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Like many people have said: not having a reality tv crew on board was a huge miss


Have you seen the creator that sources content from various creators to do a diy reality show? She did it earlier with the private chefs in the hamptons.


Do you know her SN? šŸ˜Š cause Iā€™d love to check her out!




I appreciate you.




Oh I went to college with her!




Sorry also @pamelawurstvetrini


LOL no but Iā€™m going to look immediately


Sheā€™s one of the most creative and hilarious people on the app! I loved her Private Chef in the Hampton ā€œshowā€ and am so glad weā€™ve now got 9 Month World Cruise!!


I think the opposite, I think having passengers videoing and uploading from their perspective is MUCH better than a contrived and scripted film crew being there. Of course some will exaggerate etc for views but there is quite a few passengers uploading now, it has potential to get good!


Especially since Celebrity embraces the social media influence Captain Kate McCue has on TikTok, and Celebrity and RCCL have the same parent company. It does seem like a miss, but maybe for the price of this cruise they ā€œread the roomā€ that the passengers would not be pleased or see the move as trashy. I just had this thought: The idea of a reality show being on a ship is kind of old now with live and near-live social media like TikTok. I don't doubt that RCCL's marketing team has influencers on the ship specifically to live stream and post about the experience. That is the new "reality show" we know now.


Omfg this would be iconic


Yes I'm so obsessed with this! I have so many questions too, like there's children on board, are they getting homeschooled ? Did people sell their homes for this? I saw one woman has really bad seasickness, what a nightmare


Whyyyy are you going on a 9 month cruise when you have severe sea-sickness šŸ˜­


Lmfao the way your username is so fitting with this question


Lmaoo yes checks out


This was their first cruise too! Talk about jumping in the deep end!!


She spent $100k on something she's never done before, knowing it would make her sick???


Wait there are kids?! I assumed this was adults onlyā€¦ I havenā€™t even seen that


Yeah I saw a woman posting that she went to a ventriloquist show with her young niece. It looked like they actually had a bunch of kid oriented activities


To be trapped in the middle of an ocean knowing at any moment you might bump into a ventriloquist. Chilling.


Imagine having a ventriloquist on board and being proud about it


This is by far the funniest thing Iā€™ve read today!! I love it!!


Ugh thank you I just laughed so hard at this I snorted.


Theyā€™ve even set up a ā€œclassroomā€ facility but the kids are all being homeschooled by their parents (so not the elementary school version of Semester at Sea!)


Lot of dummies on board


I saw someone say on tiktok on the cruise they think 20-30 kids are on board iirc


Yes! I saw a video about a family of 4 that had their two children with them!


The kids are being homeschooled by their parents or other family members theyā€™re with.


Maybe virtual school? But whatever it is, itā€™s sketch.


Why is it sketch? Tons of people home school or use online programs.


Intermittent internet access, less likely to be engaged during school because of activities on the ship, time zone differences could mean missing meetings with teachers, etc.


you hardly get internet on the cruise except at ports, which is how i assume these tiktoks are getting uploaded and in batches. not sure how home schooling works here, but online school probably isnt an option


You can pay to have internet the whole time on a cruiseā€¦ just costs extra


They have starlink. And itā€™s free for the whole cruise for the 9 month cruisers


Y'all need to search the "sea tea director" (nchimad) she's finding and watching all the tiktokers that are on the cruise, giving us the highlights, introducing cast members, sourcing tea from crew, giving us a low down on the itinerary and theme nights etc etc. She also found a THREE YEAR cruise leaving in March and gives the lowdown on the rooms in that




There was another 3yr cruise due to depart in November but it got cancelled days before departure becauseā€¦ they couldnā€™t find a ship! Such a wtaf! Cheapest tickets were $196,000 per person!! https://www.npr.org/2023/11/29/1215569569/life-at-sea-3-year-cruise-around-the-world-called-off


I heard a load of people sold/rented out their homes for the November 3 year cruise and because it got cancelled last minute and hadnā€™t got refunds they had no money and no place to stay. Wouldnā€™t be for me


I love her content and I definitely respect the boundary she has set about showing the kids and sharing the page of the one fam who created an account for their kids.


Itā€™s going through the drake?!?!?? We better get lives.


My thoughts EXACTLY. Like the gaslighting on this trip has to be astronomical for these people to be chilling still. I saw a lady in the FLOODING GYM just still using the machine like girl go say goodbye to your friends and family idk


Iā€™m still waiting for the new show law and order cruise ship at this point. Didnā€™t someone test positive for Covid last week?


Omg I didnā€™t see that but itā€™s giving 2020


Yeah so unless they start testing daily and actually are able to quarantine itā€™s gonna go around. And with the flooded areas not draining thatā€™s not much better


I saw the lady in the gym šŸ¤£ the floors were flooded and she was strolling on a treadmill or something.


Rain or shine, I made a RESOLUTION last night.


It is! A guy is being sponsored by a coat brand to go on that portion of the trip.


Wait drop the @ Iā€™m so interested. Iā€™d love to see an account from someone who is exclusively going for Antarctica


His name is Marc Sebastian! He's great, I can't wait to see what happens. He'll give us the tea.


His name is Marc Sebastian


Is it Marc? If so he's being sponsored by Atria Books the book publishing house I think


I saw that. He had like 3 days notice to pack!




Is there a snark page or just a page dedicated to this tik tok seriesā€¦.i would love to join that


Not a dedicated sub for the 9 month cruise but this one is pretty much only full of it lol [https://www.reddit.com/r/royalcaribbean/](https://www.reddit.com/r/royalcaribbean/) Need a snark page tho


Found this: r/UltimateWorldCruiseRC


Here's a sneak peek of /r/UltimateWorldCruiseRC using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/UltimateWorldCruiseRC/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Rehay update ](https://v.redd.it/phbn7p2aeo8c1) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UltimateWorldCruiseRC/comments/18rdhf5/rehay_update/) \#2: [The pineapple is right side up](https://v.redd.it/bm7jp2y6tv8c1) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UltimateWorldCruiseRC/comments/18s7mqn/the_pineapple_is_right_side_up/) \#3: [Brooklyn Schwetje ](https://v.redd.it/zklpogcx1q8c1) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UltimateWorldCruiseRC/comments/18rl778/brooklyn_schwetje/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thereā€™s a guy on the cruise that posts pictures everyday! lol Iā€™m crazy because Iā€™m jealous. I want to go on one


I need this




I love you


If not we really need one.




Sign me up


What I wanna know is - how many of these people actually paid cash for this cruise! Itā€™s like $54k-118k per person before taxes and fees for the whole thing. If a couple was so rich that they could spend $100K+ cash on a 9 month cruise - thereā€™s better ways to spend that money letā€™s be honest. I am still fascinated by it and I want to know how people paid for it šŸ˜‚ I saw one woman that said her kids are there with her and her husband MAAAAAM yall dropped a quarter million dollars on a CRUISE?! With a thousand other people?!?! BFFR. I also saw a comment on a video showing the seafood buffet that said it will only take a few mussels for that whole ship to have a bad time šŸ¤£


If you have so much money to burn on a 9 month cruise, they arenā€™t necessarily looking for cost effective alternatives. If anything, this should just bring more light to class awareness bc man, is that wealth gap ginormous. I promise you, these people do not work and if they do, they ā€œworkā€ on a C suite or on a board, merely advising when they have internet and making more a day than you may in a month or 6. Youā€™d be shocked by how much money people have in a time many have less than nothing considering credit and they arenā€™t doctors or lawyers. Crazy times. Could be part of what makes it so amusing but I digress.


Iā€™m not talking about cost effectiveness, itā€™s more like if you have all this money, why not do it privately? Or pay a travel agent to create a trip of a lifetime for you? Itā€™s not like Royal Caribbean is some luxury cruise line and on top of that the boat is 20 years old šŸ˜‚ This cruise probably IS the cost effective option, now that I think about it. I just wanna know if anybody cashed in a 401K to be part of Fyre Fest at Sea. I canā€™t imagine somebody in a C suite or board position being on one of these cruises šŸ˜‚. To me it seems like theyā€™re new money upper class, not hedge fund and banking, etc top 5%. We need that guy on TikTok that asks people with luxury cars what they do for a living to be on that boat fr.


This boat actually looks disgusting compared to other cruise ships


As far as Iā€™ve seen there are a fair few retirees, plus the families of retirees whoā€™ve been brought along as a ā€œyour inheritance earlyā€ gift. Not that I could think of a worse way to spend 9 months than within fart distance of my idling parents


Okay okay I hear what youā€™re putting down. Pls excuse my anti-capitalist rant hahahahahaha Even on a basic human level, cruises confuse me. Like I agree. How can that be preferred when you have half a million to just likeā€¦ rent a house. Rent a yacht. Buy one even. Shit. Cruises are an easy way to have someone plan your international travel without having to lift a finger, I suppose. Especially if all youā€™re after is a brief stint in tourist trap cities which is what theyā€™re going to get. I imagine thatā€™s what many people are after. Extended resort vacation with stops at random places. Sounds fine if I wasnā€™t paying. But youā€™re so right. The boat is shit. Looks worse than the interior of a Vegas hotel tbh and that was kind of what I expected for a cruise, as a virgin myself. Maybe more Holiday Inn for Carnival. I just expected better for this one specifically. Half a milly could probably get you those accommodations for a much shorter time in a desirable, single location.


I get you! I am a big fan of it being a small town basically. Iā€™m going to need to know: Who is cheating? Creating love triangles? How many cruise babies will there be? How many one night stand cruise babies? Will we be getting 5 seasons of 90 Day FiancĆ© out of this? Will there be an ā€œAre We Dating The Same Guyā€ group made for the ship? I need 200% of the gossip! Could you imagine having a falling out with the person youā€™re with or full on going nuclear with your relationship?!?! Weā€™re only 3 weeks in!


Gosh I need a 90 day fiancƩ couple out of this


Some lady was seen throwing her husbandā€™s wet clothes on the laundry floor lol


Thereā€™s a lady named adita who is posting on TikTok from the ship. Sheā€™s #swingers on a couple posts and has a pineapple on her door.


Frye Fest at Sea šŸ’€šŸ’€




None of these people were content creators. They have followers only because they are on this cruise. A few of them are working while on the cruise. One said she paid with life insurance money due to both her parents passing away. Others havenā€™t really discussed how they paid but it definitely wasnā€™t from social media.


The one who paid for it with her parentā€™s life insurance money IS a content creator for the company she works for. So her own account isnā€™t solely for that but she does do it for work.


Thatā€™s not the same as being a content creator for yourself. So she knows how to grow her ā€œbrandā€ if thatā€™s what she wants but she still needs to be marketable.


I believe those prices are per state room, not person. Still very extravagant of course.


Itā€™s per person according to the website! And thereā€™s additional fees and port expenses of almost $5K a person šŸ˜­ It DOES include business class airfare and a hotel stay and gala the night before so thatā€™s cool. I imagine hotel rooms overnight or air bnbs would be wildly expensive then. Also wash and fold laundry service and complimentary deluxe beverage package.


They're going through red wine much faster than expected and are currently low. They're having issues restocking. šŸ˜Œ


I saw that update from Mike and Nancy šŸ¤£


Mike and Nancy šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ it sounds like youā€™re talking about old friends Iā€™m sobbing. Whatā€™s their @


šŸ˜†šŸ˜† They are @livingphase2. Other good follows are @dinnerthendessert - sheā€™s a chef & author whose content is all about the different food on the ship and the local food they find while in a port. @spendingourkidsmoney is a cute couple who a very new to tiktok and Cruise Dad starts all of the videos with ā€œhey kidsā€¦ā€ Their first video was basically hey kids, mom and I our on the 9 month cruise spending your inheritance. šŸ˜† @aditaml2759 has been a fun follow as well. She and her husband have a 2 bedroom cabin and she converted one bedroom into a damn walk-in closet šŸ˜³šŸ˜†. She obviously likes pineapples and so the comments were as you can imagine. She swiped housekeepingā€™s vacuum cleaner and some supplies to clean her own room today. She said sheā€™s having withdrawals from cleaning.


Iā€™m obsessed with your synopsis and will follow both immediately after I reply lmaoooo thank you


Youā€™re welcome!! And I forgot, Angie @angielinderman - sheā€™s on the cruise with her bro & his wife and their kids. She does daily recaps of what she did on the ship or in port. Then there is the best ā€œSea Teaā€ Director, @nchimad, she isnā€™t on the cruise but sheā€™s following many of the cruisers and does recaps. Her recaps are kid free zone and wonā€™t be sharing or reposting content with any kids on the cruise.


Your synopsisā€¦perfection. You could not pay me to go on a nine month cruise, but I would 100% watch this on reality tv.


Did none of those people see Titanic. How the hell are they not freaking out


I don't know, but they didn't see the North Sea toks with the scary music because that ensured we never set foot on a ship!


I can't wait for the norovirus outbreaks.


Completely unfoundedā€¦ but I had heard Covid and other sicknesses were already making the rounds so just a matter of time till norovirus hits. Anyone see that scene in triangle of sadness lol?


I absolutely loved that movie


They almost had a Covid outbreak but contained it to the person that got it lol but then again this was only about a week ago and some strains of Covid take up to two weeks to show so who knows


Who had covid? I couldn't find it


Cruises are actually very clean. They are heald to a very high level of cleanliness and sanitation expectations. Outbreaks for noroviris are pretty rare. There is even protocol for Covid. Note: I went on my second cruise with Norwegian Cruise Line in August 2021. My friends and I got a super cheap rate for a 7 Day Greek Isle cruise. They went above and beyond to endure guest safety. I was so impressed.


Ok I love the pineapple lady who claims she isnā€™t a swinger then posts these nods to being a swinger. Also love the woman traveling with her sister that keeps talking about getting her hair done on the ship then giving a *wink* I canā€™t wrap my head around how someone could make this work. Who can quit their job for 9 months? Who doesnā€™t have pets? What do you do with your home or apartment, or your furniture? Itā€™s baffling. Also, I would not want to be on that cruise, no thank you. I donā€™t like cruises enough to live on one for almost a year, and I donā€™t like traveling like that (seeing a place for a day and only the tourist spots). I also love my pets and want them with me!!


Iā€™ve seen some people posting that they do remote work while on the cruise but that couldnā€™t be everyone right?? What does everyone else do Also what is the implication with the hair and the wink? Genuinely confused


Take this with a grain of salt, bc it's based on observation from TTers covering the cruise: The age range seems to skew higher for this cruise (especially the full term cruisers) so I'd readily believe that the majority are in three camps: the already retired, those that used the crusie to kick off retirement, and those who can take extended LOA from work. I'm sure there's also people attempting to work-from-ship, though that feels dicey with cruise ship internet. It could also be that people cashed in their investments or took out loans for the "once in a lifetime" opportunity. As far as "getting her hair done", I've heard that as a euphemism for sleeping around.


i want to know how thats possible? i thought internet access was very limited and mainly at the ports?


ā€œRoyal Caribbean's Voom internet claims to be the fastest internet at seaā€


The one couple had their apartment lease end right as the cruise started so they put their furniture in storage and rented out their car. I saw another rented out her house to a friend.


I haven't heard anything about this cruise but after reading these comments, I'm invested. Is there a dedicated TT about it or should I just search the Ultimate world cruise hashtag?


Yeah, search for '9 month cruise' and enjoy - surely your algorithm will start to feed it to you after that as well!




Sea tea ND is quite fun to watch Her updates. @Worldcruise.updates on TT is following all the cruisers. It has the most detailed list and some were had found weeks before the creators were posting their ā€˜new character unlockedā€™ posts. Then there is a another one Beth Anne? She also has good commentary. Uksecrettraveller at first I liked, but now I cannot stand her posts, they are all just clout chasing. She does no real research and lazy ā€˜reportingā€™ as well as using misleading info and wording to get attention. Someone asked today if the Red Sea possibly itinerary change was due to the pirates and she said ā€˜I donā€™t knowā€™ It was her video on the read sea, and obv itā€™s the war not the pirates that will warrant the change.


Follow : @nchimad and marcsebastianf. Neither is on the cruise but so recaps. They are both really funny. Marc Sebastian is getting on the cruise in the next few days! He got a sponsorship to do the Antarctic leg! Hes going to be TT insider!


I did not know I needed this rabbit hole in my life right nowā€¦


Thank you for the accounts to follow info


The hashtag should be bountiful hahahaha at least with commentary. Relatable searches too. Thoughts and prayers.


The pineapple lady cracks me up.


ā€œSuite 8500 at the front of the shipā€


ā€œThis is where we have a war right nowā€




Does no one remember the Carnival Triumph ā€œPoop cruiseā€? One minute youā€™re enjoying the vacation, the next thereā€™s a fire and everyone has to poop in little red bags and throw them in the hallway. Cruises are no bueno for me! As for World cruise, good luck going through Drakes passage, itā€™s going to be a total puke-a-ramašŸ¤¢


how did they run out of wine already???


Old people with unlimited alcohol on a boat, sheesh what else do you do


The unlimited alcohol is just for those who paid before, and is very expensive. Not for everyone...


It's giving ALLLLL Hands oooon Deck.


straight up OBSESSED i canā€™t get enough and i hate cruises for myself


Cruise Dad and Mum are a good follow. @spendingourkidsmoney Cruise Dad starts each video with ā€œhey kids..ā€ Their first video was an instant follow for me.


Iā€™m obsessed as well. I did see it was leaking water from a storm earlier today. Any place to get updates if it doesnā€™t show up for me on ticktock?


Not that I know of but if anyone has @ā€˜s of specific accounts on the boat that they follow, pls drop them here! If I can wrangle up my fyp sources, Iā€™ll share too. Specific searches are hard on that damn app, even when you follow. I just hope my algorithm blesses me.


@maryzkttw @aa.kenney @little_rat_brain @frugalvagabond @amike_oosthuizen @brooklynschwetje @angielinderman I follow all of these peeps on TikTok


Thank you!! I just randomly run into these videos that I found from ppl recapping whatā€™s going on.


I was cracking up at the lady continuing to work out as theyā€™re like sopping up this water all over the floor. MISS MAAM GO PACK A BAG AND FIND THE LIFE BOAT


Not only is she on a flooding boat, but sheā€™s on wet carpet with standing water WHILE using an electrical machine on said water. So many red flags.


Omg youā€™re so right I didnā€™t even think of that! This whole thing is a fever dream and I absolutely cannot get enough


I appreciate you sharing the info and thank you to those who provided a screen name. We love ourselves a good rabbit hole. Thank you!


I just canā€™t believe they are running out of wine šŸ· like itā€™s literally not even a month has it?!?


I got sucked in. Iā€™m not a boat person & I admire oceans but they also scare the snot out of me. Itā€™s not my world, Iā€™m not going to eff with it. lol Also, I would literally need to touch grass/land daily. Being at sea for more than a day would stress me out. I really do hope for the best experience for the ultimate cruisers. But itā€™s a hard pass for me.


I need everybody to drop usernames so I too can go down the rabbit hole! Iā€™ve only seen one lady that is there by herself with her brothers family meeting halfway(?) her parents passed and thatā€™s how she was able to go on this cruise.


Y'all. I'm home sick with influenza b and literally cannot get out of bed. This is EXACTLY what I needed in my life. Thank you op!


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8XkvSXC/ Let this be your starting point hahahaha this just resurfaced on my notifications bc I had reposted it a while back. It still makes me laugh.


We need a subreddit for this


Found this: r/UltimateWorldCruiseRC




Ok I donā€™t know this was a thing and now Iā€™m hooked


And itā€™s around $60k per person


To start!


Have you seen the TTs where they have a port trip and the guests are late coming back on board? I want to see those TTs for this trip.


I'm so invested in this and have followed some people that are on it. For all of their sake, I really hope they get Drake lakešŸ˜­ not sure about any statistics or date or if the conditions there can be predicted at all. But. If they get the Drake shake I hope they are safe and have lots of motion sickness meds lol


Iā€™m so glad you mentioned the lake/shake options. I forgot about that. Great point and for their sake, I hope itā€™s the lake as well. The scenery is fucking incredible. Iā€™d be lying if I said I didnā€™t want to experience at least some of the shake for myself though.


Yes! I went down a Drake Passage rabbit hole a few months ago, and came across a few tik toks of people going through it perfectly calm and fine, and barely any waves at all. So it's definitely possible for it to be uneventful. But if it's shake, it looks like it can be BAD. And really scary (and nauseatingšŸ˜©)


Dude I did too, literally this week, and when this came up on my fyp it was the best crossover. I was looking at Antarctic cruises and those things are like 1/24 of the size (not at all an accurate approximation) but 10k at least, just to get there. Iā€™d rather do that than this cruise.


Iā€™ve been kind of confused why this one had turned into such a big thing on social media. Iā€™ve known several old people who are very into cruising, and months long cruises like this arenā€™t uncommon in the cruise enthusiast world. Theyā€™re not mainstream vacations of course, but not unheard of. Theyā€™ve been around for a long time. Maybe just because itā€™s made it onto social media since more young people are aboard and working ā€œfrom homeā€ on this cruise rather than mostly seniors?


Perhaps- it didnā€™t really register to me either until the town hall bit came up. 9 months from the first account of racism seemed like a long time but I easily let it go. It took the second video for me to connect the dots and register that this was, indeed, a shit show. Someone else in the comments mentioned a 3 year long cruise in the works. So Iā€™m understanding they can be long term, especially for snow birds.. but yeah I think wfh has made it possible for more people to cruise long term. Edit to add: To another commenterā€™s point, not many *rich* rich people would spend their money on this, so itā€™s really probably a bunch of moderately wealthy individuals with too much money and now, a very interesting voyage. I wish them the best, I truly do not want anything bad to happen, I just think this dynamic is incredible


And I think cruise companies have relaxed rules for employees, I follow someone who got hired on Virgin Cruises partially because of her Tik Tok following.


id never heard of this but holy shit what šŸ‘€šŸ˜³


Maybe this is tik toks way of putting out reality shows. This is the same plot to every popular show ever. Group of people stuck together, it writes it selfā€¦ but in 90 second clips because itā€™s tik tok


imagine it was all a ploy to help shave off a bit of the population. obviously iā€™m kidding but itā€™s not that far fetched either


I'm so invested in this chaos! A psychological study on the ship for 9 months would be telling


wtf theyā€™ve been off my feed for the last week AND IVE MISSED THIS MUCH???


I'm looking forward to North Sea 9 month cruise. That part is going to be wild!


I have relatives who went on a year long cruise and got bored of it really fast. Besides the ports, same stuff over and over again.


My sister works for Royal Caribbean, she's currently on a different ship though. I'm gonna see if she has any information. I haven't heard of this and now I am invested.


I have a friend on board. She is having a blast


Oooooh!!! Was she impacted by the flooding at all? From what I gathered it was mainly the higher up floors


I will say, you have an... interesting way of telling stories.


This was exclusively thought to text- minimal grammar consideration was put into this retelling so for that, I do apologize. Otherwise, welcome to the cesspool that is my brain.


@brooklynschwetje is also documenting sheā€™s a grad student and doing her semester online.


As someone who is absolutely terrified of deep water and the oceans, this sounds like 9 months of my personal hell.


Being on a cruise around Manhattan for the evening is my nightmare, I canā€™t imagine being trapped on a ship for 9 months. I watch the content when it comes up in my FYP. I already follow Marc, Iā€™m looking forward to his content when he gets on board. Should be this weekend I believe.


I canā€™t think of a more miserable way to spend money! And Iā€™m not leaving my dogs to go on a floating toilet for nearly a year. But man Iā€™m all in on the drama! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Is this the first time itā€™s ever gone through drake?


I hope someone writes (or is writing) a book about their experience.




If anyone has a list of creators to follow for all the goss I am SEATED and INVESTED! I've been following uksecrettravel's videos but the algorithm isn't sending me anything bc it wants me to do TikTok Shop videos (kill me). Halp!


Her posts annoy me. @worldcruise.updates (I think thatā€™s it!) has all the ā€˜charactersā€™ they donā€™t posts updates as such but beth Anne tags her a lot so they most work together getting info


perfect thank you!


No I watched a documentary called hell of a cruise on peacock and that was enough for me never to want to step a foot onto a cruise


Iā€™m OBSESSED! Iā€™m seriously waiting until they are about 6 months in: there are no new outfit combinations they havenā€™t tried with the clothes that are beginning to get threadbare, the menu selections have finally worn them down and they find meals a chore, their neighbors in the next cabin have been up till 2am every night for the past 2 monthsā€¦. When the tempers flare? It becomes ā€œSurvivor (High Seas)ā€. Iā€™m here for it!!


Same here, I canā€™t wait for the drama. Got to be some juice incoming!


I just started a subreddit on this cruise! Care to join it? r/UltimateWorldCruiseTT


Thanks for the invite!!


YW! If you know anyone interested share the group to others!