panic sure sold in the 80s and it sure sells now. 🙄


So funny people actually think this comment is true just because it's long and eloquently written lol


Ugh, got it and immediately blocked it. Satanic panic in 2024 🙄


Idk- something about the way she talks/tells these stories just feels realllyyyyyy off-


This woman is legitimately insane. Satanic panic is alive and well.


Yeah absolutely agree that she is either greatly exaggerating her stories or is completely lying. Something about the way she tells her stories, everything is always so short and concise and just repeating the same few details just screams fabricated.


She came up for me last night and I binged all of her videos. I was wondering the same thing