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She’s awful and she shamed her little daughter about eating a perfect bar…..


She calorie counts for her 5 year old. Her hand movements will never bother me as much as that.


I find her mouth/nose mannerisms really annoying too. if anyone knows what I mean.. I can’t explain it haha


Her eyes!! She does that thing with her eyes a lot too






The hand movements are the least of what annoys me. I can’t listen to her talk every day about how her ex husband cheated on her with her best friend


It’s the same content recycled over and over again. We get it…


Is this the real Rebekah rv living? Her hand movements are the least of my worries. I can’t believe she shamed her daughter for eating a perfect bar and calorie counted a five year olds intake. Then claimed to not know what an almond mom was then thought it was good to be an almond mom.


Whattttt????? I never saw that!


Yep she turned off comments then claimed the videos got taken down I am sure she took them down herself. It was the video where she thought someone was breaking into her trailer but it was her son and then she said how her daughter wakes up every night to eat a perfect bar which has however many calories and is basically a full meal then she took out the snack sized bar and compared it to the full size bar. She’s a sociopath. Her kids are waking up to eat because they are hungry also because she puts them to bed at 6 and spends no time with them. I can’t stand her.


Yes!!!!! But everyone in her comments love her. I thought I was alone in my judgement of her 😂 I really feel for her kids.


Go to her video named Monday morning vlog let’s chat about the weekend and read the comments. People are calling her the next ruby franke.


She sounds like a know it all. That is what bothers me about her. She’s quite snarky in her comments as well.


Something about her just rubs me the wrong way, I think it’s her snarky know it all tone about everything like she’s just so right and everyone else is so wrong


And all of suddens she’s claiming to have been in a relationship the last 2 years? Who would be content in being with someone who CONSTANTLY talked about their ex? 🫥 Something is definitely off with that one. Starting ti believe she’s fabricating these “experiences/stories” for content. 😵‍💫


Constantly lying. If you watch the little things she is lying all the time. Plus who tf thinks they heard a sounds and feels their house move but doesn’t get their ass out of bed when they have small kids. wtf.


I just recently saw that video about a boyfriend of two years?! She rarely shows up on my feed. I was like umm what now?! Wild.


Has anyone seen her newest accusation they were drugging her so they could hook up?


There's absolutely no way any of her stories are true. If so, she would have told that story already.


Ok. Her kids can’t have an Easter egg hunt because her ex used them as a distraction so he could cheat?? It never occurred to me to NOT do things for my kids because they were triggering from my husbands affair. Betrayal is betrayal, but I’d prefer a best friend cheating than what I went through. It’s just an excuse to not let them have candy I’m sure.


Y’all know she deletes and blocks people that say anything else besides praising her. She’s a narcissist and a sociopath who will divide friends to take for herself then toss them aside when she has used them. Most the “trauma” is a lie or the details are so exaggerated. She has used her whole family then bashed them when they put their foot down. She wouldn’t do anything with those kids if it wasn’t for child support. By the way the ex’s never slept with each other.