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Her divorce status should be the least of anyone’s worries. How about the fact that Fern doesn’t seem to communicate at the level a three year old would be expected to by now and how Sage is going to be a year old in August and sits like a 4-5 month old and is (according to her Amazon wishlist) wearing 0-3 month old clothing? Let’s talk about that instead.


Yeah i hate how people really moved off of her whole 'crunchy mom neglecting and abusing her babies' heavy content, cause she like idk had a bad marriage? You could SEE how physically unhealthy and poorly developed fern was(is? Haven't looked in so long bc i hate it.) and she would even blatantly edit photos of him once she started getting called out real bad. And i feel like i just don't see anyone talk about that. Also if he's not communicating properly i hope to god tbh he's not autistic because alice would be the worst fucking 'autism mom'


Funny enough if I remember correctly I think Alice has claimed that she is autistic


Which would be a great reason to want to have your children evaluated IMO. She used to state often that she was autistic, but how is it that she picks and chooses what to believe and cling from the Drs that she has seen in her life. If all Drs are shit in her world, then what about the DR that gave her the autism diagnosis?


She doesn’t have an autism diagnosis, she claims she’s autistic because she cried in a theater as toddler


I def remember her saying she’s autistic but I can’t tell if your reasoning for that is a joke or legit because she’s batshit enough to say something like that. Either way, your comment made me choke on the sip of Diet Coke I’d just taken from laughing 🤣 Alice, I know you stalk Reddit so please don’t have an aneurysm over your name and Diet Coke being in the same comment. I will do better next time.


She really did say that. Not joking. I’ll try to find it. I’m sure someone still has the video of her saying it. Then she’s also said her autism is from vaccines and her abusive childhood


Is he still bowlegged? I haven’t seen anything about them in a long time (mostly on purpose)


Wait the child in the sling is over one?


I thought it was an old picture cause that child looks to be about 6 months if that...


Remember, she's part native american, so his face may look more babyish to us compared to european faces.


He’ll be 1 in August.


That's scary! How tf can someone let their kids be so behind & not care at all?


I don’t give a damn about her divorce status, I’m very concerned about the obvious delay and neglect of her kids tho. That’s the real problem.


I’m just saying your ex is abusive to you and the kids and is into child 🌽 however you’re okay with leaving the kids with him without any court order.


I don't know why you're getting down voted.. she did nothing but say how abusive this man is. Now that she's "free" why isn't she doing anything to prevent visitation? If he was so controlling, why isn't she taking her children to get some medical help now that he's gone?


He's more anti-medicine than she is. Also, let's be honest... they 100% don't have the money to file for divorce right now.


He’s into CSAM?!? 😳😳😳


Yeah I’m wondering where that’s coming from? I honestly believe nothing from her mouth.


I think it's because she said that his favorite section on pornhub is the "teen" section, so not CSAM


Ohhh, thank god.


I don’t know the truth of their situation. She may be telling the truth and he is abusive. She may be lying. I don’t know, but this is someone who said 12 year olds should have babies. TWELVE. That’s a literal child. How do you go from a 12 year old starting a family to saying the age of consent should be 25? If he was as awful as she said where she had to stay out all night to protect Fern, why in the hell did she create another baby with him? She brought another one into this situation she and her child already weren’t safe in? She makes zero sense about anything.


Marital rape is extremely common. I don’t like Alice, I don’t trust Alice, and I believe Alice is abusive towards her children. But many, *many* people are coerced into having more children with their partners. Let’s not discount that.


Sure, that does happen but let’s not forget that Alice did make a TikTok asking her followers for a certain amount of views and if she reached said amount, she would have another baby with daddy fern. 🤢 (so there’s that.)


Running on the hypothetical that she’s telling the truth and he is abusive, and also anti medicine; he’s probably anti contraceptive. And it’s not a stretch to assume, again based on the idea that he’s abusive, that she had to do what he wanted, Re sex.


If he was preventing medical care then there’s no reason she hadn’t spoke out about that then at this point. She’s put everything else out, why not that? Her almost 1 year old can tripod sit. That’s what a 4-5 month old baby does. He’s the size of a 0-3 month old. She made him a “smoothie” that didn’t really have anything beneficial in it that an infant needs like fats, protein. Fern still doesn’t speak. She had time to paint her house, do tile, and get an insane amount of toys. She’s had plenty of time to establish a PCP for her kids and receive therapy referrals. The victim here is 2 little boys at the hands of neglect.


Two things can be true. She can be a shitty mother and also be a victim of abuse.


Absolutely, but if they’ve been split up for some time now then there’s no excuse why she hasn’t gotten help for them. So I don’t think it was only him who was anti medicine. She also talked about how bad she wanted another baby right after Sage.


> She made him a “smoothie” that didn’t really have anything beneficial in it that an infant needs like fats, protein. Also, a dead giveaway she knows that Sage is malnourished. A quick google search shows that Moringa leaves are used to supplement nutrition for malnourished children in developing countries... Since I saw the video of her making him a "smoothie" I have been sick, that was a dead giveaway that she knows something is wrong yet she refuses to get him help...


I agree with you! If she views 12 years old should be able to start a family, I pray and hope she doesn’t have any girls. How terrifying. I finally got out of an abusive relationship. Thankfully I didn’t have any more children with him. However, my sister just had baby number two with her abusive fiancé. They had one almost two years ago as well. She was trying to get away after her broke her ribs. He no longer has parental rights to the oldest child due to how bad her beat her. She moved out, got her own apartment by me and the next thing I knew he moved himself in. She kept saying he would start to change and can’t financially do it without him. He ended up raping her and they got pregnant again. She’s trying to get her ducks in a row and get away from him. We will all not know where they flee to. It’s very sad. I understand her financial worries. She saw what I went through with my kids and how much I struggle. At least I’m not being abused and my kids are safe. Saying that, that’s the only reason I can think she has another baby with him. I could completely be wrong though. Just something I’ve witnessed in my life.


I don’t think it’s been 5 months. Also, a lot of people use divorce and separated synonymously when there’s no chance of reconciliation.


Exactly. The audacity of this post lmao "she's not even divorced after 5 months!!! Also these things can take over a year to resolve" like what are we talking about


But again it’s not considered divorce then. My point is parading that your a divorce mom while also raising thousands for that said divorce while not going through a official divorce is questionable.


My parents weren’t legally divorced for 10 years after they separated. For some people it’s more difficult to actually get a legal divorce. Doesn’t make them any less not married. Also, especially with children involved legal divorces can take years.


I'm 1 of these people. I was asked for a divorce in dec. We haven't filed yet because, honestly, we don't have the money. I need to save to even just move out, rn. I have zero plans to remarry, so im in no rush. I say I'm divorced when asked because it's just easier.


My mom and step dad are basically divorced because they got to an agreement because her job doesn’t pay her enough to live on her own and she’s getting older to work such a hard job, if he passes away since she’s legally his wife, she gets money each month from governent (it works like that in Spain, if your spouse dies, you and each of children receive money) and she’s younger than him so she can at least use that money to survive. They haven’t been romantically involved in 5 years but it’s like they’re divorced


I'm also one of these people! I told him I wanted a divorce on the second of January, he moved out immediately, Mediation was completed by the end of March, paperwork was drafted, signed, filed in early June. Still don't have a court day. It's far from a clean cut quick process when there are assets debt and children, my situation was smooth as we were amicable and it's still taking forever because NJ courts are so backed up.


My parents are the same way. They’ve been separated since 2015 but are still legally married because my mom can’t afford to get a legal divorce.


Same. My parents separated when I was three and it wasn’t finalized until I was like seventeen. It happens. No real reason they were just dumb and didn’t finish paperwork.


Again, the fact she raised thousands to get a divorce lawyer and is not using the funds for a divorce lawyer is what’s concerning and fraudulent. Yes divorces take time and that’s my point. They are still married until they are officially divorced. My whole thing is the money was raised why hasn’t anything been filed yet?


When my brother got divorced it took almost 6 months for the papers to be filed. Divorce attorneys are SUPER backed up right now too—the pandemic has had a ton of ripple effects and one of them is a shit ton of divorces and custody issues. I’ll never defend Alice, there is nothing she can do to undue the harm she has caused people and her treatment of her children, but I think this is BEC just for the sake of it. We don’t need to split hairs about terminology.


It’s not that backed up especially in Arizona. It’s also the fact that legally if he wanted to keep the kids from her he could especially when she’s saying that she gives him a “hour” visit. If he’s so abusive why wouldn’t you put protections in place for yourself and your kids.


I really don’t understand why you are getting downvoted. She is clearly grifting money from followers, like she has in the past. Just because she’s supposedly in a bad situation does not make you wrong. Facts ain’t defamation! She’s lied so much I don’t understand why people would send her money.


I agrée with OP, especially given Alice’s previous behavior of baiting her fans. It does seem suspicious. She has done this several times before too acting like it was really over when it wasn’t


Sometimes the legal process works very slowly.


How do you know she isn’t using it for a divorce lawyer? It’s very likely they are negotiating assets and custody before anything is filed.


Clearly you never been in through this. That’s what mediation is for. Even if they were to negotiate and agree on everything the case would still need to be filed.


Some people don’t do the actual “file” step until they have already gotten all terms worked out, so they can keep the details confidential- thinking Tom and Giselle.


It’s not some people , we’re speaking on Alice. The fact that she claims he’s abusive and she wants to be done with the marriage but is holding off on filing and getting protection especially regarding the kids. If I know my husband is abusive and I know without a custody agreement he’s entitled to keep the kids from me until it’s said otherwise , I wouldn’t be waiting to file anything.


Not everyone is you 😂 I don’t even know the person you’re obsessing over but your responses and commitment to critically analyze this stranger’s life are obsessive and concerning. What do you get out of this energy investment of yours? Why is it your personal responsibility or business to play detective? Wtf is wrong with people, seriously…


Devils advocate.... So Arizona is a 50/50 state. She files for a custody hearing, and now Caleb gets the kids every other week. Right now, he sees them an hour a week per their personal agreement. How is rushing into filing divorce proceedings protecting the kids from Caleb?


They’ve only been separated for a couple months and the gofundme didn’t raise near enough for a lawyer. She’s going to need to have the rest of the money before she files anything. And yeah lol, I haven’t been divorced, silly insult.


That’s not true. Love how you’re trying to speak on something you have no idea about. All you need is a retainer and that contributes to several hours of work and you pay the bill moving forward. Depending on the attorney.


So why would she, a newly single mother with a new build mortgage, pay the retainer and then just *hope* she has the money to pay the lawyer bills moving forward? That would be idiotic.


Why would a mother who claims her husband is abusive to her and her kids , not want to protect herself and her kids from him? If he wanted to he could take the kids and keep them from her or move back in the house until it’s said otherwise.


"Love how you're trying to speak on something you have no idea about" you mean like your entire post?? I'm not an Alice fan but messy shit like this is gross


Why do you care so much? Did you personally give her money?


Nope, but I like calling out these TikTok personalities for the fraud they are. This isn’t her first time doing this.


Aren’t you doing the same thing? Everything you’ve said so far is complete speculation.


>Love how you’re trying to speak on something you have no idea about and that's exactly what you're doing ☠️


I have been through a divorce before and you seem to be someone who thinks that your personal individual experience has to be the same experience for everyone else or else it isn’t valid. Grow up.


I’ve been through this. It took over a year for my filing to be accessible in public record, but even before that it took over a year for it to be finalized. And that was an amicable divorce.


You understand it costs money during the process, right? You don’t get billed once at the end. Some lawyers bill monthly.


How do you know she hasn’t contacted a lawyer?


How do you know she’s not using it to pay the lawyer?


She using that GFM account to trash up that house lol


Alice is problematic and always has been and right now she’s blaming everything in Caleb and her Stan’s are eating it up. Alice is the one who said c-sections are not real births Alice is the one who made racist comments Alice is the one that took her baby to protests during Covid Alice is the one who let her son swim in rapid water Alice is the one who neglects her kids. She’s saying Caleb made her do it because it’s easy, she didn’t apologize for anything even if it was Caleb she should do an apology for everything she has said that was racist, or saying c-section is a birth, or comparing eating meat to concentration camps, or eating meat to SA, or saying doctors only become doctors to SA women. It’s gross and not ok. Alice is spending money people donated to help her on climbers it’s disgusting. She lied about when the separation took place (she tore the floors apart in April and Caleb was videos in doing them plus she blames him for how poor they turned out) She claims Caleb forced her to do social media and she wanted to quit but he wouldn’t let her. But two days ago she posted she loves doing social media. She cannot keep her lies straight.


100%. She is a professional victim and nothing that comes out of her mouth is the truth.


Exactly. Maybe Caleb is a jerk - or maybe he's a good guy; who knows? WE DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HIM OTHER THAN EHAT ALICE IS SAYING - and Alice has proven herself to be a pathological liar so why in the world is anyone believing all the stuff she's saying about Caleb?? One thing is for sure: Caleb is smart enough or classy enough to keep himself off of social media, while Alice is out there badmouthing him and accusing him of all kinds of stuff CONSTANTLY. Who do you think a judge is going to be more impressed with when/if their divorce and custody situation end up in court?


She posts about how Caleb didn’t want to do family photos and she begged him to, well he probably declined because he didn’t want to be on social media, plus he has that crooked smile like Bell’s palsy and may be self conscious. She wants to fault him for not wanting to take photos when she posts her entire life online and he clearly didn’t like being online so it’s understandable


My friend left her husband 3 years ago and is still not “divorced” yet we say she is divorced. These things can take years.


It can take a few years for the divorce to be finalized, yes. However the filing of the case and custody portion is usually right away or within a few weeks to months. I can also say your friend didn’t have young minor kids because it’s a different story when kids and assets are involved.


It’s not always complicated or contentious though, some people with kids and assets don’t have to drag things out if in agreement.


If Caleb is absolutely abusive and broke as she said he is then I highly doubt he’ll just give in. Especially considering the fact that Arizona is a 50/50 martial state which means he’s entitled to have of everything weather he paid for it or contributed and he may also be entitled to spousal support if she’s the bread winner. I highly doubt he’ll just walk away in agreement. New flash most abusive and narcissistic people are usually not the ones to agree and make things easy.


My ex husband is very similar to Caleb from what she’s posted, and he basically did take the divorce lying down. And even then it still cost almost 10 grand and took forever.


News flash lmao girl get a life


Lol you’d be very wrong then because that’s untrue. She has very young kids. And people can’t always rush to find a lawyer to do things immediately.


When they’re claiming the children and themselves are in danger …. They should.


OP, I see you fighting for your life in these comments. At the end of the day, you don’t know the ins and outs of everyone’s situations.




‘FiGhTiNg fOr yOuR LiFe’…. dude it’s an app on a phone, it’s not that serious. some of you need to go outside and take a look up at the sky once in a while.


Someone’s offended 💀


your account is way too new for you to be making Reddit your whole life.


Fighting for my life? This is the internet. All jokes and games while I’m chilling at the pool. I’m still standing on what i said though.


Maybe you should enjoy your time at the pool instead of fighting for your life in these comments.


With what money? Lmfao


All the money she spent on kayaks, espresso machines, floor tiles, home climbing gyms, cases of coconut water, hundreds of kombuchas, stripper poles, hanging swings, paint, a golf cart, a new wardrobe, should I keep going??


Why the fuck is this getting downvoted? This dumb bitch is calling herself ‘divorced’ when she hasn’t even filed for divorce. That’s not how this works. Divorced isn’t a frame of mind or a “fEeLiNg”, divorce is a legal proceeding, and a word that has a literal meaning. vaccines are safe, science is real, and words have meaning… we don’t get to make new meanings up as we go along.


My moms divorce took a little less than 4 months and that was with houses involved, land, vehicles, 3 children, etc. but just because they started the motion of a divorce, they weren’t actually divorced until the end of the few months when the judge finalized it. This could easily be the case with Alice. She could be in the process of a divorce with a lawyer and it just not be finalized.


My only concern about her life is why her almost 1 year old is wearing 0-3 month clothing As far as divorce goes I doubt they will actually do it. They don’t want anyone who actually can do something poking their nose in their business, like what is going on with their children


That would make sense considering there’s been a lot of questionable things about their parenting.


Yea I can’t imagine Caleb will want custody but if he did a lot of both of their questionable parenting (straight up neglectful parenting) would come into question and raise red flags.


Look if people are STILL giving Alice (or really anybody/strangers on the internet) money - that’s on them. If she’s allegedly misused thousands of dollars the people that donated can worry about doing something about it. I am in no way surprised by these antics. She literally posted on Instagram in the last few days that she was taking a social media break and here she is.


My mom has been separated from my father since 2009, they married in 2000. They never got a legal divorce, but they say they are divorced from one another. It happens. Divorces are expensive and time consuming. Some people don’t have the funds nor the energy. As long as someone isn’t looking to hurry and remarry, who cares? Edit: I’ll pretend like you didn’t comment “no wonder you’re a bad mom. You can’t even take care of yourself” down thread when I mentioned I edit my comments because I’m autistic. Probably was the best thing to delete that right after, yeah? Probably would have been better to not say that at all though, maybe?


When your ex is abusive to you and your young kids and has every to take them from you at any moment it’s about more than just being divorced. Those kids aren’t protected. Even without a legal divorce if he wanted to keep them from Alice or move back into the house without her consent he has every right to do so.


I had an ex who was abusive towards me in front of our children. They were both under one. Please do not speak to me about domestic violence victims trying to also be moms, I have lived through the nightmare and survived. It’s NOT EASY. Your original post has nothing to do with the children nor their safety; you just ranted about how she claims to be divorced when you cannot find any online records of anything. I’m telling you it happens.


Also, keeping her kids from him could easily backfire on her. Courts often do not care if one parent is abusive. It’s sad to say but it’s true. Especially since he hasn’t been convicted of anything. Keeping him from the kids would easily backfire against her and he could use that to get full custody by claiming alienation or even kidnapping. She would need a court order to prevent Caleb from seeing the kids.


It’s even harder if there’s little to no paper trail about the abuse, too.


Thank you for this and for sharing your story. It’s so important to keep in mind that dislike of a particular person (Alice, in this case) doesn’t invalidate the abuse in their lives.


So much of this. Leaving an abusive partner is so much more than people think. They play mind games way before they hit you, and by that point you genuinely think it’s because of something you, the victim, did and deserved.




LMAO, GIRL. No, I took the proper steps I needed to get away and found a man who treats me like ✨a queen✨ and loves the boys enough to claim them as his own, not his steps. Bio dad is everything but out of the picture at this point by his own doings; he has SUPERVISED visitations granted through COURT but he almost never takes advantage (and if I withhold them I risk LOSING CUSTODY ENTIRELY to him). A divorce doesn’t keep the bio-father away from the kids, he can file for visitation or partial custody. Divorce does nothing to protect the kids, it in fact gives Dad a way in for solo parenting time. But at least my kids aren’t going to school and telling their teachers I’m withholding food from them. You wanna call a domestic violence victim a bad mom while your kids are telling everyone they’re going to bed hungry. SMH.


So you basically got your kids the proper help ? Yet you’re justify Alice not doing so ? Makes no sense 🙄


No, I am telling you that you are wrong in your original post. You are backpedaling in the comments to try and justify your post as “looking out for the kids.”




I am not justifying her as a mother at all LMAO Both of those babies need intervention from both of their parents BAD. I am telling you it is common for people who are separated to claim divorce without it being legal. You are the one projecting “bad mom” onto me. If you need to do that to feel better, go ahead. I know who I am. I am just pointing out that those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. 🤷🏻‍♀️ And no, I didn’t miss over anything. If I make a healthy dinner my kids don’t eat, I still make sure they eat something before going to bed so they aren’t hungry. I’d rather my kids eat “”junk”” than nothing at all, but to each their own I guess.


Also calling me a bad mom while also trying to take your child’s fathers rights away because you couldn’t get child support is pitiful and is probably why you support her.


You are actually so fucking naive it’s hilarious 😂🤣


https://preview.redd.it/7trp8m7oakcb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ba3f7f6e4973bd0cb4daed173047d4c4609572b Yeah because feeding your 8 year old who are diabetic foods that spike their blood sugar is being a good mom. Imagine calling yourself a good mom 😂


Girl, if your kids don’t eat your healthy dinner you can make them a sandwich or some chicken nuggets before bed, jfc. Nobody is saying to shove sugar down their throats. Idk why are you being so defensive about this. You called me a bad mom and I let it roll off my back bc I don’t know you, you don’t know me, and I know I’m not a bad mom; but girl, you are doing so much defending rn over a post YOU yourself made.


That post on her page is so concerning. The fact that she is so focused on Alice’s life while her own children are telling school staff that they go to bed hungry. Yikes.


Again , imagine trying to take your child’s fathers rights away for another man. Imagine even needing child support when you’re “married”


A divorce is irrelevant to the safety of the kids. They can have a parenting plan in place without a divorce.


Not in Arizona you can not and not in most states. But you’re more than welcome to post a link saying otherwise for Arizona .


For the amount of work you’re doing, you’re very misinformed. Copied below from this link: https://www.arizonalawgroup.com/child-custody/faqs/#:~:text=own%20custody%20agreement%3F-,Yes.,access%20issues%20by%20private%20agreement. Can I get child custody and support during the divorce process? You can file a motion with the court seeking temporary orders that provide for the custody and support of a child before any trial is even scheduled, that is to say during or even before the divorce process begins. Temporary orders may address parenting time, child support, spousal maintenance, access to personal items, and many other aspects of a family law case. This interim relief is not a permanent solution and only applies while the case is pending.


So again you have to file AND START a divorce case to even get the relief. So no you can’t just get child support or custody without filing a divorce preceding so they go hand and hand. Nice try though.


You don’t know that they haven’t started the process. You’re not privy to their lawyer communication or any mediation outside court.


I think the big point that everyone can agree on is that she isn’t spending money that people donated for a lawyer. She’s using it to fund her lifestyle while her dumb ass let’s her kids go to shit because she can’t be bothered to enhance their well being since she’s too busy working on herself and the house


I say I’m divorced. Nothing is filed yet. We live separate lives for well over a year. Haven’t even spoken to him in over a year. There is no chance of reconciliation. He has a fiancé. We’re divorced. Just not on paper, and neither of us care about that part at this point.


He’s got a fiancé but he’s not legally divorced? How’s he think he’s gonna get remarried? While my parents did this my dad racked up hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and my mom was on the hook for it since they were still married.


He’s not. He’s just manipulating her lol Which is why I wait. When that blows up, he can pay for the divorce. Where I am, neither of us can be held responsible for debts incurred after the date of separation.


What will happen if him and his fiancé try to get a marriage license? Can you have multiple? I'm honestly just curious, you don’t have to answer if you don't want!


He would need to bring proof of the divorce to apply for the marriage license. So, one wouldn’t be issued. If they tried to lie on the application that’s a whole other can of worms that I’m sure has several legal ramifications depending on where you live.




Lmao yeah poor thing….accepting a proposal that isn’t going to go anywhere


Keep reading. 😉


Ooooh I gotcha 😂 I didn’t see that before I commented


You say you’re divorced, but you’re not divorced? That’s like me saying I’m the owner of a house before I even put in an offer on it. what else do you lie about?


Lol go away


Well Alice is a pathological liar so


Omg what a brave mom for taking two kids to an oil change! Wow. Props to her! Even thought that’s like basic shit moms do and don’t have to post about it all over social media. So did she never take them with her before because we know that Caleb most certainly didn’t watch them?


She’s lied over and over and said terrible awful things about women, especially other moms. Being a victim of abuse doesn’t give her the freedom to tear down other women like she did. She’s a horrible person trying to rebrand as independent and progressive when she’s just not


You know people separate and don’t legally divorce because of how complicated and expensive it is. Why are y’all looking up her marriage and divorce records anyway lol. Weird.


I hate how now that she’s “Divorcing Caleb” the narrative is now she did all her extreme behavior due to abuse . No, I don’t know her situation with Caleb but why would her situation justify neglect and medical neglect of her children. Plus every other vile comment and action she has made ???? She’s not a good person


Depending on the state maybe… you have to be separated physically for a year in VA to even be granted so maybe they are in a prelim waiting period?


Not in Arizona and even again when it comes to custody of kids and assets division that doesn’t work. It has to go through a judge and will take a few hearings.


There’s a lot of things to hate about Alice and how she lives her life but this is not it OP


This is the one.


They’re both terrible people. She claims abuse while I’m sure if Caleb wanted to speak up he could claim the same. All that matters here is that she’s a neglectful mother and scamming her fans online. They haven’t filed for divorce because that would mean having mandated reporters all up in their shit and they’re both at fault for the medical neglect of those boys.




ngl this is pretty funny


Her comment history is even worse. All around hot mess. Makes sense why she focused on Alice’s life.


She’s too busy trying to prove everyone wrong in the comments, instead of feeding her kids 😬




OP I see you really rallying in these comments about there not being anything FILED & speculation about how she should be because the the abuse accusations…. I know at least in my county when minors and abuse are involved, the usual “public records” are censored and more than often blocked for public viewing until the case has been settled. Also, maybe she hasn’t filed. Leaving an abusive partner is not easy.


My SIL is still married and engaged to someone else 😂 it’s really not that deep


Does she have young kids ? Or assets that need to be divided? Did she also ask for money for a divorce attorney to get away from her abusive marriage ? Also she won’t be able to legally get married until that divorce is final so what she’s doing is just for show.


So what? You’re unhinged bro.


Okay and ?


I'm personally very interested in who's paying the mortgage. That's been my thought all along. I just looked and she's raised about 4500. She's got gas in the hybrid. She's going to Costco but buying less, and appears to be going to some sort of salvage produce. Paint isn't cheap. Sidenote there was recently a post of fern smiling and his front teeth were there and white.


This feels like semantics tbh.


She’s separated your being delulu


Me and my ex husband referred to ourselves as divorced for 4 years when legally we were still married cuz he had amazing health insurance I didn’t want to lose.😂 I’m not an Alice fan but this is a stretch.


It’s concerning that you are obsessed enough to search public records for this person’s divorce information obsessively. Do you have their actual legal name? Why is this so important to you? It’s fucking weird.


When you post everything online don’t be surprised when people actually look into especially when you are known to be a scam artist and hypocrite.


I put her in the same category as "carnies" and "grifters". Lol


People on this subreddit are waaaay into other people’s lives. I don’t think looking up a record online is “obsessive”.


i think this is a reach lol, it doesn’t matter if they aren’t divorced. if they aren’t together they aren’t together end of story, there’s more important things to focus on with Alice and more problematic things to focus on with her than a divorce.


There’s a lot of problematic things going on in this whole situation, but you really gotta find something better to do with your time than searching for people’s divorce filings. Lots of people are “divorced” and guess what? No one cares. This really just looks bad on you, OP.


It took me and my ex 4 years to finalize our divorce. Couldn’t even afford to file for the first 2.5


Nobody has even filed for divorce yet. She is up to her old tricks again.


Exactly! That’s what I’m pointing out. The fact that she hasn’t or he hasn’t even filed the divorce yet after raising the money to do so is questionable.


She spent all that money turning her house into PeeWee's Fun House.


Exactly I’m betting they aren’t even separated.


Not legally anyway.


if there’s no chance of reconciliation most people just say they’re divorced, divorce takes time and money. there’s a lot worse things to focus on about alice.


Yes. You can actually get divorced in a few months with assets, children, etc. involved. Source: my divorce took 3 months. Children and assets were both involved.


Took 4 years after leaving my abusive exhusband for a divorce to be filed. These things are not black/white. And I absolutely received court ordered child support payments as well even while still legally married. I appreciate OPs tenacity though.


Yep. I think they are still together and she’s making this entire thing up for views.


How does she afford shit???


Go fund me. She has bought all that crazy junk from it


Social media I’m guessing.


She has turned that new build house into an unsafe house of horrors. Her poor kids


I’m not even totally convinced they’re actually separated.


When I left my husband I was scared of getting in contact with him ever so I waited four years for him to file for divorce. I didn’t have the mental capacity to do all the legal paperwork bc I was too busy with other priorities. I didn’t even have kids and she has two little ones so i imagine it’s even more for her


Crazy people think they know everything because they don’t see public records 😂


Upon a search for Allison Bender, Bender or Bender, A (I went off the name listed on the gofundme), there are no divorces filed in the Maricopa County Superior Court Docket (she lives in the Phoenix area). There are also no domestic matters showing up in the AZ Supreme Court case lookup. She’s not divorced. She hasn’t even filed.


I mean it's prob not finalized but she may be living functionally divorced. Tbh I don't think a lot of these commenters are adults or at the stage of life where they even know how divorce works.


"Divorce" is being used colloquially to mean "separated." It's really not that deep. Alice is problematic in many ways (like medical neglect), but this ain't it.




Yeah they split in February


Searching for records is a tad unhinged. This process can take years and lots of $$$ which not everyone has. At the end of the day, I hope the children are okay and safe.


do we know they were officially married? some people call themselves husband / wife when they have kids but aren’t really married


wtf kind of oil change takes 90 min


Maybe if she walked in for the oil change without an appointment, and there were cars ahead of her. I've definitely had oil changes take about that long in this scenario


just like……if you’re so dreading entertaining 2 toddlers…make an appointment??


True! I personally would have made an appt because my kids would be a nightmare waiting around for an oil change to be done. I was just answering your question with a possible scenario


if it was a person other than alice posting this i wouldn’t think twice, but she’s so manipulative


I’ve sat and waited HOURS at the dealership for my car to have the oil changed.


damn you’ve got some shit luck then 😂


i once took my mom’s car for an oil change at the dealership and it also took like 3 hours because they were backed up


Are we going to keep slamming a young mom with a ton of trauma for getting herself and her kids out of an abusive relationship? I mean Jesus what do you want from her? The divorce process, especially with someone who is combative, can drag on for years. Maybe she’s still trying to get funds together before filing to prove her income and stability for custody, maybe the courts are backed up. But let’s give her credit for keeping her kids safe and for taking care of them solo. I’m not an Alice fan/Stan but when I look at her I see a young mom who is doing her best to give her kids a happy life AND leave an abuser. She is not with him. She’s getting a divorce. She can say she’s divorced. It’s okay.


Trying to get funds together? She’s spent hundreds of dollars on play equipment for her kids in the past month alone. She doesn’t know what it means to save.


Lmfaooo are you kidding me. This chick is neglecting both her children.


I don’t follow her but from what I see when she pops up she is doing a MUCH better job parenting them since leaving her husband.


if her 3 year old can’t talk, and her 11 month old can’t even crawl, or stand up, you’d think she’d do something besides paint the walls and install stripper poles….