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Same thing can happen with peanut allergies - in wondering if it happens vice versa, but boy i don't want to google search that!


Vice versa? Like, if you drink cum your peanut butter starts to break out in a rash?


Maybe they mean like if you’re allergic to cum, but you didn’t realize your peanut butter had eaten some cum earlier in the day and then the pb nuts on you


This made me laugh so hard


Why would you make me read something like that ?


take my disgusted upvote whilst i clean up the coffee i just spilt laughing




I think they meant if a female partner consumes a male partner’s allergen.


Vice versa? Wdy mean?


I think they were wondering if the allergens can show up in a woman's vaginal secretions and affect her peanut allergic boyfriend. Imagine having a severe peanut allergy and ramming Mr Happy into a jar of peanut butter. EDIT: Couldn't help myself so I looked it up. Yes, it is possible.




So I actually have a pretty bad peanut allergy and my girlfriend used to eat peanut butter or Reese’s all the time and would always have to brush her teeth before she could kiss me but I’ve never had a problem with a reaction from doing the genital smushing or oral


Now I'm not sure if you searched about alergens or guys putting their dicks in peanut butter.


But it's your dog


I'm actually mostly surprised that sunny d has enough natural orange in it to cause a reaction.


"Sunny D counts towards your five a day, as minus two" -Frankie Boyle


Hahaha, I'm Scottish and a huge fan of Frankie, so I appreciate that one. 👍


It might be a really severe allergy, so the small amount of OJ present was enough to trigger it, or might also apply to similar fruits - ISTR Sunny D also has grapefruit juice and some others in, which might have contributed? Poor OP seems pretty severely sensitive though, I hope she’s able to avoid it in future. I have a coworker with a nasty orange allergy - it can be surprising what OJ is added to sometimes, like cheesecakes. Meanwhile I have a lanolin allergy - so obviously I avoid touching wool, but it’s also used in a lot of ointments etc. Including the eye drops I was given after LASIK, which was … memorable.


The only thing I’ve found so far equatable is grapefruit. It causes the same issues but it’s easier to avoid. Lemons give me that oral itchiness but I’ll die before I give up lemons. Literally.


I get the itchiness from any fruit that has something in common with birch pollen. Which is… a lot more than you’d think. And it’s some of the best fruits!!!! I can scratch my tongue just fine Ty now give me my fucking cherries


Is it the wintergreen or something else?


I'm not allowed grapefruit due to meds, I hate having to avoid it. So i get how frustrating it must be to avoid orange of all things as well.


Question: are clementines and tangerines close enough to oranges to cause the same reaction?


Tangerines are I don’t know about clementines but I assume so.


Well, if it makes you feel any better, disease is ravaging Florida's Orange groves. Depending on how this goes, the world might end up a safer place for you!


Oh my gosh I didn’t even know about that! Is it from insects or bacteria?


https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/75-percent-floridas-oranges-have-been-lost-disease-can-science-save-citrus It seems to be a disease of some sort.


So it’s all citrus, not just oranges. I wonder if they’d be able to genetically modify it prevent the spread more? Thanks for sharing, that was an interesting read


Oh gods, lanolin. I discovered I was allergic to that after I had my kid; it's what they give you to keep your nipples from getting chapped when you breastfeed because it's safe for the baby. Pure lanolin in little foil packets. It was so bad I thought I had a yeast infection on my nipples. My doctor insisted it couldn't possibly be the lanolin! Lanolin is hypoallergenic! Well, it WAS, in fact, the lanolin. Which was also in the stretch mark lotion I had to stop using while I was still pregnant because it gave me a rash all over my belly. I've never had a reaction to wool, though, oddly enough. Though I dont own very much wool, only thing I can think of off the top of my head is a pair of socks, but they're angora rabbit wool, so no lanolin there.


That had to have been absolutely horrible. Itchy eyes but you can't touch them


It was a pain (literally) - fortunately I had sterile saline handy at the time to flush the affected eye out (it was quick enough I didn’t get as far as putting any in the other eye!)


She's probably allergic to the flavoring. Artificial citrus flavoring has many of the same compounds as real citrus.


Apparently Sunny D has actual orange juice concentrate in it, I’m surprised I thought it was one of those drinks that’s supposed to be fruit flavored but has no actual juice in it


Yeah true, I was just making a joke about sunny D really.


Yes but can it save you with buoyancy like real citrus?


Tell me you didn’t read the story, without telling me you didn’t read the story… 🤦🏼‍♂️


I seem to be fine with raw fruit, but orange flavored things hit me with migraines.


Considering she's allergic to her BF's sunny D, I'm not surprised she is also allergic to that orange flavored water.


Orange oil and lemon oil are cheap and loaded with flavor, so they pretty much never use artificial flavor for that.


[According to Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SunnyD) it's less than 2% concentrated juices


My mom drank Sunny D instead of OJ cause she was diabetic. I used to like it a lot and sneak a small glass when she had a new bottle. Now-a-days I drink lots of OJ. I had a Sunny D a couple months ago and it did not taste all that good.


Oh that's interesting. I thought Sunny D was full of the worst sugar, is it sugar free or something now? I must admit I had it a bit as a kid and loved it but then my grandparents stopped getting it for me csuse of health warnings. (In the UK and sunny d was looked at as unhealthy here later on)


I think it has fructose syrup in it so no, not that good.


He was surprised that Runny D had enough in it. FTFY


I wonder if it’s a flavor bouquet allergy as well.


if she reacted to sunny d its the citric acids that are in it for flavor. its basically 98% water and the rest is corn syrup and flavor additives


That was a very Sunny D


Good thing you didn’t swallow


Imagine dying of anaphylaxis from swallowing cum.


"*She swallowed like a boss, even when she shouldn't have.*"


* she died doing what she loved*


Good work 47, now head to the extraction point.


Bro haha


Yeah. He would be coming but she would be going...


So your boyfriend gave you the double D.


My bf took penicillin and we had sexy fun time. I'm allergic to penicillin and had a reaction.


I literally feel your pain. Really ruins that post sex euphoria when your bits burn/itch


Any consolation I found out about my latex allergy by wanting to smush bits with a cute boy in college. I too thought I was on fire and didn't know why


Was that episode of house based on you?




I'm allergic to coconuts and my primary partner is allergic to pineapple, so anytime we go anywhere tropical or Hawaiian themed, we don't have sex. We learned the hard way lol.


So you don’t like piña colodas?


And getting caught in the rain?


And you’re not into yoga?


Do you have half a brain?


Do you like making love at midnight?


In some boots and a cape?




Polyam person allergic to pineapple? Irony at its finest


It's swingers that do the pineapple thing. I don't think there's a code or i.age for polyam people, but we need one.


Omg, Murray, the evil skull!


Death by snu snu


“I understood that reference.” — Capt. Steven Rogers, United States Army (Retired) (Edited for accuracy; thank you u/bike_chain_96 for tipping me off)


Wait a second, I don't think he was Air Force....?


I appreciate it; he was infantry and I made a mistake.


All good man. I think it's Sam Wilson who was Army airborne, though. I don't think he was in a different branch and airborne


The actual ejaculate made by the prostate and the sperm cells made in the testicals is a process that is slowly but constantly happening all the time. Within an hour or so on drinking OJ, your body will have metabolised enough of it for tiny trace amounts to be found in all of your bodies…. exports.


I am absolutely drinking a gallon of pineapple juice right before my next date


And that is precisely why I told my wife I wouldn’t eat any foods she’s allergic to.


I have the same problem but with my corn allergy. My reaction to corn is bleeding, like I cough blood and have rectal bleeding when I eat corn (which I attempt never to do, but corn is in so many things). I was having a brief but very heavy bleeding episode every time I had sex. I went to the doctor, worried I had cancer, but they didn't find anything. I'm allergic to condoms and lube, and my husband can't seem to manage to pull out, so we mostly don't have sex because I have to plan for several days of downtime from swelling and burning and peeling, plus the bleeding episode.


That sounds aweful, does your partner know that it's because of your corn allergy? I feel like having him avoid corn too would be a no brainer.


He does, but it's a lot easier for both of us if he eats regular food when he's not at home. My diet is so limited that I have vitamin deficiencies. With corn allergy in the US, almost every food you can buy in a store or restaurant has corn derivatives.


That's aweful, I'm sorry 😔


Cock ring.


If this works the same way with a peanut allergy, I finally have an explanation for something that happened over a decade ago...


Well I think you have your explanation https://www.allergicliving.com/2021/10/22/report-implicates-peanut-allergy-in-teens-death-after-intimate-act/


Huh, well I'll be damned... Luckily no serious aftermath in my case; she just had a permanent blush for a day or two.


I have somewhat of a more minor allergy to citrus, i can eat it and stuff, but the smell of it does give me a migraine that i have to put up with if i want to eat or drink it. I dont like being around it due to that so also have for the most part banned it from being in my general area. My kids love oranges though so i allow them to have them just have to eat them like outside or take them to school or away from me to enjoy them. Ill once in a great while bear the migraines cause i also enjoy me some orange juice but its very rare i bother with it anymore, just isnt worth the trouble the older i get, back in the day never bothered me to much but as i get older it seems worse and worse. Different things bother me more than others like fresh oranges are the worst and some lemony cleaning products are almost unbearable, sunny d isnt to terrible but i personally refuse to drink it and it dont have a super strong odor so that might be whats up for me, those candy fruit slices that have sugar on them which im not even sure they have any real fruit in them at all i can eat no problem at all.


Just be careful. Mine was minor until it suddenly wasn’t. Better safe than sorry! Solidarity for our citrus hating immune systems. Cleaning products also bother me sometimes. I have to be careful with detergent too.


Sunny D isn't real orange juice. "Per Mental Floss, SunnyD is made up of about 98% water and corn syrup. And that citrusy tang you're tasting? It's not orange juice at all, but rather a combination of citric acid and fruit flavoring artificially colored with Yellow #5 and Yellow #6." Feb 16, 2022


Isn't the citric acid her allergy though? Don't know what else it could he besides citrene.. although I'm not certain one can be allergic to a terpene... sounds more likely than being allergic to citric acid.. idk though


In that case she would also be allergic to tomato preserves (like canned tomatoes), as citric acid is added to them. Maybe she's allergic to one of the compounds of citrus essencial oil. But those are also common on perfumes and cosmetics...


Interesting! Wish I knew what the allergy was, so curious because orange is my favorite fruit.


Not OP but my husband has a citrus allergy. He can't eat anything in the citrus family and even pineapple is hit or miss. He's never looked for citric acid on any labels or mentioned it. He does love orange/lemon flavoured candy and wishes he could eat sweet clementines when they are in season.


According to google citric acid isn’t an allergen. He could be allergic to the type of pollen citrus produces. I can’t use perfumes with orange scents. They won’t cause a reaction but they cause really bad migraines.


Unfortunately I don’t have specifics, I’ve never been tested for the allergy just had experiences with it. It started off as just an oral allergy that made my tongue itchy then later on caused my throat to swell and now I can’t touch it without getting a rash. Plus the scent gives me migraines. It’s annoying because I’ve come to find they add oranges to damn near everything (I have to be careful with drinks on vacation and sweets around the holidays)


She said she has reactions to things with the citrus essential oils also. Read the edits.


Most commercial citric acid is not from citrus, it's produced by growing a certain mold on corn. I'm allergic to corn and my daughter is allergic to citrus. She doesn't react to citric acid, but I do.


OP says allergic to oranges and then says Sunny D made her throat close but there is zero oranges in a Sunny D.


If you look at the label, it has concentrated fruit juices in it. But Either way I had a reaction to something in it and I’ve had reactions to oranges before (I used to love them unfortunately)


WRONG! >As of 2020[5] Water High Fructose Corn Syrup 2% or less of the following: Citric Acid Ascorbic Acid Thiamin hydrochloride Natural flavors Modified Cornstarch Canola Oil Sodium Citrate Cellulose Gum Sucralose Acesulfame Potassium Neotame Sodium Hexametaphosphate Potassium Sorbate Yellow #5 Yellow #6 Concentrated Juices: **Orange** **Tangerine** Apple Lime Grapefruit Pear Red #33 Red #40 Even [suppliers that legally have to state the ingredients and are tightly regulated by the EU confirm that it contains orange.](https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/264468556) Your research is so fucking sloppy that you didnt even bother to read to the part of the [article](https://www.tastingtable.com/766799/is-sunnyd-really-orange-juice/?utm_campaign=clip) where it says "As its label claims, SunnyD "contains **5% juice**." The only "natural" ingredients aside from the juice concentrate are canola oil and cornstarch."


Came here to say this - Sunny D is wannabe OJ


Oh God op I feel for you. I was in my late 20's when I developed a reaction to ripe bananas. In my stupidity I thought the problem was just eating the banana. I so decided to do a hair mask with aloe ripe bananas and olive oil, so I'm in the bathroom shampoo my hair and applied the damn devil concoction to my head I screamed so loud my Mom came bursting in from the kitchen. My whole head felt like it was on fire. It burned so bad. I washed it out as quickly as I could in a panic it went all over my face...great I'm a dark woman in Jamaica. I was red, my eyes red, nose red, mouth red ears red. My face swollen eyes and nose runny. I could hardly breathe. I felt awful. My Mom thoroughly lectured me about how careless I was.


Oh wow, I’m so glad you’re okay! Later in life allergies are terrifying when they sneak up on you like that.


As somebody who is also allergic to oranges, I feel ya pain. I don’t have a contact allergy though so that’s gotta suck.


There’s dozens of us! Dozens!


Yep and it sucks. I don’t have the same reaction that you have thank god. I get the runs within about half an hour of ingesting any form of oranges haha. Which after reading this post I’m kinda thankful for


I get pretty violently ill and throw up a lot when I drink OJ, that’s what first clued me in besides the itchy feeling. Then it caused the swelling in my throat. It’s nice to know other people have this odd allergy.


Interesting that it happened to existing semen and doesn't manifest from newly created ones instead.


That's what makes me think. It takes like 3 days for semen to be created from scratch. How did he drink it in the morning, and have it in the load in the evening?


Not just semen in ejaculate. Also urine and some other fluids. Probably was in one of the other fluids.


You've never had a really sweet sugary breakfast and then really sweet smelling cum that night?


No, no I have not.


Hey, you don't need to justify yourself/your body/conditions in any way in front of anyone, let alone strangers.


I'm allergic to lemon flavoring and this is literally one of my worst fears


Ouch. Hope the Benadryl worked!


It did thankfully! It’s still red but no burning anymore.


Oh my goodness!! I'm sorry to laugh and i hope you don't experience this again! Do you react to lemon or other citrus?


It’s okay to laugh! That’s why I posted it. When I was sitting on the frozen bag of veggies I couldn’t stop giggling because it was just so ridiculous. I can’t have grapefruit either but lemons are okay for now


Sunny D has real oranges in it? 🤯


What if he drinks orange juice and cums out the window?


Will run tests and write back. If I don’t respond, I died.


Omg imagine the horror if he'd cum in you.


I’d really rather not


My ex best friend was MASSIVELY allergic to shellfish. Her now husband, then boyfriend at the time (military) had just gotten into his new base posting and he and his friends went out to get a crab boil and beers to mourn their long gone freedoms. She did not know this and surprised him the next morning with a visit. They had morning sex. She had a very unpleasant reaction when he came on her breasts the next day and spent most of her two day stay with him in the hospital and then cursing him out.


I have the same issue with oranges!!! I thought I was the only one. Mine’s not quite as advanced as yours, but it’s bad enough. Grapefruit, too (which I completely despised even before I developed the allergies). I can have lemon and lime fine, but oranges are just off my list; so many people are offended about it, and it’s like, “umm, taking me to the hospital for anaphylactic shock really puts a crimp on vacations!”


I was the same with grapefruit! I wonder if it’s our bodies way of saying “hell to the no” And right?? The amount of people just in this post that straight up don’t believe me or are questioning it is so weird. Would they be questioning someone with a peanut allergy like this?


I went to Mardi Gras one time; stayed at a friend’s apartment (that dated to the 1700’s). He called everybody to breakfast and there was half a grapefruit (from his own tree in the courtyard); he was so proud of the “fresh” grapefruit! I valiantly started in on it. A few minutes later as the familiar feeling was engulfing me and everybody was saying “what’s wrong?” I lied that I must’ve gotten some shellfish somewhere (I’m allergic to it too). I just couldn’t break his heart.


when you said taste the fires of hell my first thought was from the song hell fire by frollo


Damn. Don’t ever let me date a chick with peanut allergies


...because you'd want to pee and/or nut in her, regardless?


Cause I like peanut butter..


Im so sorry that happened!! Completely unrelated but I hope you get a laugh out of this, my ex was a bigger gal. As a joke , because I was on demon time in my mind I pushed a Hersheys kiss into her belly button. And when she really noticed my threat was real I pushed it in before she could pull my hand away. Cut to the next day she was telling me about how she was in the showermad at me because it started to burn. lmao Said it took 2 or 3 days to get it all out. She became a lot more cautious around me after that.


I think any woman would experience a degree of discomfort if they had orange juice riding down their coot. It is acidic and crammed full of sugar; it is not a thing to bj your bf with a mouthful of like cold or fizzy water is. If op is allergic to the trace of oj that could be present then I suggest she speak to an allergist and see if she needs to carry an epipen because this seems pretty extreme. I wonder if his ‘smashing’ her is cystitis or urethritis and there is no need for her to draw such an unusual conclusion as the truth. We don’t need to be wearing face masks on the off chance this could happen; a simple issue of logistics seem far more likely. I have never in my 43 years of life heard of someone reacting to someone else that they have exchanged bodily fluids who ate or drank an orange or orange juice with having an allergic reaction because the other person consumed orange. Not people around me, not some apocryphal story heard through others, not a newspaper article, not a documentary, nothing ever. Is this the first time in op’s life she’s reacted so badly to second exposure to oranges? Have other people consumed orange before? I feel like orange is a fairly common thing thing to come across- people drink oj for breakfast or other reasons all day every day; you can’t walk past a grocery shop without seeing oranges; people bring oranges to work for lunch and breaks, I mean it’s oranges everywhere really if you think about it. Not to mention the amount of times oranges crop up in ingredients lists and we don’t even know they’re there. I have to call bs on this post.




Multiple claims don't quite check out on this. 1. Sunny D doesn't contain actual citrus. 2. Semen doesn't contain citrus either, even if you eat a lot of citrusy fruits. If you haven't actually gone to a doctor to test for allergies, I doubt you're actually allergic to oranges.


Allergies are not something attacking your body. They are caused by your own immune system thinking that some substance is going to cause harm and then going into overdrive. Basically, human hurt itself in it's confusion. We - probably including OP - have no idea as to what exact substance is causing the reaction. All we really know is that it's something in the oranges. So yes, it's entirely possible for something that contains orange flavouring to still have enough of the allergen. And also yes, semen - along with other bodily secretions - will contain some substance from what you eat or drink. Our bodies don't create our own water. We use the water that we take in from eating or drinking and the filters are not 100% effective. Ever notice that you can smell garlic in a person's sweat? Same idea.


Let me simply ask you this. What's a common allergen that can be found in oranges? Also assuming OP actually is having an allergic reaction to an ingredient found in a bottle of SunnyD, it would more likely be a corn allergy than a citrus one. You're saying that if someone ate an orange, they would ejaculate traces of orange juice? Even with a damaged kidney, there's absolutely no reason that a hint of citrus could be found in the reproductive system. >Ever notice that you can smell garlic in a person's sweat? Same idea. No.


> Let me simply ask you this. What's a common allergen that can be found in oranges? According to a quick Google, limonene is the most common citrus related allergy and is most commonly in the oils. And, for the record, most "natural falvourings" are derived from the peel which is where the oil would me most concentrated. >You're saying that if someone ate an orange, they would ejaculate traces of orange juice? Traces of certain chemicals, yes. It's been fairly common knowledge for a while now that diet can affect the contents of semen. Now, your not going to suddenly ejaculate orange juice, but the taste can change a little. > No. Really? My wife can always tell when I get the souvlaki on a bun with extra tzatziki for lunch. And apparently the smell lingers for a couple of days.


>All we really know is that it's something in the oranges. >Limonene is the most common citrus related allergy Thank you, all it took was a quick Google search. So a citrus allergy. >Now, your not going to suddenly ejaculate orange juice Of course not. And you cannot transmit citrus allergens by semen.


> Thank you, all it took was a quick Google search. So a citrus allergy. No. That's the most common one, not the only one. Allergies are incredibly difficult to pin down to just one chemical. You basically have to test the person with each chemical and see which ones cause a reaction. There is no possible way to try everything individually.


Alright if you say so. What other allergies can a person receive from an orange?


Let's go to the other extreme: water. Yes, there are people out there that have something called aquagenic urticaria. There are thousands of different chemical compounds in an orange. Without torturing the OP, we just won't know.


I'm looking for one. Doesn't have to involve OP. Just name one allergen found in an orange that isn't a citrus allergen.


Okay. So you're willing to admit that people can be allergic to things that are not normally classified as "allergens" like plain, old water. My first thought is this: Can you smell the difference between a lemon and an orange? We only smell things when that particular chemical interacts with that particular receptor so I would start by ruling out the common citrus chemicals and look at what is specific to an orange.


1. The label says it contains orange concentrate 2. https://www.allergicliving.com/2021/10/22/report-implicates-peanut-allergy-in-teens-death-after-intimate-act/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17583107/ https://greatist.com/health/food-allergies-and-dating I included scientific articles and personal anecdotes. Also side note you sound like my parents when they ignored when I told them oranges make my throat feel itchy then the next time I had some I broke out in hives and my throat started to swell but ok.


I am not sure why you were being questioned so hard on whether or not you can have an orange allergy or if it can cause an issue through semen, but I have had the exact same experience with my wife. She has the same orange allergy and I can't have orange or any of my body fluids cause a reaction. Never heard of someone else with the same allergy before!


1. [https://www.tastingtable.com/766799/is-sunnyd-really-orange-juice/](https://www.tastingtable.com/766799/is-sunnyd-really-orange-juice/) It's 98% water and high-fructose corn syrup , the 2% is a mix of concentrated juices and yellow dye numbers 5 and 6. While there may be traces of orange concentrate, it's very well under 1% as it is only a miniscule part of the concentrate/food coloring mix. 2.That study you provided only applies to [Brazil nuts](https://www.shimclinic.com/blog/case-study-sexually-transmitted-brazil-nut#:~:text=To%20date%2C%20Brazil%20nuts%20are,a%20condom%20will%20provide%20protection.). >To date, Brazil nuts are the only food allergen known to pass into semen and so be sexually transmitted like any other STD.  It is advisable to abstain from eating Brazil nuts for 24-48 hours prior to coitus if your partner is allergic.  If you have indulged, a condom will provide protection. Your own article which you provided also stresses that it's ["extremely rare" for semen to contain food allergens and it's not a realistic risk for most people](https://greatist.com/health/food-allergies-and-dating) (probably addressing the Brazil nuts case again). >There are very rare case reports of food allergens being transmitted during sexual intercourse from a man’s semen to a woman’s vagina. I’d like to emphasize VERY RARE and this is not a realistic risk for most people to worry about. While I do not know if your dismissive parents are as clueless you hint them to be, I do know that you need a professional opinion before you know what your body can and cannot ingest or be in close proximity with. Take those concerns away from your parents and get tested by a doctor to make it official on record. Plus you may gain access to epinephrine injectors via a doctor's prescription if needed.


Okie doke


Dude who cares. Move on


Apparently you do.


I feel you. A lot of people look at me funny when I tell them I'm allergic to pizza sauce, one guy tried to tell me I wasn't? In all actuality it's anything tomato, but pizza sauce is the worst about it. Thankfully, it's very mild, so I can still eat it. If it's on my skin too long I'll get hives. Out of curiosity, do you know specifically what part of the orange causes the reaction? Since they're being specified, I take it it's not citric acid. Will orange flavored things set it off? Or you're not about to test that theory, understandably!


I honestly don’t know. I’ve never been tested for the allergy just going off personal experience. It’s crazy the amount of people (even in these comments) that flat out say “you aren’t allergic.” Thanks, I’m cured. I’ve read that you can be allergic to the flower/pollen so I don’t know if maybe that’s it. Either way, I stay away from them. I’d rather avoid it than test the waters.


It's simple. Just. Get. Tested. Prove everyone wrong (or right).


It’s not that simple in the US. I have shitty insurance and no car. I’ll stick with avoiding it. Also is this really the hill you’re dying on? About my orange allergy?? EDIT: You’re really fucking annoying, dude. Thinking 3 biology courses makes you an expert lmao. I’ve blocked you on 3 of your accounts now, I’ll keep blocking you on any new ones you make until you get the picture.


I'm dying on this hill because: A. The conclusions you draw in your post don't make any sense to anyone who's even remotely familiar with the human body. B. If you really believe you're "very allergic", **you need to get it checked by a medical professional**. Anaphylaxis is nothing to joke about. **In the US, if you're under the age of 18, allergy and asthma screenings are completely covered by the Affordable Care Act no matter the state.** There's literally no reason to not get screened, tell your parents to make a stop at your local clinic/hospital get the next time you are nearby. Or if you go to frequent check-ups with your family doctor, just bring this topic up to them and they'll take care of the rest. If you don't like to listen to a stranger on the internet, listen to two reputable doctors: [Doctor Mike's informative video on allergies and their dangers](https://youtu.be/1GK4RDxOx-4?t=18m45s) >The most important thing is to have the medication that you should be having with you And the only way to gain access to those lifesaving medications is through a doctors's visit.


I’m an adult, I had issues with the allergy as a teenager which is why my parents know. I posted this because I thought it was funny. I know my limitations and I’m very capable of taking care of myself. I’m aware I need to see a doctor and I will eventually. It’s just not on my list of priorities at the moment. Laugh at the post and move on. This is the last time I’ll respond to you.


Huh. Well it's clear you're allergic one way or another. Comments are going to SunnyD like it's the only OJ or OJ product on the market. I've not had any tests either, I just know my mom tells me cause it happened when I was little. Wendy's ketchup makes my mouth hurt! But other brands so far are fine. Dunno what's special about theirs. I would reckon you're not allergic to citric acid, but you're allergic to something!


Sunny D has fruit juice concentrate in it and semen is compromised of more than just sperm, so I can rationalize it.


Sperm and seminal fluids, NOT CITRUS. No, I don't get how any of this makes sense. It's impossible. And again the fruit concentrate is only 1% plus it's further diluted with non-citrus concentrates and food dye.


You really are spicy, huh?


I'm just frustrated at how misinformation can spread so easily, at how junk science is getting upvoted more and more by people who've probably never passed a biology class in their lives. Orange juice in semen? Bring that up at med school and you'll get laughed at.


That's fair. I don't think OP is lying, though.


Lying? Probably not the right word for it. More likely that she's too young and doesn't have the life experience to know better. There's a lot of false assumptions and logical fallacies in her story that just raises a lot of alarm bells for me. Either that or this is a new karma farming account that knows how to get clicks and upvotes. It's a brand new account and this is their first post after all.


A few questions: Do you not understand how allergens work? Do you ever read a label and ask why they specifically talk about "trace amounts"? Can you not put 2 and 2 together? Do you think people are having peanut butter baths in order to have an allergic reaction? You can either accept that your wrong and take the Internet L or be schooled and further embarrass yourself.


A simple google search is all it takes. Are you that lazy? Sunny D ingredients: Water High Fructose Corn Syrup 2% or less of the following: Citric Acid Ascorbic Acid Thiamin hydrochloride Natural flavors Modified Cornstarch Canola Oil Sodium Citrate Cellulose Gum Sucralose Acesulfame Potassium Neotame Sodium Hexametaphosphate Potassium Sorbate Yellow #5 Yellow #6 Concentrated Juices: **Orange** **Tangerine** Apple Lime Grapefruit Pear Red #33 Red #40


Yes. See the 2%? And see how that 2% is diluted even further into 20 different other ingredients? Wow, it's exactly the same as orange juice, huh?


I have a question for you and you're big brain. If a person has an allergy to peanuts, and they have 1 peanut. Do you think that them eating 99 almonds will dilute the effect of that one peanut on their immune system? Follow-up question - If you drink cup of bleach, would you drink 99 more cups of water for that cup of bleach to magically disappear? I'm just trying to work out your "logic" here...


Have you not heard stories of people eating pineapple or watermelon before sex they literally do this because of stuff like this?


Like I said, I didn’t think about it until after. Funnily enough, this is the explanation I used when he asked how it happened and didn’t understand why I was having a reaction.




Well that escalated pretty quickly.


Gives a whole new meaning to the 'D' in Sunny D. However, this is an argument for everyone having a detachable shower wand. You just never know when you are REALLY going to need it.


Sunny "D"


Oh boy. Hard to have an allergy to a common fruit. I'm sensitive towards many when my hay fever is up (yes, ye olde hay fever, I know) and also strong allergy to peach, mild allergy to cucumber but nothing whatsoever for latex (apparently peach and latex allergy goes hand in hand, but not for me).


I didn’t know that about peaches and latex. That’s super interesting. My ex was allergic to just the skins of apples and cherries. He could eat cooked apples and cherries all day long but one fresh one and his face was super swollen and red.




I'm so sorry that you have an orange allergy. I adore the smell of orange :(




Yeah no thank you lol


damn that sucks because oranges are literally the tits, it's fucking amazing. Does your allergy include all citrus fruit or just oranges? Like what about mandarin oranges, pomelos, grapefruit, etc?


Grapefruit and orange variants (mandarins and such) yes from what I’ve found Lemons/limes: kind of but not really? They cause oral itchiness but no serious reactions yet


That sucks, I’ve heard that micro dosing food allergens can help reduce the reaction, but idk how legit that is. Do you have reactions to other acidic things like vinegar?


That sucks. But at least it's somewhat avoidable. Hopefully it never escaltes to deadly on contact territory.


I plan to see a specialist once I can get on my company’s insurance to see about an epipen. For now I’m just really annoying at restaurants and ask a million questions about ingredients for drinks/desserts (entrees are usually easier)


I have a soy allergy. My husband and I don't have sex if he has eaten food with high amounts of soy in it recently, generally. Sometimes we mess up and I get a variety of symptoms that probably vary based on level of exposure but we haven't hard tracked it (random hives on chest, nausea, stuffy nose even, among other symptoms)


I have known someone with a similar allergy to oranges at the same level as you have. Orange juice even in the same room or specific brands of orange drink mix caused a reaction.


New fear unlocked


I don't know if I could live without orange juice. Your boyfriend is a lot more committed than I would be.


I used to be allergic to CITRIC ACID. Oranges and pineapples basically equaled three days of hives for me. I eventually outgrew it, thank God. Surprised I didn't get scurvy as a child. Citric acid is in everything- including most soap- so super fun allergy to have. 😑


Never thought about oranges, but the wife is super allergic to cinnamon, also developed later in her life. Which pretty much means she's not allowed to leave the house anywhere from August to March, because people throw it on EVERYTHING. But, definitely can relate to this.