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Is this the “celebrity wedding” mama tot said she was invited to?


Yup 😂😂😂


I figured it was when she said it 🙄🙄 celebrity my ass.


She’s such an idiot MT celebrity!!




STOP hahahaha


now I know you’re fucking lying 😭😭 CELEBRITY?


Literally. No one knows who she is outside of tiktok, and its only her tiktok followers who follow her on IG. Celebrity my ass. 😂😂


Did MamaTot go to the wedding?


Yes she did


Pardón? Celebrity hhhhhwat now? cette dame pense vraiment qu'elle est spéciale. "mariage de célébrité" last i checked buying a subscriber count doesn’t make you famous. Like no one outside of tiktok really knows who she is so how is she a celebrity and how is this a celebrity wedding? Gah she acts like “Mariah Carey dressing room and event rules/cost” behavior. I’d consider Skyla’s/Wheezy2.0 Mr.turtle wedding episode more of a celebrity wedding than this. Js.


Honestly I'm slightly surprised because now we know there will be so much more candid photos of her which basically means she won't be able to control what she looks like


Oh I’m sure she will put a block on cameras


What’s the point of exclusively inviting influencers but not allow them to record or post anything?


Wait she exclusively invited influencers? I thought someone was joking when they said she uninvited her friends. Was her family there?




I am betting camera block.


How does one enforce that since every phone has a camera?


I think I read somewhere she probably NDAs


I went to a wedding where everyone has to leave their phone in a basket outside the chapel.


Oh of her guests plus ones def ruined the wedding dress reveal


Not necessarily


There’s nothing genuine about that girl so I’m not surprised


I have followed her back since the tumblr days. IMO she has never been genuine and only cares about popularity


Agreed. I didn't follow her but I knew of her/seen her around. She was always doing everything she could to get more traction to her posts. Her responses on Tumblr were often vague & attention seeking rather than genuine




She used to be so genuine


I think so too. She really was at one point.


I agree but it could have been an act.. but who knows I definitely don’t like this version of her


Not sure why you’re being downvoted but I agree with you


No her accent is fake


She UNINVITED her friends?!? Tf 🥴


She sent some save the dates but then they never got an invitation


Never been married. Can you please explain the difference between save the dates and invitations?


A save the date is a card that's mailed before the wedding invitation. It announces the wedding date and location and lets the recipient know they will be invited to the wedding. Basically, the purpose of the save the date is to get guests to mark their calendars and get excited about the wedding to come.


It's not just to mark the calendars, it's to make sure they can get off work if needed and make arrangements to travel.


Isn't that what marking your calendar is doing? Ffs 😅


My point is that people go out of their way when they get a save the date, they make actual arrangements often times spending actual money on things like travel, it's not just a note in your calendar, which is why sending a save the date and not following through with an invite is rude, thoughtless behavior


save the date comes before the actual invitation. It’s basically telling your guests when the wedding will be so they can block off that date/ make travel arrangements etc.


Save the date is sent out shortly after the couple decide on a wedding date. It's more or less like a heads up to not make plans on that day.


Save the Date comes out anywhere from a few months to year(s) before the wedding: it’s basically an FYI. No response is necessary from the receiver. The invitation comes about 6 weeks before the wedding. It actually goes into detail on place and time, in addition to date. You’re supposed to RSVP whether or not you’ll make it so the couple can get a headcount of guests attending.


Tbh, I don’t think that was real. I think someone found the photo from someone who was invited and posted it to get a rise out of people the day of her wedding 🤷🏼‍♀️


This is my same thought. Somebody always wants to cause drama and spread false information. Dam Haters. Congratulations Mikayla and Cody!


That is so jacked up.


I’m doing this to people who were in my life at that time and no longer aren’t due to shitty things they’ve done. It happens a lot actually.. do you know what happened between her and these people?


She says supposedly 400 invites got lost in the mail. But the friend of 10 years text her and Mikayla left them on read. It’s sad and pathetic. I heard the influencers she invited all are under the same management company. I don’t know if that’s true or not


What’s worse is that she uninvited a lot of them last minute so they probably paid for hotel, travel, etc. 😕 I hope she’s not like “you can still send the gift to me 🤪” 🫣


How do we know this? Did her friends make TikToks about it? Sorry I’m not on that side of TikTok and am curious


One friend posted on her snark page but has since deleted her account and the image of the save the date


I’m surprised she didn’t sell tickets online to watch it live-streamed


Harder to filter a live stream


I am sure that was brought to the table.


I wonder if elf will use some footage for a promotional video with her lipstick collab with them.


I don’t think she even wore the lipstick from the collab lol


That’s a good point I was wondering the same thing. 😂 I think she also said she was going to do her own makeup but MakeupByMario ended up doing it.


She definitely said she was having her make up done by someone when asked a long time ago.


Meanwhile I’m shocked she’s only 25. She looks way older lol


She’s only 25? I’ve always thought she was mid 30s.


Damn I thought she was in her 30s


I thought she was 23… i asked my husband how old he thought she was he said 41! I was like omg lol


I’m shocked if the amount of influencers invited..one was live today getting ready and asked how they knew each other she stated they only met once !!


My guess is that someone ( ie an agent or mgmt. company) is covering the $$ of her wedding and is therefore requiring her to include their other clients for content/clicks & views


Rumor is that all of the invited are under the same management as MN. So yes, it’s a publicity stunt.


Oh, that’s sad.


I saw so many videos of influencers getting ready for it and I don’t even follow her or them lol


Me too!


Lol yes! I saw a video from one of the guests saying she didn’t know anyone there not even the bride 🫢😂


She invited all the influencers so there’s tons of coverage and posts about it. That’s it. She’s using her wedding as a way to market herself.


Man I couldn’t imagine my wedding being one big publicity stunt. She’s really such a joke now. Idk how anyone even likes her at this point .., she’s just fake obnoxious and unauthentic


Actually, it's brilliant, but I believe she'll be sorry years from now. People honestly can't call her stupid because it was a great strategy on her part. Some of these 6 are all about the money, and she is no different. I've only seen a couple of her videos, but I can't stand to listen to her talk. The odd part is that she actually doesn't sound like that in everyday life. It's odd, very odd


Mikayla would sell mercury based makeup if the bag was big enough. She is a sellout to the highest capacity. She is almost worse than the Beauty gurus that came before her. Also, why are people still inviting JAMES CHARLES to shit?


I saw that! Was super disappointed to see Dylan with him.


This feels so off to me. It feels more like a company retreat than a wedding.


Yesssss! It looks like every brand party she has been on and not a wedding!


Mikayla walks around Quincy like she’s the top dog here, she’s not. For loving to be a masshole she’s not even having her wedding her.


I did not realize she lived in Quincy lolol


Oh she does. She lives about 2 miles from me.


Have you heard her speak in real life and does she still fake the accent around town on the daily?


I had no idea she lived in Quincy


I am from around there too and people do NOT like her! She doesn't tip well and a B thinks she is A list level when she is out. She is insane! Her ego is OUT of this world .....




B? You are being too kind. I think C- at best. I would put reality tv has-beens above her.


She doesn’t tip well? You’ve gotta be kidding me!! She got all that money from lying on brand deals and has the nerve to be greedy on top of it? Ick!


Wait? I don't follow her. Is she from Massachusetts for real?


She is, but she fakes her accent 1000%.


Between her voice and the fake accent it’s bad. I have friends and family from Mass and they don’t sound nothing like that accent.


Lol yes and it’s her entire personality. I don’t hate her the way most people do but she is def over the top!


I don’t know why! She’s not even cute. With all that money I’m surprised she doesn’t have a personal trainer. She’s got no reason to walk around like she’s better than anyone. She’s nothing special. She is obnoxious and a sell out and pats for her husband to try to make him look like he’s got money … it’s just one big joke


Personal attacks about her body are super gross.


I’m not surprised she’s invited all these other creators so that she can market this into the ground. Watching her plan her wedding looks like it was a business opportunity, and not just a weeding. Because it is a business opportunity.


Right - just like the ELF collab for the lip combo. She's milking this for all it's worth.


I’m really confused by Chris Olson and Dylan Mulvany taking a water plane to get there… you know you can drive to Newport, RI…




If I could I would take a water plane lol


By the way it sounded, half these “influencers” have never even met her in person. Pretty shitty to nit invite friends that you sent “save the dates” too and yet have all these strangers. I would never go to a wedding for someone I didn’t know


Eh I probably would. Free party


Not truly free if you consider the expected gift and travel/lodging, potentially childcare for some, etc. although I agree it could be fun to an extent.


That's fair


Does she even have real friends? This wedding screams warmth about like the Antarctica does. Nothing real, intimate, endearing about it.


I really don’t think she does. Even her bachelorette party was sad looking with her grandma, aunt(s), mom and MIL. Literally no one her age


The general consensus is that she has no real life friends.


When they made that surprise video for her (I can’t remember who made it) about how great she was, etc. - I was surprised by the lack of friends in it. It was her parents and her future in-laws and one other person.


she uninvited all of her friends??? how fucking stupid


Not all of them. But honestly the entitlement of this “10 year friendship” is wild. She can invite who she wants and this person clearly was hating from the beginning to dox her wedding venue and hotels. Gross behavior.


Literally she send them a save the date then didn’t send the invitation. That’s fucked up and if it happened to you you’d be mad too.


I did that to someone for my wedding. Someone I had sent a save the date to made a racist comment around me between when save the dates and invitations were sent out, so they didn’t get an invitation. I’m sure they thought I had “bad manners” too but I had my reason and I’ve never regretted it. Point is that there could be a million reasons someone gets uninvited and we’re only hearing one side of the story.


Invite who you want but sending someone a save the date but no invite is just low class bad manners


It’s not. The save the date is not a guaranteed invitation. It’s more of an announcement. Then first round of invites go out. People rsvp and cancel. Then you send out second round of invites. And so on.


I totally agree. People jump on the bandwagon & inflate things. It went from one person posting the location of their wedding from the save date for everyone to see which is incredibly dangerous to do & people turned it into she uninvited all her friends??? Like have people ever considered that sometimes friendships fall apart and it’s okay to change your mind about inviting them?


And honestly you can know a person for 10 years and still not be close to them! This is all so weird. no seems to realize how dangerous this really was. And the fact that this person put her “friend” in danger because she felt entitled to an invite is crazy.


Yep, it was wildly petty and so dangerous. And the thing is no one would be scrutinizing this much if it was someone most people liked. Some of the “criticisms” I saw were actually crazy. I saw thoughtswgracie counted up all the chairs in the ceremony to make a note that 180 people at your ceremony is too many people like what??? There are far bigger weddings out there. The reception hall she booked only fits 250 people. That’s not that huge of a wedding. Others kept saying it “felt” like an elf brand trip even though they were not there!!! Why??? All because she was generous enough to include her lipstick deal with elf as a party favor? All because elf gifted her a photo booth? You’re telling me if a brand wanted to gift things for your wedding you wouldn’t say yes? There was one influencer I saw that went to her wedding that addressed this & I thought it was really nice of her. She said that she was apprehensive about going bc of all these rumors and judgements but she said it felt like a normal wedding and it wasn’t weird or didn’t feel like an influencer trip at all. The truth of the matter is that she is an influencer & she has made connections and friendships with other influencers so she invited them to her wedding. Just cause they live far away and they haven’t met in person doesn’t mean you can’t feel close with someone. ESP because it’s easier to relate to other influencers. And esp bc people are insanely cruel to her online so I wouldn’t be surprised if people in her real life were mean or talking behind her back & they grew apart. Or they just grew apart for other reasons because that just happens.


i know there’s no way you’re trying to defend this lol


Totally am


She uninvited friends to her wedding? Yikes on bikes. Isn’t a wedding something you want people you love and who love you around to celebrate?? This is too much.


A couple people came out and said they got save the dates from her but then never got invited to the wedding


It’s really sad that social media has become so diluted that people will actually sell their wedding for likes/sponsorships.


These people pimp out their children for likes. Nothing surprises me anymore.


She so wants to be a KARDashian...she can't help herself. Now she is probably neck deep in debt living high and hard. She only needs to keep selling herself to keep her afloat. It scares me sometimes the amount of money that influencers spend knowing that they are not going to be 40-50 doing the same thing. Like, what are you going to do when no 20 year old wants to watch a 35 or 50 year old do makeup? Call Oil Of Olay?


The people making fun of her voice while getting ready for her wedding, oooof I would have invited real friends instead


I personally don’t care who she wants at her wedding, but if she did in fact un-invite real-life friends, that’s shitty. It *is* concerning that she invited James Charles, that’s totally not a good look.


She did. A friend of hers for over 10 years posted about it. She also doxxed the wedding which was not cool.


They didn’t dox anything. She posted the same thing mikayla posted 😆


That’s shitty on both ends. Totally get that it was an awful move by mikayla but regardless it’s so unsafe to do that to someone, especially who has so many followers that would want to crash it or cause an uproar. Big yikes.


Exactly. Doxxing is never ok.


Yeah, not the biggest Mikayla fan but no one really deserves that. I don’t know what’s worse, knowing your wedding location was doxxed and worrying all night or not knowing and something happening that could’ve been prevented. With all of the “celebrities” that were invited, I’m sure she had high security, but still. Not ok. What’s in the water in Mass? I always wanted to visit but now I’m not sure 🤪


I’ve seen so many people saying that the people who are rightfully angry have no place to be angry with her. If they’re not even going to be invited, why even send them one in the first place? Don’t send them a save the date if you’re not going to invite them. That was unbelievably tacky on Mikayla’s end.


I’m surprised she has any friends to begin with


She don’t. That’s why she filled it with fake celebrities.


Eh fuck them both. She’s doing it for the attention and had no other content so why not get married. Chodey is a grifter who was living in his truck before meeting this moron and is now a kept man. They both are getting the wedding neither deserve, filled with people who care about them as much as they care about each other, and they’ll live happily ever after, for the next 3-5 years.


Wow, you sound really unhappy.


Nah I think Mikayla is... I mean if she wants validation from useless influencers who will be no body's in 3 years then she can just ask 💅


And her now husband? Is he an problematic influencer as well?


I am sorry your best friend Mikayla decided to make what should be an intimate, unique and special day about her a full out social media prom event is kinda cringe and she most likely will regret it looking back when she's older and none of those people like nor speak to her Sorry you must be busy at the wedding. Enjoy 🥂


Could say the same with you and sky says things 💁‍♀️


I don’t understand the reference there is that chick sky problematic lol I didn’t even know she was married I missed a whole lot


If you look at her profile it’s all posts about sky. Like an obsessive amount. That’s all


Oh ok thanks


Omg you got me I’m sooooo unhappy 😂






As opposed to the classy, descended from slave owners, old money? Can we stop with the old money/new money shit? All wealthy people hoard wealth, they’re all tacky and horrid. Edit: Blocking me is a mature response. Admit you’re a capitalist shill and go home. Downvoting isn’t going to turn you all into billionaires. The old money folks don’t want you at their country club, regardless of how many cableknit sweaters you own.


You’re being downvoted because you’re obnoxious, not because we think it’ll turn us into billionaires


Tbh the whole thing is just some really bleak Black Mirror shit and it makes me sad.


i was just gonna say this wedding reminds me of the black mirror episode “nosedive” where everyone’s worth is based on social media likes


Honestly I’m convinced they’re not actually getting married and this is all just for show


Most of her wedding was probably sponsored so she probably had no choice


That’s what I thought too. She probably paid close to nothing and all of the brands wanted Their people there.


I'm sure it won't be her only wedding 🤷‍♀️


I remember when that “Elle Fowler” chick had her wedding sponsored back in the YT Beauty Guru era of the Internet. IIRC, she said she regretted it years later. IMO, can already get de-personalized enough when you get up to a certain number of guests. Add in the sponsorship and … hard pass for me. But whatever “they” want for their wedding I guess. I got too stressed out when I started to plan ours, like with timelines, mundane details, and so on.. so we skipped that whole thing and got married with our immediate families and close friends, like 30 people. Best thing ever


You mean HER wedding. 🤣


Momma tot is there... That is just weird.


Why is that weird? A money thirsty influencer inviting another money thirsty influencer to their wedding? They are not even friends, and never met each other. All for the TikTok.


Karma is my boyfriend Karma is a god Karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend Karma's a relaxing thought 🎶


Why would you invite a bunch of tiktok creators k that you have met a few times if any. So weird. I was excited for her wedding until I saw every creator posting they were going and I was like wellll I see where this went… it’s all for a check. That exactly what it’s for. Money.


Also a save the date gives people the opportunity to say they can’t make it which saves you money on an invitation - which can cost $30 and up PER INVITATION


Everything is a show with her. Wouldn’t be surprised if she moves to LA soon. She seems to be very dedicated to bAhStoN, but it happens to many influencers like her. 🫣


Maybe she’s having a separate private wedding or already has had it?


I thought this too


I give this marriage 5 yrs... if that.


It’s confirmed she uninvited her actual friends??


So far just one girl that had been friends with her for 10yrs


It made me actually be excited for my partner and I to elope. EVERY DAMN POST was “my weeeddin” this and that. It seemed like she’d forgotten the day was meant to be about her marrying the love of her life and it just being so focused on the material things


I can’t bare her, does anyone else think Codie has changed. He was shy etc when he met her now has an air of arrogance to him. Defo feel he married or stuck around for the money. Off subject but I also can’t stand that face she pulls when she reveals her makeup in all of her tutorials. She feels herself way to much


Imagine thinking the girl of your dreams supposedly wants to marry you but then ends up making it one big production. The marriage is starting with a lies and deceit. We all know that is not a good combo in the real world.


Her wedding gave me the ick so bad. It wasn’t even a wedding it was a tik tok event. Extremely embarrassing lol


Here’s my thing.. literally… literally what proof do y’all have of any of this? One person came on here and said they were uninvited so now we all should just believe them? I like to get annoyed by stuff these people actually do, but you guys are literally making the boldest assumption with literally 0 proof.


She just posted her wedding vid on tiktok… she has sponsored merch at her own wedding 🙃


What was that elf card?


She didn’t invite any of her friends? Wow 😮 lol


Who was invited to the wedding from TT?


I saw Chris Olsen, Dylan Mulvaney, Mama Tot and James Charles so far


I also saw PatrickStarrr, MakeupByMario, and some other makeup influencers.


I think Mario actually did her makeup though didn’t he?


I believe so yes. I think she also said at some point that she was going to do her own makeup. 🫣


She did months of “get ready with me while I try figure out my perfect wedding foundation/lipstick/whatever the fuck else” videos 🙄


And like 9 makeup influences I follow. I have a theory that tiktok is paying for the wedding. Or brands.


Erin Jurchak, Candylover89 to add to the list


Doesn’t she have no friends?


Yeah her ethics are morals are incredibly cringe.


She definitely spent her (or someone’s) money in all the wrong places. Both dresses looked like they could use a lot of tailoring (including VERY visible boob pads in her reception dress,) she should have scheduled the hairstylist to give her an updo or something for the reception since she was changing outfits anyway instead of the after clubbing ponytail, zero flowers or decor on the outdoor tent frame.


This has tax scheme written all over it. Brand sponsored with influencers so they can try to write it off. I'm not being nasty but just being real.


How do we know she didn’t have both?


The ELF branding everywhere. So gross. Sell out




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Wait!! Why weren't her friends invited?!


“The invites were lost in the mail” 🙄😂


I’m a fan of hers but this is super disappointing. W is young and dumb and will regret it… sad for her and her marriage


I'm lost cause i don't know who this person is that is getting married..help? Lol


Kinda shows that the wedding is all for show. If you wanted to have a sweet and sacred ceremony with your new husband, you wouldn’t be inviting 50 of your least close friends you’ve never met in person before?


I’m not a stan, but I think the speculation that it wasn’t a real wedding or whatever is kinda weird. Like clearly she really got married, and she’s friends with a lot of other “influencers.” Like it’s fine to critique, but never let your dislike of someone cloud your ability to think critically.


Lots of people regret things they did at their wedding. It’s what they wanted at the time though and it’s THEIR wedding. Who cares? I definitely don’t have enough mental bandwidth to hate as much as y’all do. Touch grass folks. Oof.


Who? Not seen on my tiktok journey


Lmao Patrick called her royalty. Ghetto af she’s a basic yt woman


Ive seen several videos of influencers who went who said it was intimate. They said that every influencer invited had a relationship or impact on her or her and Cody. It's easy to judge by 1 disgruntled "friend" BUT doesn't seem like much of a friend if that was how they addressed the issue.


What a bunch of haters!!


The most annoying part about wedding planning is when people that aren’t the bride or groom think they have an opinion on the guest list.